Calendar planning in the second junior group for April. Calendar - thematic planning in the second junior group

Victoria Rumyantseva
Calendar thematic planning in the second junior group for a week. The theme of the week is "Transport"

Theme of the week: « Transport» (23.04-27.04) .

Monday 23.04


Conversation: "What transport

Target: give an idea of transport what it is for.

D/game "Put the car in the garage"

Target: exercise children in distinguishing objects by size, learn to correlate garages and cars in size.

situational conversation “How did you get to the kindergarten on foot or by car?”

Target: speech development, vocabulary enrichment.

mobile game "Bus"

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other participants in the game; teach them to recognize colors and change their movement in accordance with them.

cognitive development (FTsKM) on the topic "Such different cars"

Physical development (Group) №91


Observation No.

Outdoor games


Goals: exercise in loose running; learn to navigate space.

"Obstacle Track"

Goals: learn to coordinate movements with each other; develop an eye.

mobile game: "Sun and Rain".

Target: to form the ability to follow the elementary rules of the game.

Independent activity of children on the site

Target: Teaching children to play on their own.


Reading a poem by A. Barto "Truck".

Target: develop speech, train memory, enrich vocabulary.

word game "Picture a car signal" (soft-loud)

Target: Teach children to say the signal loudly and softly

Coloring with colored pencils coloring pages "Cars"

Target: Teach children to paint over silhouettes without leaving the outline

Role-playing game "Hospital". Plot No.

Mobile game "Airplanes"

Target: Develop orientation in space.

Walk 2

Observation No.

P/I "Sparrows and the Car"

Target. Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

P/N Train

Target: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column, to exercise in walking, running one after another.

An exercise "Bunnies in the Lawn"

Target: exercise in jumping forward.

Individual work:

Tuesday 24. 04.

Morning exercises complex №16


"Reviewing Toy Cars"

Target: To form in children primary ideas about transport means of the immediate environment (truck, car, about the street, road.

speech game "Guess where we're going"

Target: encourage children to clearly pronounce sounds and onomatopoeia, promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus. Consolidate the names of various types in speech transport.

situational conversation What cars did you see on the way to Kindergarten

Target: speech development, vocabulary enrichment on the topic weeks, observational.

Labor assignments: feed the fish

Target: Teaching children how to care for a fish

cognitive development (FEMP). №4

Artistic and Aesthetic Development



Observation No.

mobile game "chauffeurs"

Target: to develop motor activity of children.

P / I "Tram"

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements

other players; teach them to recognize colors and change their movement in accordance with them.

Individual work in physics (turns of the torso, tilts to the sides, jumps on two legs).Dasha X, Gleb K, Angelina K


Complex of gymnastics after sleep No. 7

Conversation on the topic: “Your favorite car in children. garden".

Target: talking about a toy about its features, why it is the most beloved, the development of children's speech.

Reading fiction Reading the story of M. Ilyin and E. Segal "Cars on our street"

Target: to expand children's knowledge about special types of land urban transport

Role-playing game "Hospital". Plot No.

Educational game "Ships".

Target: learning to lay out boats from counting sticks.

Walk 2

Observation No.

P / game "Cars".

Target: development of basic movements (walking, running, jumping, developing physical qualities (quickness, dexterity) wellness strengthen children's health, develop all body systems

With the rest of the children: D/i "Rides, swims, flies"

Target: development of attention, ingenuity, to form the ability to distinguish between types transport.

Labor order: collect toys after a walk on the veranda

Target: to teach children to perform the simplest labor assignments.

Individual work:

Wednesday 25.04.


Conversation Why did I come to kindergarten.

Target: remember the rules of safety on the road, fix the name transport.

An exercise "What's in the picture".

Target: fix title transport, the ability to classify it.

mobile game "Legs"

Target: to learn to act according to the text of the poem.

Didactic game: "One is many"

Target: develop the ability to form plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases (bus – buses – buses)


Topic: "Car".


OOD: Physical development (air). № 93

Observation No.

P. i. "Who will run to the flag faster".

Target: learn to overcome obstacles in running.

P. i. "The Shepherd and the Flock".

Target: to form the ability to crawl under the arc.

S. r. the game "Tram".

Target: remember the names of the stops with the children, involve shy children.

Ind. Work Game exercise "Along the narrow path"

Target: development of motor skills (stepping from circle to circle). With Timofey, Dasha.


Complex of gymnastics after sleep No. 7

Reading E. Miler "Mole and Car".

Target: introduce the work.

Examining the illustration "Tram and trolleybus".

Target: to teach children to see the similarities and differences of objects, to introduce the concept of electric transport.

An exercise "Swing".

Target: to teach children to act in pairs.

Role-playing game "Hospital". Plot No.

Walk 2

Observation No.

P/I: "Through the Brook".

Target: exercise children in stepping over an obstacle.

Low mobility game "Stop car"

Target: to form the ability of children to run in a circle without bumping into each other, to develop the speed of reactions, to act on the signal of the teacher.

Independent play activity.

Target: teach children group two or three people for joint games.

Individual work:

Thursday 26.04.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 16


A conversation about the work of a machinist.

Target: expand children's knowledge about professions.

D. i. "Frrogs and Frogs".

Target: to develop children's speech attention.

Finger game with movement "Car"

Target: Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text

P / s "Birds and car".

Target: develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space, Attention

Speech development « Transport»

Artistic - Aesthetic Development (Music).


Observation No.

P. and. "Toss - catch."

Target: to form the ability to throw and catch the ball.

P. i. "Aircraft".

Target: Develop agility and endurance.

Ind. Work Exercise "Horses" with Artem, Kira.

Target: the formation of the skill to run with an added step.

Learning the call "Rain, more rain"

Target: develop skill repeat a call for a teacher.


Complex of gymnastics after sleep No. 7

Conversation: "Rules of conduct in transport»

Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior in public transport, cultivate a sense of respect for other passengers, responsibility for their actions, develop memory, thinking, speech, attention.

Reading the poem "Drivers" Kurban Choliev.

Target: Introduce children to a new poem.

Role-playing game "Hospital". Plot No.

Didactic game: "Find and Name".

Target: understand the meaning of words denoting transport, the location of objects in the picture.

Walk 2

Observation No.

P / s "We are drivers"

Goals: to consolidate knowledge about the work of the driver; learn to navigate the area.

P / s "Colored Cars".

Target: Exercise children in running.

P / s "Sparrows and the Car"

Goals: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Individual work:

Friday 27.04.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 16


Conversation:“All the guys need to know how to walk down the street”

Target: Introducing children to road signs, Show similar pictures with different colors and explain their purpose.

Situation - communication "Machine Helpers"

Target: to find out with children which machines make human work easier; enrich children's vocabulary.

Musical and didactic the game: "Travel"

Target: learn to listen and sing songs about transport. "We're going, we're going, we're going...", imitate "Sounds" (imitation of the noise of a car, the sound of a tram, the sound of a horn, etc.)

Job assignments in a corner of nature

Target: water indoor plants from watering cans - cultivate a love for flowers, a desire to help the teacher.

Artistic and Aesthetic Development (Drawing) "Beautiful train"


Observation No.

P / s "Cars"

Target: educate the desire to play outdoor games with other children, exercise the ability to act on a signal, run in all directions.

game exercise: "chauffeurs".

Target: imitate the movements of the driver, sound signal.

Individual work on the development of motor skills with a group of guys"Run to me".

Target: To teach children to act according to the sound signal, the rules of the game. Develop the ability to navigate space.

Labor activity: cleaning in the area of ​​dry twigs

Target: To form in children the appropriate labor skills, a conscious attitude to order. Encourage the desire to work, teach to rejoice at the results achieved.


Complex of gymnastics after sleep No. 7

Physical development (music) №92

Reading Agnia Barto's poem "The Truck".

Target: To teach children to memorize small poetic works, to reproduce them clearly, at a calm pace.

Role-playing game "Hospital". Plot No.

Situational conversation “Who flew on a plane or traveled by train, share your impressions.

Target: speech development, vocabulary enrichment, develop the ability to listen to comrades.

mobile game "Fun Train"

Target: to cultivate the desire to play together, to develop the ability to move one after another, holding tightly to the child in front, the ability to act on a signal.

Walk 2

Observation No.

P / s "Cat and Mice"

Target: teach coordinated actions at the signal of the teacher, exercise in running.

P / s "Aircraft"

Target: to cultivate interest in outdoor games, exercise in loose running, recall the rules for safe movement during the game.

Independent play activities of children on the site.

Individual work.

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The effectiveness of interaction with children in the framework of the educational process depends not only on the content, but also on the level of organization. The latter is defined by the planning framework. Therefore, the teacher needs to clearly navigate the types of plans, the features of drawing up, in order to harmoniously fill each stage of their development with useful and important materials, and also be able to build their work according to the scheme. Consider the methodological subtleties of writing a calendar-thematic plan for the second younger group (kids 3-4 years old).

Why Planning is Important in Kindergarten

The work program structuring the activities of a preschool educational institution (DOE) is implemented in portions, which is determined by the work plan, in which the content of the educational process is distributed by hours (days, weeks). The degree of detail of the plan is embodied in its various types:

  • a long-term plan is drawn up in order to get a general idea of ​​the number of hours allocated for acquaintance with topics and their development within different areas of education (cognitive, gaming, etc.);
  • the calendar plan is designed to group topics by hours per week allotted for each type of activity for preschoolers;
  • the calendar-thematic plan is more detailed in comparison with the previous one, since in it the types of interaction within the framework of the topics are prescribed for all types of classes (acquaintance with the outside world, physical education, etc.);
  • a block plan groups the topics of different educational areas and describes the types of activities in their study (for example, the group of topics “I am a person” includes the topics “Parts of the body”, “Imagination of myself”, etc.);
  • a complex thematic plan is written to indicate the essence of each type of activity in the study of a particular topic;
  • a daily plan is necessary for a detailed description of the types of activities, their goals with the progress in the context of a specific topic at all levels of mastering the material - acquaintance with new information, its practical understanding.

Any type of planning is aimed at organizing work with children in all types of activities.

The essence of the calendar-thematic plan

The most detailed instruction for conducting classes is a plan drawn up for each day, but to create it, the teacher needs to carefully familiarize himself with the types of work, their goals when studying one topic, that is, analyze the calendar-thematic plan.

It is interesting. Drawing up a plan and following it in work is the responsibility of the teacher. And the control of the practical implementation of the prescribed scheme remains with the senior educator, methodologist and director of the preschool educational institution.

Table: mission of the calendar-thematic plan

Target ComponentsWhat specific educational issues does it help to solve?
  • Create conditions for the practical implementation of the educational program, according to which the preschool educational institution coordinates its work;
  • to improve the level of professional skills of the educator, for whom drawing up a plan is a way of modeling different types of work with pupils;
  • find the best combinations of methods and techniques of educational interaction with kids;
  • determine the elements of the subject-developing environment suitable for the study of a particular topic
  • Find a suitable way to integrate educational areas based on the play area, which is the most appropriate for children 3-4 years old;
  • choose the optimal combination of techniques in different types of interaction with children based on their personal characteristics (for example, in groups where there are a lot of too slow children, physical education sessions in the classroom should not be made too calm, it is better to give preference to exercises for training running, jumping);
  • change the number of ways to interact with children depending on the level of their general development;
  • transform the plan through the use of different teaching aids (for example, when getting acquainted with the topic “Mushrooms”, kids not only see pictures, but also illustrate fairy tales on the topic with figures on a flannelgraph, that is, on a board covered with flannel or other plain white fabric)

The calendar-thematic plan helps to choose methods of interaction with children, based on their personal characteristics

What are the objects of calendar-thematic planning

Since the purpose of the calendar-thematic plan is to regulate the sequence of acquaintance with topics for different types of directly educational activities, the objects of this type of planning will be classes in:

  • formation of a holistic picture of the world;
  • speech development;
  • acquaintance with the surrounding world;
  • fine arts (drawing, appliqué modeling);
  • physical education;
  • music;
  • reading fiction.

Methodological techniques necessary for the calendar-thematic plan

In the plan, a certain combination of techniques is selected for each topic, allowing an adult to effectively interact with children in all types of activities. Therefore, the teacher varies the methods of four blocks:

  • verbal;
  • visual;
  • practical;
  • gaming.

Let us dwell on specific examples of their implementation.

When drawing up a plan, the teacher takes into account speech, visual, practical, and game ways of interacting with students.

Block of verbal techniques

The word of adults, perceived by children of 3-4 years old by ear, is essential for their speech development. It helps children to replenish vocabulary, transferring it from passive to active by trying to build their own monologues, as well as get ideas about word combinations in phrases and sentences (and not only simple ones, like last year, but also complex ones). All this makes the group of speech techniques an indispensable element that accompanies any (!) type of interaction between children.


Children 3-4 years old have too little personal experience in any area to do without an explanation from an adult about how to solve a particular problem: learn to jump rope, hold a pencil or play football. In addition, the explanation also performs a disciplinary function: the guys learn to first listen, think, and only then act.

In the second younger group, explanations should be made at a level understandable to children (familiar words, sentences with a simple syntactic construction, etc.). If we are talking about explaining instructions, for example, the rules of the game, then the educator needs to be reminded of their essence every time before the start of the game activity and, if possible, use the same set of words and sentences.

Explanations accompany other types of techniques, including visual ones, when, for example, the teacher explains to the kids what is shown in the picture


This speech technique for children 3-4 years old may seem irrelevant, but this is not entirely true. Everyone who has encountered the study of a foreign language knows that its assimilation is faster and better if the student is "in the environment", that is, he learns speech in easy communication, which in 90% of cases is carried out in a dialogical form. Considering this condition in the context of the children of the second younger group, who are actively assimilating the vocabulary of their native language and its grammar, we conclude: if the kids are included in a conversation, dialogue, then mastering the skill of correct speech will go faster.

In my practice, I begin to introduce the method of conversation gradually, first inviting the children to answer questions in one or two words and eventually leading them to compose answers from 1-2 sentences. For example, when we start studying the topic “Vegetables” at the beginning of the school year, I update the existing knowledge, that is, the introductory stage of the lesson on getting to know the outside world, in the form of a conversation on the following questions:

  • "What color is a cucumber?"
  • "What does a tomato look like?"
  • "What does watermelon taste like?"

When considering the topic “Home” after the New Year, when the children have already fully adapted to the requirements and conditions of the kindergarten, the answers can be more detailed:

  • "What do we call home?"
  • “Which room in your house do you like the most? Why?"
  • “What needs to be done to make the house always happy?”

Prepared questions can be asked not only by the teacher himself, but also by a well-speaking and able to think child


Traditionally, riddles and poems are recommended by methodologists to motivate kids to “include” them in work, while “switching” from another type of activity. Rhymed lines arouse curiosity in children, and if they also require solving, they awaken genuine excitement to give an answer faster than comrades.

When studying the topic “My hands”, I begin the drawing lesson with a discussion of what our hands can do. At the same time, I focus on the shadow theater, which I show with my hands, and I illustrate each character with a riddle:

  • Cowardly jumper:
    short tail,
    pigtail eyes,
    Ears along the back
    Clothes in two colors -
    For the winter, for the summer (hare).
  • Bush on the head, that's a miracle
    Grew up, and not too lazy to carry.
    Slender, proud and beautiful
    He is noble ... (deer).
  • Friendship leads only with a fox,
    This animal is angry, evil.
    He clicks and clicks with his teeth,
    Very scary gray ... (wolf).

Poems can also be used in the plan at the initial stage of acquaintance with the topic, and at the final stage, perform the function of consolidating the material. In the process of considering the topic "Friendship" in the lesson on Forming a holistic picture of the world (FTsKM), we get to know the kids and learn Y. Entin's poem "Friendship":

  • The breeze is friends with the sun,
    And dew - with grass.
    A flower is friends with a butterfly,
    We are friends with you.
    All with friends in half
    We are happy to share!
    Only to quarrel with friends

Riddles and poems organize the attention of children

Themed tales

The theme of fairy tales as a technique in the preparation of calendar and thematic planning for children aged 3–4 years is especially relevant. Such stories can act as the foundation of the entire lesson, as well as be a memorable motivator when performing elements of the daily routine. From my own experience, I was convinced that fairy tales, selected or invented on the topic:

  • involve kids in work;
  • are well remembered, which means they help to assimilate the material;
  • are an excellent platform for integrating the techniques of different groups (for example, visual, verbal and playful).

At the FTsKM lesson, I introduce my pupils to the concepts of “longer - shorter” with the help of the fairy tale “Long and short”. Once a Kitten and a Hare met in the forest. The Kitten looked at the eared one and said: “Fu, what ugly, big ears you have!” And the Hare answers: “Not big, but long. And my mother says that they are so long that everyone in the forest is jealous. I hear any rustle in the forest, and if there is danger, I can run away very quickly. The kitten looked and looked at the Hare and again says: “And the tail, the tail! So small you can't even see it! The hare replies: “Not small, but short! I don’t need a long tail at all: it interferes with running.” Then Squirrel answered from the branch: “And I have a long tail, it helps me jump from branch to branch.” The hare also wanted to show off - he says: “But my legs are long, I run the fastest in the forest!” The kitten was very surprised: “It seems that you are always running away from someone!” “What,” replies the Hare, “I have a lot of enemies in the forest!” Then the Hedgehog comes up to them and says: “And my legs are short, if I sense danger, then I press them and curl up into a prickly ball.” The Kitten listened to his new acquaintances and realized that the Hare's ears are not big, but long, the tail is not small, but short, and that they are given by nature in this form for a reason. Kitten decided to ask his mother at home how appearance helps animals in the forest and on the farm.

We finish listening to the fairy tale with a conversation on the questions:

  • “What did the Kitten look like the ears of the Hare?”
  • “Why does the Hare have long legs, the Squirrel has a long tail?”
  • "Why does the Hedgehog have short legs?"
  • “What did the Kitten understand after talking with the Hare, the Squirrel and the Hedgehog?”

It is interesting. Short tales on the topic should not be oversaturated with plot twists and the number of characters. Otherwise, the guys will be distracted from the topic and essence of the material.

The story can go in the first person, that is, on behalf of the toy

Block of visualization types

Children comprehend the world around them through the visual channel of perception and tactile contact with objects of the surrounding world. Therefore, without visibility in the classroom, the calendar-thematic plan will not be effective. The teacher in all planned activities with children must include:

  • pictures with illustrations of plots, diagrams of the order of performing exercises, movements, hygiene procedures;
  • showing, that is, the teacher shows how to perform this or that task (usually this technique is relevant for engaging in creative activities - creating drawings, crafts from plastic materials, as well as for getting to know and repeating game actions);
  • demonstration materials (presentations, training videos) on the topic (for example, in the FTsKM classes, acquaintance with the devices that surround us in everyday life can be started with an educational video).

Video: educational video about household appliances

Block of practical ways of interaction

Children remember best what they learn in practice. This group of methods includes:

  • drawings;
  • crafts;
  • applications.

That is, creative ways of understanding information. Equally important, however, is the experiential activity, which in planning may be referred to as "experimental games." These experiments in the second junior group are devoted to acquaintance with the properties of water, sand, air, light.

Soap experiments can be added to experiments with water

Table: examples of experiments for the second younger group

"What is snow"Introduce kids to the different states of water (liquid and ice)From a walk, children bring snow in a bucket and after a while record its melting and turning into water.
"Magic Footprints in the Sand"
  • To acquaint with the property of wet sand to take different forms;
  • train fine motor skills
Children make handprints, molds on wet sand, and then, with the help of a teacher, complete the images with pebbles, twigs to make recognizable pictures (leaves, flowers, etc.)
"Catch the bunny!"Get to know the natural source of light - the sunWith the help of a small mirror, the teacher shoots a sunbeam on the wall and invites the children to catch it. Then he explains to the kids that the bunny is a reflection of a ray of the sun

Game block

Game techniques in the calendar-thematic plan perform the function of an organizing beginning for all types of activity. Cognition, development and education go through game methods of developing topics. In this regard, under the theme and objectives of the lesson, four types of games are included in the plan. Since almost each of these types has several more subspecies, let's consider the general set of games.

Didactic game techniques

Educational games are woven into the structure of the plan to:

  • introduce children to new material;
  • automate, consolidate what has been learned (or work out a skill, skill).

Games of this nature can:

Table: examples of educational games for children 3-4 years old

Game typeNameWhat are the goalsThe essence of the actions of the participants
Content Based Games
For the development of logical thinking"Hide the figure in the house"
  • Fix the names of geometric shapes;
  • practice naming them
Children receive small geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) and frames with shapes cut out under them. The task of the kids is to send the figures "home", naming each
verbal"Call Mommy"
  • Fix the correct sound pronunciation;
  • work on intonation brightness of speech
All kids get a picture of a cub inhabiting a farm, yard or forest (kitten, puppy, chicken, etc.). Children "introduce themselves", imitating the sounds that these animals make. Then the teacher shows a picture of an adult, and the baby with a suitable cub responds
touch"Guess What It Sounds"
  • Introduce children to the sounds around them;
  • learn to identify an object by its sound
The teacher shows different objects (squeaker toy, bell, wooden spoons, etc.) and demonstrates the sounds they make. Then he hides the objects behind the screen and sounds them from there, and the children guess what it is.
Musical"How Animals Run"
  • Develop a sense of rhythm in children;
  • train attention
The teacher taps the rhythm with his fists (how a bear, a hare, a cat, etc. walks), the children take turns repeating this rhythmic pattern
Games that resonate with the material used
desktop printingLotto
  • Work out the formation of the plural of nouns;
  • develop attentiveness and reaction speed
Children receive picture cards that show groups of objects (bowls, cows, houses, etc.). The teacher shows a picture with one object, a child who has a plural on the card should say: “I have ... (bowls, houses, dogs)”. The winner is the one who quickly closes all the pictures on the card
Playing with objectsIn junior preschool age These are games with toys and natural material. For example, on chestnuts, children 3-4 years old can work out counting up to 5
InteractiveGames based on computer technology. For example, children, together with a virtual character, sort vegetables, fruits and berries into three boxes. This type of work is included in the plan of work with kids 3-4 years old only if the preschool program implies familiarity with a computer from the first years of education in kindergarten

Block of outdoor games

The motor energy of the child must have an outlet. That is why in the calendar thematic planning regardless (!) of the nature of the GCD, outdoor games are included.

Outdoor games are held not only for a walk, they are an element of switching the nature of activities in all classes.

Table: types of outdoor games for the second junior group

What we are working onName of the gameWhat are the goalsThe content of the actions of the players
Running, jumping"One, two, three - run!"
  • Train your running speed
  • practice collective action
The children stand next to the teacher. When an adult says: “One, two, three - run to the bench!”, - the children run to the bench. The teacher names different objects: a tree, a door, a fence, etc.
Orientation in space"Shark and fish"
  • Train running;
  • learn directed movement in space
Children - fish scatter around the site. At the signal "Shark!" quickly head to the "house": beyond the line defined by a tightrope
Formation of a sense of balance"Round dance led"
  • Train the ability to move without letting go of the hands of a friend;
  • practice the squat
The kids lead a round dance, at the signal of an adult they squat without opening their hands
Ability to imitate"Crows and Dogs"
  • Teach kids to imitate the movements and sounds of animals;
  • practice the ability to move without clinging to each other
Children - "crows" "fly" around the site (perform hand swings - "wings") and croak. To the words: “Dogs come out”, “ravens” fly away, and “dogs” run and bark after them
Attention training"Taxi"
  • Train running;
  • learn to be sensitive to a partner in the game
Children stand in pairs in a hula hoop. One participant is the "driver", the other is the "passenger". At the signal "taxi" begins its movement in the indicated direction.
Note. When this version of the game is learned well, it can be diversified by adding an indication of the direction of the "taxi"
Crawling training"Mice in the pantry"
  • Train the skill of crawling under the rope;
  • practice the ability to act after a conditional sign
Children - "mice" are in their "burrows" on one side of the room. A rope is stretched on the other, behind which is a “pantry”. According to a conventional sign, “mice” run into the “pantry”, crawling under an obstacle in the form of a rope. When the teacher says: “The cat is running!”, the “mice”, again crawling under the rope, return to their territory
Agility training"Find Your Color"
  • Train to perform movements according to a conventional sign;
  • be attentive to the game
In the hoops laid out on the site, one pin of a certain color is placed. The kids stand in teams near each of the hoops. At the signal, the kids run away. To the words "Find your color!" participants must go back and find "their" hoop

Block of theatrical games

Games that allow you to show your creativity are especially popular with younger preschoolers. Indeed, in them, through the manner of speech, the nature of movements, the use of facial expressions and gestures, they can demonstrate their accumulated experience of observing the surrounding adults.

The staging of role-playing games is based on personal experience children

Table: types of theatrical games used in planning

Role-playingDramatizationsDirector gamesfinger exercises
essencePlaying out everyday situationsPerforming game actions at the behest of the "director"Game actions are determined by the child himself. "Actors" - toys, natural materialGames that help train fine motor skills, which, in turn, stimulate the development of speech centers
ExampleAt the doctor's office, at the cinema, on the busMatinees, dramatizations of fairy tales, scenes from works of artShowing stories by flannelgraph characters
  • We will cook compote (the left hand is a “ladle”, the right one imitates stirring),
    You need a lot of fruits here:
    We will chop apples (the fingers are bent starting from the big one),
    We will chop the pear
    Squeeze lemon juice
    We put the drain on the sand.
    We cook, we cook compote (again “cook” and “stir”),
    Let's treat honest people (spread hands to the sides)

Principles for Writing a Lesson Plan

The procedure for compiling any documentation in the preschool educational institution is regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard. Regarding writing a calendar-thematic plan, the requirements of the Standard are:

  • the obligatory presence of the first sheet, which indicates the name of the institution, the age category of children, the educational program practiced in the preschool educational institution, the full name of the teacher, as well as the start and end dates of work according to the plan;
  • compiling a list of pupils in alphabetical order with notes on dates of birth;
  • writing a list of routine activities in the group (by type of activity - exercising, eating, etc. - indicating the time interval);
  • the application of the schedule of daily classes for the week;
  • planning educational activities with the definition of the date, topic, list of activities for children, goals and equipment for each type of work, expected results, that is, success in the cognitive and emotional spheres of the development of the child's personality;
  • allocation of a separate sheet for notes of inspectors (for example, a senior educator).

It is interesting. The indication of the expected results is included in the planning from the moment the preschool educational institution began to work according to the GEF.

The calendar-thematic plan must be checked by a methodologist before analyzing an open lesson

Table: a sample of drawing up a plan for the development of speech for a group of children 3–4 years old, author O.V. Chernenko (detail)

the dateTopic of the lessonLesson objectivesComplex of finger gymnasticsLexical topic
3 Who is good with us, who is handsome with us. Reading a poem by S. Cherny "Helper"
  • Arouse in children sympathy for peers with the help of the teacher's story (game);
  • help kids believe that each of them is a wonderful child, and adults love him
The rain came out for a walkAutumn
10 Reading the Russian folk tale "Cat, rooster and fox"Introduce children to the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox" (processed by M. Bogolyubskaya)funny dropletsAutumn
17 Sound culture of speech: sounds a, u. Didactic game "Do not make a mistake"
  • Exercise children in the correct and distinct pronunciation of sounds (isolated, in sound combinations, words);
  • activation of generalizing words in children's speech
Autumn leavesAutumn
24 Sound culture of speech: sound at
  • Exercise children in clear articulation of sound (isolated, in sound combinations);
  • work out a smooth exhalation;
  • encourage to pronounce a sound in a different key with different loudness
autumn bouquetAutumn

Table: an example of compiling a calendar-thematic plan for the FTsKM for children 3–4 years old, author N.B. Ivanova (detail)

the dateTopicOD themeGoalsLesson planArea integration
6 Winter holidaywooden blockGoals:
  • To acquaint children with some properties of a tree (solid, does not break, does not sink);
  • learn to highlight the signs of a tree
  1. Organizing time.
  2. Presentation on the properties of wood products.
  3. Experimenting with wooden blocks.
  4. Outcome.
  • "Socialization";
  • "Physical Culture";
  • "Health";
  • "Artistic creativity";
  • "Knowledge"
13 Winter
In January, in January, a lot of snow in the yardGoals:
  • clarify children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena;
  • to form an aesthetic attitude to the environment;
  • enrich and activate vocabulary
  1. Introductory word.
  2. Talk about the properties of snow.
  3. Experimenting with snow.
  4. Didactic game "What has changed?"
  5. Outcome.
  • "Socialization";
  • "Physical Culture";
  • "Health";
  • "Artistic creativity";
  • "Knowledge"
20 Courtesy WeekAdventures in the roomPurpose: to continue to acquaint children with the work of a mother at home (cleaning, washing dishes, cleaning carpets, rugs, caring for indoor plants, dusting, washing and ironing clothes)
  1. Introductory word.
  2. Didactic game "Guess what it is?"
  3. Fizkultminutka.
  4. Help Mom game.
  5. Outcome.
  • "Socialization";
  • "Physical Culture";
  • "Health";
  • "Artistic creativity";
  • "Knowledge"
27 Strong and dexterousRadioGoals:
  • encourage children to compose stories about the subject based on the algorithm (conditional symbols: material, purpose, components, belonging to the natural or man-made world);
  • learn to define a word for a group of objects
  1. Organizing time.
  2. Didactic game "Make clothes"
  3. Fizkultminutka.
  4. Radio game.
  5. Outcome.
  • "Socialization";
  • "Physical Culture";
  • "Health";
  • "Artistic creativity";
  • "Knowledge

Structuring educational work in a preschool educational institution allows organizing the educational process, systematizing ways of interacting with children, which, in turn, is an important condition for the successful implementation of a preschool education program. The stages of implementation of the latter can be seen in the process of developing a calendar-thematic plan, which is compiled taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for writing this kind of documentation and reflects the principle of continuity in working with different age groups.

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Shumkina Tatiana
Calendar-thematic planning in the second junior group. The theme of the week is "Me and my family"

Theme of the week: "Me and my a family»

Monday"17" September.

, "Cognitive Development" "Speech development",

, "Physical development".

Morning 7.00-9.00

Individual work D/ exercise "Instruction" with Myakota S. and Abasov S. - exercise to help adults, friends.

Reading fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes. "Kitty"- A. Pleshcheev. Goals: development of memory.

Morning group fee 6. "My a family» .Goals: Enter concept « a family» . Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships in family. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - members families.

"Bouquets for gnomes". Goals


Breakfast (VKGN) We continue to educate the ability to wash hands with soap before breakfast.

FTsKM Purpose

Build initial ideas about family. Develop an interest in family, to relatives, the ability to distinguish and name the berries and fruits of the Kuban by appearance, shape, taste. To educate the child's interest in his own name, love for artistic creativity, for nature. Source

O. V. Dybina

O. O. Cognitive development

Topic: "Dad, mom, I - harvest the autumn harvest"

Music Purpose

Awaken the desire to listen to music, answer questions, speak out about her mood. Exercise to sing along, imitating the voice of a barking dog, the voice of a goose, etc. Raise interest in music, the desire to learn to sing and dance. Develop responsiveness to music of a different nature, the ability to distinguish sounds in height. Source

M. B. Zatsepina p. 40

Topic: "Our toys"

Organization of a walk: 10.10-12.10

Recognizing observation. Sparrow watching.

Goals: deepen knowledge about the features of the appearance of a sparrow, life manifestations; to activate the attention and memory of children.

Outdoor games (3 games) "Train". Target: exercise children to walk and run in a column one at a time, speed up and slow down, make stops at a signal.

"Hares and the wolf". Target: exercise children to listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; exercise to navigate in space, find your place.

"Catch me". Target: exercise children to act quickly on a signal, navigate in space; develop dexterity.

"Let's go for a walk". Target "clothes", "shoes".

Didactic game. "Colored Lanterns". Goals: develop attention, visual orientation, speed of reaction, manual dexterity and coordination of movements, independence.

Individual work with pupils D / exercise "Where does the trash live?" with Shishkin A. and Mgoyan L. - to cultivate the ability to keep order and cleanliness.

"Round dance".

Target: exercise children to dance; practice squatting.

2nd half of the day 15.00-16.30

Goals "to wake" child's body.

Learning poems. "Horse"- A. Barto.

Goals: development of memory.


Target. Developing in children the ability to take on the role of birds.

"Guests" with E. Genin and M. Seidi-ogly - to develop the ability to identify "a lot of" and "one".

Mobile didactic game. "Sun Bunnies". Goals: develop motor activity and auditory attention; to consolidate knowledge of shape and color, the ability to count.

Independent play activities of pupils Invite children to play an outdoor game "Train". Target: exercise children to walk and run in a column one at a time, speed up and slow down, make stops on a signal; teach children to find their place in the column.

Walk 16.30-17.30

"Teremok" E. Charushin.


game exercise "Mice and Cat". Goals: To develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal.

Playing activities of children together with the teacher. "Carousel".


Individual work with pupils D / game "Helpers" with Nerkararyan A. and Pogrebnoy M. - exercise to identify subjects for different professions.

Individual work with parents Conversation with the parents of Seidi-ogly A. about the behavior of their daughter.

Tuesday"eighteen" September.

"Social and communicative development", "Cognitive Development" "Speech development",

"Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".

Morning 7.00-9.00

"Whose leaf" with Ivancha A. and Kara-ogly D. - exercise naming trees.

Reading fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes. L. Voronkova. "Masha-confused" Goals author's works.

Morning group fee 7. « Family is me

Target: Consolidate knowledge of your name, surname and age, the name of your parents. To form a positive self-esteem, the image of I.

Didactic games with the teacher. "Where is the kitten hiding?" practice using nouns with prepositions in speech "on the", "under", "in", "per", "near".

Morning exercises time 5-6 min. Complex №2 Goals: Contribute to the strengthening of children's health and the awakening of the body for normal life activities.

Breakfast (VKGN) An exercise "We wash our hands properly".

Organized educational activities 9.00-9.40

Educational activity No. 1

FEMP Purpose

To form the ability to distinguish between the number of objects, using the words one, many, few.

Develop skills group work.

Cultivate initiative, independence, activity Source

A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina

O. O. Cognitive development

Topic: Lesson #3

Educational activity #2

Physical culture Purpose

Develop balance.

L. I. Penzulaeva

O. O. Physical development

Topic: Lesson #3

Organization of a walk: 9.50-12.05

Recognizing observation. Watching the wind (the effect of wind on people's clothes).

Target: show a natural phenomenon - the wind. To cultivate the ability to determine windy weather by external manifestations.

Outdoor games (3 games) "Round dance". Target: To develop the ability of children to dance; practice squatting.

"Carousel". Target: to develop children's balance in movement, the skill of running, to increase emotional tone.

"Sparrows and the Car", "One, two, three - run!", "Wave, wreath".

Role-playing games of children's choice « A family» .

Target: develop verbal communication with adults. To lead to an understanding of the role in the game. Exercise to perform several game actions with the help of an adult.

Didactic game. "Find an item". Target: Develop the ability to match the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Individual work with pupils D / game "Help the bear" with Rozhnevsky A. and Aslanov R. - define high - low, wide - narrow.

Playing activities of children together with the teacher. "Shark and fish".

Target: development of children's ability to run in a certain direction; navigate in space.

2nd half of the day 15.00-15.40

Tempering procedures time 15.00-15.15, complex No. 2. Goals: Create a joyful emotional upsurge, "to wake" child's body.

Learning poems. "Horse"- A. Barto.

Goals: development of memory.

Role-playing game together with the teacher. "Let's go for a walk".

Target: to develop in children the ability to choose clothes for different seasons, to teach how to correctly name elements of clothing, to consolidate generalized concepts "clothes", "shoes".

Individual work with pupils D / game "Puppet Ride" with Kazantseva L. and Karakhmet-ogly R. - what can be done with toys.

Mobile didactic game. "Gifts of the forest (villages)». Target: to develop the ability to classify objects by shape and name, attention, memory, motor and mental activity.

Independent gaming activity of pupils Offer to play a D / game "Wonderful bag".

Goals: develop the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits.

Walk 15.40-17.30

Telling and staging a Russian folk tale. "Cat, Rooster and Fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya.

Goals: to develop the ability with the help of a teacher to stage and dramatize small passages from folk tales.

game exercise "Run to me"». Tasks: To develop the ability of children to act on a signal. Practice walking and running in a straight line.

Playing activities of children together with the teacher. "Sun and Rain".

Target: To develop the ability of children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

Individual work with pupils D / game "Stringing large and small rings" with Shishkin A. and Myakota S. - size and score.

Individual work with parents Conversation with Aslanova R.'s mother about her son's appearance.

Wednesday "19" September.

"Social and communicative development", "Cognitive Development" "Speech development",

"Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".

Morning 7.00-9.00

Individual work D/ game "Fly ball" from Seidi-ogly A. and Beshli-ogly M. - up, down, on, under.

Reading fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes. Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut", "Who flies without wings".

Goals: Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, author's works.

Morning group fee 8. « A family»

Target: Consolidate knowledge about members families and next of kin. Understand that in family everyone cares about each other friend: help, give gifts, everyone keeps the house clean.

Didactic games with the teacher. "Guess What It Sounds".


Morning exercises time 5-6 min. Complex number 2. Goals: Contribute to the strengthening of children's health and the awakening of the body for normal life activities.

Breakfast (VKGN) "The most accurate": we continue to exercise children to eat carefully, chew food thoroughly.

Organized educational activities 9.00-10.00

Educational activity No. 1

Sculpting Purpose

To form the ability of children to pinch off small lumps of plasticine, roll them between the palms with direct movements; work carefully, put finished products on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt. To cultivate the ability to name the fruits that grow in the Kuban. Source

T. S. Komarova

O. O. Artistic and aesthetic development

Topic: "Sticks, and plums on them".

Educational activity #2

Music Purpose

Awaken the desire to listen to music. Develop the ability to answer questions. Develop emotional responsiveness to songs of a different nature; cultivate love for nature, feel its beauty; develop singing skills. To form the ability to start and end movements with music. Source

M. B. Zatsepina

O. O. Artistic and aesthetic development

Topic: "Autumn tracks"

Organization of a walk: 10.10-12.10

Recognizing observation. Watching the autumn forest. Goals: to expand the idea of ​​the forest; develop the ability to admire the beauty of native nature.

Outdoor games (3 games) "Roll the ball". Target: to promote the development of children's ability to play games, during which the basic types of movements are improved (skating).

"Sparrows and the Car". Target

"Wave, wreath". Target: exercise children to dance; practice running

Role-playing games of children's choice "Stepashka's birthday". Target: expand children's knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner, consolidate knowledge about tableware.

Didactic game. "Choose a Shape". Target: to consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes, exercise in naming them.

Individual work with pupils D / game "Wonderful bag" with Bektash-ogly A. and Abasov S. - to develop the ability to identify geometric shapes.

Playing activities of children together with the teacher. "White Bunny sits". Target: exercise children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; develop their ability to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children.

2nd half of the day 15.00-16.00

Hardening procedures time 15.00-15.15, complex No. 2. Goals: Create a joyful emotional upsurge, "to wake" child's body.

Learning poems. A. Pleshchev - "Autumn has come". Goals: development of memory.

Role-playing game together with the teacher. "Let's go for a walk".

Target: to develop in children the ability to choose clothes for different seasons, to teach how to correctly name elements of clothing, to consolidate generalized concepts "clothes", "shoes".

Individual work with pupils D / game "Color Sticks" with Mgoyan L. and Ivancha A. - colors, arrangement on the sheet.

Mobile didactic game. "Catch a fish". Target: develop attention, mental and motor activity; develop the ability to combine objects one at a time sign: shape or color.

Independent game activity of pupils "Construction". Target: Promote the desire of children to independently select toys and attributes for the game. Develop verbal communication with adults.

Walk 16.00-17.30

Telling and staging a Russian folk tale. "Wolf and goats" A. N. Tolstoy. Goals: to develop the ability with the help of a teacher to stage and dramatize small passages from folk tales.

game exercise "Run to me". Goals: to exercise children to act on a signal. Practice walking and running in a straight line.

Playing activities of children together with the teacher. "Sparrows and the Car". Target: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

"What's extra" with Kara-ogly D. and Genin E. - the development of attention.

Individual work with parents Conversation with the mother of Bayraktarovay N. about her daughter's change of clothes.

Thursday "twenty" September.

"Social and communicative development", "Cognitive Development" "Speech development",

"Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".

Morning 7.00-9.00

Individual work D/ game "What color is the car, doll" with Myakota S. and Genin E. - color, parts of details, body.

Reading fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes. V. Mayakovsky. "What is good and what is bad?" Goals: the development of paiyati.

Morning group fee 8. "Mom is the most precious person in the world".

Target: Raising a sense of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mom; develop a desire to take care of your closest people

Didactic games with the teacher. "Guess What It Sounds". Target: To introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.

Morning exercises time 5-6 min. Complex number 2. Goals: Contribute to the strengthening of children's health and the awakening of the body for normal life activities.

Breakfast (VKGN) To draw the attention of children to hygiene procedures, to fix the rules for washing hands.

Organized educational activities 9.00-10.00

Educational activity No. 1

Speech development Purpose

To form children's skills in clear articulation of sound (isolated, in sound combinations); work out a smooth exhalation; induce to pronounce a sound in a different key at different volumes (by imitation). Introduce children to the words of vegetables growing in the Krasnodar Territory, where the word has a sound "U". Source

V. V Gerbova

O. O. Speech development

Topic: "Sound culture speeches: Sound "at"

Educational activity #2

Physical culture Purpose

To form the ability to act on the signal of the educator; to consolidate the ability to roll the ball to each other;

Develop balance.

Cultivate endurance and interest in physical exercises. Source

L. I. Penzulaeva

O. O. Physical development

Topic: Lesson #3

Organization of a walk: 10.10-12.10

Recognizing observation. Rain watching.

Target: to acquaint with a natural phenomenon - rain.

Outdoor games (3 games) "Carousel". Target: to develop children's balance in movement, the skill of running, to increase emotional tone.

Role-playing games of children's choice "Mail". Target: Tell the children that animals and birds can deliver mail in the same way as vehicles and people. Familiarize yourself with the process of obtaining paper on which letters are written and paper on which magazines and newspapers are printed.

Didactic game. "Find an item". Target: exercise to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Individual work with pupils D / game "Which" with A. Shishkin and L. Kazantseva - to distinguish and name colors.

Playing activities of children together with the teacher. "One, two, three - run!".


2nd half of the day 15.00-16.00

Hardening procedures time 15.00-15.15, complex No. 2. Goals: Create a joyful emotional upsurge, "to wake" child's body.

Learning poems. I. Akim - Mom. Goals: development of memory.

Role-playing game together with the teacher. "Toys at the Doctor's".

Target: exercise children in caring for the sick and using medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary.

Individual work with pupils D/exercises "What's extra" with Mgoyan L. and Seydi-ogly M. - the development of attention.

Mobile didactic game. "Three squares". Target: to develop the ability of children to correlate three objects in size and indicate their relationship words: "big", small", "average", the biggest", "the smallest".

Independent play activities of pupils Invite children to play a game "Kindergarten Doctor".

Target: The game contributes to the development of communication skills, social adaptation.

Walk 15.00-17.30

Telling and staging a Russian folk tale. "Swan geese", arr. Bulatov. Goals: to develop the ability with the help of a teacher to stage and dramatize small passages from folk tales.

game exercise "One, two, three - run!".

Target: exercise children in the ability to act on a signal; develop speed of running, coherence of collective actions.

Playing activities of children together with the teacher. "Bouquets for gnomes".

Goals: develop the ability to correlate objects by color, speed of reaction to a signal, coordination of movements, cultivate a desire to play together.

Individual work with pupils D / game "Harvest" with Pogrebnaya M. and Bayraktarova N. - count to three.

Individual work with parents Talk to parents about the well-being of their children. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Tatyana Konovalova
Calendar planning in the second junior group for April.


MONDAY 1 04 13

Reception and examination of children. Conversation "My favourite toy" develop the child's language. Q C G N - continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly. Labor - to continue to teach children to prepare tables for meals and classes. P/I- "Inflate the Bubble" "Who is it?" "At the bear's borough"


Topic: "Bunny"

(Komarova Art. 75)

Target: Learn to divide plasticine into the required number of parts, when sculpting the torso and head, use the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion between the palms. When sculpting ears - using the methods of rolling sticks and flattening. To consolidate the interest of children in sculpting familiar objects consisting of several parts. Cultivate creativity and initiative.

Slave words. ears, body, head.


STROLL: Drip, drip, I drip

I have in April

On the spring trail

The drops are ripe.

Watching the rain, what kind of rain? (strong warm, where do the drops fall? What does it leave on the path? Is it good when it rains or bad? Why? - learn to determine the strength of the rain and its consequences. F / I "Sun and Rain" "Gray hare" "Which?"- fix colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Fix jumps on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. C \ R I "Let's drink tea to the bear" continue to teach to play with comrades together, to be able to agree on roles. Games at will to develop the ability to find something to do on your own.

EVENING "Sun and Rain" bring joy to children. P/I "Who is faster" "Toy shop" "Swan geese"

TUESDAY 2 04 13

P/I "Fox in the chicken coop"- develop dexterity. P/I "Who is faster"- to learn the element of the relay race. DI "Name the item according to the description" "Touch to..."



Memorizing a poem "The grass is green" A. Pleshcheev. Didactic exercise "When It Happens".

(Zatulina-111 Gerbova-70)

Target: Teach children to memorize a short poem, read it with natural intonation. Strengthen the ability of children to answer questions in simple sentences. Develop observation, attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in nature.

Slave words. turns green


STROLL: The kitten has a smooth coat

And she must be sweet

Because Vaska is red

Often-often licks fur.

Watching a cat that walks around the site. What is the kitten's coat like? What kind of eyes does he have? What does a kitten have on its head? What is on the face of a kitten? Do you know what to feed a kitten? What is his body covered with? Do you think kitten fur is really sweet? - Learn how to treat animals properly. P/I "Cat & Mouse"- develop dexterity. P/I "At the bear in the forest"- to learn to clearly pronounce the words in the text. DI "Clothes and Vegetables" (green, brown, blue)


"The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" "Salon" small groups and play for a long time. Games with a designer to teach how to build collective buildings and beat them. Fix the score to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for free use by Zhenya L, Vicki P, Dima S. Make sure that the children talk WEDNESDAY 3 04 13.

Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What are the names of your loved ones"- to fix the names of mothers, fathers, grandfathers, sisters, V K GN - to teach without a reminder to use a napkin after eating, rinse your mouth. P/I "The mother hen and the chicks" "Mice and Cat" "Pick by color" "Puff" and empathize with the characters.

KNOWLEDGE. (Posina page 35)

Prog sod. Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to the model within three. To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes. Cultivate perseverance.

Slave words. circle, square.

Ind work. with inactive children.


STROLL. Sunshine bell

You get up early

Wake us up early

P/I "The Birds Are Flying"-develop the physical data of the child. P/I "On a flat path".DI "Touch to..." to exercise children in recognizing objects made of various materials. Learn to ride on a swing patiently, wait your turn. Fix the season with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. With Dima S, Dasha continue to learn sounds (Moo-mu, wee-wee)

hardening procedures. Continue to teach children to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence . Reading the verse "The swallow rushed) "Find Your Place" "Knock down the pin" "Sun and Rain" "SCORE" to teach children the ability to compose a short story about the subject, to consolidate knowledge about the properties of the materials from which toys are made. Talk to the parents of Anya and Katya Z about how to dress a child in group?

P.D.D. "Find your car".

Target: Consolidate knowledge of different modes of transport, act on a signal.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About the Season" what was the morning like? How are people dressed? What has changed in nature? Teach children to name signs of spring, answer questions in full sentences. P/I "Bird one, bird two!" exercise children to perform movements, teach counting. P/I "sun and rain" develop dexterity. DI "Which?" fix the colors with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In K. G. N. continue to eat carefully, use a napkin. Feed the fish to cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings.

KNOWLEDGE. (Dybina st 34)

TOPIC: Clay plates.

Prog. contents To acquaint children with the properties of clay with the structure of its surface. Fix the properties of sand. Cultivate accuracy in handling natural ingredients.

Slave words. clay, sand, loose.

Ind work. with inactive children.


STROLL: Dandelion, dandelion

Yellow sundress

Grow up to dress up

In a white dress

Watching the dandelion, and the guys the sun warmed the earth, woke up the green grass, and along with the green grass, yellow dandelion flowers appeared. They opened their eyes, raised their heads, looked at the sun and smiled. The sun is yellow and the dandelion is yellow, the sun has rays and the dandelion. We tear off the flower, consider the stem, head, and the leaves remained in the grass. DI "Find the biggest dandelion", long stalk… F/N "Sun Bunnies" develop dexterity. DI "WHICH?" "AND" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. Labor on the site is to collect large garbage, to cultivate industriousness. At the end of the walk, allow the children to pick one dandelion each and give it to the nanny. Fix the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. to. p, in group- Speak out loud.

CIRCLE. "Why and why"

Topic Seeds of annual flowers and preparation for their sowing "

Purpose To introduce the seeds of annual flowers. Teach children to plant them in the ground, determine their germination. Strengthen the ability to observe plants. Cultivate a desire to get results.

EVENING. hardening procedures. Continue to teach children to dress and undress themselves before going to bed, to monitor their appearance. P/I "WHO IS FASTER" "Visiting Mishke" continue to learn to play together with friends to develop a simple plot together. Talk to Dima P's parents about how he should hold a spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of children, continue to teach on their own, find something to their liking. Read a fairy tale at will, instill Friday 5 04


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About birds," What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in winter? What color are their colors? Think about the parts of the body that they eat. Cultivate love for our smaller brothers. P/I "Sparrows and the Car" learn to follow the rules of the game. C C G N - continue to teach to eat carefully, slowly, use a napkin after eating. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes, and arrange napkins. P/I "Find Your Color" "What's good and what's bad"


TOPIC; BIRDHOUSE (Komarova str. 76)

Prog sod. To teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in the application. Fix to determine the shape of the parts, and colors. Cultivate accuracy in work.

Slave words; circle, rectangle.


STROLL. Sparrow from a birch

Jump on the road

No more frost

Chick - chirp. !

I draw your attention to the fact that the sun warms the puddles all the warmer on the ground, I remind you that you can’t get into the puddles, and there are a lot of sparrows gathered on the bushes, they chirp loudly, fly from bush to bush, they talk about something, rejoice in the sun in the spring, children decide. Let's feed them. (Pour bread crumbs into the feeder) watch them peck. We recall what birds we know, note the features of their behavior. P/I "Merry Sparrow"(Teplyuk page 115) teach children to perform actions according to the instructions of an adult. Work on the site is to collect large garbage, to cultivate industriousness. P/I "At the bear's borough" speak words clearly. Fix jumping on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vika, Katya Z, Dima P, fix geometric shapes. Sand games to learn how to make Easter cakes. Independent games children learn to play independently.

hardening procedures. P/I "The mother hen and the chicks", "Day Night" "Compare" "Salon" learn to pick up analog toys, agree on roles. To consolidate the technique of painting over with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. VK P continue to teach to communicate calmly with each other. Give the designer for free use - develop the imagination of children and achieve the final result.

MONDAY 8. 04 13

Reception and examination of children. Conversation develop the child's language. In K GN- continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly. Continue to teach children to prepare tables for meals and classes. P/I- "On a flat path"- develop coordination of movements. D/I - "Who is it?" learn to name birds and animals and body structure. Finger games. P/I "At the bear's borough"- to learn to clearly pronounce the words of the text.


Topic: "Chickens Walk".

(Komarova p. 82)

Target: To learn how to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, the advanced shape and size of the parts. To consolidate the pinching technique with the fingertips (beak, tail, the ability to firmly fasten the parts by pressing them tightly against each other. Cultivate creativity, initiative.

Slave words. beak, body, head.

Ind work. with inactive children.



"Sun and Rain"-quickly respond to the signal. P/I "Gray hare" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which?"- fix colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Fix jumps on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. C \ R I "Let's drink tea to the bear"

EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue to teach on your own, dress after sleep and put your head in order. P/I "Wake up the bear" "Who is faster" develop the ability to play relay race games. Give coloring pages for free use - teach painting techniques. C/R I "Toy shop"- learn to use polite words in dealing with comrades. Reading r. n. With. "Swan geese" learn to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop imagination in children. Fix the score to five with Katya Z, with Vitalik, with Vika. Independent activity of children - to teach them to find an interesting activity for themselves.

TUESDAY 9. 04.

Reception and examination of children. Picture conversation - learn how to make short stories.

P/I "Fox in the chicken coop"- develop dexterity. DI "Name the item according to the description" to develop the ability of children to guess the subject according to the description of the signs. DI "Touch to..." to exercise children in recognizing objects made from various materials. C K G N - continue to teach yourself to wash your hands before eating, roll up your sleeves. Finger games to develop fine motor skills of muscles.



Sound culture of speech: sound "F"

Target: Teaching children to answer and pronounce the isolating sound correctly (f) and Fix onomatopoeic words with this sound. Cultivate the desire to pronounce the words of the rules

words. slave. fuk, fuk, fuk!

Ind work. encourage inactive children.


STROLL: I'm on the grass in the meadow

Running in white slippers

oh the grass is tickling

I want to laugh.

Watching the grass in the meadow. The meadow turned green Why? How warm is the sun? How are people dressed? Teach children to make simple inferences. P/I "Cat & Mouse"- develop dexterity. P/I "We are funny guys" (Teplyuk page 115). DI "Clothes and Vegetables"- teach children to identify and name the main features of objects. Labor on the site to collect large pebbles - to educate diligence. Fix color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of children.


hardening procedures. Self-care work continues to teach how to dress independently after sleep, as well as undress before going to bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" Marshak - to cultivate a love for fairy tales. C/R I "Salon"- to teach children to pick up toys for the game, to be able to unite in small groups


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "Tell me where you live" "The mother hen and the chicks" continue to develop the ability to coordinate their movements. "Mice and Cat" follow the rules of the game. Games with fingers, with a tongue. DI "Pick by color" to consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff"

KNOWLEDGE. (Pozina p. 36 Kolesnikova p. 40)

Pro. sod. To learn to guess riddles based on visually perceived information, to understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle; To consolidate the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to the model within three, to compare two objects in size. Cultivate perseverance.

Slave words. big small.

Ind work. with inactive children.


STROLL. And the sun is clear

scorched, scorched

And gold everywhere

Spilled, spilled

Observation of early spring, I pay attention to the sun, it is bright, the sun warms more and more. Show your palms to the sun, what do you feel? And now touch, the trunk of the tree, it is also warm, all the sun is working, calling spring. Spring is bringing warmth. Look at the color of the sky, it is blue-blue, and the white clouds they float, take their time, admire the kids from above. Spring is coming.

P/I "On a flat path" (Moo-mu, wee-wee). Games at will continue to teach how to organize the game on their own and agree on roles. Labor assignments - continue to form the ability to fulfill the request of an adult.

hardening procedures. Continue to teach children how to dress and undress themselves in a certain sequence, (unfasten and fasten buttons, fold things neatly). Verse reading Where is whose house? (p. 135 S N Teplyuk) cultivate a love of poetry. Riddles about spring. P/I "Find Your Place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vika, Zhenya, Vitalik, Timur to teach how to paint over. P/I/ "Knock down the pin" develop dexterity in a child. P/I "Sun and Rain" learn to respond quickly to the signal. C/R I "Toy shop" group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" educate the ability to listen to fairy tales

P.D.D. Theme: Watching older children play, take part in the game as pedestrians.

Target: To introduce children to the fact that the road can be crossed along striped paths.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What are your parents' names" "Bird one, bird two!" "Vice versa?" to consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In K. G. N. continue to eat carefully, use a napkin. Feed the fish to cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings. V.K.G.N. continue to teach how to properly use soap, dry hands. Labor is to continue to teach how to prepare tables for meals.


Topic "Walk in the Spring Forest"

Prog sod. Teach children the characteristic features of spring weather. Expand your understanding of forest plants and animals. To form elementary ideas about the simplest connections in nature. Cultivate respect for nature.

Slave words. under a birch, squirrel needles.

Ind work. with inactive children.


STROLL: Chick-chirp on the jump track

Peck don't be shy

Who is it (sparrow)

Bird watching on the site to fix body parts, what is the body covered with? How do they move? What do they eat? What are the benefits for people? Develop observation. P/I "Merry Sparrow" (Teplyuk page 115) "Sun Bunnies" (Teplyuk page 114) develop dexterity. DI "WHICH?" fix the colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. F/N Bear and bees – fix the sound "AND" group- Speak out loud.

CIRCLE. "Why and why"

Topic "Observation of Pelargonium growing from cuttings".

Target. Teach children to conduct experiments with the help of adults. To consolidate the ability to observe experiments and sketch in the observation diary what has changed in the growth of pelargonium. Cultivate a desire to get results.

home assignment; conduct an experiment on the melting of sugar and its solidification.

"Find Your Color" teach the elements of the relay. To fix familiar verse with children - to develop intonation in voices. Will fix the techniques of painting with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give the builder to Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S. R. /I "The bear is sick" continue to learn to play, together with friends together, to develop a simple plot. Talk to Dima P's parents about how he should hold a spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of children, continue to learn on their own, find something to their liking. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love for works.

FRIDAY 12.04.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" "When It Happens" "Sparrows and the Car" "Find Your Color" learn to quickly find the right color. DI "What's good and what's bad" learn to draw the right conclusions. Finger games. Fix with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.

TOPIC; "Multi-colored handkerchiefs are drying" (Komarova p. 76)

Prog sod. Teach kids how to draw familiar square shapes. To consolidate the ability to accurately paint over images in one direction from top to bottom without going beyond the lines. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.

Slave words; square.

Indus slave; with inactive children.


P/I "On a flat path"

hardening procedures. P/I "The mother hen and the chicks", "Day Night" learn to organize games on your own. Reading familiar poems to children develop the intonation of the voice. DI "Compare" learn to compare and find the difference. C/R I "Salon"

O. B. J. How to behave at home when one is at home.

Target. Teach children to behave calmly at home, not to touch dangerous objects for life.


MONDAY 15.04

Reception and examination of children. Conversation "My favourite toy" develop the child's language. In K G N - continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly, eat slowly. Continue to teach children to prepare tables for meals and classes. P/I- "Sun and Rain"- quickly respond to the signal. D/I - "Who is it?" learn to name birds and animals and body structure. Finger games. P/I "At the bear's borough"- to learn to clearly pronounce the words of the text.


Topic: «

Ind work. with inactive children.


STROLL. Gets up early in the morning

All paths will be swept.

Monitoring the work of the janitor, what tools does he use, why does he sweep all the paths? How can we help him? P/I "Sun and Rain"-quickly respond to the signal. P/I "Gray hare" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which?"- fix the properties of the subject (wood, glass, iron plastic) with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Fix jumps on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. C \ R I "Let's drink tea to the bear" continue to teach to play with comrades together, to be able to agree on roles. Games at will to develop the ability to find something to do on your own.

Finger games - develop fine motor skills of the hand.

EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue to teach on your own, dress after sleep and put your head in order. P/I "Sparrows and the Car" learn to act on a signal and follow the rules of the game. P/I "Who is faster" develop the ability to play relay race games. P/I "Find Your Color" fix colors. Give coloring pages for free use - teach painting techniques. C/R I "Toy shop"- learn to use polite words in dealing with comrades. Reading r. n. With. "Swan geese" learn to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop imagination in children. Fix the score to five with Katya Z, with Vitalik, with Vika. Independent activity of children - to teach them to find an interesting activity for themselves.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "Say one word" learn to classify objects, vegetables and fruits. P/I "Fox in the chicken coop"- develop dexterity. DI "Name the item according to the description" to develop the ability of children to guess objects according to the description of signs. DI "Touch to..." to exercise children in recognizing objects made from various materials. C C G N - continue to teach how to use a napkin after eating, how to use cutlery correctly. Finger games to develop fine motor skills of muscles.

Continue to teach how to carry out labor assignments, prepare tables for classes.


Topic: "Reading and dramatization of the Russian folk song Chicken Ryabushechka"

Pro. sod Continue to teach children to look at the picture and talk about what is shown in it. Introduce children to the Russian folk song chicken Ryabushechka. Raise interest in Russian folk songs.

words. slave. Ryabushechka, different, chickens.

Ind work. encourage inactive children.

STROLL: Observation of transport, which is located next to the kindergarten, mark parts of the car, fix the type of transport and its purpose. What if there was no transport? P/I "Cat & Mouse"- develop dexterity. P/I "We are funny guys" teach children to follow the instructions of an adult. (Teplyuk page 115). DI "Clothes and Vegetables"- teach children to identify and name the main features of objects. Labor on the site to collect large pebbles - to educate diligence. Fix color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of children.


hardening procedures. Self-care work continues to teach how to dress independently after sleep, as well as undress before going to bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of the Smart Mouse" Marshak - to cultivate a love for fairy tales. C/R I "Salon"- to teach children to pick up toys for the game, to be able to unite in small groups and play for a long time. Games with a designer to teach how to build collective buildings and beat them. Fix the score to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for free use to Zhenya L, Vicki P, Dima S. Make sure that the children speak in a low voice.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "Tell me where you live" fix your home address and the city in which you live. In K G N - to teach without a reminder to use a napkin after eating, rinse your mouth. P/I "The mother hen and the chicks" continue to develop the ability to coordinate their movements. "Mice and Cat" follow the rules of the game. Games with fingers, with a tongue. DI "Pick by color" to consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff" educate the ability to listen to fairy tales and empathize with the characters. Learn to prepare tables for class. Cultivate industriousness.

KNOWLEDGE (Pozina p. 37 Kolesnikova p. 40)

Prog sod. Learn to distinguish a certain number of movements and call them words one many. To consolidate the ability to distinguish spatial directions from oneself, designate them with the words front-back, top-bottom, left-right. Improve writing skills group items from individual items and select one item from groups. Cultivate perseverance.

Slave words. left to right. one, many.

Ind work. with inactive children.


STROLL. Cloud, cloud, shut up.

Don't roar over us!

We are not afraid of you!

Rain watching. How joyfully the rain drums on the roof, the drops jump along the path, as bubbles form on the water. The rain waters everything around, even if it's raining? but warm. The rain has passed and the sun has parted the clouds. D/I “Who got drunk? Who washed up?"- We approach the tree, flowers, grass, and ask.

P / I "Sun and Rain" respond quickly to the signal. D/I “What is this? Learn to name vegetables and fruits. Learn to ride on a swing patiently, wait your turn. Fix the season with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. With Dima S, Dasha continue to learn sounds (Bam, bam, knock-knock, drip-drip). Games at will continue to teach how to organize the game on their own and agree on roles. Labor assignments - continue to form the ability to fulfill the request of an adult.

hardening procedures. To continue to teach children, to comb themselves and put themselves in order .. Reading a verse Where is whose house? (p. 135 S. N. Teplyuk) cultivate a love of poetry. Riddles about spring. P/I "Find Your Place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vika, Zhenya, Vitalik, Timur to teach how to paint over. P/I/ "Knock down the pin" develop an eye in a child. P/I "Sun and Rain" learn to respond quickly to the signal. C/R I "Visiting Katya" continue to teach children to name tea appliances, to consolidate the rules of behavior at a party. Talk to the parents of Vitalik, Nikita. how to dress a child group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" educate the ability to listen to fairy tales



Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What are your parents' names", fix with the children the names of the parents and who lives with them in the same house. P / I "Bird one, bird two!" exercise children to perform movements, teach counting. D\I "Vice versa?" to consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In K. G. N. continue to eat carefully, use a napkin. Feed the fish to cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings. V.K.G.N. continue to teach correctly, use soap, dry hands. Labor is to continue to teach how to prepare tables for meals.


TOPIC. The nanny washes the dishes.

Prog. sod. To teach children with labor of workers of a preschool institution - assistant educators, contact them at "you" show the attitude of an adult to work. To consolidate the ability to call them by name, patronymic. To cultivate respect for the assistant educator, for work.

Slave words. washes dishes, feeds, vacuums carpets.

Ind work. with inactive children.



"Where is my mother?" -repeat what are the names of mothers of different animal cubs, how they call their children, to learn to listen to sounds without relying on a visual image. (Teplyuk p. 86). P/I "Merry Sparrow" (Teplyuk p. 115) teach children to perform movements in the text. P/I "Sun Bunnies" (Teplyuk p. 114) develop dexterity. DI "WHICH?" fix the colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. F/N Bear and bees – fix the sound "AND" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. It is difficult to collect large garbage, to cultivate diligence. Fix the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. to. p, in group- Speak out loud.

CIRCLE. "Why and why"

Theme “Heating and cooling.

Purpose To form an idea of ​​heating, cooling, melting and solidification. Reinforce homework with children.

EVENING. hardening procedures. Continue to teach children to self-monitor their appearance F/I "Find Your Color" teach the elements of the relay. To fix familiar verse with children - to develop intonation in voices. Will fix modeling techniques with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give the builder to Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S. R. /I "The bear is sick" continue to teach how to play, together with friends to develop together, a simple plot. Talk to Dima P's parents about how he should hold a spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of children, continue to teach on their own, find something to their liking. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love for works.

FRIDAY 19.04.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" How are people dressed? What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in winter? What color is spring? Think about the parts of the body that they eat. Cultivate love for our smaller brothers. D / I. "When It Happens" fix the signs of spring. P/I "Sparrows and the Car" learn to follow the rules of the game. In K G N - to form elementary skills of behavior at the table, not to crumble bread, to chew food with a closed mouth. Labor is to feed the fish to cultivate a caring attitude towards a living object. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes, and arrange napkins. P/I "Find Your Color" learn to quickly find the right color. DI "What's good and what's bad" learn to draw the right conclusions. Finger games. Fix with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.


TOPIC; "Birdhouse" (Komarova p. 78)

Prog. sod. To teach children to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a circle, a straight roof; correctly convey the relative size of the parts of the subject. Fix painting techniques. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.

Slave words; birdhouse.

Indus slave; with inactive children.


STROLL. "Tell me, moth,

How do you live my friend?

How do you not get tired

Day - day all flutter?

Insect observation. What insects appeared, consider body parts, what do they do in spring? Cultivate a positive attitude towards them.

P/I "On a flat path" follow the rules of the game. Work on the site is to collect large garbage, to cultivate industriousness. P, / I, Chickens ”teach children to perform imitative movements, imitate the voice reactions of birds. Fix jumping on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vika, Katya Z, Dima P, fix geometric shapes. Sand games to learn how to make Easter cakes. Independent games children learn to play independently.

hardening procedures. P/I "The mother hen and the chicks" teach children to follow the rules of the game. "Day Night" learn on their own, organize games. Reading familiar poems to children develop the intonation of the voice. DI "Vice versa" learn to say opposite words. C/R "At the doctor" learn to pick up analog toys, agree on roles. To consolidate the technique of painting over with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. VK P continue to teach to communicate calmly with each other. Give the designer for free use - develop the imagination of children and achieve the final result. Reading fairy tales to children at will to cultivate a love for works. Ask Logvinenko's dad to make lockers.


MONDAY 22.04

Reception and examination of children. Conversation “What I saw on the way to kindergarten” develop the child's language. In K GN- continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly and chew food with their mouths closed. Continue to teach children to prepare tables for meals and classes. P/I- "On a flat path"- develop coordination of movements. D/I - "Who is it?" learn to name birds and animals and body structure. Finger games. P/I "At the bear's borough"- to learn to clearly pronounce the words of the text.


Topic: "Bowls of the Three Bears"

(Komarova p. 79)

Target: Learn to sculpt bowls of different sizes using the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion. Learn to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up. Fix the pinching technique with your fingertips. Cultivate creativity, initiative, accuracy in work.

Slave words. big smaller and small.

Ind work. with inactive children.



Observation of flower beds and grass, examining the structure of a flower and grass. Learn to compare plants and find differences and similarities. P/I "The Bear and the Bees"-quickly respond to the signal. P/I "Gray hare" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which?"- fix colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Fix jumps on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. Games at will to develop the ability to find something to do on your own. C/ R I "Driver" teach children to play together with friends, share toys.

EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue to teach on your own, dress after sleep and put your head in order. P/I "Wake up the bear" learn to pronounce words clearly and follow the rules of the game. P/I "Who will jump on the ball faster" develop the ability to play relay race games. Give coloring pages for free use - teach painting techniques. C/R I "Vegetable shop"- learn to use polite words in dealing with comrades. Reading r. n. With. "Swan geese" learn to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop imagination in children. Fix the score to five with Katya Z, with Vitalik, with Vika. Independent activities of children - to teach them to find interesting activities for themselves.


Reception and examination of children. Picture conversation - learn how to make short stories.

P/I "Fox in the chicken coop"- develop dexterity. DI "Name the item according to the description" to develop the ability of children to guess the subject according to the description of the signs. DI "Touch to..." to exercise children in recognizing objects made from various materials. In K GN - continue to teach yourself to wash your hands before eating, roll up your sleeves. Finger games to develop fine motor skills of muscles.

Continue to teach how to carry out labor assignments, prepare tables for classes.


Topic: Sound culture of speech; sound (With).

Prog. sod. Teaching children to pronounce sounds clearly "FROM" To consolidate the ability to expressively read poems, with intonational expression. Cultivate kindness towards each other.

words. slave. kind, please swallow.

Ind work. encourage inactive children.


WALK Where are you, where are you swallow

Did you fly all day?

The sun braided a golden braid.

Watching the birds that are on the site. What birds are new? How many are in the area? How do they move? How do they scream? What is the body covered with? Develop observation, conversational speech.

P/I "Sparrows and the Car"- develop dexterity. P/I "We are funny guys" teach children to follow the instructions of an adult. (Teplyuk page 115). DI "Clothes and Vegetables"- teach children to identify and name the main features of objects. Labor on the site to collect large pebbles - to educate diligence. Fix color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of children. Fix color "spring" with Vika, Sasha. Sh.


hardening procedures. Self-care work continues to teach how to dress independently after sleep, as well as undress before going to bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" Marshak - to cultivate a love for fairy tales. C/R I "Salon"- to teach children to pick up toys for the game, to be able to unite in small groups and play for a long time. Games with a designer to teach how to build collective buildings and beat them. Fix the score to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for free use to Zhenya L, Vicki P, Dima S. Make sure that the children speak in a low voice.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About Spring" fix the signs of spring. In K G N - to teach without a reminder to use a napkin after eating, rinse your mouth. R. n P / I "Hare" continue to develop the ability to coordinate their movements with the text. "Mice and Cat" follow the rules of the game. Games with fingers, with a tongue. DI "Pick by color" to consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff" educate the ability to listen to fairy tales and empathize with the characters. To teach how to prepare tables for classes is to cultivate industriousness.

KNOWLEDGE. (Pozina p. 38 Kolesnikova p. 42)

Prog sod. Continue to teach to see patterns in the arrangement of objects and reproduce them. Exercise in the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them the words many and one. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts days: morning, evening, develop thinking. Bring up

Slave words. many, morning, evening, day.

Ind work. with inactive children.


STROLL. Tell the moth

How are you, friend?

How do you not get tired

Day - day all flutter?

Insect observation ant, ladybug - note the appearance, “Hello dear baby, we are glad to see you! Have you come to meet us?"

You should not take it with your hands, let it crawl onto your hand. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you! We are kind! Alternately crawls to the children - So you met Katya .... We speak words of jokes.

P/I "On a flat path" teach children to follow the rules of the game. D/I “What is this? Learn to name vegetables and fruits. Learn to ride on a swing patiently, wait your turn. Fix the season with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. With Dima S, Dasha continue to learn sounds (Moo-mu, wee-wee). Games at will continue to teach how to organize the game on their own and agree on roles. Labor assignments - continue to form the ability to fulfill the request of an adult.

hardening procedures. Continue to teach children how to dress and undress themselves in a certain sequence. Riddles about spring. P/I "Find Your Place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vika, Zhenya, Vitalik, Timur to teach how to paint over. P/I/ "Knock down the pin" develop dexterity in a child. P/I "Sun and Rain" learn to respond quickly to the signal. C/R I "Toy shop" to teach children the ability to compose a short story about the subject, to consolidate knowledge about the properties of the materials from which toys are made. Talk to the parents of Vitalik, Nikita. how to dress a child group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" educate the ability to listen to fairy tales

P.D.D. "Participation in the games of older children as bus passengers".

Target. To acquaint children with the fact that the bus runs along the route, get off it only at the bus stop.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What do your parents do for work", consolidate the profession. P / I "At the bear in the forest" to exercise children in performing movements, D \ I "Vice versa?" to consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. V.K.G.N. continue to teach how to properly use soap, dry hands. Labor is to continue to teach how to prepare tables for meals. Games with fingers, tongue - to develop fine motor skills of muscles.


Topic "Which is better paper or fabric".

Prog. sod. Learn to establish relationships between the material from which the object is made and the way the object is used. To consolidate the knowledge of children about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities. Cultivate interest in activities.

words. slave. smooth does not consist of threads, does not make a sound,

Ind work. with inactive children.


STROLL: Rides and holds on to the wire so as not to get lost. (trolleybus)

Monitoring the transport, which is located near the kindergarten. Consider the parts, note the type of transport. What benefits does it bring to people? P/I "Sun Bunnies" (Teplyuk page 114) develop dexterity. DI "WHICH?" fix the colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. F/N Bear and bees – fix the sound "AND" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. It is difficult, the site is to collect large debris, to cultivate industriousness. Fix the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. to. p, in group- Speak out loud. Games for children.

CIRCLE. "Why and why"

Evaporation theme. (Galimov p. 31)

Target: To form an idea about the evaporation of water - the transformation of water into steam when heated.

EVENING. hardening procedures. Continue to teach children how to dress and undress themselves before going to bed, monitor their appearance P/N "Find Your Color" teach the elements of the relay. To fix familiar verse with children - to develop intonation in voices. Will fix the techniques of painting with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give the builder to Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S. R. /I "The bear is sick" continue to teach how to play, together with friends to develop together, a simple plot. Talk to Dima P's parents about how he should hold a spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of children, continue to teach, independently find something to their liking. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love for works.

FRIDAY 26.04


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" How are people dressed? What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in winter? What color is spring? Think about the parts of the body that they eat. Cultivate love for our smaller brothers. D / I. "When It Happens" fix the signs of spring. P/I "Sparrows and the Car" learn to follow the rules of the game. In K G N - to form elementary skills of behavior at the table, not to crumble bread, to chew food with a closed mouth. Labor is to feed the fish to cultivate a caring attitude towards a living object. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes, and arrange napkins. P/I "Find Your Color" learn to quickly find the right color. DI "What's good and what's bad" learn to draw the right conclusions. Finger games. Fix with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.


TOPIC; "Beautiful Cart" (Komarova p. 80)

Prog sod. To teach children to depict an object consisting of several parts of a rectangular and round shape. To consolidate the ability to accurately paint over images with paints To develop initiative, imagination. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.

Slave words; trolley, wheel, rectangular.

Indus slave; with inactive children.


STROLL. Flowerbed monitoring. What changed? What spring flowers do we know? What does a flower have? - fix the structure of the flower (leaf, stem, flower root) P/I "On a flat path" follow the rules of the game. Work on the site is to collect large garbage, to cultivate industriousness. P, / I, Chickens ”teach children to perform imitative movements, imitate the voice reactions of birds. Fix jumping on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vmka, Katya Z, Dima P, fix geometric shapes. Sand games to learn how to make Easter cakes. Independent games children learn to play independently.

hardening procedures. P/I "The mother hen and the chicks", "Day Night" learn to organize games on your own. Reading familiar poems to children develop the intonation of the voice. DI "Compare" learn to compare and find the difference. C/R I "Salon" learn to pick up analog toys, agree on roles. To consolidate the technique of painting over with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. VK P continue to teach to communicate calmly with each other. Give the designer for free use - develop the imagination of children and achieve the final result. Reading fairy tales to children at will to cultivate a love for works. Ask Logvinenko's dad to make lockers.

O. B. J. Describe the subject.

Target: Teaching children how to deal with items: matches, needles, boiling water.

Monday 29.04.

Reception of children. Conversation "About Water" repeat signs of water and draw the simplest conclusions. What is water for? DI "Where is what?" fix the location of a friend. P/I "Inflate the Bubble" bring joy to children. V.K.G.N. continue to teach correctly, use cutlery, chew food with your mouth closed. Labor - continue to give labor assignments. Finger games.

productive activity. (sculpting)

Topic "By Design"

Prog. sod. Teach kids to come up with ideas. Continue to develop the ability to sculpt objects consisting of two parts of a familiar shape, advanced shape and size of the parts. Raise the desire to bring the story to the end.

words. slave. friends - chickens, round.

Ind. slave. with difficult children.



soft fluffy

There are scratches in the paws.

Pet watching Hello cute kitty cow. Consider the appearance, parts of the body, learn to compare in size. What benefits do they bring to people? How does a person care? P / I "Shaggy Dog"- teach children to move around the playground, following the instructions given in the form of a game. P/I "Run to what I call"- teach children to run in a flock, remind children of the names of objects. D / I "what" to fix the colors with Sasha, Aida, Katya. S, R, / I "Pilots"- bring joy to children. Work on the site to collect large sticks, pebbles - learn to work collectively.

hardening procedures. Riddles for children - teach them to guess

Reading fairy tales to children, if desired, continue to learn to listen carefully, answer questions. C/R I "For a walk with Katya" to learn to play in a team, to be able to agree on roles, to develop an interesting plot. Games with the designer - to develop the imagination of the children. Fix the words of the song with Daniel, Vika, Timur.

Give pencils for free use. V.K.P. - continue to teach children to speak in a low voice, leaving home to say goodbye.

TUESDAY 30. 04

Reception and care of children. Conversation "My favourite toy"- to develop the ability to talk about your favorite toy. V.K.G.N. - continue to teach children to eat carefully, not to crumble bread, to chew with their mouths closed. Finger games. P/I "Locomotive"- teach children to move at a different pace, change direction. Fix parts of the day with children. Reading "what is good, what is bad" nurture love for the work.

Reading fiction.

Topic. "Goby - black barrel, white hooves" Literary quiz.

Prog. sod. Introduction to Russian folk tales. Fix the title and content of the fairy tales that were read to them in the classroom. Cultivate love and interest in fairy tales.

words. slave. hooves

Ind. slave. with inactive children.

Physical training.


We don't have to call him.

He will come anyway

Blossom with confidence

Right at the gate


Buttercup golden.

Watching spring flowers. Consider the structure of a flower (stem, leaf, flower). What is needed for its growth? - Develop observation skills. P/I "Carousel"- teach children to clearly pronounce words in the text. DI "Who's Gone"- develop visual memory. P/I "Catch the bear" bring joy to children. Sand games to learn how to make Easter cakes, play nearby and not break the buildings of a friend.

C/R I "mother's daughters" teach children to agree on roles. Games at will - to teach yourself to find activities for yourself to your heart's content.

hardening procedures. P/I "Who is faster" teach children to jump on the ball with advancement in front. Self-service work - to learn how to put on tights, sweaters, use a comb. Reading familiar poems to children - develop the intonation of the voice. Give plasticine for free use to consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar figures. C/RI "Katya got sick" instill empathy for the patient. Give building material for buildings, teach how to make buildings and beat them.