Graduation gift ideas for teachers from parents and students. Choosing gifts for college, teachers and graduates What to give a girl for college graduation

Summer… The most desired time of the year for many people. This is an opportunity to take a break from hard and boring work. But for some, the beginning of summer, namely the second half of June, is the beginning of a new life. You probably already guessed for whom. These are schoolchildren, graduates, future students, so to speak. What awaits them after graduating from their native school depends only on themselves, on their patience, desire and other important valiant qualities. But first of all, you need to somehow celebrate the end of school time.

Graduation… A very touching celebration for many students. It seems to be joyful that this school torment has ended - although they don’t even imagine what lies ahead for them, in fact - but it seems to be sad that you are parting with your friends, perhaps forever and you won’t be able to meet in the future. Therefore, there is a wonderful custom to leave each student and their teachers some kind of memorable gift. But what you can give, we will tell in this article. Indeed, in this article we will tell you what a gift from teachers to graduates should be.

Gift Ideas from Teachers

Many children celebrate the end of school not only at the school gala ball, but also gather at home or in a cafe, in the company of friends and relatives. In this case, it would be appropriate to make a gift for the hero of this occasion.

In our modern world, in the world of new computer technologies, such a wonderful subject as a book has not lost its relevance. It can be both artistic and educational. Maybe it's a tutorial on how to play the guitar or piano, or something else. But the best option would be to give a book about some outstanding historical figure. Such a gift can inspire the graduate to go forward, not be afraid of any obstacles, but boldly and intelligently overcome them.

A somewhat unusual and original present - an exclusive piggy bank. She will teach the future student to respect the green papers, to properly distribute their income. Therefore, such a gift will also be very useful.

Here we are talking about what to give graduates from the teacher. If our student wants to celebrate his graduation in a club or cottage, then he should dress accordingly. In this case, a good t-shirt with a pattern of the desired theme is perfect. A gift will create the right holiday atmosphere, allow you to have a great rest and have fun ...

Books, piggy banks, clothes are, of course, good, but still you should take good care of your future studies and somehow prepare for it. Therefore, we recommend that you donate what you need in an educational institution. It can be as a quality cooking station or laptop backpack. You may also need electronic equipment, such as headphones, flash cards with a large amount of memory, mice and other so-called gadgets.

You can also give a graduate a small stylish keychain or a mug with an original pattern and inscription. Such small symbolic objects will demonstrate the donor's attention and respect for the main life event of a young man or girl.

It is worth paying attention to this topic and the school parent - class teacher. It's important nonetheless. Over the course of several long years, this man taught to know this life, advised, praised somewhere, and scolded somewhere, but so that his child would not do even more evil in the future ... So, we digressed a little from the topic. Gift from the class teacher. Yes ... In this case, the teacher should leave at least something for the memory of his pupils, these things should be special and touching, but most importantly - valuable. great idea will give everyone a notebook, where the class teacher will briefly write each wish and advice. It will be great if the graduates leave their contacts in order to meet in a friendly company in the future.

On the other hand, it is possible to present such objects, on which there will be an inscription addressed personally to each student, individual, to be more precise. For example, "Chief class politician", "Thought class" and so on.

If you want to know what to give 11th grade graduates from a teacher, then in this article you can easily find the answer to this question. Before issuing gifts, the teacher should prepare a speech, rich, lively, fiery, touching, finally. You can either tell it orally or write it down on a postcard and give it to each of the pupils.

If the class teacher is a creative person, then he has the opportunity to give graduates brochures with their own poems about them. Let them be short, it's not so important. Such small books can be printed at the nearest printing house. After many years, young people will be pleased to read these poems about themselves and their classmates.

In addition, you can make commemorative letters, which tell in some detail about the personality of the graduate and his achievements. Thematic souvenirs, whether it be a globe or an owl, for example, will also be a nice gift.

Gifts from parents. Ideas

Graduation party is the holiday that should be remembered by every student for long years. Above, we examined what gifts should be for the last call to graduates from a teacher. In addition, parents are also encouraged to give something, in addition, the father and mother know much better what their child wants. So you will give your attention, care and love with the thing, help the child overcome his excitement before entering the university.

Probably, your child has already dreamed of some good gadget, for example, a phone, tablet or even a laptop. It's time to try to make his wish come true. In order not to suffer with questions about the gadget - which is better, which is worse, what are the disadvantages, what is the price, and so on and in the same vein - we suggest taking your son or daughter with you to the store and offering to choose a technical device yourself, because, rather of everything, they already know what they want and have already figured out many issues. In addition, you can choose the appropriate accessories that will enhance the good impression of the gift and keep the gadget for many years.

Jewelry for girls does not lag behind fashion, and stylish watches for boys are a symbol of moving forward towards achieving their wonderful goals.

Probably, your child is still tired of studying at school and he should have a good rest before the university. Therefore, a ticket to the resort will serve as an excellent gift. For travel, you will also need a new suitcase, and a backpack and other necessary things.

Gifts from the school administration

It is not surprising, but the school administration is also sad to part with their students, because the school "top" also consists of ordinary teachers. Therefore, the school - if possible, of course - needs to allocate funds for memorable gifts. It can be notebooks, notebooks, pen sets and other stationery, or maybe T-shirts and mugs and other items.

A short film about the life of the class can also serve as a rather original gift. You can also insert congratulations from teachers in the video. Such a movie can be recorded on flash cards and handed to each student individually.

An ordinary alarm clock into which you can insert some photo, for example, from the same graduation, will also serve as a good gift. Such a thing will not let you sleep through university lectures, and a photo card will be a reminder of that wonderful school time ...

Gift for teachers

Don't forget about your favorite teachers. Probably, many graduates want to give a memorable gift to their favorite teacher. How much effort, time and words the teacher has invested in each of his pupils! .. Therefore, it is necessary to somehow thank the teachers for their disinterested work. Parents and their children need to decide in advance what to give to which teacher. Gifts can be completely different and will depend on the interests and hobbies of the teacher.

Here is a list of the most common of these things:

  • Flowers in pots. The most popular and, one might even say, irreplaceable option. You can safely give each teacher, head teacher, educator, director and so on.
  • Stationery. Everything is quite simple here: these are the same notebooks, diaries, stylish pens and more.
  • status souvenirs. Such items are perfect as gifts for the school administration.
  • Do not forget about boxes of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, books ...

And here is a list of so-called "individual gifts":

  • We recommend giving a stern and strict teacher a long and very durable pointer or a modern and lighter version - a laser pointer.
  • For a physics teacher - good pens on a magnetic stand.
  • According to history - the original "ETERNAL CALENDAR".
  • For a teacher of Russian - large and good spelling, pronunciation, explanatory and other dictionaries, books with fiction.
  • Geography - a large piggy bank in the form of a globe or an elementary clock with a map of a country or the world.
  • Physical education teacher - a brand new second watch will never interfere with this teacher.
  • You can give a mathematician a thick notebook or diary, sweet abacus, a stylish pen in a case.
  • An excellent gift for the teaching staff can be a dinner in a restaurant or a billiard room. After all, teachers are also people who want to have a good rest from a hard school day. Tickets for a theatrical performance, a concert, or something else interesting could be another idea.
  • An ordinary T-shirt and photo printing can turn out to be quite an original gift. On it, you can take a general photo of the entire friendly class or an individual photo of each teacher. Some surprise may also be the inscription on the T-shirt.

The best cool cool

The class teacher was a guiding star on the school path. During this time, he became native, more than ever. Therefore, such a person wants to give something worthwhile and useful. Here is a list of expensive things for a teacher:

Jewelry. A wonderful gift from a loving class. For women, more pendants, chains or earrings are more suitable. But do not risk giving rings and bracelets. The reason is quite simple and may seem somewhat silly - you can not miscalculate the size of jewelry ... By the way, men also have something to find: it can be watches, cufflinks, clips and so on.

Elite accessories: everything is simple - a pretty leather briefcase, a leather folder, an expensive spectacle case, pince-nez and more.

Appliances. Do not forget that a class teacher can be a mother and wife, and she most likely wants to pamper her family and herself. Therefore, a bread machine, a slow cooker will be a wonderful gift for her.

Sets of dishes. A luxurious porcelain or crystal service will amaze your teacher one hundred percent. Unless, of course, it is a woman. Otherwise, the man better fit drinking set, for example.

Graduation Ideas for Parents

Parents should try to make their children's holiday a success, bring a lot of pleasure and impressions, but the most important thing is that the memories of this wonderful evening are remembered for a long time. Therefore, the older generation should take care of gifts.

These can be wonderful flower arrangements made up of wild flowers or “classic” ones, for example, roses, orchids, and so on. Or delicious surprises. Now there is no particular problem to order various edible and original souvenirs.

By the way, a cake made in the form of a stack of huge thick books, an open class magazine or a school diary, a school photo album, a globe or a wise owl can turn out to be a no less pleasant surprise.

Sometimes after graduation, the class wants to meet again. In this case, you can organize an exciting trip to some kind of excursion, camp site, boat trip, for example ...


Now you know what gifts should be for graduates from a teacher at graduation. Finally, it should be noted that gifts must be taken care of in advance, so that subsequently, not in a hurry to do everything and not pay a double price for urgency, so to speak. Therefore, the sooner you think about this problem, the better it will be for both you and your children. We wish you good luck in choosing gifts!..

Giving gifts on graduation day is a long and good tradition that has been followed by more than one generation of people.

We will give you tips that can help you choose an original graduation gift from school, kindergarten and university in this article!

Graduation ball is perhaps one of the most memorable events in the life of every person.

such a solemn day of many guys and girls is downright overwhelmed with feelings and emotions, and sometimes quite contradictory, and for good reason!

On the one hand, this is a graduation, in your hands you hold a fresh certificate / diploma, and on the other hand, you are very upset that you will have to part with your comrades and beloved teachers.
All graduates of schools, colleges and universities prepare graduation gifts for their teachers or curators. But besides this, the graduates themselves deserve a graduation gift on this significant day.
So let's look at it in ascending order: what to give and to whom.

Gifts from parents to school graduates

A gift from parents to a child for graduation from grade 9

The end of the 9th grade is the first serious graduation in the life of every teenager.

Most often, after the 9th grade, teenagers have chosen their future profession and perhaps even decided which educational institution they want to go to.

But even if such an event is scheduled only after 2 years (after graduation in the 11th grade), it is still worth congratulating your student on the transition to adulthood and receiving a certificate.

Whether it's a guy or a girl, various graduation gifts will be good gifts for them. PC accessories.

Let's say:

If you choose a gift, then it will never be superfluous folder for drawings, abstracts and other and new, stylish and comfortable bag.

The young men will rejoice new tracksuit or sneakers and the girls will be happy with the new ones hours, bright umbrellas or also new bag, which will be individually for study.

A gift from parents to a child for graduation from grade 11

- this is the last event in the life of the child, which will be held within the walls of the school.

As original gift at the graduation will be appropriate memorabilia.

Suppose a girl who has just received a certificate will be pleased to receive as a gift jewelry (ring or pendant) as a reminder of this bright and joyful day.

The guy will be a good gift expensive watch, which will be his symbol of success and progress.

If you are more pragmatic about choosing a graduation gift, then here are some ideas for graduation gifts for future students:

Gifts from parents to a student for graduation at the end of the university

A long and thorny path to knowledge and a coveted diploma can exhaust a student in order. So that your son or your daughter can relax before fully entering adulthood, you can give a ticket to a resort or a tour of different cities.

If you take from inexpensive, but really necessary gifts, electronic book would be the best graduation gift.

Good for a music lover MP3 player, quality pen.

Inexpensive, but original graduation gifts for fellow students and classmates

Among young people, humorous gifts are very common.

It can be alarm clocks that run away from you until you turn them off, or a piggy bank in the form of a beautiful figurine.

A good gift will be quality pens(girls in the form of lipsticks, guys in the form of a rifle).

If you are preparing a gift in advance, then order mugs or t-shirts with a playful inscription reminiscent of student life.

On the right track in choosing an original gift for graduation will be the one who goes to the computer store. Mouse pads, mug warmers or USB-powered mini fridge will make your classmates very happy.

Graduation gift from parents and students

The curator of each group (class teacher) puts a lot of strength and a piece of soul into his wards. And leaving the walls of your favorite educational institution, of course, you want to make a nice gift to your second mother, which will remind you of all the years spent together.

Graduation from a university is always smiles, hopes and a mountain from the shoulders. The university issues a diploma and freedom as a gift to a graduate, but relatives and friends are sure that the conqueror of the university deserves great awards.

After all, such a significant point in the life of any guy or girl should not remain just a beautiful day from the past.

What to present on the eve of adulthood to your beloved graduates and their teachers, who helped win the difficult struggle for a diploma?

In order not to miscalculate

If the plans do not include unexpected surprises and veils of secrets, you can find out from the student in advance what kind of reward for the work he dreams of. Then misses will be excluded.

Often, the donor will have to prepare for the purchase of a tablet, or a game console - these are the most frequent wishes of modern young people in response to the "goldfish".

It is worth recognizing that gifts for graduation from the university are a kind of gratitude from parents: finally, the fears ended, and the investment was justified. Therefore, banal medals with parting words, and symbols of professions, embodied in trinkets, are a bad idea.

For example, giving a plastic bowl with a snake to a graduate of a medical school is no longer relevant. But attaching a symbolic souvenir to the main, serious gift is quite acceptable.

Hand-made is in fashion now, so you can always surprise a university graduate by making a gift with your own hands. It is enough to choose the most interesting photos taken during your studies, process them in Photoshop, print and create a funny or memorable album.

Usually such surprises succeed, and years later, graduates will re-evaluate these photographs with gratitude and nostalgia.

A similar option could be a film about student life. You don’t even have to worry about it in advance: today’s students take so many pictures with mobile phones that there will be no problems with the selection of subjects.

For wise teachers

A graduation gift for a university teacher does not have to be expensive, but you need to pick it up with taste and intelligence. It is ugly to give teachers at the university personal hygiene products, jewelry, homemade pies - these gifts should not go to graduation.

It’s a completely different matter - big, and the best varieties, and original ones (you need to find out in advance how the mentor relates to sweets). You can also put a bottle of good expensive liquor in the basket.

Do not fork out for all sorts of vases. To the donor, they may seem like masterpieces, while the teacher may have a completely different taste, and the vaunted works of art will not fit into the decor of the home.

In between classes, teachers will be pleased to relax and remember their students over a cup of tea or coffee. Flowers no longer surprise anyone, so it is advisable to leave them for concerts and ceremonies.

We will try to cover this whole exciting and joyful topic - graduation gifts. If you don't know what to give your favorite teacher, friend, son, daughter, or what a memorable present to present to the school, then our gift guide is waiting for you!

Graduation is, first of all, a holiday for such grown-up guys, so first of all we will turn all our attention only to them!

So, how can you please your friend, girlfriend, daughter, son, brother or sister if they successfully completed the next class or even say goodbye to school:

  • name mug "Bye, school!";
  • personal diary of a graduate;
  • "Tasty help" to the student;
  • personal apron "Certificate of maturity";
  • commemorative photo magnet;
  • thermo mug with custom inscription;
  • cookies with school predictions;
  • nominal "flash drive";
  • designer keychain to order;
  • photo plate with school photos;
  • Wall Clock with school photos.

  • event-matched custom phone bumper;
  • gift certificate for tailoring a suit for graduation;
  • an order, diploma or medal engraved to order for the “Best Graduate”;
  • photo frame-clock;
  • "Oscar" to the graduate - a custom figurine-copy;
  • a set of personal fountain pens with custom engraving;
  • a book by your favorite author in a personalized cover (you can easily make it with your own hands in Photoshop and wrap any selected edition with it);
  • personalized Hollywood star in a case;
  • external battery.

  • multifunctional USB splitter;
  • a portrait from a school photo to order;
  • photomosaic from school photos;
  • 3D lamp from school photos;
  • multifunctional stand for school supplies;
  • personalized set of sweets or other favorite sweets;
  • photo book / photo album with a set of school photos.
  • for boys: bow tie and cufflinks;
  • for girls: necklace for prom dress.

We have analyzed the most common universal options. And now - particulars.

Graduates of grades 3-4

Farewell to elementary school - overcoming the first serious stage of adult life, a little sad holiday. Encourage the student with a pleasant and cute present.

What to give for graduation in grade 4:

  • School supplies for the future academic year- find out his favorite heroes and choose gifts of this theme - he will definitely be pleased!
  • Educational board game, constructor, encyclopedia set.
  • Favorite treats and sweets.
  • Nominal souvenirs useful in children's games.
  • A gift for a nursery is a horizontal bar, a simulator, a new study table, a lamp, a table lamp.
  • A sports gift - from a bicycle to a soccer ball.

ninth grader

Some of the guys stay at school, while others are already leaving for college or technical school. In any case, the ninth grader will have to make, perhaps, the first serious choice in his life.

A gift should therefore be practical, durable, but at the same time original and youthful:

  • PC accessories: wireless mouse and keyboard, original design headphones or speakers, required hardware.
  • Accessories: wrist watch, belt, briefcase, genuine leather bag, stylish umbrella.
  • Certificate to your favorite shoe or clothing store- a girl or a young man can already choose their own comfortable clothes for the next academic year.

eleventh grader

How to please the "capital" graduate? Let's analyze further:

  • jewelry decoration: rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings for girls, chains and men's bracelets - for boys.
  • From parents- "serious" electronics: smartphone, laptop, tablet, e-book, "smart" watch.
  • Tourist trip- The last school holidays should be spent on glory!

Gift for a friend or girlfriend

The cash balance of a schoolboy or student is sometimes very limited, but I really don’t want to leave my girlfriend or friend on such a significant day without a gift!

What you can choose:

  • An original pen, notepad, pencil case or any other funny stationery.
  • "Cool" design flash drive - it will obviously come in handy in further studies.
  • Personalized mug/pillow/t-shirt with the appropriate design for the occasion.
  • A poster, figurine, pendant, disc or other memento in some way related to his or her idols.
  • A set of the most favorite "snacks".
  • You can please a girl with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
  • Cute USB gadgets: a fan, a mini fridge for drinks, a vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard, a warmer for a mug or hands.

Advice! Not the worst option would be to present a homemade gift. Its price is your attention and creativity. And you can make a touching postcard or packaging for a gift-purchase with your own hands.

Teacher gift: serious, playful, practical

It is wrong to get by with a banal gift “for show” on this day for the class teacher. The person who passed with the class “both fire and water” deserves an appropriate, useful and impressive present. So, what can you stop at when choosing a gift for the curator for graduation:

  • Class picture. It can be both painting, graphics, and embroidery or photo collage.
  • If you have an unofficial photograph of the teacher, then you can make a portrait to order from it. Or a figurine. If the teacher is aged, then she will certainly be warmly surprised by the drawing depicting her in her youth! An excellent option would be a photo mosaic - a portrait of a teacher, lined with small photographs of grateful students.
  • Themed wall clock with your school photos. You can order such a miracle in almost every city.
  • Certificate of Appreciation or medal for your teacher. Again, this nominal gift is made to order - therefore, you need to find a suitable master long before the celebration in order to avoid incidents.
  • Congratulations video. For a winning effect, it is broadcast in the celebration hall to suitable music using a projector. And the teacher is then given a "flash drive" with this video file. It can be either cuts of congratulations from each student, or a video sequence of school photos or even a scene played out.

Did you find out about the teacher's hobbies and preferences? Perfect!

We rely on them - what can be presented to the class teacher for graduation:

  • Owners of personal plots will like a certificate to the appropriate store, or seeds / seedlings of plants of rare varieties.
  • The best hobby is school. Does your teacher consider his work to be the main business of his life? Then he will be delighted with large flash drives, sets of quality fountain pens, a leather-bound diary, a desk set, or even a new comfortable teacher's chair. Do not forget about his subject - a gift for a history teacher at graduation will be different from a present for a physicist. Perhaps the teacher needs additional materials, CDs, a subscription to professional journals.
  • Give a lover of goodies a big cake with congratulations, lined with cream or mastic. Why not give a sweet bouquet of sweets, chocolates or a wonderful basket of exotic fruits? This will be your teacher's graduation gift!
  • If the teacher is a romantic nature, then you can not do without an impressive bouquet of flowers. Now it is fashionable, by the way, to give fresh flowers in pretty pots. Surely such a teacher will have tears of emotion in a song or dance in his honor - as in the video in this article.
  • Lover of travel - a trip! Best of all, this is a certificate to a travel agency - so the teacher himself can choose the time and direction of travel convenient for himself, and you do not have to give him a ticket to a local holiday home if the teacher's soul aspires, for example, to London.

Advice! If 4th graders can’t quite figure out the character and preferences of their teacher and parents have to choose a gift based more on tradition and their idea of ​​a teacher, then older students can already conduct serious “reconnaissance” and find out what they need most. "second mother" (or "dad") and choose a gift for the teacher for graduation, which will pleasantly surprise him.

Gift for school: memorable, useful, durable

Quite often the graduates themselves or their parents decide to donate something to their native school that leaves a good memory of them and is useful for other younger generations. We propose to express this kind gesture like this - get acquainted with the table, where we discussed what a gift to the school from graduates could be.

Tree seedlings, shrubs The best tradition ever. Talk to the caretaker - where and what kind of trees are best planted. Gather on the day before High school prom and with the whole class, start a new shady alley. Do not forget the first time to visit your wards, water them, fertilize, cultivate. Every time you pass by the school, you will now remember your graduation, and maybe someday your children will rush past these plants to the lesson.
Screen projector A gift to the school at the reunion evening from graduates may well be a modern projector with a screen. A very necessary thing for the class - the teacher can introduce the children to the presentation of the lesson, educational film. More than once in his work, he will remember his beloved graduating class with a kind word for this gift.
Music system School is not only lessons, but also student initiative. A high-quality music system will not be superfluous in any school - it will make holidays and events richer and more interesting.
Educational media library So that the future generation does not pore over textbooks, but acquires knowledge in step with the times, choose educational licensed discs as a gift. However, in this case, first of all, you need to consult with subject teachers.
Refurbishing your classroom It all depends on your budget - if the graduates are quite adult guys (grades 9, 11), then the repair can be completely entrusted to them. As an alternative, a graduation gift to a school could be as follows - order work from a professional team that will do the job "from and to" - from buying everything you need for repairs to hanging curtains.
Blackboard Again, the decisive point will be the collected amount for the gift. You can stop on a classic wooden, metal or magnetic board, or you can give the school a modern interactive whiteboard - a large touch screen. The last option can be presented from the entire line of graduating classes - so as not to empty the wallets of parents at all.

Computer, laptop, netbook for a teacher or computer science classroom The gift is expensive, but also very useful. Do not forget to attach a package of necessary documentation to it, where there should be an instruction with a warranty card.
Books The best gift is, as you know, books. Talk to the school librarian, students, what printed materials your school urgently needs.
Gift for the school museum What to give the school from graduates in this case? Leave a memorable artifact of your class in the school museum - for example, a cool album with your photos, so that all generations coming after you can admire the handsome and serious graduates.
classroom lighting Not all schools are equipped with modern energy-saving lighting, which also emits a non-irritating glow in a comfortable color - maybe this will be the most valuable gift for your already former classroom.
Sports equipment From a basketball to a wall bar, ask your PE teacher what equipment your gym needs the most.
Decor, flowers It's nice to come to a school where it's cozy almost like at home. Again, contact the supply manager - do you need additional green spaces in the corridors, artistic or informational posters, paintings, or maybe any decorations specifically for the holidays.

Advice! When choosing a gift, take a look at your school from the side - as a rule, educational institutions in big cities are already equipped with all modern equipment, they are regularly repaired - a more symbolic, memorable present would be appropriate here. But for a number of rural schools that do not have generous patronage, the best gift would be the purchase of some kind of equipment or the renovation of the classroom.

Here is our selection for today. We hope that it will help you decide what to give the class teacher for graduation, how to please your child, friend or girlfriend, and also what good memory to leave about yourself at school. Happy road to life!