Scenario of the concert program “Christmas. Scenario of the Christmas holiday material on the topic Improvised fairy tale scenes

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Christmas and New Year's celebration completes the first half of the extracurricular activities "Sunshine" (spiritual and moral direction) in the 1st grade of the Lyceum. In the first quarter, the classes were mainly aimed at getting the children acquainted with each other, with the school and the rules of school life, and at the adaptation of children. In the second quarter, the subject of study was the traditions of the Russian people, the understanding of the meaning of Russian folk tales and their moral educational value. is held by teachers in various schools of the country, and on our website you can read and download author's works for the holiday.

The feast of the Nativity of Christ is the solemn end of the half-year, its beautiful and emotional "point".

Purpose of the event: Emotional and spiritual experience of the joy of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the creation of a joyful, happy and friendly atmosphere in the classroom, a positive end to the first half of the year.

Event objectives:

  • To acquaint children with the meaning of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and the tradition of celebrating it in Russia;
  • Demonstrate the talents and abilities of each child (everyone gets roles);
  • To form the artistic, literary, musical taste of children, the culture of behavior and communication;
  • Involving parents in the preparation of the holiday (making a nativity scene, costumes, preparing treats) and assimilating the traditions of Russian culture;
  • Combining the efforts of teachers in working with the class (primary school teacher, music teacher, teacher of spiritual and moral culture).

Forms of organization of children's activities:

Individual, collective, group. Namely:

  • Recitation of verses;
  • Choral performance of songs;
  • Artistic accompaniment of songs and acting out skits during the event;
  • Guessing and guessing riddles;
  • Active listening;
  • Perception of music and video;
  • Drawing, art and cutting in classroom design.

The script consists of an introduction and four component scenes: "In the Cave of the Nativity", "Winter", "Herringbone" and "Carolers".

The leader is a teacher of Orthodox culture (extracurricular activities), he is assisted by a class teacher of first graders and a music teacher.

Event progress

1. Introduction

The class is decorated with an elegant Christmas tree, snowflakes, children's drawings and a Christmas nativity scene. (A nativity scene is an image of a cave where the holy family with the baby Christ is located, animals and shepherds and / or magicians who came to bow with gifts.)

Tables are placed along the perimeter of the class with the letter "P". Parents sit in the outer circle, children in the inner circle. The children are dressed up in costumes. The host is in a Russian folk costume.

Slides are shown on the screen.

Out dressed children with a star.

Child 1:

Under the cover of starry night
The Russian village is dozing;
All the way, all the paths
Covered with white snow...

Child 2:

Somewhere the lights on the windows,
Like stars are burning
Runs into the fire like a snowdrift
With a star, a crowd of guys.

Child 3:

Knocking under the windows..
"Your Christmas" is sung
"Waits! Waits!" -
Distributed here and there.

Child 4:

And in the discordant children's choir,
So mysteriously pure
So good news is the holy
On the birth of Christ...

(A. Korinfsky "Christoslavs")

The song is "Christmas"

A bright star in the sky burns
The mother says to the children at the Christmas tree:
"In the whole world a celebration,
Christmas has come!
It's Christmas!"

Happy holiday, happy holiday
Adults and children
Even pranksters say it
Because the celebration
Because Christmas.
Christmas has come.

We do not want to sleep tonight at all,
I want, I want to go to the city of Bethlehem,
Look at the celebration
Where it was Christmas.
Where it was Christmas.


Good day to all good people!
Let happy holiday will be,
Merry Christmas to you,
We wish you happiness, joy!

We will tell you now about this bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ and how it was celebrated in Russia.

2. Scene "In the cave of the Nativity"

Presenter: The feast of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest joyful day for people. It was on this day that the Son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. And it was like that.

One day, the Roman ruler Augustus ordered the entire Jewish population to be rewritten. Each resident had to sign up where his ancestors lived. Joseph and the Virgin Mary went from Nazareth to the homeland of their ancestors, to the city of Bethlehem. There, all the places in the houses and in the hotel were occupied. Mary and Elder Joseph had to stay for the night in a cave where the shepherds drove their cattle.

On this night, the Infant, the Son of God, was born to Mary. She put him in the manger where the fodder used to be. A small bull and a donkey warmed the Baby Jesus with their breath, and Mother - the Mother of God - sang a lullaby to Him ...

Children (7 people) come out to the music and read a poem by Sasha Cherny. Children can be dressed in shepherdess costumes (3 people), masks of a bull, a dog, a donkey.

In a manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
The flax stroked His hair.

The bull breathed in the face of the baby
And, rustling straw,
On a flexible knee
I looked around for a little breath.

Sparrows through roof poles
They rushed to the manger in a crowd,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
The blanket was wrinkled with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
Everyone was more comfortable with a cat
In a manger to warm a child sideways ...

Subdued white goat
Breathed on his forehead,
Just a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly.

"Look at the child
Just a minute for me!”
And cried loudly
In pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, opening his eyes,
Suddenly parted the circle of animals
And with a smile full of affection,
Whispered: "Look quickly! .."

Presenter: This is how Christ was born. Not in chambers, not in rich houses, but in a cave where shepherds kept calves and lambs. With humility and meekness he came into the world.

The shepherds were the first to know about it. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and announced:

An angel appears with a candle (an elegant girl in a white dress with wings) and solemnly says:


I am God's Angel, I call the shepherds,
I want to announce to you great joy.

Our Savior, Lord, was born,
Incarnated in human flesh.

Celebration on earth and in heaven
Christ God Christmas!

Presenter: The angel commanded the shepherds to go to the cave and worship the Child. Then astrologers came from distant countries - wise men.

An unusual star that rose in the east brought them to Bethlehem from distant countries and indicated the place where the Son of God was born. From now on, this star is called Bethlehem, and it is her image that Christoslavs carry with them.

And the wise men brought gifts to the baby and glorified Him.

Children in the costumes of the Magi with gifts in their hands read the poems of Joseph Brodsky "Christmas":

1 reader:

The wolves have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
The star shone brightly from the sky.
The cold wind raked the snow into a snowdrift.
Rustling sand. The fire crackled at the entrance.

2 reader:

The smoke was like a candle. The fire curled up.
And the shadows got shorter
then suddenly longer. Nobody around knew
that the account of life will begin from this night.

3 reader:
The wolves have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
Steep vaults surrounded the manger.
The snow swirled. White steam swirled.
The baby lay, and the gifts lay.

They put gifts in front of the nativity scene, bow and leave.

Teacher: These events are over 2000 years old. After all, we are counting the years from the Nativity of Christ and are soon preparing to meet the year 2017.

3. Scene "Winter"

Presenter: Guys, what time of year does this holiday come to us?

Children: In winter.

Teacher: Do you know songs about winter or winter trees?

Children sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The heroes of the song come out in turn: a bunny, a wolf and a peasant. They are dressed in appropriate costumes and play their roles: a bunny jumps, a wolf sneaks, a peasant rides a horse, and then cuts down the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Well done, you sing well. How can you solve riddles?

Ears on top.
Listen carefully,
We start and you finish
Rhyme for sure!

Children come out and take turns guessing riddles:

It flew over the earth for a long time
Snow white blanket.
The sun is a little hot -
The blanket is leaking
And went into the wells of the rivers.
This blanket is… (snow).

Cold, frost, blizzards
They swirled, swirled.
In white hats all at home,
It came to us ... ( winter).

Barely breathed in winter
They are always with you.
Warm two sisters
They are called ... (mittens).

It's snowing outside,
Holidays coming soon... New Year).

Softly glowing needles
Pine spirit comes from ... (Christmas trees).

Everyone is spinning, having fun,
They frolic near the Christmas tree.
After all, today is a celebration.
What holiday? (Christmas).

4. Scene "Herringbone"

Presenter: And now we will tell you how the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the holiday appeared. This is an old story...

On the night when the Savior was born, not only people and animals, but all the flowers and trees hurried to bow to the Infant.

Flower children come out in elegant dresses with crowns in the form of flowers (3 girls) and a Christmas tree in a green dress.

1 flower girl:

We are flowers, flowers
We are growing silently.

2 flower girl:

This night-night
The most fragrant.

Herringbone: Where are you, flowers? You are supposed to sleep at night...

3 flower girl:

This night-night
The light shines brighter.
bow at the feet
We go to the Baby.

Herringbone: Take me with you, my dear flowers, take me to bow to the Christ Child.

1 flower girl: But there are no flowers on you, Christmas tree, and on your needles the Baby can only prick. ( go away)


Nobody. Alone I am alone.
The night is quiet. The star is calling, burning.
Everybody left. All bow down to God
They rush joyfully to the holy cave.


I'm a prickly, forgotten tree.
Unnecessary, I stand in my wilderness.
Flowers are right. I'm for the baby only
Here I pray quietly from the heart.

Pray with clasped hands. The host from behind comes up to her and throws on a gas veil, decorated with tinsel and Christmas tree decorations.

Lights are lit on the Christmas tree in the classroom.


And sparkled, lighting up on her diamonds of mournful tears,
And turned around, smiling at her radiance Christ.
And since then, people call it the Christmas tree.
And modest needles shine in the fire of Christmas candles.

Shepherds and flowers return.

In their hands they have toys that the children made themselves, as well as beads.

Shepherds: (together) Look, the stars have fallen from the sky!

1st shepherd: The tree is shining all over!

2nd shepherd: God did a miracle...

3rd shepherd: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, how beautiful you are!

Flowers: You are the most beautiful... It was God who adorned you.

4th shepherd: All in flames! In crystals, droplets!

5th shepherd: For your humility, Christmas tree, for your kindness, the Lord God marked you.

1st shepherd: Now from now on and forever people will praise you and adorn you.

Flowers: Let's decorate our Christmas tree too.

They hang toys on the Christmas tree, and beads are put on the Christmas tree girl.

Andthe song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree" is performed:

Little Christmas tree
Cold in winter.
Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.
How many on the Christmas tree
colored balls,
pink gingerbread,
Cones of gold.
The beads are hung
bright balls,
Sweets, gifts -
All for kids.
Christmas tree like
Our celebration.
fun, fun
Let's meet Christmas!

The game "What does not happen on the Christmas tree?"

Presenter: We will call you different objects, and if you hear the name of Christmas toys, clap your hands and say "Yes!"

If we name something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, we must restrain ourselves and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Children come out and read in turn:

Here comes the holiday
Each decorated a Christmas tree.
Who, guys, will confirm -
On its branches hangs:

The asterisk is the top?
A loud buzzer?
Petenka - parsley?
Soft pillow?

White snowflakes?
Bright pictures?
Spider web ball?
Old boots?

Red lanterns?
Bright flags?
Hats and scarves?

Apples and cones?
Kolya panties?
Tasty candy?
Old newspapers?

5. Scene "Carolers"

Presenter: This is what our Christmas tree is - smart, beautiful, bright! And the custom of putting gifts under the Christmas tree came from the gifts that the Magi brought to the infant Christ. How we love the aroma of the Christmas tree and the anticipation of gifts!

And before, Christoslav-carolers went from house to house. Christ was glorified, the owners were congratulated. And they were sure to feed them.

Enter carolers in Russian folk costumes with a star. They have a bag of treats in their hands.

Caroler 1:

Kolyada! Kolyada!
You give me a pie
Ali a slice of bread,
Ali money with a half!
Al wheat relatives.

caroler 2(sprinkle grains):

Here is some wheat for you
We shower, we wish you well!
Happiness is a free bird
Wherever she wanted, she sat there!

caroler 3.(Sprinkles with peas):

Here are peas for you, so that heaps of luck,
Who is much literate, that does not fall!

Caroler 4: We know how to praise, we dare not ask for much!

Caroler 5:

Open the chest, take out the piglet.
Give me candy, please the kids!

Children give candies to carolers.

The Russian folk song “Like a white snow fell on thin ice” is performed. Vanya comes out on a horse, falls, girls run up to him and see him off.

Like thin ice
A white snow fell.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

A white snow fell
Vanechka-friend was driving.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Vanya rode, hurried,
From the goodness of the horse fell.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

He fell, fell, lies,
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Two friends saw
They ran right up to Vanya.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Caroler 1:

Hey thanks hosts
Peace to your home
So that he was a full cup.

Caroler 2:

fun shines
Moon over the village.
White light sparkles
Blue light.

Caroler 3:

moon beams
God's temple is covered.
Cross under the clouds
Like a candle burns.

Caroler 4:

Light in my heart!
feast of the saint
The sun has risen.

Caroler 5:

For greetings, for a treat, you accept congratulations,
Merry Christmas to you! We wish you happiness, joy!

They bow and leave.


Hey, carolers!
Ay, well done! (Bows to the teacher)
Oh, thank you, hostess,
Peace to your home
So that he was a full cup.
Well, and you, kids, study well,
Everything in life is useful!

Teacher:(brings out a big pie)

We carry pies from the oven!
Eat well, good people!
We serve pies
Merry Christmas everyone!

Russian folk music sounds. Children give their parents bells. Parents treat everyone with pies, gingerbread, tea with sweets.

Natalia Emelianenko
The script of the holiday "Christmas"

Sounds like festive bell ringing.

Hello guys, dear guests. FROM a holiday to all of you! FROM Merry Christmas! Hear the bell ringing. He announces to us a great joy: birth Our Lord Jesus Christ! More than 2,000 years ago, the Lord Jesus, the Savior of the world promised by God, was born Christ. And since then people celebrate Christmas and rejoice in this bright day.

Clear night. Quiet around.

A bright star burns above the cave.

The choir of angels fell silent behind the hill,

Blue light pours from the cracks.

In the manger the Infant Savior lies.

Thousands of years have been waiting for him to come.

Happy is he who hurries to him.

Happy people, nature rejoices!

1 child And in christmas midnight

Appeared in honor Christ

Illuminated, shone

There is a bright star in the sky.

Star girl runs out.

2 children Asterisk, you have been for many years

You shine on people on earth

I will ask you a question:

How was born into the world Christ?


Oh, I remember everything perfectly.

That star, my sister,

Told all the people

That he came to Bethlehem.

That night the shepherds in the field

They herded their flocks diligently.

An angel opened them the very first,

Appearing in the middle of the night,

Like a light shining in the darkness

That God was born on earth.

Look, the shepherds are coming towards us. (Music sounds, shepherds come out)

The 1st Angel from heaven came to us

And said: « Christ is born!

We came glorify Christ

And you with congratulate.

2nd I still can't write,

But I know that holiday has come

Day birth of jesus christ!

(Music sounds. Angel girls run in).

I am God's Angel.

I want to announce to you great joy

Our Savior, the Lord, was born.

Celebration on earth and in heaven

Christ God Christmas.

celebration, celebration

Today Christmas holiday.

Angels fly from the sky

And they begin their dance.

(Dance of the Angels performed).

Holiday Christmas reminds us of the attitude towards each other, of mercy and love for our neighbor. Jesus Christ was born on our land to show us an example of love and care for our relatives, friends and even strangers. God wants us to be obedient to our parents, educators, to be merciful to the weak, orphans, the sick, to love and respect each other. Listen to how the boy was looking for happiness



Scene 1

Grandmother is busy in the kitchen, the grandson sweeps the room, straightens the garlands, that is, cleans up. Grandmother comes behind the screen, takes out the dough.


Look, granddaughter, how the dough came up. You can bake pies too.

The grandson sits wearily at the table. The wand falls out of hand.


Yes, grandmother, and I, too, have almost everything ready.

He takes a broom, gets up, sits down again.


Something sad for me. Tired, probably. How do you not get tired of working all day?


What are you, honey. I see my happiness in this.


Weird. Your happiness is in the kitchen, where you mess around all day, and if I cleaned all day, then my happiness is in this. broom what should be?

Grandmother picks up the broom and puts it back.


Happiness is different, and most importantly, everyone must find it for himself. And you know what, go for a walk while I manage here.

Follows and goes to the other side.

Scene 2

Forest. The boy is walking alone.


I wonder how everyone has their own happiness? And how to find it?

On the other side comes the Lamb.


Tell me, lamb, have you found your happiness?


I'm happy when I'm warm, and you?


I do not know yet.


Take my handkerchief and you will be warm too.


They bow to each other and disperse. The goat comes out.


Hello boy.


Hello goat. And tell me, dear, do you have happiness?


Now I will remember. Probably not at home. Absolutely not! But I have very tasty milk. Take it on the road.


Thank you. Now I will not be afraid of any fatigue on the road.

Disperse. The boy passes by a hollow, a nut flies into it, then another.


Oh what is it?

Picks up a nut.


Who's throwing nuts there?

Belchenok:(going out to scene)

Who-who! It's me, baby boy. tidy up before holiday. And what are you doing here?


You see, I want to find happiness. You don't, by any chance?

Belchenok: (Looks into the hole.)

Now I'll take a look. There are nuts. (peeks) There are mushrooms. (shrugs) And there is nothing more.


OK. Happy to stay.


Wait, take my nuts on the road - they will come in handy.

Gives a bag of nuts.


Disperse. The boy walks, stumbles upon a mountain of snow. The hill is moving. The boy begins to rake her.


Oh, how much snow!

A bear suddenly emerges from a snowdrift. The boy bounces.


Who woke me up?


I'm sorry bear, I didn't mean to disturb you.


What are you doing here?


I wanted to see happiness. You don't have it, by any chance?


Let me think. No. I don't have it. But there is wonderful honey. Hold on.

Gives to the boy.


Oh, I want to sleep. (lays down and falls asleep)

Boy: (sits down nearby)

Round dance of stars.

Angel comes out.


Don't sit and sigh

But hurry up.

In the meadow at the edge

There is one Christmas tree

Bitterly the girl there is crying

She got lost here.

You take her to the guys

Who gathered for the celebration

Where is already dressed up

Christmas tree to Christmas.


How can I find this "one" Christmas tree? There are so many of them in the forest!


This star will help you.

Brings an asterisk to the boy.


She will show you the way.

The star takes the boy by the hand and leads him to the Christmas tree, under which the girl is sitting.


Why, this is Alenka from a neighboring house! How did you get here?


I collected spruce branches and got lost. Now I'm cold and hungry.


I have a lot of food. Look. This is from a squirrel, this is from a goat, this is from a bear.

Gives her gifts.


And this lamb scarf will save you from the cold. Well let's go to celebrate Christmas holiday.


How will we find the way?


We will show you the way.

In these christmas days I want to give each other joy, to do good, so we will show you the way and show you, and on the way we will please each other with affectionate words.

(The game is being played "Sweet words").

Love, children Christ Child.

All your childhood will be happy.

Love people Christ Appearance:

Great holiday-

His birth!

Light coloured Christmas holiday.

Singing pours from the sky

God be the glory and praise

Per Christ birth»

Music sounds. The leader takes the stage.


Good evening, dear friends!

Today is a hard day

He is a saint for everyone.

Christmas has come to visit us.

We are starting the celebration!

There is music and bells ringing.

On stage is the Fashion Theater with the Cathedrals of Russia collection. Spotlight highlights the appearance of each model. There is a voiceover.

Wonderful ringing of bells

Joy awakens in the souls.

Midnight their call

Flies into the silence of heaven.

And solemnly soars -

Annunciation of the new day.

That's how the bells ring

Merry Christmas to us.

The models leave the stage. Audience applause sounds. The leader comes out.


On this day, we cleanse all souls,

For Christmas we want to wish you:

Forgiving people, as bequeathed from above,

And, God forbid, bring love to others.

May the Star of Bethlehem, which shone in the night sky two millennia ago, shine over Russia, may its light bring joy and peace to your homes.


It seems to me that our people

Looking forward to this holiday every year.

Christmas comes to Russia majestically,

And on this day, we have no right to be sad.


We wish you all, kind people:

May your holiday be wonderful

Let life become more beautiful

The house is a full bowl,

And what is most important -

Let Santa Claus say.

Music sounds. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear on the stage.

Father Frost. Hello dear friends! Good Christmas evening!

Let everything come true

What do you think.

May good hopes

The New Year doesn't disappoint.

Give strength to the weak

Sick - health.

May it be abundant

Peaceful and kind

Let it be happy

And a happy year.

Happy new year friends!

Snow Maiden. Happy New Year!

Music sounds. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave the stage.

Leading. Christmas and Christmas time are celebrated by the people,

Singing for you on stage...

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. This song is good, but the next number, I think, will be a real surprise for you. Meet!

Performed number of amateur performances.


We were gathered for this holiday

Year of a new beginning.

Outside the window, the winter is harsh,

Let the word warm the heart.

With warm words of congratulations and wishes, he addresses you ...

Congratulation of the head of the city.

Leading. The snowy scattering of congratulations continues ... (name of the soloist).

The song is being played.

Leading. Mysterious and beautiful Christmas night. She makes every mother's heart beat faster, overflowing with love, kindness and affection.

The cradle shakes Mother,

Bent over and sing

Gently looks at the Child,

Sweet dream calls to him.

Performance of the Theater of Fashion with the collection "Pink Dream".

Leading. On this holy night of Christmas, the unique world of stars calls and beckons, opening its arms to all mankind.

So let the Christmas stars today, in gratitude for this, hear our songs, see us beautiful, cheerful and provocative!

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. Christmas stars...

Each of us is looking for a lucky star among them. We wish everyone who dreams of this to catch this little fiery ball in their open palms today.

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. Here's another Christmas surprise for you.

I think you'll take it for an encore.

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. And now we will give the soloist the floor, she sings for you ... (name)!

The song is being played.

Leading. Judging by your applause, dear viewers, our festive evening is taking place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. And you, like us, are glad of this meeting and expect new pleasant acquaintances from her. Well, we won't disappoint you. On stage... (name)!

Performed number of amateur performances.

Leading. Your applause is again needed, sings for you ... (name)!

The song is being played.


At Christmas, all people dress up in costumes, They try to surprise everyone with all this.

Let's go with you now without haste Let's look at the collection of models "Poteshki"!

Performance of the Theater of Fashion with the collection of "Nursery Rhymes".

Leading. The year 2019 has come.

Snowflakes are dancing in the sky

And congratulations spread around the planet.

Emerald let the stars shine

Let sorrows be carried away

May everything come true, whatever you wish

On this snowy winter night.

Dear friends!

Health to you, strength and new victories,

Congratulations and musical greetings from us!

Performed number of amateur performances.


How good, friends, that this evening

Our meeting took place.

All evening we give you surprises.

We tried our best,

So that Christmas magical whims

They gave joy, happiness and dreams.

Fanfare sounds. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the stage. The final song plays.

Leading. Happy new year dear friends! Merry Christmas!

Be happy!

Larisa Nikolaevna Lutsenko
The script of the festive concert "Christmas Tale"

The curtain is closed, a poem plays in the background of music.

Under the cover of soft, snowy In Lebedyan everything is white.

All roads, all paths Snow swirl covered with snow.

The snow shines under the sun

Hello, holiday, light, clear,

majestic and beautiful,

Christmas holiday!

1st. Christmas Christ's is the brightest and most joyful day for many people.

2nd. It was on this day that the Virgin Mary's son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born.

1st. Christmas! Christmas!

Marvelous holiday in our backyard!

It brought light and joy to every house, both to you and to me!

2nd. AT Christmas candles are lit.

How I love to meet Christmas!

In this joyful festive evening I want to feel the magic.

Sounds like christmas music, the curtain opens. On the there is a table on the stage, chairs. Voices are heard in the distance. On the Julia girl comes on stage.

Julia. Well, what a bore! It's cold outside! Darkness! And not a single star in the sky! There is nothing to watch on TV, the computer is tired, and even the parents left. Christmas is called. And who came up with it if it's so boring?

(a soundtrack of the sounds of bells and laughter is heard)

Julia. And so there is no mood, they are also having fun on the street! And sit here alone!

Julia. Scream here! (stomping foot) Everything, no more Christmas! (sits down in a chair).

A star lights up, magical music sounds. Mummers are walking through the whole hall. Yulia rubs her eyes, unable to understand what is happening. While the mummers with laughter to the music pass to stage, backstage presenter reads text:

Children! Ordered for you to bring the decree at this hour,

prepared by myself,

Our mother - in winter!

Every year, this day,

As the sign says,

To the people of the city, the village Come to holiday!

Everyone must be on winter festival!

(mummers rise to scene)

1st. Hey, hurry up everyone here!

Kolyada came to visit.

We will joke, grimace,

Run, jump, have fun

2nd. Carols came to you at Christmas time!

We've come to you for fun!

As once our great-grandfathers As once great-grandmothers!

Zy. To you - your neighbors are close,

Not high and not low

Not wide, not narrow All boyars are purely Russian!

4th. We did not come to you with a hindrance,

And with joy and fun.

Have fun guys

Sing carols!

Julia (bewildered) Oh who is it? (referring to the mummers) Who are you? How did you get here?

The mummers do not see or hear her. One of the mummers:

5th. Sow, sow, sow

FROM Merry Christmas to you!

So that you are healthy

To live for many years!

6th. I sow, I sow, I sow

Congratulations on Kolyada,

I wish you happiness, joy!

I sow, I sow, I sing,

Barley, I sprinkle the rye!

Julia Well, they littered me here! I ask, who are you?

caroler (not noticing her)

7th God grant that

Who is in this house.

You and porridge are delicious,

You and honey on your lips!

You and buns with cottage cheese,

And the house is full of wealth!

Yulia (walks between the mummers, pulls them up, but they do not pay attention to her) Well, thanks for the buns, just what do you need in my house and how did you get here?

The mummers bow to the audience, comes forward "goat breeder".

8th. Come on, girls!

Come on little boys!

Get in line.

I'm taking a goat!

Who will stroke her

He will add happiness to himself!

Yulia (stroking "goat") Yes, I just lack happiness. and understanding. (reasonably) Because I don't understand anything!

1st. Kolyada-kolyadin,

I have one knee-deep leather jacket at my father's,

Give me a pie, uncle!

2nd. Shchedryk-shedryk!

Give me a dumpling.

a cup of porridge,

Circle of sausages.

Yes, even a little - give me fat!

Zy. Carols, carols, carols!

Good with honey pancakes!

And without honey - not like that,

Give, aunt, pies!

4th. Who will give us a pie

That is a full barn of cattle.

Sheep with oats, a stallion with a tail.

Damn yes cake in the back window!

5th. Whoever does not give a pie, to him a chicken leg, A pestle and a shovel, a hunchback cow.

6th. Who will not give a penny -

Let's close the loopholes!

7th. Who will not give cakes -

Let's close the windows!

8th. Who will not give bread -

Let's take grandpa!

1 st. Who will not give ham,

Let's split the cast iron!

Julia (angrily) Scream here! No to gifts on give a holiday so they ask for treats! And they're threatening!

mummer: Oh, and I laughed heartily! Where are the owners of the house?

Julia: As where? Yes here I am

mummer: Aw! Is there anyone at home?

Julia (already don't care) Yes, here I am, here.

mummer: Yes, you can see the owners are not at home. Guys, let's go caroling at Makarov Dvor!

(leaves laughing).

Julia: I don't understand anything! (confused) I have never seen people walk like that in Lebedyan. What fun they are! (with a smile, thoughtfully) What are they called? Like mummers. (again puzzled) But why can't they see me? And how did they even get here? (guess) Or maybe I got into the past, Well, or they are into the future.

(Against the background of the music, the text is read backstage)

Once a Epiphany Girls guessed:

Shoe behind the gate

Taking it off their feet, they threw it.

They listened, fed the Counting chicken with grain,

Burning wax was drowned

They put a golden ring,

Earrings, emeralds.

They spread a white cloth And over the bowl they sang in harmony The songs are singed.

Julia: Oh, it seems someone is coming again. Yes, this is interesting!

(fortune-telling girls come out).

1st. Christmas today, a Christmas holidays are the most fun! So girls, what are we going to do?

2nd. Like what? We were going to guess! It will be interesting to know what will happen next year.

Zia. Oh girls, I'm scared! They say that no fortune-telling is complete without evil spirits! Maybe we shouldn't guess?

4th. You might think that you are not interested in knowing whether your betrothed lives far or close, whether he is rich or poor, whether you will get married soon or not at all.

Zia. It's interesting to know, but it's in Christmas all sorts of miracles happen and all sorts of devilry happens! Scary!

4th. Nothing is scary. You just need to get excited.

Zia. How to bewitch it?

4th. All together in chorus to tell: "We're in a circle, hell for a circle!"

(they say)

5th I know one fortune-telling, my grandmother told.

Julia How cool! Maybe they can tell me something?

5th It has long been like this:

The girls guessed.

Shoe behind the gate

Taking it off their feet, they threw it.

(takes a boot, pretends to want to quit)

1st. Oh, here's the shoe!

A whole shoe!

It will hit and kill Such a shoe!

(picks up boots)

5th Why did you take your boots?

I'm guessing!

Where can I expect matchmakers from?

How do I know now?

1st. They'll come and you'll know

Only you don't think so.

(throws boots backstage)

5th So, where to expect matchmakers,

It's clear now

But what does the groom look like?

Black or red?

Put the comb under the jam,

Well, in the morning you will look What hair will be there.

Here you can see the color.

5th So, I need to find a comb.

Here's another concern!


Zia. And you can also guess like this - throw a belt on the pipe and to tell“GToyas, show me the train with fate!”

And at night your betrothed will dream. And then look at who and what.

5th (leaves backstage, shows everyone the comb)

I still found the comb,

I stuck it under the jam.

Well, how do you know what it is?

Young or widow?

Or just single?

i i. Walk along the fence

Count all the planks:

"Young, rich, poor,

Bald, widowed, medium height

On a camomile as guess.

Julia I know, I know! May I try? (girls do not hear or notice her) Well, what a disgrace! And they can't see me either!

4th. And also the women said:

You have to look in the mirror.

Light candles on the sides.

Zia. (with laughter) And see the devils there!

With a mirror under Christmas And sit with him in the bath.

Night sit there is not weak?

Until the morning comes!

Yulia My God, what passions!

2nd. I know another way!

Rooster of red suit Bring home in the morning,

Yulia Where can I get him in the apartment?

2nd (continues without noticing)

Sprinkle cereal in front of him.

Bread, coal, ashes Put water and coins And see what Petka bites!

4th. If bread is to be rich,

Coal - you will sit in the girls,

Well, if you drink water - You will please a drunkard!

5th Fall backwards into a snowdrift And roll down quietly - If the trail is smooth,

Life will go easy.

Well, stripes or folds -

Your life will not be smooth!

1st. Oh, girls, I'm tired of all these fortune-telling! Maybe it's better to sing a song or suffering?

2nd. Oh, girlfriends, look, the stars are visible in the sky!

Zia. BUT Christmas the star burns brightest of all!

4th. Let's go sledding down the mountain!


Yulia And they didn't notice me, (sits on a chair)

The sound effect of magic, Julia looks around, realizes that she was left alone in the room.

Julia Oh, what was that? What was I sleeping? (opens his palm, there lies a star) Indeed a miracle! what a wonderful Christmas holiday!

(sounds christmas melody, curtain)

On the Christmas only the closest friends gather, and we are glad to see you today at the most kind and magical holiday. “Glory to God in heaven and on earth, peace and goodwill to people!” So sang the star choir of angels over Bethlehem.

And in the village alleys, and in the halls of castles, people sang christmas carols gave each other cards and gifts.

If you have a desire to give gifts, invite guests to your place, then a spirit has come to you Christmas and you want to give your friends happiness and joy.

And we want to give you a present. Sings for you


I heartily congratulate Merry Christmas to all of you!

I sincerely wish you happiness in this bright hour!

Christ was born into this world

The good news is moving fast.

Congratulations on Merry Christmas!

We congratulate you on your new life!

We wish you that all your friends, relatives and people close to you come to congratulate you!

t And it was heard on the street: "FROM Merry Christmas! FROM Merry Christmas

We wish you happiness and kindness. So that every couple has happiness here. This is a wish for young and old!

So that children obey their parents, So that girls and boys grow up healthy.

So that guys marry our girls, because there are no more beautiful girls in the world.

So that their neighbors are not judged strictly, so that there is no contention, and there is little swearing.

Let with Merry Christmas peace, tranquility and health will enter every home!

Today's concert was prepared for you by the municipal budgetary institution of culture "City Center for Culture and Leisure" director Vyacheslav Chernyshev.

- screenwriter - Larisa Zhdanova

Musical arrangement Alexander Pronin

Computer support Julia Beloglazova

Decor scenes Alexey Karastelin -Today the concert with you were presenters:

This is where our holiday. We say goodbye to you.

See you soon!

Up to new holidays.

And we are robbers, robbers ... The robbers are sitting in the forest and waiting for their next victim. It takes place on Christmas Eve. Here and in the conversation the robbers mention the birth of Jesus. Suddenly, a lone traveler appears, whom they are trying to rob. He did not find anything of value, except for a piece of paper with a song. When a stranger sings his song to the robbers, they think about their lives.

God is closer than you think One person did not believe in God. The Lord appeared to him in the form of a passerby when he was hit by a car. The man heard two voices. Someone talked about him. He is given one last chance - he needs to find a person who will agree to die for him. Thanks to his believing wife, the protagonist learns that Jesus died for him. It takes place around Christmas.

God's Messenger at Christmas To a boy from a poor family, one person at Christmas tells about the Savior. The boy tells his mother that the Lord has come to the people. Mom does not believe that God takes care of them, because on their table there is only black bread and water. But then God's messenger comes - a rich gentleman with gifts.

The Savior has come into the world In this performance, the events of Christmas are told in a form accessible to children. Shepherds, Magi, Joseph, Mary with the Infant Jesus are shown.

At Christmas everyone is a little wise The Magi see a new star in the sky and rush to bow to the king. In the following scenes, they meet with Herod and the shepherds. The performance is structured in such a way that from time to time children take part in it: they recite poems, sing songs and receive gifts.

What is Christmas? The TV show host asks his guests what Christmas is all about. Everyone has their own opinion.

The Great Commission The main character of this scene is Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. At first, the audience sees her as a little girl, dreaming that God would work His miracles through her. Then, on the stage, Mary the bride, to whom an angel appears and announces the great commission of God. But it turns out it's not so easy to do.

Bethlehem (Christmas scene for children) Children (snowflake girls) participate in this small scene. The angel tells the snowflakes how he announced to the shepherds the joyful news of the birth of the Savior, and how the wise men went to bow to Jesus.

Star of Bethlehem (children's Christmas party) A beautiful scene for children in verse. It is the Star of Bethlehem that tells the children the events of Christmas: about the Magi, the shepherds and Herod. At the end, she leads everyone to Bethlehem. In the course of the scenario, the children are asked biblical riddles.

Bethlehem night In the center of events is a small hotel in the city of Bethlehem, its owners and inhabitants. From the census announced by Caesar, there were no empty rooms left in the hotel. And one married couple is allowed to spend the night in a barn ...

Influence of Christmas At the beginning of the scene, modern family. Mom, dad and their children are preparing for Christmas - they are buying gifts. At the same time, they swear and quarrel all the time. The girl turns to God for help, she wants to know what Christmas really means. An angel appears to her and her brother, and then - scenes of the Nativity.

Meeting at Christmas A small scene in which three girls or three teenage girls play. The two of them go to church for the Christmas service, and their unbelieving friend joins them. The girls tell her why Christ was born and what He did for us.

Gifts of Artaban Artaban is one of the wise men (magi) mentioned in the Bible. The wise men, seeing a new star in the sky, went to Judea to bow to the born King. Artaban lagged behind his comrades and continued on his own. On the way, he squandered all his treasures, which he was going to give to the Baby, helping some people. He only saw Jesus on the cross. The Lord consoled him: "Everything that you have done for these people, you have done for Me."

The Little Match Girl (Christmas play) This performance was written based on the fairy tale of the same name by G.Kh. Andersen. A little girl tries to sell matches to passers-by. The girl is hungry and very cold. But people are like blank walls - no one pays attention to the poor girl. Other children, from rich families, go out with their parents from the toy store - something that our girl can only dream of. Giving up hope of selling matches, the chilled girl sits down on the ground in some nook and cranny and starts lighting matches to keep warm. At the same time, she sees what she is deprived of, what she dreams of: delicious food, a sleigh drawn by three horses, her beloved home and her grandmother, who has already died. The girl burns the remaining matches, trying to prolong the moments of seeing happiness... And now, the grandmother appears, gently takes the girl and goes with her to celebrate Christmas in heaven...

Really Merry Christmas One woman could not understand the meaning of the birth of Jesus. One day around Christmas, she saw a freezing parrot and tried to catch it to take it into the house. But the bird did not give up. “Now, if I could turn into a little bird, then I would tell him how well and warmly our heroine thinks in my house. - I understand! Perhaps that is why Jesus became just like us, to show us the way to heaven, to the Heavenly Father. And I understood! Jesus was born for me!”

Birthday without birthday The skit shows modern Christmas, when people celebrate it, completely forgetting about the Birthday.

Children's performance for Christmas "Gift to the Savior" A short children's scene. Two boys invite two girls to Jesus' birthday. And what to give him - the children think. obedient heart!

Children's holiday program "Christmas Miracle"

Why did Christ come? In the days of December in one studio they are preparing to shoot a film about Christ. A discussion begins about what Jesus was like and why He came.

Good Shepherd (Christmas program for children)

If animals could speak This Christmas scenario is intended for children and includes their participation. The scene is played by animal actors who seem to have been witnesses of Christmas.

If Christ had not come One person wonders what would have happened if Christ had not come. What would our world look like, what laws would be in society. He is dreaming.

If Christ had not come-2 If Christ had not come

If Christ had not come-3 Slightly revised script If Christ had not come

Animals around the Christmas campfire At Christmas, animals gather around the fire. They remember Bible stories. For example, how David took away his sheep from the lion, or how the rooster crowed three times before Peter's denial. But the most important Christmas story is told by a lamb. Scene for young children.

Jehovah Jira"Jehovah Ire" means "God will provide." So Abraham said to his son when he asked where the lamb was for the sacrifice. In this scene, there is an analogy between the sacrifice of the Old Testament times and the perfect sacrifice of Christ.

Jesus and the President The main theme of this Christmas scene is: Our Lord Jesus came to ordinary poor people and was available to them. Unlike our earthly rulers, who are sometimes difficult to reach, the King of kings always hears us and knows our needs. The scene takes place on Christmas Day.

Jesus Comes to Visit (Christmas Movie Screenplay) In this production (you can make a film) mostly teenagers play. Three guys are waiting for Jesus to visit at Christmas, as He Himself promised them this. But instead of Jesus, the characters of the film are faced with people in need, to whom I provide my help.

Birthday boy A person has a birthday. His friends come, but for some reason they do not pay any attention to him and even give gifts not to him, but ... to each other. This is what happens at Christmas. People forget who is really the birthday boy, who needs to be remembered on Christmas day.

The story of one guy (performance for children from orphanages) This is a story about a young man who grew up in an orphanage. One day, a Bible fell into his hands, a gift from orphanage group of Christians at Christmas.

Who sleeps in a manger? (Christmas recitation for children 3-6 years old) This short scene-recitation is designed for the smallest actors (children 3-6 years old). Children depict animals in a barn and stars. They talk about baby Jesus.

Star Boy The script is based on the fairy tale of the same name. The action takes place on Christmas days, the play includes a Nativity scene with Joseph and Mary.

Wise men from the East The scene shows the wise men from the East (magi) before they set off on their journey to collect the Christmas Star.

Museum of Christmas stories (children's party) Very original Christmas party. The hall of the room where the matinee takes place is divided into two parts: the Museum and the Show. Children take turns getting into one or the other room. In the museum hall, they see mini-scenes with the participation of Biblical heroes (Magi, Herod and his family, shepherds), and in the Show Hall, the guys participate in various competitions (recite poems, answer questions).

Musical card (Christmas script for church and guests) Two young people (Lena and Max) accidentally meet on the Internet and start talking about Christmas. The skit explains the meaning of the Christmas holiday, the meaning of the name Jesus Christ and other topics. The performance can be periodically interrupted to perform other numbers (chants, poems, etc.).

Musketeer of Jesus Christ (Christmas scene with children) The scene is played by children and teenagers. It begins with two musketeers fighting with swords. Each of them defends his worldview (one believes in God, the other does not). Suddenly it is a star. She tells them about the birth of Jesus. Forest animals all as one repeat about God's love and care.

Nadezhda Afanasia The protagonist of this production is a slave named Athanasius. It turns out that he goes to pasture sheep with other shepherds. And on Christmas night, an angel appears to them and tells them the good news.

The sheep did not obey (Christmas scene for kids) This little scene is written especially for kids. Sheep can be played by both older children and adults dressed in sheep costumes. The story begins with the fact that one sheep goes on an independent journey, and then the shepherd saves her. After that, the Christmas shepherds and Joseph and Mary appear on the scene.

Night after Christmas (animals testify) The animals in the barn remember the events of Christmas. The action of the scene takes place in those days when Herod ordered to kill all the babies in Bethlehem.

Sheep celebrate Christmas (Christmas holiday scenario for children from 3 to 7 years old) This is a script for a matinee with games for preschoolers. The main idea: we are all God's sheep, and the Lord is our Shepherd.

He came as a stranger Russian Tsar Alexander enters a small town disguised as common man. Its goal is to see how the Russian people live and how they celebrate Christmas. They did not recognize the Tsar - he came to his own, and his own did not accept him, just as they once did not accept Christ the Lord.

Gift to Jesus Children prepare gifts for Christmas. The girl Anya wants to give a gift to Jesus. Her sister and other guys join her. It turns out that the guys give all the gifts to the poor old woman who lives next door.

Helpers (Children's scene at Christmas) The angel of God is looking among the animals worthy to serve the Infant Jesus.

Joy First, the facilitator asks people what joy is. There are many joyful people, but it turns out that joy is a passing phenomenon for everyone. And only the joy of Christmas is eternal.

Real Christmas At the beginning of the scene, our real time is shown. The church is getting ready for Christmas. One boy gets the role of a shepherd. He is unhappy. The boy falls asleep and has a dream where he is a real shepherd on the birthdays of the Messiah.

Christmas tree The legend of why a Christmas tree is decorated at Christmas.

christmas night The scene shows us the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. The teacher in the synagogue gives his students a task - to calculate the time of the birth of the promised Messiah. The boy Salmon calculated that the Messiah should be born this year. And soon he and his sister become a witness of amazing events. There are many psalms in the scene. Words and notes are attached.

Christmas night (based on V. Hugo) This play is based on Victor Hugo's Les Misérables. The main character is a girl (according to Hugo - Cosette), who was left without a mother and lives in a strange house, doing overwork. An unfamiliar man who came to this house around Christmas gives her a gorgeous doll, and then takes it with him.

Christmas program for children "Journey to Heavenly Country"

Christmas play Grandmother and grandson are talking about Christmas. “Do you know what the first and most important gift was?” Grandma asks. Grandson doesn't know. Then scenes of the Nativity are shown (Mary, Joseph, shepherds, Herod, wise men).

Christmas Santa Two girls fall into a well and end up with Santa Claus, as in Morozko's fairy tale. He promises to give them gifts. Only these gifts need to be earned. In addition to the fairy tale, the performance includes scenes of the Nativity.

Christmas performance for children in Ukrainian “Gift for Jesus”

Christmas trip Teenage friends get together to watch the Chronicles of Narnia movie, but instead end up in another world and become puppets. It turns out that in the world of dolls they also celebrate Christmas. Only the meaning of Christmas is different for everyone. The heroes of the scene learn the biblical story of Christmas.

Christmas Cards (Recitation for Toddlers) Children look like postcards (you need to make them such costumes). Each "postcard" wishes you a Merry Christmas (says a rhyme).

Christmas (sketch + songs) A classic Christmas production that comes with three songs performed by a wonderful children's choir (the song of the angels, Mary and the final Christmas song).

Christmas (sketch for younger children) In this scene, along with the actors, puppets play. The main characters of the scene are boys and girls who do not believe that the Nativity of Jesus Christ really happened.

Christmas in the barn Animals gather in the barn: Bull, Donkey, Sheep, Lion and Jackal. The donkey tells the Ox that a child is due to be born to his mistress soon, all in anticipation of a great event.

Grandpa Nicholas Christmas Jesus Christ Himself should come to old Nicholas on Christmas Eve. He begins to prepare to meet the dear Guest. But He doesn't come. But people who need warmth, food and lodging for the night ask for his house ...

ROSE OF A SHEPHERD AND VISLYUCHKA (Christmas script in Ukrainian for children)

Pink snowflake (Christmas party for kids)

Santa Claus (Christmas scene for children) The legend of where Santa Claus came from. Klaus was the name of a grouchy man who repaired shoes. He had a wife and children, but they died. Klaus hardened his heart. But one day the Lord shed His light on Him, and the old man began to see the needs of others. And he decided to do good to people, began to give poor children gifts for Christmas.

Fulfilled prophecies A short performance that can be shown in the church at Christmas. Main thought: about the birth of Jesus were prophecies for another 700 years. And behold, they were fulfilled. At the end, an excerpt from the movie "Jesus" about the birth of Christ is shown.

Light of Christmas (Three Angels of Christmas) A miserly man named Scrooge Ebenezer doesn't like Christmas. On Christmas Eve, three angels come to him and show him pictures of his past and possible future. Scrooge regrets his stinginess and decides to change and do good to people.

tailor's secret This performance tells the legend of how Santa Claus appeared. Klaus, an old tailor who lost his family, grieved for a long time and did not see the need of others. But when he wanted to help the poor children, the Lord gave him another heart. On Christmas Eve, children from poor families received wonderful gifts, which were secretly brought to them and left under the door by old man Klaus.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth! (Christmas scene for children) At the beginning, scenes of unfriendly relations between a cat and a dog and between children in the same family are shown. Nativity scenes follow. In this scene, attention is paid to the peace of God, which comes into human hearts.

Dream before Christmas A good, serious performance that can be shown to both believing and non-believing audiences. A girl prays for her atheist grandmother. The Lord sends grandmother an unusual dream in which she sees people awaiting the Last Judgment. Grandmother repents of her sins. An angel tells her the events of Christmas.

Christmas Events Quite a serious classic production about the events of Christmas. It starts with showing King Herod, then we see Joseph and Mary knocking on the houses of Bethlehem, shepherds, and, finally, Herod again, ordering to exterminate all the babies in Bethlehem.

Tips of the Good Shepherd (scenario of the Christmas holiday for children 7-12 years old) This is a script for a matinee with games for younger students. The main leaders of the matinee are the Farmer and the Shepherd, who has no experience at all, but is helped by wise advice from the Bible.

Old shoes (Christmas production) One girl found old shoes. Being a Christian since childhood, the heroine was confident in her righteousness and spirituality. But the old shoes helped her make a journey into her own heart and see what reigns in it.

Chest of faults (Christmas performance for children)

Scenario for Christmas "Treasure Hunt"

Scenario of New Year and Christmas party for children This scenario is good for showing in an orphanage or other children's institution where children are not familiar with the essence of the Christmas holiday. The matinee begins with the arrival of Santa Claus and other characters. Then Asterisk tells the children the story of Christmas and shows how Jesus is better than Santa Claus. The scenario contains several games and contests.

Happy Star Do you know why the top of the Christmas tree is decorated with a star? This is in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the wise men the way to the Baby Jesus. The boy Kolya learns about this from a village boy. Kolya wants to see the Star of Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. The scene was written based on the film of the same name.

Happiness The main characters of the scene are several people. Each of them finds happiness in something. But it is easy to take away and destroy. Meaning - happiness can only be with God. The skit uses excerpts from the movie "Jesus" or slides.

Three trees and four gifts Grandmother and granddaughter are packing presents for Christmas. The granddaughter finds four unusual boxes, inside of which are a manger, a boat, a cross and ...). Grandmother tells her the story of three trees, each of which had its own dream. It turned out that they all served Jesus. What's in the fourth box?

What is Christmas to you (recitation)

What happened, shepherds? The shepherds, to whom the angel announced the birth of the Savior, come to the village and tell people about what they saw.

What is Christmas? The boy asks his mother, father and grandmother what Christmas is. But none of them can explain to him. On the street, the boy meets children who sing Christmas songs to him.