Help for children from orphanages. Help for children and orphanages

Any society and state has a single problem - orphanhood, in which minors end up in orphanages and boarding schools, where they are provided with certain support. Of no small importance here is the assistance provided to orphanages by sponsors and charitable organizations.

Children's charitable foundations of Russia

The activities of these organizations are often due to the fact that the government provides treatment for children in need. Citizens are seriously concerned about the future of the current generation, so charity is developing and prospering every year.

Assisting employees of medical and educational institutions in Russia, the foundations provide assistance to sick and orphaned children.

It mainly includes:

  • procurement of medicines and/or fundraising for them;
  • purchase of medical and sports equipment;
  • payment for treatment;
  • volunteering in clinics and orphanages;
  • providing food, hygiene products, clothing and footwear;
  • provision of books, stationery, educational toys.

It cannot be said that children with disabilities, or with oncology, or children who have lost their parents are in priority for aid funds. It is important to give the opportunity for full development, to give a piece of warmth and kindness to everyone.

A huge number of charitable organizations providing assistance to children are concentrated in Moscow. However, despite the location, support for sick and needy children from various foundations is provided throughout the country.

Funds to help orphans

The pupils of shelters and boarding schools most of all need warmth and understanding.

Children left without the care of their parents and relatives are considered poor and in need of material and financial assistance.

To date, there are many organizations that are ready to support orphans:

  • Participates in the life and activities of citizens with serious illnesses, sends charity to orphanages, including boarding schools.
  • Rusfond. Supports seriously ill children, orphans and the disabled.
  • "Good for Children" - a charitable foundation takes care of minors from shelters, boarding schools, the sick and those who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
  • Volunteers to help orphans. Solves the problems of orphanhood, socialization, ensuring the rights to family relations and childhood.
  • "Change one life." Creation of a database with video profiles of Russian orphans, preparation of future parents, advice on family placement, support for foster families.
  • "". Association of philanthropists to make an unbearable contribution to support orphans and refuseniks.
  • "Our Children". Preventing minors from entering an orphanage, organizing effective systems for family placement, supporting orphans and their successful integration into society.

Support for children with cancer

There are a huge number of organizations that provide assistance to children with oncology, for example, the Nastenka Foundation.

Here are the biggest ones:

  • "Life ". The Foundation provides charitable assistance to children with cancer, including those with hemoblastoses.
  • "Nastenka". Support for children with cancer who are being treated at the Blokhin Research Institute and Russian Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • WorldVita. Provides sick children, including those with cancer, with treatment in the best Russian and foreign medical institutions.
  • "Gift a life ". Participation in the life of minors with severe and, in particular, oncohematological diseases.
  • "Mercy" - as a charity, it collects money for the treatment of sick children with various diagnoses.
  • NONC - the fund aims to help children with cancer, including psychological, household and leisure activities.
  • "Foundation of K. Khabensky". Organization of examinations and treatment of brain diseases, purchase of medicines, rehabilitation, assistance to medical institutions.

Funds for disabled children

Disabled children also need provision, socialization and other types of support, so specialized charitable foundations are of great importance for our society.

Below are the most famous of them:

  • Foundation "Step Together" - assistance to disabled children with cerebral palsy.
  • "Galchonok". Treatment and rehabilitation of minors with organic lesions of the central nervous system, social and psychological assistance to relatives.
  • "Help the". Fund for helping teenagers and kids with disabilities, serious illnesses.
  • "Help with deed". Support for underage citizens with disabilities, collection of the amounts necessary for treatment.
  • "Children of Russia" is a charitable foundation that is part of the World Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs of UNESCO.

How to help children?

Happy children are the highest gratitude for their support.

When discussing how and how to help children, you should know some of the features and nuances of helping orphanages:

  1. Toddlers require communication with people from outside, whom they elevate to the rank of goodies. The wards of boarding schools need someone to look up to.
  2. Inmates of orphanages are essentially in a closed space, so it is very important to take them to theaters, museums and other institutions.
  3. The wards should be sent to classes in a certain club, section, circle, based on their abilities.
  4. You can become a trustee and take wards into the family. Minors grow up, build their own families, and it is very important that they realize what a new unit of society should be like.
  5. Quality education is considered an important part in the life of children from orphanages. Often, boarding school employees are unable to provide each child with a decent education.

When helping financially or materially, you need to understand that the philanthropist performs the role of a trustee.

Financial aid

Financial support consists in donating certain amounts to orphanages for various needs or collecting money for the treatment of a particular child.

Having a desire to raise money for treatment, one should be completely imbued with the problems of the child and go to the end, and in some cases become his trustee.

The most common way to organize fundraising is to post information on social networks. In order not to cause doubts among people who are ready to help, lay out full information about the problem (medical documents, reports on the therapy performed, account details, etc.).

material support

Financial assistance is always relevant, especially for children with disabilities. State institutions, which take care of citizens with disabilities, are not always able to acquire the necessary equipment even for the minimum restoration of health, promotion and normal life in society.

Social participation consists in the purchase of wheelchairs, prostheses, exercise machines, specialized beds, mattresses and other necessary items.


People who are not related to sponsoring and supporting organizations can also provide all possible assistance to orphanages. These helpers are called volunteers.

The purpose of their charity is to help both sick children (organizing the collection of money for treatment) and those who have lost their parents (material support).

In addition, volunteer groups visit orphanages and medical institutions with entertainment programs.

Video: Volunteers at the Children's Cancer Center.


If you are a volunteer or a philanthropist, have a child in care who needs financial assistance for treatment, organized a collection for children with cancer, and help disabled adults who need financial assistance, you can use the form below and ask for help from sympathizers or wealthy people .

Orphanages bring sadness and fear to everyone who has never been to them personally. Indeed, what could be sadder than thousands of babies growing up without parents in specialized institutions throughout our vast country? Meanwhile, instead of worrying and sympathizing at a distance, each of us can personally help orphans. Orphanages in Moscow are constantly in need of new employees and volunteers, finances and some specific things, and are also happy to accept people who have decided to become parents.

Everyone can help

The concept of charity in our country today is subjective. Almost every week we watch and read news about new charity events and foundation reports. Most often, organizations brag about the millions collected for the treatment of specific children, turnkey repairs made in children's institutions and other global actions. This situation stimulates the development of a stereotype - only wealthy people can do good, and charity as a phenomenon is an expensive pleasure. All this is a big delusion, even the Baby Houses in Moscow, despite the well-being of the region, gladly accept any help. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that you want to do a good deed, but today you have the opportunity to spend very little time and money.

Where to begin?

Assistance can be different - it is financial investments, communication with pupils, work in an institution on a voluntary basis. Decide right away how serious your intentions are, what resources you have. If you are afraid that you will not be able to constantly visit the Children's Home, it is reasonable to limit yourself to a transfer to a charitable foundation or a one-time trip to the chosen institution. For those who plan to devote a significant part of their lives to helping orphans, it is useful to think about regular visits or even patronage of the chosen kids. Decide on a specific orphanage or try to get to know experienced volunteers. All Orphanages in Moscow have their own special rules and strict requirements for voluntary helpers. It is important to learn and remember them as quickly as possible.

The needs of the orphanage

Many institutions have their own websites, where the topic with a list of necessary things is updated in a timely manner. Needs can be different: from specific toys to interior and household items. Those who wish to help can independently purchase some of the listed items or transfer money to purchase them. Review the organization's acceptance policy. Not every orphanage in Moscow accepts used clothes and toys. For a number of institutions, a prerequisite is the presence of labels and receipts confirming that the item is new. The same is true for food products. Some Baby Houses in Moscow are happy to accept cereals, juices and purees in the original packaging, while others flatly refuse such help.

What is patronage?

Children's institutions in Moscow and the region are well funded. For this reason, they often need help not material, but physical. We all know that vacancies "job, Baby House (Moscow)" are not prestigious. In institutions for infants and young children preschool age sometimes they allow volunteers (who have undergone a medical examination) to care for the wards. Also, many orphanages are not against the organization of holidays and one-time visits by volunteers. And yet, one of the main needs of orphans is communication. The best option for those who are confident in their own abilities and desire to help is patronage. This type of relationship involves friendship. Usually, a volunteer gets to know the chosen child by correspondence, and only after the contact is established, does he come personally. This option is optimal, since the child's experiences will be less vivid if the boss stops communicating.

Baby House: Adoption (Moscow)

This section contains links to projects and organizations that are not members of the All Together Meeting. Some of them are regional, some are corporate, and there are simply volunteer groups. In any case, they were not formally included in our Assembly for one reason or another. However, all these are our friends, colleagues and associates. We do a common thing, and this unites us much more than membership in any organization.

Assistance to orphanages and orphanages - orphans and children with disabilities - assistance in treatment, rehabilitation, respect for rights, family arrangement. Astrakhan city - Society for Helping Russian Children - orphans of Russia and CIS countries. Anyone who is not indifferent to the problem of orphans. - online community "Family for a child" - community about orphanages. Here the problems of orphanages, the problems of children living and growing up without parents are discussed. - charity community "Invisible Children" helps orphans find bosses and pen pals - website of the "Invisible Children" community, which helps orphans find bosses and pen pals - site of the Charitable Foundation "Hope around the world". The main direction of the fund is the social adaptation of children from orphanages and boarding schools, disabled children, as well as lonely pensioners and veterans of the Second World War. - website of the Charity Fund for helping orphans and large families - site of the Krasnodar regional public organization "Second Mother", helping orphans - website of the public charity foundation "Assistance", the purpose of which is gratuitous support and comprehensive assistance to orphans. The site is dedicated to the problem of orphans in St. Petersburg and the involvement of the general public in its solution. - the program "We are together" for children from orphanages in the Yaroslavl region. The program is dedicated to the memory of Valery Kharitonov.

A lot of time is now devoted to charity. Someone helps homeless animals, lonely old people and people with disabilities. Most of the volunteers prefer to help boarding schools and orphanages. Volunteers visit supervised shelters, arrange concerts and master classes for children, and bring gifts. The pupils of shelters most of all lack attention, so they are very happy with the guests and prepare for their arrival: they arrange concerts, tea parties, joint games. Therefore, if you want to give a piece of warmth to children, the volunteer movement will gladly accept anyone who wants to join its ranks, tell you the addresses of orphanages in Moscow, whose pupils are looking forward to guests.

How to become a volunteer

It is not at all necessary to have huge money for this, because help to an orphanage can be not only material. Pupils are happy to wait not only for gifts, but also for the visitors themselves, because attention is so important to them, which is so lacking. You can connect to a group of volunteers, assemble your own team or visit an orphanage alone. Before visiting, be sure to find out what exactly you need to bring, on what day it is more convenient to arrive so that the pupils have time to prepare, check the addresses of orphanages. There are over 45 institutions for children in Moscow, many of them are specialized - for pupils with physical or psychological disabilities.

How can I help you?

Addresses of orphanages in Moscow a large number of but not everyone accepts used items. Therefore, before visiting, it is better to phone the management and find out what kind of assistance is required. Many of the institutions are happy to accept not only things, but also stationery, toys, educational games. Children's homes for pupils with disabilities take medicines, care products: diapers, powders, creams, etc. But most of all, children need attention. The organization of concerts, festive evenings and master classes will be the best help for orphanages. Addresses in Moscow can be obtained from experienced volunteers.

Specialized orphanages

There are a large number of institutions for orphans in Moscow. It is important to understand that some of them are specialized, they take care of pupils with various disabilities. Before visiting, check what type of institution it belongs to so that help is in place. There are about 10 addresses of orphanages for mentally retarded children in Moscow. The largest of them is located on Yuzhnobutovskaya street, 19. More than 300 children with disabilities are brought up here. You can help with things, outdoor equipment for games, toys. You can also help clean up the area, plant flowers, etc.

Another of the institutions for pupils with disabilities in Moscow is Orphanage No. 8, located at the address: Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 3, building 3. You can bring things that develop games, stationery.

Orthodox orphanages

Shelters at churches and monasteries have existed for a long time. Even in Tsarist Russia, children who were left without parental care were given shelter here. They exist today. Some of them are separate and accept either only boys or only girls. Orphanages are located in Moscow at the following addresses:

  • st. Timiryazevskaya, house 22 - Orthodox orphanage "Pavlin"
  • st. Bolshaya Ordynka, house 34, building 7 - Orthodox Elizabethan Orphanage
  • st. Krupskaya, house 12A - St. Sophia social house.

These are just some of the Orthodox shelters. Addresses and phone numbers can be obtained from the ministers of the church. You can help not only with things, but also with the organization of holidays and events with an Orthodox bias.

Orphanages for abandoned children

In such shelters, as a rule, there are children who have been abandoned or whose parents have been deprived of parental rights. Pupils do not suffer from health restrictions, but, like disabled children, they need love and care. There are more than 20 such institutions in Moscow, and it is up to volunteers to decide which one to choose to provide assistance. Despite the good state provision, there is always a shortage of simple things: stationery, hygiene products, equipment and technology. Here are the addresses of some of them in Moscow:

  • Orphanage No. 6, Pyatnitskaya street, 40/42.
  • Orphanage No. 4, Izmailovskoye highway, 49A.
  • Orphanage No. 3, Yunykh Lenintsev street, 96, building 2.

Where they are always waiting

Whatever the care and love of educators, it will not replace parental attention. Children are looking forward to the arrival of visitors, not so much because of gifts, but because of the lack of warmth. If there is no time for a long visit to the institution, you can simply transfer the necessary things to the pupils. They must be new or not heavily worn, having undergone special processing. Shelters generally don't have the funds to take used clothes to dry cleaners. Therefore, it is better to deal with its processing in advance if you have decided which orphanage in Moscow to give things to. The address and time of the visit must be clarified in advance, not everyone is ready to receive guests at any time. It is not necessary to bring everything to the shelter at once, because sometimes even a little help can be very timely!

© Essentials/iStock Collection. Ekaterina Tamilina/ Higher School of Economics

On average, each child in an orphanage New Year receives 19 gifts. If you think this is good, you are wrong. How toys and gadgets prevent orphanage graduates from socializing and how to properly participate in charity were discussed on December 8 at a round table organized by the HSE Charitable Organization "Open Your Eyes" together with .

Charitable project managers, psychologists and other experts told how to help and do no harm.

Elena Alshanskaya

President of the charity fund "Volunteers to help orphans"

Ruslana Yatsenko

Psychologist, specialist in work with orphans

Mila Geranina

Project coordinator "All together against scammers"

Naila Novozhilova

Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Foundation "Arithmetic of Good"

Elizaveta Muravkina

President of the Charitable Foundation "Galchonok"

Ekaterina Grishunina

Project Manager "Seizing the opportunity"

Natalia Tolochenko

Head of Corporate Social Responsibility for the Moscow and Northwestern regions of Coca-Cola HBC Russia

Anna Chuprakova

Director of the Charitable Foundation "Bureau of Good Deeds"

As a result of the discussion, we made a checklist for conscious New Year's charity.

How not to help?

“We make gifts for the soul, not for show,” said the director of the HSE Center for Leadership and Volunteering at the beginning of the meeting. But it turns out that even gifts made from the heart can turn into evil for the recipient. “Everyone wants to become a bit of a magician, and we need to make sure that magic is not black,” said Irina Vorobyova, a journalist for Ekho Moskvy and the moderator of the meeting.

Here's what you definitely don't need to do so as not to turn the New Year's miracle into "doing good."

Giving gifts to children you don't know

Experts are unequivocally against huge bags of gifts that are brought to orphanages "from sponsors". And the problem is not only that they have no soul. These are gifts to unknown children from unknown adults.

Elena Alshanskaya, President of the Volunteers to Help Orphaned Children Charitable Foundation:“Such gifts blur the boundaries between alien and not alien. You say to your children, "Don't take anything from strangers." And this is what we, it turns out, teach children in orphanages: “Take everything from unfamiliar uncles and aunts, hug them!” In general, it is not accepted in our culture that unfamiliar adults give gifts to children. And the orphanage gets used to this, and if an unfamiliar uncle or aunt starts hugging him or giving him something, he perceives this as the norm. And already outside orphanage adults rarely do it with good intentions. And so our wards are more likely to become victims of unpleasant relationships.”

You can please a child with a gift if you become his mentor, that is, you regularly visit him and know his needs and interests.

Give material gifts

In fact, orphans receive many gifts for the New Year - from the state, sponsoring companies, and private donors. No matter how much the gift costs, it traumatizes the child's psyche and prevents him from socializing, studying and looking for a job in the future.

Elena Alshanskaya:“When we start building a beautiful life for a child from an orphanage with holidays and gifts, he experiences positive emotions, but due to a lack of communication, he gets hooked on a “thing” drug. That is, by giving gifts, you raise a person who will really want an iPhone, but will not want normal human relationships.

Ruslana Yatsenko, psychologist, specialist in work with orphans:“I work a lot with graduates of orphanages, and during this time I noticed that some guys, when they grow up, replace any relationship with gifts. They try to express themselves solely by the level of income and the number of gifts they can give to their peers. Children believe that the one to whom mentors and visitors give gifts is cool, and the one who is not is a sucker. And if children begin to communicate with a person, and then he did not give them anything, they are at a loss. Often they come up with the thought “We need to promote this person for gifts.” We really had problems when the mentor came without a gift, and for the child it was something incomprehensible: “Why do I need this person if he does not give gifts?”. It takes years to change that attitude."

Give money and gifts to dubious organizations

If you have any doubts about the integrity of the organization that collects, contact the experts who will help you recognize scammers. The first signs of fraud: collection boxes, lack of feedback and reporting, and insufficiently specific collection goals - proven funds never collect money for abstract “gifts”, but always clarify what is specifically needed.

Mila Geranina, coordinator of the project "All together against scammers":“Who are these scammers? Anyone can be a scammer. These can be both those who call themselves activists, and those who call themselves foundations, but in fact they are not. And yet, unfortunately, representatives of the orphanage can be scammers - no one has canceled corruption either. Any transfer of money directly without any expert opinion is also a type of fraud. You don’t need to figure out whether the scammer is in front of you or not - there are organizations that help orphanages that you need to contact with this question. If they tell you that gifts are needed, then this is really necessary. But you don’t need to “do good” yourself.”

What is really needed?

care and communication

A child has a very high dependence on an adult, so nature has developed such a mechanism as attachment. And what distinguishes a child from an orphanage from a domestic child is that the orphanage child does not have these attachment relationships, there is no personal adult. And this is the basic, basic need. The longer the child does not have his own adult, the worse the personality develops.

Nailya Novozhilova, Chairman of the Board of the Arithmetic of Kindness Charitable Foundation:“There is such a thing as a “significant adult”. And this is exactly what the child needs, as well as social and domestic skills. This is a priority because children lack a permanent significant adult. You can teach them how to build social relationships and show them the outside world.”

Become a friend to the child. Come to him regularly and communicate, showing that a sign of love and care is not only a gift, but also long conversations and time spent together.

Children in orphanages are always in need of a “significant adult”, and a new mentor will be the best help, not a package of paints.

It is important to understand that becoming a mentor for a child is not so easy - you need the desire and willingness to devote time to this work. It is also important to take special courses and not abandon the child after two or three visits. This is a very serious and regular story.


Experts stressed that it is important to look at the "future" of a gift: how it will affect the child and whether it will help in the future. For some reason, many people forget that you can give not only material things, but also life experience, money to pay tutors and mentors, books.

Ekaterina Grishunina, project manager "Taking the opportunity":“Education is one of the most affordable ways to move up the social ladder. That is why, by helping orphans to become smarter, we make sure that in the future they can be full-fledged and efficient members of society.”

Money for specific needs

Experts call for donations not just like that, but for specialized projects that have a purpose.

Ekaterina Grishunina:“With us, on the “Taking the opportunity” platform, if a person wants to help, he chooses a specific case or an internal project that performs some target task. I look at these amounts [money collected on the platform. — approx. ed] and all the time I dream that people who spend a lot of money on gifts just go to “Taking the opportunity” and complete some specific goal. People are confused by the fact that the money goes not specifically to help children, but to their education.”

Elizaveta Muravkina:“At our foundation, the volunteer coordinator sends small needs mailings, and you can always subscribe to this mailing list. We need to help in this way, because we are [charitable foundations. — approx. ed] know what a particular child needs at a particular moment.”

It is necessary to donate not only to orphanages, but also to the elderly, and the sick, and young adults, because such collections are difficult.


Gifts from children can be taken away, but impressions, knowledge and experience will remain forever. Therefore, experts advise organizing events in orphanages aimed at the socialization of orphans, and not at entertainment.

Natalia Tolochenko, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility for the Moscow and North-Western regions of Coca-Cola HBC Russia: “This year we plan to hold events that will be organized by completely different guys - with different social status, with different physical and mental capabilities. These events will be held on the territory of their institutions, where they themselves will learn how to create a New Year's mood. There will be learning areas where children can learn something. The bottom line is that children exchange contacts, they learn to communicate and socialize.

Experts recommend organizing events that give children from orphanages useful knowledge and skills that will be useful after graduation. To do this, you can hold lectures, career guidance events and open lessons.

Elena Alshanskaya:“It is important to understand what the child's prospects are. In a good way, at events you need to draw the potential out of children and remove entertainment, because it will only teach children relaxed consumption. They will not be able to work and think about the future. Therefore, it is necessary to help with the choice of a university, with self-determination. Master classes and holidays are only a part of communication, but not the main form. Imagine if the teachers did not teach us, but only showed us how to weave from beads. It is necessary to give normal opportunities, not useless skills. It is necessary that the child leaves the orphanage and he has the opportunity to compete with you in the labor market.”

Also, experts are against mass events. For a child from an orphanage, going to the cinema or theater alone, and not in a group, is an unusual and very pleasant experience.

How to act correctly?

Help systematically

Children need help throughout the year, not just on holidays. Therefore, experts urge to give money to permanent projects or connect recurrent payments.

Anna Chuprakova, Director of the Bureau of Good Deeds Charitable Foundation:“To help once a year, and then forget about it, is wrong. It is better to invest in a project that works not only in December, but all year round.”

Contact expert funds

Funds know how to transform existing resources, even the usual 500 rubles from a student, into help you need. As with any transformation, 80% of efforts turn into 20% of benefits, so don't blame expert funds for inefficiency.

Nailya Novozhilova:"Experts know the desires of specific beneficiaries, understand the amount of resources, opportunities and tasks of companies and can properly use them."

track results

One of the main principles of conscious charity is the belief that donations have been beneficial.

It is important not to scatter over many funds and not to forget about donations, but to choose one project and work with it until a visible result appears. Reputable organizations provide feedback and reports, and you can easily be convinced that your money or gifts really made someone's life better.

Spread information

We do not talk much about charity, and many "do good" only out of ignorance. Therefore, experts note that disseminating information is as important as making donations and volunteering.

Anna Chuprakova:“It is important not just to deposit your 100 or 200 rubles, but to tell your friends and colleagues: “I alone can’t do much, let’s all get together and do it.”

Conduct scientific research

The experts asked students to conduct any kind of research on this topic, from sociological to psychological, because the research that the foundations conduct has no official status, and it is sometimes not enough.

Elena Alshanskaya:“We suffer greatly from the lack of scientific research on this topic in our country. And the existing works that I have read are of very poor quality. We, as experts, try to tell you what to study, and you have the opportunity to explore some very important things for us during your studies.”


Orphans really need your help. But paints, cookies and toys, which are brought in tons for the New Year to orphanages, are not just not needed - they are harmful. Instead of giving gifts to strangers, it is better to donate money for their education and socialization. And the best New Year's miracle that you can create for a child is to become a volunteer and give attention, friendship, communication and experience.

Useful links and funds

"Take this opportunity to" . Here you can create a charity event and raise money for the needs of foundations.

Charitable Foundation "Galchonok". Helps children with CNS damage, orphans and children from low-income families.

"Volunteers to help orphans". A fund that raises money for the education of orphans and financial assistance to children's institutions. Here you can transfer funds or become a volunteer.

"Our Children". The Foundation takes care of children, teaching them useful skills. New Year's campaign "Give skills instead of toys!"

Foundation for the Support of the Deaf and Blind "Connection". Here you can learn how to communicate with deaf-blind people, become a tutor for them and donate money.