Anniversary script in gypsy style for a man. The scenario of the new year in the gypsy camp

The hall where the celebration will take place is decorated in a gypsy manner: there are maps on the curtains, large colored scarves on the walls, many wild flowers on the tables and in flowerpots on the floor. While the guests are gathering, gypsy melodies sound, girls in gypsy costumes "guess" the guests. All words belong to the Leader.
For a long time we wondered
What will surprise us today
And that's all organized
We invite you to take a walk in the camp.
And here - as in a gypsy camp -
It will be cozy and pleasant,
The whirlwind of the anniversary will whirl us -
Gypsy fun here expanse.
And we ask you to support our story -
Once gathered for a birthday party,
We present gifts from the birthday girl -
You try them on, no need for embarrassment.
Assistants distribute gifts from the birthday girl to the guests: black hats with red ribbons for men, multi-colored scarves for women. Men get needles and Balloons filled with cut foil.
Well, now we are ready to meet,
Let the experiments go with a bang.
We start our evening in the camp,
Applause sounds for the birthday girl!
Sounds "Gypsy", a birthday girl appears in the hall.
Worries and worries are useless
Today the whole Kurgan is having fun,
And we are doubly glad, and therefore
We meet you in the form of gypsies!
Well, hearts beat more joyfully,
The long-awaited hour has come,
Ready here for the beautiful shooting stars
And the place is prepared for you!
We invite you to take it by right
And the encampment will shout to everyone: "Congratulations!"
In the center of the semicircle of guests there is an armchair decorated with scarves, flowers - this is the place the birthday girl occupies to the music, all the guests chant "Congratulations!", balloons with foil explode.

I think the time has come
And congratulations on this day,
Let's go now, romance friends,
We will pour a cup of wine to the brim!
Bring in the cup!
A solemn musical beat sounds, the assistant girls bring in a huge glass-bowl, stop near the birthday girl.
Let life in the camp be good:
The birthday girl has a big soul!
And a toast to be supported ardently,
Need a bigger bottle!
To the music, a bottle of champagne with a capacity of 6 liters is brought in and opened. To the applause of the guests, the bowl is filled. The birthday girl welcomes the guests, drinks from the cup.
So that only joy here was now a place,
To become in the camp we are closer to each other,
Let's all come together now
We will "let" this cup here in a circle!
To the music, the assistants carry the guests around with a glass. The presenter addresses the birthday girl.
Our holiday has begun beautifully,
He enters boldly into his rights,
Today you are the mistress of the camp, which means
You have all the songs and the best words!
We raised a glass for health, for success,
For the fact that the circle of friends was always close.
And good words until you have heard everything,
But this evening will be interesting.
Come on, friends-romals,
Pir's time has now come.
Let's party until the morning - it's time for us all to raise a toast!
The guests are seated at the table.
Welcoming you, Romans, we want to immediately thank the dear guest in our camp .. The dearest guest is the first guest, and today you have become it, (name, patronymic)! For the fact that they hurried to us, we want to give you a horse, which was "gypsyed" in a neighboring camp. Accept!
A souvenir is handed over - an image or a figurine of a horse with an accompanying text, which is read out by the presenter.
There are no barriers for us, everything will go smoothly for us,
We won't talk for long
Hide a horse behind a high fence -
Suddenly steal, and even along with the fence!
Well, now - toast!
Gypsies in a noisy company
On holidays they wander for a long time,
And this noisy crowd
Perhaps they will spend the night here ...
This is not the point, this is not the "salt",
Let there be a holiday and fun
Everyone will play their part
Gypsies are not afraid of a hangover!
And so for the birthday
Pour glasses to the top,
With all the camp we admiringly
Let's drink a toast standing here today!
The guests support the toast, the gypsy song performed by the soloist sounds.
Years pass, generations change
But they only add joy to life!
And on this day - a wonderful birthday -
A friendly circle of friends here congratulates you.
But this toast is the most important today,
And we raise our glasses again
So that on this holiday joyful and glorious
Everyone drink together "For love!"
And let the husband here have his say,
We, Romans, will now look at him.
After all, we are all ready to support him,
We will give the floor to the spouse of the camp!
The husband of the birthday girl makes a toast, everyone supports, the song "Shaggy Bumblebee" is played by the singer or recorded.
Romals! I beg your attention!
All evening in the camp fortune-telling:
Who to receive gifts
Who is toasting here!
You look under the plates
And find every card there!
The deck will tell us everything:
Who will congratulate the ladies
Which of the men here will say a word,
The hostess of the camp will indicate!
Guests find cards under the plates. For the birthday girl - the second deck, she takes out, without looking, any card from the deck, shows it to the guests. Whoever has the same card will congratulate the birthday girl, present her gift and raise a glass to her health. "Divination" is held throughout the evening, interrupted by dance breaks and game moments.
Well, you have a word to say
And we, Romaly, drink a cup!
After the toast - a gypsy dance performed by artists.
The day is full of surprises -
And again the camp congratulates you.
Among the gifts, joyful presents
Another one is ready! Let's deliver it now!
This gift is "amulet",
So that your house will be saved from trouble!
You put it in the house
And peacefully, live happily!
A gift is given to the applause of the guests. Participants of the fishing competition
will determine the cards chosen by the birthday girl. The game "fishing magnetic" offers
guests in the allotted time to catch as many fish as possible for the camp.
We were not too lazy to support you,
After all, our souls are warmed by the meeting in the camp.
And today, here, on (name of the birthday girl) day,
Ready to give you her portraits!
Participants are given T-shirts with a photo of the birthday girl printed on them. After the next toasts, with the help of cards, participants are selected to "unravel the mares' manes." Assistants to skirts strengthen three ribbons, which are braided into a "braid" and in some places tied in a knot. The task of the players is to "untangle" the manes as quickly as possible while blindfolded. Participants are given large calendars - with a photo of the birthday girl on a horse (photomontage).
Both in smoke and in fire
Always be on your horse!
One of the calendars is presented to the birthday girl - this is a surprise for her.
Remember, probably, that the gypsies are a nomadic people,
Constantly changing location, and therefore,
Romal friends, let's go out into the wild,
In the fresh air, rises where the moon
And the night has not yet found expanse,
Where the penumbra is mysterious, gentle.
We call you all to "ventilate" a little,
Make your way to the entrance -
We'll tinker around a bit there.
So, romals, we "roam"!
All guests are moved to the entrance to the building. The presenter addresses the birthday girl.
Do you remember how it all started,
How often did the eyebrow frown?
But everything that I wanted was done,
Though it was the first time and again.
I just wanted to be happy
And believe in miracles.
And that dream of a white-winged dove
You let go, looking at the sky.
Let me believe again and let me dream again
Let there be a bright, colorful new take-off.
And therefore - let the doves fly -
Let's fly them together!
And to solve new problems,
So that we can live happily with you,
We want to be sure today
Color the sky with bright balloons!
The birthday girl and guests launch white doves and colorful balloons into the sky. After returning to the hall, it is time for dancing, and later hot dishes are brought in.
Let there be no fire yet, but it is very necessary,
So that the reflection in all eyes sparkled.
I think it's time! And we are all together
Let's light candles here, the time has come!
Guests light candles at the table.
This is how the gypsies, all seated around the fire,
They eat dinner, marking the meeting hour.
This is how we are, sitting here by the candles,
We have good news for you!
I'll ask, romals, stood up together,
They raised their glasses with a camp,
Let's celebrate this moment with the clink of glasses
And we will meet a new treat here!
Kebabs are brought in to the gypsy song performed by the soloist.
Help yourself! Enjoy!
May you remember this hour!
New forces, romals, recruit,
And "Gypsy" sounds now for you!
After the treat - a creative gift for the birthday girl, which is called "About gypsy love."
Roma friends!
We ask for attention again -
Try to understand us.
about gypsy love
We want to tell you.
We announce to you immediately
Anticipating the whole story
What did the gypsy live
Aza - There was no better and no!
Dashingly, passionately danced,
Surprising everyone with diligence,
Azu we are together, romals,
Let's meet here with applause!
Aza appears to the gypsy perky melody. Metal bottle caps are sewn on the wide skirt, barefoot, braids are fake. A large fake chest is covered with a scarf. It is better if this role is played by a man.
Aza's braids - marvelous to everyone!
Chest - the envy of all gypsies.
And the eyes... Oh, how playful...
From them - joyfully and drunkenly ...
And in the neighboring camp, no less wild,
Once upon a time there was a gypsy and a goryushka did not know
And the gypsies succeeded in growth, and in face,
But somehow he suddenly met Azu...
We continue our story
And now we will meet the gypsy together:
He hurries to the clearing to us, at this hour
Let's greet him with applause...
Gypsy appears to the music: barefoot, a scarf on his belt, a hat on his head, a fake mustache under his nose.
Dashing, handsome, with a black eye -
He so "prancing" through life,
Until I met our Azu
And he lost his mind.
He knelt at once
And messed up his hair.
He said: "I love you, Aza!" -
And exhausted fell!
The gypsy put her hand to her side,
And she straightened her chest,
And whispered with a passionate breath,
Expressing his thoughts to him.
"Sighs in vain leave ...
If you do everything without deceit,
Let the dream turn into reality
I will marry a gypsy.
You must bring me joy
And give me a steed!"
Our gypsy immediately started up,
He jumped up from his knees on strong legs,
And he looked back hopefully -
He was waiting for help from the camp.
Understanding the love and passion of a gypsy,
They sent ... a horse ... not without a flaw ...
The gypsy was at a loss, his mouth opened ...
And Aza's chest is correcting everything again ...
Meet, our horse has arrived -
But this is not a horse at all - a cow!
A perky melody sounds, two guests appear in the form of a cow.
What the camp was hinting at, we don’t know ...
But Aza clapped her hands loudly...
We wish them both a settled life,
Love big, and bright, and good ...
And Aza hugged the gypsy ...
And kiss the gypsy helmet...
And at the end of the novel
He takes the cow by the horns.
And they all went together
Celebrate the wedding in the camp
We need to thank them
And give them gifts!
All participants are awarded prizes. The accompanying texts are:
1. A beer mug shaped like a gypsy skirt.
You played well here
So that the camp is remembered for a long time,
How beautiful everything was.
We give you a mug for beer!
2. Souvenir cards.
We cheer for you all the people,
We are experiencing with all the camp ...
We hand you a deck of cards,
In the morning, maybe we'll play!
3. Children's guitar.
To sing songs under the clear moon,
We want to give you a gypsy guitar.
Enviable to everyone, and even to me, I will not hide,
But - take it, so be it!
4.Video cassette with film
"The tabor goes to the sky."
about gypsy love
People have known for a long time.
Let her be reminded again
This is a great movie!
The presenter distributes table fireworks to the men.
Here the men stand in a circle,
Fireworks are lit
And to know the arms
You are invited to dance!
Men alternately pass fireworks to each other, inviting the birthday girl to dance.
Roma friends, when something historically beautiful is created, it must be met standing. Therefore, we again call on our camp to leave the "sedentary" places and form a "semicircle". We invite everyone to the "tabornaya" glade!
Well, romals, got up again
And again they created a semicircle.
After all, in the camp today is a birthday,
It's time to bring the creation of skillful hands ...
This historic moment
We must perpetuate
And that's why we call everyone to us,
To solemnly meet the cake here!
All guests are again arranged in a semicircle so that it is convenient for the operator and photographer to shoot.
Here comes another year
May he give you the seven wonders of the world,
May only joy in life await you,
They lit seven candles - let us be forgiven!
May your rainbow shine with many colors,
And let your favorite seven notes sound
And let them bring you candles for many years
Without painful thoughts and troubles.
And we wish you good luck
Let the pen turn golden every day,
Love to you, health and happiness in addition,
And the cake - it's time to appear here!
To festive fanfare, a huge anniversary cake is "imported" on the table, seven candles are lit on it.
Roma friends!
We will ask the hostess of the camp
Here to test the strength of the spirit.
We present a cake as a gift -
She needs to blow out the candles.
Romals, everyone look together,
As the candles go out - "One, two, three!"
A fanfare beat sounds, the lights are turned on, the hostess of the camp cuts the cake and treats everyone.

The gypsy ability to celebrate solemn events is famous all over the world: soulful songs, beautiful dances, festivities by the fire until dawn. Freedom-loving people have always been able to relax in such a way that "the soul unfolds." The gypsy theme is applicable for celebrating many events, the main thing is to approach the organization quite scrupulously, thinking through every detail.

Invitation cards to the gypsy camp

Invitation cards can be created in the form of fortune-telling cards, on the back of which a prediction is written that the guest is destined to appear at the holiday, indicating the exact date, time, and place. Be sure to write that all invitees must appear at the event in a certain style of clothing.

Welcoming guests

A gypsy ensemble can meet those arriving for the holiday. It will help you immerse yourself in the amazing atmosphere that gypsy music, singing and outfits carry. Invite guests to enter the hall with good-natured slogans: “Come in, dear!”, “My dear guest, how long I have been waiting for you!”.

Let the gypsies “work” at the entrance, dexterous in their hands, who will quietly “rob” the guests (they, of course, need to be warned about what is happening). At the end of the evening, such "forfeits" can be played - offer to perform some actions in exchange for returning the item.

Gypsy decor items

An ideal option for celebrating a gypsy party would be an open space, or a country house. If weather conditions do not allow you to take a walk in the fresh air, then choose a restaurant or club with a fairly large area. And celebrating in a gypsy style in an ordinary apartment is not the best option, first of all, for the neighbors.

In the open area, you can set up tents, as well as light a fire. Spread out indoors and hang bunches of dried herbs, colorful scarves on the walls. Forget about chairs and replace them with wide and comfortable benches.

Turning into a gypsy

Choosing clothes for a gypsy party is very exciting - you need to choose from the brightest, flashiest and even defiant colors. You can rummage through your grandmother's chests and find great things - wide skirts to the floor, luxurious shawls, for men - loose-fitting shirts and trousers, black hats.

Jewelry is needed not only for girls, but also for guys who can wear an earring in their ear. And the female part of the holiday can decorate itself with a large number of rings, bracelets, beads. Don't forget the oversized earrings. Hair - only loose, perhaps carelessly pinned up with a flower. And makeup should emphasize all the advantages of bright eyeliner and scarlet lipstick.

Real gypsy treats

The main part of the dishes should be cooked on a fire: fry lamb, beef. You can serve stew, barbecue. As a side dish, prepare a very common dish - stuffed tomatoes. In addition, you can diversify the table with the following dishes: soups "habe", "habe melalo".

From baking: bread baked on a fire, which is an unleavened cake. But from the sweet side, guests will like a pie called “syvyako”, this is a flour splendor that contains all kinds of dried fruits, poppy seeds, and cottage cheese. And do not forget about the real Moldovan wine, it can warm you in any weather.

Script writing: music, entertainment

Gypsy music is quite popular, so making a playlist is not very difficult. If there is an opportunity to invite a group that performs chic gypsy compositions live - great!

Live singing is always advantageous, and if they are real gypsies, they will be able to cheer up even the most skeptical guests. The action that unfolds among the representatives of this nation is a real performance, it involves actors, singers, dancers, and sometimes even animals (bears, for example).

One of the obligatory entertainments at such a party is fortune-telling, invite a professional fortune-teller, let him predict something good for the guests. Horses are another attribute of gypsy life; you can arrange a carriage ride, or even horseback riding. The general performance of "Gypsy Girl with an Exit" is a mandatory item on the program.

Have fun to the fullest, dance, sing all the famous songs, admire the fire and just plunge headlong into the romance of nomadic life - all this is within the power of a gypsy party. And let the fun be unforgettable!

For the new year 2016? Only a gypsy-style costume party, because, it seems, the ability to have fun is in the blood of this people! Gypsy style is easy and fun, because this New Year's Eve party outfit is the easiest to put together. The main thing is that everything you wear should be bright, large and free. Isn't this the embodiment of gypsy life: somewhat defiant and at the same time free, like the wind in the field?

New Year's costume in gypsy style

In outfits, give preference to rich red, green, blue, orange, yellow and other bright shades. It is good if the fabric is shiny. Lurex is hardly appropriate, but silk and satin are just right. Of course, you can not do without the skin. Choose things with a loose fit. Must-have for girls - long wide skirts and oversized blouses, capes and ponchos, for guys - loose shirts (trousers are still better in shape) and vests.

Pay attention to details. What is a gypsy costume without glitter, gold and silver? Buttons, a buckle on a belt, spurs and studs on shoes will give the image a real gipsy-chic, and without it, even the brightest suit will look faded. Do not be afraid of large stones: the “richer” the clothes look, the greater your chances of becoming the star of the party.

Choose jewelry to match the decorative elements of the costume: as large and noticeable as possible, with stones and shiny elements. Such that magpies flying past turn around at you! Moreover, both girls and guys should think about jewelry. The minimum set for the first ones is large earrings, a noticeable necklace and bracelets, as well as large rings and rings. Ideally, thin chains and bright ribbons should be woven into the hair.

Guys should attend to the search for a thick "gold" or "silver" chain (yes, thicker!) And a ring, and even better - a signet. To complete the image, it is good to get a smoking pipe - it looks impressive. In addition, each girl should prepare another bright scarf or shawl for the holiday. They do not have to be thrown over the head, it is enough to cover the shoulders. Well, men will look like real gypsies in hats.

Hair and makeup

Guys can skip this part of the article, but girls should linger. It will not work to create a spectacular and believable gypsy image without suitable hairstyles and makeup. It is better to let your hair down for a party, after curling the curls or creating a wave. Can you make a couple thin braids and weave bright ribbons into them (or both). Bunches will also look great, only they should be decorated with bright combs, flowers or hairpins.

The main rule of gypsy makeup: forget about faded tones!

As for makeup, here you can afford experiments and violations of generally accepted standards. According to the rules, there should be only one accent - either on the lips or on the eyes. But not this time! If you are going to transform into a beautiful gypsy, feel free to make a rich smokey eye and paint your lips with scarlet lipstick - this combination, combined with a suit, will not surprise anyone. A bright manicure seems to suggest itself.

If one of the men nevertheless decided to read this part of the article, then for them - a nice bonus. The image of a gypsy can also be improved with a hairstyle. Go through your hair with styling gel or wax for a glossy effect. Looks like an Italian mafia? Excellent - it means that it looks like a gypsy.

Note to the owner of the house

All these tips are useful for those who are going to a gypsy-style New Year's party. But the situation changes dramatically if you act as a host. Even the most spectacular and well-organized costume party can always be ruined. For example, having come to a holiday in jeans and a sweatshirt - “I’m sure I won’t be the only one there ...” And there are such people at every party.

To prevent this from happening, take care of the costumes of the guests in advance. Even at the invitation stage, briefly describe to everyone you are waiting for to your place what exactly they can wear to fit into your New Year's story. You can send invitations by e-mail, attaching a couple of suitable photos to them.

For a gypsy party, large jewelry, defiant false manicure, flowers in the hair and transfer tattoos will come in handy.

But even with this approach, you run the risk of spending a week preparing the house for the holiday and meeting on the threshold of a third of the guests in jeans (“Probably, I’m not the only one who decided not to bother”) and about the same number in evening dresses and heels (“It’s New Year, everything should be beautiful). So it's in your best interest to make sure that everyone present looks appropriate. Keep a small stockpile of themed clothing and accessories for those who show up out of shape.

For girlfriends, you can prepare colored scarves, beads and bracelets, and for friends - hats and scarves around the neck. Flowers will probably come in handy too. Girls can decorate their hair with them, and guys can use them as boutonnieres. The measure is not very costly and simple, but in the end everyone will be comfortable, and you will feel that you did not waste time and effort preparing for your gypsy party.

We create an atmosphere

Costumes are only half the battle. A party is first and foremost about the atmosphere. To arrange a real gypsy fun, the party room will have to be modified. True, this does not apply to spaces decorated in the boho style. It is he, the bohemian-gypsy, that by definition contains what is characteristic of a free people: a lot of precious brilliance, bright colors and a complete lack of rules. Otherwise, be prepared for change.

New Year in gypsy style is not complete without divination cards!

Gypsy interior

To make the space look gypsy, it should be transformed from floor to ceiling. Put a colorful rug or rug under your feet, and bright bedspreads and pillows on the sofa and chairs. Hang bright pictures on the walls, and on the chandelier - the same shades of ribbon, beads, a shiny disco ball and the like. Arrange bright trinkets, figurines, etc. on surfaces. The rules are the same as for clothes: the more, the better.

A good way to fill the space with the spirit of free gypsy life is thematic photographs and paintings. If the house has images of horses, fields, a road with a cart, a girl in the sun, standing waist-deep in thick grass - get them from the mezzanine, shake off the dust and hang them up: their finest hour has come.

In the interior you will need satin pillows, blankets and paintings.

If nothing like this is found on the farm, it does not matter - there is a solution in haste. Find such pictures on the Internet and print on thick paper. Then, using glue (adhesive tape, clothespins), attach to twine or twine and hang such garlands throughout the apartment. They will constantly fall into the field of view of the guests and keep them on the wave of the party.

Table setting and festive treats

What you definitely can’t do without on New Year’s Eve is without long gatherings at the table. Therefore, serving should be given no less attention than the interior. Prepare a bright tablecloth. Remove from the sideboard the dishes that you consider old-fashioned and have not been taken out for ten years. Lay out salads and pour champagne into crystal vases and glasses: when else can all these items fit if not today?

The most atmospheric solution for a gypsy-style New Year's party, of course, would be gatherings around the fire. So if the celebration is planned somewhere outside the city, do not miss the opportunity to arrange barbecues or barbecue parties. The company is going to the city? It's great if the apartment has a fireplace. Then the feast can be arranged closer to the source of living fire. If nothing like this is expected, the mood can be conveyed with the help of dishes.

A desktop fire source is also suitable for divination

In principle, a gypsy party does not require any special dishes. The main thing is to arrange them effectively. At the forefront are the same bright colors and brilliance. Let there be more fresh herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as colored peppers on the table. The same goes for drinks. Complete the menu with bright juices and pour them into transparent glasses. And of course, choose good wine for the feast.

There will be just right bright napkins and rings for them. Do not forget to also put some kind of thematic figurine on the table: either from shining metal, or depicting a horse, a gypsy, a wagon, etc. It is good to decorate the serving with a bouquet of flowers (you can use coniferous branches with a bright, noticeable decor). A variety of colors and materials will only benefit: serving should give the impression that it was put together by representatives of several generations of a family that, moreover, was constantly moving.

Decorate the table with divination items, candles and spruce paws

Music on New Year's Eve

The traditional soundtrack of New Year's parties is a TV with the constant congratulations of the head of the country and the "Irony of Fate". You can, of course, limit yourself to the creative successes of Zhenya Lukashin and the Russian language teacher Nadia, but this is unlikely to fit into the conceptual picture of a gypsy party. Therefore, in order not to destroy the atmosphere, it is better to get confused and work on a playlist. In addition to the sacramental "Shaggy bumblebee for fragrant hops ...", the following will be appropriate.

  • Guitar. What are gypsies without a six- or seven-string girlfriend? Feel free to download collections with things performed on classical guitar from the Internet. Textbook works and various arrangements of modern hits are perfect. Even tango and flamenco will fit into the concept: they also have a completely gypsy passion.
  • Incendiary ethno. Mexico, Spain, Italy, Romania, Hungary, etc. – you can also find suitable tracks in the collections of folk music of these countries or its modern arrangements. Pay attention to Jewish music. A variety of klezmer bands can become a real storehouse of great melodies for your holiday.
  • Goran Bregovic and Wedding and Funeral Orchestra. This Serb is known as the king of Balkan music. His name speaks for itself and does not need special comments. At a gypsy party, you can safely put any album.
  • Emir Kusturica and No Smoking Orchestra. In the playlist, he walks in pair with Bregovic. The same Balkan motifs, the same gypsy irony, the same instruments and drive. For the musical background, you can take both albums and sound tracks for films - after all, Kusturica is primarily a director.
  • Gogol Bordello. Evgeny Hudz from Kiev and his friends are the musical incarnation of crazy gypsy passion. There is no other way to call it. Even Madonna appreciated it. At one of the charity concerts, the star performed, together with the guys who are now adored by the whole world, her famous La Isla Bonita, combining it with the gypsy wedding song Pala Tute. Gypsy-chic in things from Gogol Bordello is a guitar, a violin and a crazy drive.

Top 7 Gypsy Party Tracks

  1. Emir Kusturica - Djinji, Dinji Bubamara
  2. Gogol Bordello
  3. Amsterdam Klezmer Band
  4. Gipsy Kings
  5. Goran Bregovic
  6. Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra – Djelem Djelem
  7. Jennifer Lopez - Ain't It Funny

New Year's entertainment

A gypsy-style party can't be quiet. This night there will be a lot of music, fun and noise. In the old days, a real gypsy party was rarely complete without guitars, songs and a bear. Now the animal will have to be abandoned, but the rest is warmly welcomed! And not only it.

Fortune telling is the first and main "ingredient" of a gypsy party!
  • Card reading. This task should be undertaken by the hostess of the house. Stock up on a deck of cards and a bag in which you will keep them and what will “gild” the pen. Estimate the texts of "fortune-telling" in advance: think about what you will say for each of the possible "values" of the cards. Of course, wishes should be only good and with a fair amount of humor. You can guess during the whole party and not only on the cards, but also on the hand. The proceeds can be donated to a good deed - perhaps this way the guests will be even more interesting.
  • Karaoke. What are gypsies without songs! Be sure to give some time at the party to the microphone and backing track. You can sing anything, but it is better to include old romances in the program. So each participant of the musical evening will be able to imagine himself as a gypsy, bringing soulful songs at sunset (or at dawn). Here, by the way, the “Shaggy Bumblebee” will come in handy. If someone from the company plays the guitar, that's even better. Just remember to ask the guest to take the instrument with them.
  • Dancing. Without them, the gypsies cannot be imagined either. After spending some time in the atmosphere set by the interior and music, guests simply cannot resist and start dancing. So when organizing a space for a party, be sure to provide a place for dancing.
  • Fireworks. A lot of light, flashes and bright lights - all this also fits into a gypsy holiday. Set off a big fireworks display if possible (but don't forget about safety measures!). If this does not work out, be sure to go out with the whole company to the street with sparklers and blow up a couple of firecrackers. The only thing not to do is to launch sky lanterns. For all their beauty, they are completely non-environmental (you can throw away boxes from fireworks and crackers yourself, but not the remains of a flashlight). In addition, this is a trap for birds: they fly into the light, get tangled in fabric and rods, and then die.

New Year's movie

If you still do not intend to watch for the one thousand one hundred and twenty-ninth time how the same Zhenya Lukashin eats flooded fish, and the bore Ippolit crawls on his cheek with a freshly presented razor, guests can be entertained with another film. To keep within the theme, choose films about gypsies themselves, as well as about travel and freedom. By the way, it will fit perfectly into the theme and the hippie-themed movie!

Gypsy films and series will help create an atmosphere

Top 3 Movies for a Gypsy Party

  1. "Black cat, white cat" by Emir Kusturica. Two gypsy barons, who already seem to have got everything they wanted, are embroiled in a complicated story twisted by their negligent offspring. In order to calmly while away their old age, surrounded by untold wealth and relatives, they have to remember the old and get involved in a story with chases, shooting and cunning. An excellent comedy from the master of gypsy stories Emir Kusturica. For gypsy parties, you can safely take any of his films. Another great option is his Arizona Dream with Johnny Depp.
  2. On the Road, Walter Salles. Screen version of the cult novel by Jack Kerouac about the youth of the 40s. The generation is illustrated by the example of several friends who travel around America. The company also includes heroes, in whose images Kerouac brought writers William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. You can admire the excellent game of Sam Riley and Kristen Stewart.

The crackle of a fire, a guitar, the tapping of horses' hooves ...
Tabor sets off, as always, at dawn. Tomorrow there will be new lands, new cities, and only the wheels of the wagon still creak in the road dust...

Such a romantic picture of gypsy life is drawn by the imagination. In our stuffy offices with a clear daily routine, we are very far from this way of life, but sometimes we can afford to fully feel all the delights of nomadic life. For example, organize a gypsy party! This holiday is perfect if you want to celebrate your birthday in nature, get out with friends for barbecue or celebrate some event in the courtyard of a private house. But you can arrange a party in this style and indoors. And be sure - the fun will flow like a river, because the free gypsy people, like no one else, knows a lot about it!

A gypsy daughter for her beloved in the night. invitations

To let guests feel the scale of the upcoming celebration and feel the atmosphere, make bright invitations. To do this, you can make invitations in the form of rolls of aged paper. To make aged paper, you need to dip A4 sheets into a strong coffee or tea solution, and then dry it. Such an invitation will not only look like a page from an old book, but also smell nice. The sheet then needs to be rolled up into a tube and tied with a red ribbon or twine.

Step by step instructions on how to artificially age paper:

  1. Use the printer to print beautiful invitation text.
  2. Take a deep dish (possibly a basin).
  3. Boil water in a kettle.
  4. Pour 3 tablespoons of instant coffee into a bowl.
  5. After the water boils, dilute 1 liter of boiling water with 1 liter of cool water.
  6. Pour the resulting 2 liters of warm water into a bowl of coffee and stir thoroughly all the time.
  7. Place one sheet of A4 into the resulting solution and let the solution soak into the paper for 1 minute.
  8. After the paper is sufficiently soaked, take it out and place it on a piece of fabric A3 size. Cover sheet A4 with the rest of the fabric and iron the fabric.

Another option is to write an invitation on the back of a tarot card. You can arrange the text as a prediction: “you are destined, good fellow, fun until night on the banks of a fast river (or in a manor house)”. Just be careful what kind of divination card you use, so as not to frighten guests with gloomy symbols on it. It is best to take the one with the Sun - it prophesies well-being.
Or use the usual format of playing cards and, of course, for dear guests, choose the suit of the card - heart.

Tabor goes to the sky. Decor

An ideal solution for a gypsy party would be an open area, for example, some picturesque river bank or forest edge. A private house and a cottage are also suitable. Of course, in the cold season you will have to be content with a holiday indoors, then you need to choose a room more spacious.

Our main task is to decorate the place so that it resembles a real gypsy camp. It is worth delineating its boundaries. To do this, simply stick dry sticks around the perimeter of the piece of land you need, pull a clothesline between them. Hang colorful scarves on it, shreds of bright fabric, shirts fluttering in the wind. If you have the opportunity to get sheaves of hay, then it would be wonderful to make an armchair, a sofa, a table out of them - all this will give your clearing a cozy look of a settled place. The main colors in the design are red, beige, black, yellow.

It is also necessary to consider evening lighting. After all, the gypsies are nomadic people and evening gatherings with a guitar, songs around the fire, are an integral part of their culture.

You can invite animators to a gypsy party who will greet your guests with songs and dances. Animators dressed as gypsies greet guests and sing to them “He came to us, he came to us .....” and bring a glass of wine to each arrival. Or, with the exception of those, guests can be met by the hosts of the party themselves.

Organize a photo zone. The best background for photographs will be a real wagon, wagon, cart, or their dummies made of foam and cardboard. Of course, all this should be hung with fringed scarves, beads, garlands, coins, wooden objects, musical instruments - a guitar, tambourines. You can also decorate the photo zone with wild flowers or dried flowers, fruits and berries.

Also, to decorate the photo zone, you can use a beautiful stylistic image of a gypsy cart printed using large-format printing.

In the center of the lawn, you need to equip a place for a fire that will burn brightly throughout the holiday. Install a large cast-iron pot on the fire - it will be possible to cook or fry treats for guests on it.

Spread large bright bedspreads around the entire perimeter of the party venue - it will be very pleasant to lie on them, singing along to the guitar. You can have a picnic and eat sitting on these bedspreads, or you can put a table and wooden benches for this purpose. It is best to use simple, unbreakable dishes, for example, from stainless steel or generally wooden. If you decide to still use disposable tableware, then buy brightly colored dishes. If the choice falls on ordinary white porcelain, then make sure that napkins, tablecloths and other accessories are of a bright color - preferably red. But in general, since the gypsies are nomadic people, all the appliances on the table can be completely different.

Finally, the most interesting and striking design detail is the fortune-teller's tent. Under the canopy of colorful fabric there should be a round table, decorated with flasks with “potions”, dried herbs and ancient magical tomes. In the middle of it, of course, there should be a magic ball, looking into which you can see the future. Hire an animator who will play the fortuneteller and languidly ask you to “gild” her pen. Guests will definitely be curious to take part in fortune-telling on coffee grounds and listen to what the Tarot predicts.

Black eyes, passionate eyes. Dress code

Gypsy clothes should be smart, bright, even defiant. The easiest way is to go to specialized stores to rent a suit, but you can do it on your own - you just need to look into your grandmother's closet. 🙂

The main attribute of the image for the girl should be a long bright skirt to the floor. You can wear several skirts of different lengths. Blouses with a neckline and frills, or with flared sleeves are suitable for the top. Let your hair down, insert a large and lush flower behind your ear. Massive rings, hoop earrings, large beads, gold bracelets - today you can put all this on yourself and not be afraid of being accused of bad taste. Also try on a beautiful bright scarf on your head - suddenly it will fit and you don’t have to bother with a hairstyle for a gypsy party! Line your lips with bright scarlet lipstick, and, of course, do not forget to light a mischievous light in your eyes. The image of the free daughter of the gypsy baron is ready!

Guys can wear a free-cut shirt, it's good if it is red or with bright multi-colored elements. Be sure to tuck black trousers into high-top boots. The image will be complemented by a wide satin belt in the color of the shirt, a black vest and a hat. You can even put a clip on your ear and glue on a black mustache if you don't have one.

Mountain stream and the edge of the moon. Menu

A great idea would be to cook in advance only a side dish, for example, boiled potatoes with greens, and cook the main meat dish over a fire. It can be beef, lamb, chicken stewed in a pot. If you want something more original, please your guests with the traditional gypsy soup “khabe” with herbs and onions, in meat broth. There are recipes for it online. Or, if you don’t want to bother too much, just fry a delicious barbecue on the grill. Keep in mind - gypsies don't eat bread. Replace it with unleavened cakes and pies. And barbecue with cakes and fragrant herbs, what could be even better!
Beverages- of course, red and white wine, natural juices.
For dessert cook a gypsy delicacy “syvyako” - a cottage cheese pie with dried fruits and poppy seeds.

Hide a girl behind a high fence ... Contests

Ready quests ⇓

Gypsies are very musical people. If you have guitar players among your guests, be sure to take the time to sit by the fire and sing along. Distribute tambourines, tambourines and small shakers to everyone to accompany the soloist. Or invite a real ensemble - let them play dashing melodies on the violins for an hour. You can not only sing along, but also dance. Performing a “gypsy girl” with an exit, waving colorful skirts is an obligatory ritual at such a party!

In addition to music and dancing, invite guests to participate in several competitions:

  • Gypsy fantas. A beautiful gypsy woman approaches the guests with a hat and asks to put something in it: a handkerchief, a chain, a watch, a mobile phone. From the guests present, choose a gypsy partner. Having collected things from all the participants, the gypsy begins to get them one by one from the hat, with the question: “What will the owner of this thing serve our gypsy camp?” In response to this, the partner takes out previously prepared paper strips with funny and simple tasks from another hat (container) and reads out what the owner of the thing should do. For example, spoon feed the birthday boy or say the letter “P” with your mouth open.
  • Weird dances. Such a competition can be held during dancing. Guests are divided into pairs - who danced next to whom or according to preferences. Further, during the change of music, the leader begins to shout out tasks. Tasks can be as follows, for example, during a slow dance, shout:

- dancing without hands - couples begin to dance without touching their partners with their hands. Couples swinging opposite each other will look funny.
- we dance with our hands on the shoulders of our partner - during moving music, the hands of both partners should be on their shoulders.
- dancing on one leg - here also turn on rhythmic music and let all couples quickly move to the rhythm of the music on one leg.
The winner is the best couple of the gypsy camp, which will complete all the tasks of the presenter and last the longest on the dance floor.

  • Was yours, becameyours again. Gypsies in ancient times were known as skillful horse thieves. They say that sometimes they managed to steal a horse, repaint it in a different color and sell it at exorbitant prices to the previous owner! Approximately the same will be done by the contestants. Divide them into two teams, give each a set of brushes and paints and a stallion. These can be children's wooden horses or simply images of a horse on paper. The task of the participants is to paint the horse as quickly as possible.
  • Atmake a mare's tail. Already repainted horses from the previous competition need to attach a tail. A double-sided adhesive tape is glued to a fluffy ponytail made of threads and given to a blindfolded contestant. You need to twist it well around its axis, stop it facing the mare and set the task - to attach the tail to its place.
    Who missed - he liked the penalty!

Don't forget to invite a professional photographer to the party. Guests will be happy to pose for him in their colorful outfits and will be pleased with beautiful pictures! And what kind of advertising they will do to your organizational skills by posting beautiful photos on avatars in Facebook and Instagram stories.