A conspiracy to love a woman on a thing to read. White magic conspiracies for the love of a girl or guy - how to read at home

Conspiracies for a woman's love are less in demand in real life than magical influences aimed at attracting male love. This is due to the fact that the stronger sex is more persistent in solving various personal love problems. But, nevertheless, cases are not so rare when even strong men fail to achieve mutual love from the chosen one.

simple rituals

In this regard, magic offers for use conspiracies to attract the love of a girl or woman you like. But this should not be considered in a simple way achieving the goal, because the success of any magical rite depends on many factors. In addition, clumsily performed rituals can harm not only the bewitched object, but also the performer of the rite. And certainly, one should not use any conspiracy to love a woman in order to speed up the process of attracting the attention of the chosen one. Moreover, the effect of magical influence, as a rule, does not appear immediately and entirely depends on faith in one's own sincerity.

Ritual for woman's hair

One of the strong conspiracies involves the use of her hair. But this is perhaps the only difficulty that may arise during the conduct of a magical action. You can perform the ritual at any time of the day, having a comb with you. All that is needed is to cover the acquired hair with a comb and, concentrating on the image of your beloved, clearly and with feeling pronounce the conspiracy.

His words are:

“I call to myself the dark marsh mud, the thick impenetrable web, thin rods from the thicket of the forest. At the same time, I wrap everything called with my sincere ardent love feelings, envelop with my bright soul and fiery passion. Just as the hair of the servant of God (the name of the beloved) is intertwined tightly and does not get tangled with the hair of the servant of God (proper name), so our mutual love is wound, stretched and grows.

After the magic words are spoken, you should take a comb and comb your own hair.

The most effective is a conspiracy involving the use of a photograph of a beloved. It is important that only the beloved is depicted in the picture. The photo must be new and the eyes of the chosen one should be clearly visible on it.

It is recommended to read the conspiracy to the photograph at sunrise, its words are as follows:

“In the early morning the bright sun rises, so in the heart of my beloved servant of God (name) strong love flares up. Like the radiance of a heavenly body, your love, dear, becomes brighter every day and shines in your heart. The rays of the sun dry the earth, so you, my love, will dry up and yearn without me. The warmth of the sun attracts all people on earth, so you, my chosen one, will be attracted to me. You will not be able to imagine your life without me in the near future, just as there is no life on earth without the sun. My word is strong. Amen".

After that, you need to wrap the charmed photograph in a piece of dark fabric and put it under the mattress at the head of your own bed. The picture should be there until the first signs of action appear.

Often a guy in love would like to read the most powerful conspiracy to love a girl, and get the desired result. But it is not customary to talk about real magic and men, this is obvious. And it's not even hard to understand why this is so. According to the unwritten laws of society, a man must achieve his beloved girlfriend in other ways - explicit, and not secret, like this. But, the fact remains: modern guys and men conjure, and, in addition, they study the psychology of women and NLP, so this is not surprising.

However, it is clear that everything is not so simple, and love witchcraft is not magic or trick at all. But, with a serious approach, desires are fulfilled with the help of magic, so a love plot for a girl is a magical ritual that is spectacular and effective, despite the fact that the issue has been studied seriously and the keys have been chosen correctly.

Independent love spell to return the girl

It is not enough just to study the theory of love witchcraft; practice is needed in independently conducting home conspiracies on the feelings of a girl. But, it is necessary to practice in real magic systematically, and not from case to case. Moreover, penetrating into the magical world, a person must educate himself spiritually. If the character is weak - to strengthen, if there is a tendency to mental imbalance - to eradicate this defect in oneself.
A hysterical, suspicious, depressive magician who does not believe in his own strength and, casting a strong spell on a girl's love, does not hope for a change and improvement in his condition, is unlikely to have a result. More precisely, it will be, but negative for both. In general, suspiciousness and fearfulness are a big minus for a practicing warlock. It is self-evident that he will not reach heights in witchcraft.

And yet, the magic of love is alternative, and home conspiracies for a girl, as an exception, can give the result that a person was counting on. But, successes can be different, depending on the chosen love plot for a mistress and within which a real magician practices. Now be careful - this is a very curious moment. Let's see how different egregors react to the qualitative shortcomings of a practicing magician.

A strong conspiracy to return your girlfriend - a witchcraft pagan system

A weak magician is trying to return the relationship by reading an effective conspiracy to love his passion. At the same time, he refers to the ancient Vedic gods of our ancestors. Are failures possible in working with the gods? Of course. Whatever magical tradition you work in, failure is inevitable.

If he is smart enough not to fall into hysterics after each misfire, and not to curse the gods, but to continue his attempts to independently return his mistress, reading the text of conspiracies and making real love spells on the girl at home, then, sooner or later, such a follower of the old Volkhov rituals will succeed, sooner or later they will. For the most part, the gods are indulgent towards their adherents, and over time they will help a person eliminate his shortcomings, improve his psyche, and strengthen his character.

And if a student in magic is superstitious and weak, if prejudice runs ahead of him, while he intrusively turns to the gods with numerous requests, reads the words of a conspiracy to return his beloved girl, not believing a single gram in success, the gods eventually begin to ignore such people.

Black conspiracies for the love of a girl at home

Demons despise weak people. They use them to the fullest, cloud them with mysterious signs and frightening dreams, force them to bring huge gifts and magical payoffs, while they give nothing in return. No serious results, nothing but false experiences.

What will happen to an adept of black magic if, having not received what he wants, he decides to give up witchcraft practices? But, do not forget that for some time a follower of the Black Book has been practicing magical rites for love, which means that there is already a connection with egregor. So, the demons will not let this go, they will beat at the most vulnerable points, intimidate. And there will be nothing left for the practice, how to continue what has been started, if only the Dark Spirits do not completely ruin his life. Such a black magician will read home conspiracies for his beloved girl, perform love spells and induce severe damage, etc.

Simply put, in order to engage in black magic on your own, namely, to work with demons, in order to read black conspiracies for a girl’s love and get the desired effect from this business, you must have a strong character, otherwise there will be no sense. A weak-hearted person should not work with unclean spirits, because they are looking for the weak in order to suppress them and break them, use them in the dark and then throw them out as useless, like waste material.

Christian white magic - effective conspiracies for a girl's love

Will white spells on a girl's love give results if an adept practicing white Christian magic is not sufficiently prepared and spiritually unbalanced? The Christian egregore, unlike the Dark Spirits and the old gods, takes to himself everyone who is ready to live for Christ's sake. However, the Christian egregor also needs strong adherents, and he fights for those. As for the weak-willed adherents of white magic, here the selection takes place approximately, as in the case of the Dark Spirits.

White magic will not give real results to the magician. All that a weak sorcerer gets is a false sense of grace, an imaginary tasting of heavenly blessings sent by the Almighty.

A person can believe that his white conspiracies to return his beloved wife are working.

But whether this will actually be the case is highly doubtful. But when such a novice magician loser decides to leave his field, the Christian egregor will instantly begin to build such strange terrible configurations that the poor outsider will instantly return to the bosom of the Orthodox Church, to the darkness and captivity of white magic. He prays, unfortunate, reads white conspiracies to return his ex-bride or wife, not finding the strength to admit that the line did not come out either with love or with real magic. And instead of working on himself and improving his life, he will sink more and more into the spiritual quagmire.
White magic does not improve the psyche of a weak person, unlike the ancient gods. On the contrary, the weak weakens even more, continuing to feed the Christian egregor. The Christian egregor in this regard behaves like a terrorist. Why did I choose this definition? I will explain to you. Terrorists are marked by a certain chosenness along with a dual attitude to life. On the one hand, they are fair, pious and logical, and on the other hand, they destroy the world around them, while killing everyone who does not agree with their views, or is an obstacle to achieving their ideals.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

In the case of the Christian egregor, we observe all the same double standards. To use white magic to return his wife after a breakup that took place some time ago, a simple conspiracy is unlikely to change anything. But constant prayers, sacrifices, vows and everything else that the egregor likes will be accepted by him.

With regard to an adept who is spiritually weak, a Christian egregore acts no better than demons. But, unlike them, which directly indicate their intentions: “if you betray us, we will destroy you,” white magic acts gradually, secretly tightening the noose around a person’s neck. The emphasis is on the fact that if the magician leaves the church, then the demons will certainly seduce him and destroy the immortal soul. So, a seemingly harmless white conspiracy to return a beloved woman may well be the beginning of the tragic path of a person who has recklessly fallen into the net of white witchcraft.

How an independent conspiracy will help bring love back

To be a magician, and at will change the objective reality around you, to control the aspirations and actions of people, to perform a rite with a strong conspiracy to return your beloved woman, and to get what you want, you need to have strong nerves and educate yourself spiritually.

What to do if the nerves are still rather weak, and there is not enough magical practice? You need to take control of your own emotions and feelings. Think before you do anything. Be sure to engage in spiritual practices, strengthen the nerves and body. A psychotic, weak-willed magician is the same as a drinker. Adherence to alcohol means that he will never be a master. The same is true of indifference.

How to read strong conspiracies to return a beloved woman

There are witchcraft rituals for attracting or returning a beloved girl with a ritual part, and there are home conspiracies for the love of a wife. Independent conspiracies for a beloved woman do not have a ritual part. They are used, most often, as an addition to an effective love spell on a girl's love for one guy. Strong conspiracy to the love of a girl, in the distance. And here it depends on the rite whether there will be a ritual part or not. I want to offer you a working conspiracy to love a girl, which you can read yourself, but not at home, but standing at the crossroads.

This is homemade - a light love spell in the wind.

To do, of course, on the growing moon. Read at a distance, on each side, turning clockwise. After reading the magic words of the conspiracy to your beloved wife, you need to take a pinch of dust from each path and make a lining in the house of the bewitched woman. Or pour under the threshold. It is believed that they do not pay off the elements, but, nevertheless, as a gift, you can throw a handful of flour into the wind.

The text of an independent conspiracy to love a girl

“I’ll become (name) without praying, I’ll go without being baptized, I won’t leave the hut with doors, I won’t leave the courtyard with gates, I’ll leave as an underground log, a smoky window, a mouse hole in an open field I didn’t walk, a road not paved, through impassable traffic jams, to the east side . There are high mountains in the eastern country, on those mountains there is a damp cracked oak. I will stand under that damp, cracked oak, I will bow to the violent winds. Oh, you violent winds! Breathe on me, wrap around seventy joints with a joint, and seventy lived with a vein, at least flesh and hot blood, and a zealous heart, and you blow away thought and thought, melancholy and dryness. And you, violent winds, wrap around my mistress in her white face, in clear eyes, in all at least her and her flesh, and you, violent winds, set fire to my mistress soul and body, thought and thought. Just as any person cannot live without bread, without salt, without drink, so it would not be possible to live (name) without me. How sickening it is for a fish to live on a dry shore without icy water, and how sickening it is for a baby without a mother, and a mother without a child, it would be so sickening (name) without me. Like bulls jumping on a cow, so (name) would run after me, looking for me. I would not be afraid of God, I would not be ashamed of people. I (name) would kiss her on the lips, hug her with my hands, create fornication with her. As hops curl around a stake, so (name) would curl around me. The word is entrusted to the winds, my name is said to the wind, the midnight, midday, dry-hearted, zahid wind is transferred. As the wind does not turn back, so my word does not turn back. Amen".

Not less often than representatives of the weaker sex. Some do it because of self-doubt, others want to take complete control over their beloved. Therefore, a conspiracy to love a woman is a confirmation of this.

We will not discuss the moral aspect of men's motivation. Let's focus on rituals that allow a woman to evoke a deep and sincere feeling. Such exist.

They do not deprive the object of your passionate desires of their own will.

They simply force you to look at a man with a closer look, to see in him the same hero that every woman dreams of deep down.

What conspiracies for a woman's love exist

Let's start with a little overview.

Rituals are completely different.

We will not turn to black in this material. They are not as good as they are said to be. But the problem is guaranteed.

Let's discuss those that act gently, without causing negative reactions in energy, white magic.

Such conspiracies should be divided into groups. Among them we single out:

  • remote;
  • contact.

The latter act faster, with a greater guarantee.

So your passionate desire is transferred, so to speak, from hand to hand.

That is, you can be sure: the energy will not dissipate and will not deviate to the side until it reaches its field. Beginners are encouraged to use them.

How to read a plot

It should be understood: a woman is not a “trained monkey” (even if she gives such an impression). You will act on her field, and there everything is not as simple as she demonstrates.

The simplest and not problematic method of "conquering" a beauty is to demonstrate her masculinity. This, probably, every man himself knows.

In magic, this demonstration is carried out at the level of emotions.

This means: it is necessary to start the ceremony only when you are able to “radiate” love and care as much as possible.

Ordinary dreams help to tune in well. In them, imagine her as a goddess, someone who wants to serve. Exactly. It is not necessary to tell her later (and not desirable).

But in your thoughts you need to express great respect, worship, combined with hot passion and humility. Such a background any daughter of Eve will not be able to ignore. And put your intention on it.

Do not allow aggressive thoughts! Nothing will work. Or the result will be such that you yourself will run away from such a beauty "to distant lands." In love magic, nuances and shades of feelings are important.

They are transmitted instantly, giving rise to a response in its field structures. If it is negative, then it will not seem enough.

Just remove all the bad things from your head for the time of divination.

Especially carefully control jealousy, which is a manifestation of your male weakness. A thin thread of this negative emotion, woven into the rope of the ritual, can destroy the brightest love. Be careful!

conspiracy for food

This ritual is carried out in contact. A conspiracy to love a woman is pronounced or a drink.

The ideal option is to drink from a glass, saying the formula, and then offer it to her (or bite off an apple, a candy yourself, and then so that she finishes it). Look at the circumstances. You can just talk about coffee.

But, there is one condition. You yourself must give her what reflects your desire. If from afar you begin to hypnotize the cola she drinks without paying attention to you, then you will have to wait several years (or centuries) for the result.

"Gabriel! Raphael! Michael! My blood brothers! I need your help! I appeal to you, I appeal! Do it the way you dream! Let (name) love me. Let her soul catch fire with a return fire, the most cherished! Amen!".

Do not forget: at this moment you need to think (described above).

Strong conspiracy at a distance

You will need her photo. A strong conspiracy to love a woman for a man is pronounced, which must necessarily pass into her hands.

If this is not possible, then you will have to borrow her thing (any) for one night. But it is best to use a new silver ring. This attribute is best in harmony with male feelings.

When you decide on an attribute (gift), then go to the Temple. Buy a wax candle there (mandatory). Bring her home.

The ceremony is held on men's day (Thursday, Tuesday, for example). Before the first roosters (from two to three in the morning).

  1. Put a photo of your loved one in front of you. There should be a candle flame between you (right between the eyes).
  2. Take the gift in your right hand, press it to your heart and read the words:

“I call the mud dark, marsh, the web is sticky, thick, the twigs are forest, hard. As a cherished gift, all come in together. As he turns out to be in the hands of a sweet (name), braid her soul. Let him yearn and suffer, he does not know fun. Without my gentle words, without my clear eyes, without passionate embraces. Let the heart beat like a bird, afraid to get lost in the dark without my hands. Let her body be engulfed in flames. Only in my arms will find delight! The word is strong, the deed is stucco. Amen!".

A conspiracy that can't be broken

Similar rituals also exist. It is necessary to approach them responsibly so as not to spoil the life of either yourself or your loved one. For one important reason: they are not removed.

If the thought comes to you to part with a charmed woman, then you will go to real hell. She will torment you, you yourself will get tired of suffering. In general, it's a serious matter.

And for the ritual you will need perfume. Her favorite toilet water or other perfume. If you know what she prefers, then get it. The ceremony is held in.

  1. The bubble must be carefully uncorked.
  2. Drip your blood into it. It is “extracted only from the little toe of the left foot! It only takes a drop.
  3. As it mixes with perfume, say:

“The evening dawn through the dark gates passed me, good fellow, woke me up. She led me over the distant mountains, to the bank of the fast, wide, sparkling river. In the middle of the river a white stone rose. The night wolf climbed on him. He howls from anguish, my heart and whiskey are crushing. You are a wolf beloved girl (name) enter the soul. Wake up the flame of passion in her. So that it never stops, just as the water in the river never ends! Her rapids are stormy, not to get out of the cobweb beloved of love! Amen!".

That's all. It remains to carefully seal the bottle and give it to the woman.

Each white conspiracy to love a woman is the safest magical influence, according to practicing magicians, and every man can conduct them independently at home. They do not require special training and knowledge, and their effectiveness has been proven by more than one generation. If everything is done correctly, this guarantees passion in a relationship, it will help to improve relations that have deteriorated earlier. Also use the ones we published earlier.

Your attention is presented to some conspiracies to awaken a girl not just passion or with you, but true love, simple in their implementation and effective in magical influence.

The most powerful magical ritual

They read it before sunrise and always with the growing moon - go out onto a deserted street or stand at an open window, on a balcony. But it is worth reading it once, every morning for 12 days in a row.

“I conjure with forces and words - the servant of God ... the name ... and the servant of God ... the name ... will become one. May their union become like an indestructible bond between the elements of nature - may the servant of God ... name ... constantly think about the servant of God ... name ..., burn with passion for him, and the higher spirit protect their union.

Rite of Love

It will help to awaken in a girl and a woman not just passion, but also true love - it does not affect the consciousness of a person, but awakens those feelings that are dormant in the chosen one. In this ritual they speak beautiful bouquet- it is desirable if it is a red rose and, even better, grown on your backyard.

Flowers speak at midnight - put them in a vase and say the following words over them:

“Aki, a servant of God ... his name ... yes to a servant of God ... the name of a girl ... he called a swan and called for him, he planted a boat in gold and took him away with him. I sanctify my light with my love - may the servant of God ... name ... be my way, I promise to make her happy.

It is advisable to give such a charmed bouquet in the morning of the next day - if it is carried out correctly, the girl will soon ignite passion for you.

Ritual with photography

Such a ritual will allow you to improve relationships and bring harmony to a somewhat shaken passion, fill them with new colors and revive them, bringing them to a new, better level. They perform the ritual at night and, looking at the photograph of the object of your passion, the girl's face - preferably if it is made close-up, and say the following words:

“In a distant land, a dark melancholy sits there, propping it up with a twist. Together they are killed, on a cliff in the blue sea they are warming themselves, forcing everyone to sob and grieve. Yes, I am a servant of God ... name ... a servant of God ... name ... I will save, I will take away from melancholy, I will crush the torpor with that cliff. My word is strong - filled with a holy seal.

Conspiracy, how to return a beloved woman

A conspiracy to love a girl will work, but the main condition for its effectiveness is faith in its effectiveness and the fact that the feelings of a man are real. To carry it out on the table, be sure to spread a red, new hebesh or woolen scarf and read on it Orthodox prayer"Our Father".

When the handkerchief is prayed, candles are placed on it, always wax, bought in the temple and lit from a match. When the wax melts a little, with the help of drops form the contour of the heart and fill it with completely melted wax. The main thing at this moment is to think about your chosen one, who left - imagine how she returns to you, how she falls into your arms.

After the wax heart has hardened, write the name of your chosen one on it with your hand and at the same time it is worth pronouncing the words of the following conspiracy:

“Yes, I don’t melt the flame in your heart - I call my soul to my love, I don’t pour it on beeswax - but I return your body, I don’t pierce the wax heart - but true love I attract into my life. So the soul and body of the baptized servant of God ... name ... unite with the body and soul of the servant of God ... their name ... - they turn into a single whole, their hearts are filled with love, but they never part."

After that, it is worth folding the red scarf and the wax heart neatly into an envelope and hiding it away from prying eyes in your house, so that it is not found. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise its effect will come to naught.

Conspiracy how to get a girlfriend or wife back

This conspiracy can be adopted by every man in order to return his beloved girlfriend or legal spouse - the main condition for its effective operation is that the woman is not in love with another man and her heart is free, she has not yet decided to finally terminate your relationship.

The ritual is carried out using a joint photo of the couple - it should be wrapped in white with a clean, new rag - a scarf, after saying the words of the conspiracy on the envelope:

“Like the sun and the moon, like the earth paired with water - always together and next to each other. So the servant of God will always be with me and everything will be fine with us - now and freshly and forever and ever.

Such an envelope should be hidden in a secret place in the house - so that it is not found and unfolded.

You can also take into service another love spell aimed at returning your lawful spouse. It is quite difficult and requires a lot of courage, but that's why you are a man to fight for your wife. They spend it on the graveyard at midnight, having previously prepared 2 wax church candles and 250 ml. vodka, white silk thread.

When you come to the cemetery, look for a grave with a woman buried in it, who has the same name as your spouse, and remember this particular place for yourself. Next, find the burial place of a man nearby - his name must match the name of the man conducting the ritual. Place candles on each grave and light them - wait 3 minutes and when you feel someone else's presence next to you, proceed to the conspiracy itself.

Your first action should be the offering of a sacrifice - this is vodka brought with you, which is poured onto the ground and pronounced:

"I offer my sacrifice."

The main thing is not to forget to do this - without a sacrifice, the ritual will not have power. When you have done this, take a silk thread, and the words of the conspiracy are read over it:

“May that servant of God ... the name of a woman ... be with me a servant of God ... my own name ... next to me - in grief and poverty, wealth and joy."

After these words, tie a knot on the thread and, holding it in your hand, leave the cemetery, the main thing is not to look back.

Strong love spell of a girlfriend with the help of water

A conspiracy to water, carried out on a beloved girl, will allow her to return and kindle passion in her heart - the main thing is that he at least occasionally has the opportunity to meet her, come to her house. The plot can be carried out both on water and on any non-alcoholic drink - juice or tea. They read the words of the conspiracy three times, secluded in a room, so that you are not disturbed.

“Water - you are the queen, the key is clean, make ... the name ... the girl dreamed about me, yearned for me, didn’t say a word against it, burned in the fire - burned, didn’t live, didn’t eat, didn’t drink and didn’t breathe without me.”

After giving the girl a drink to drink, a few sips will be enough for it to work, but the rest should be poured out.

A conspiracy on the hair of a beloved woman

A conspiracy to love a girl can also be carried out on her own hair - the main thing is to find and get it at your disposal. This is the main difficulty of the ritual - in all other respects it is simple and acts almost instantly. In addition to the hair from the head of your beloved, it is worth preparing a comb, preferably a wooden one.

“I call for help, yes, swamp mud, and thick cobwebs, and forest twigs - I wind ebullient love on them, and a bright soul, and fiery passion. Like the hair of a servant of God ... name ... with the hair of a servant of God ... the name of a man ... will be intertwined tightly, but not tangled. ”

After that, be sure to comb your own curls, and even if they are not there, just run a comb over your head.

Conspiracy in the photo

The ritual in which a photograph is used allows you to achieve a quick and lasting effect - the love of your chosen one. So the main thing in this case is to choose the right photo for the ritual. The main thing is to take a clear photo, without strangers and animals on it - only girls and that's it.

It is best to carry out this ceremony in the early morning, before sunrise, and in order to enhance the effect of the conspiracy - they not only speak it out loud, but also write the text on the back of the photo. The words of the conspiracy are:

“Like the sun rises in the morning - so does the love of God's servant ... name ... flares up in her heart, like the sun sets - so your love burns even brighter. Without me, you can’t live, be, don’t drink, eat, as without the red sun - be according to that.

But the ceremony itself does not end there - until the sun has set and darkened, the picture should be wrapped in a dark cloth and put under the mattress for a while, waiting until the conspiracy brings the desired result.

Love spell on fire

A conspiracy carried out on a red candle is effective and effective, does not require special preparation or magical knowledge. To carry it out, buy a red candle and a new box of matches the day before, then prepare a knife - its handle should be white.

They perform a ritual with the growing moon - at the very beginning it is worth setting yourself up properly, remembering the face of your beloved. Next, on the candle itself, it is worth writing the name of the woman with the tip of a knife and light it from a match, clearly pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“You burn the fire of love in the heart of the servant of God ... name ... - let her reciprocal feelings arise and grow in her soul. Let them turn to the servant of God with a seething passion and burning love ... name ... Yes, be on that.

After that, let the candle burn out to the very end - keep its cinder as a talisman, which will serve as such a love magnet for a woman.

In most cases, the targets of conspiracies are men. But what about modest guys who are indecisive and cannot get to know a girl on their own in this situation? There is an exit! There are simple but effective methods of salvation, such as a conspiracy to love a woman. Thanks to some rituals, the heart of her beloved will melt, and she will be able to look at the guy with completely different eyes.

A conspiracy to love a girl will be especially useful to those men who cannot take the first step in a relationship on their own.

What is important to know when conspiring

A conspiracy to love a girl will be useful to indecisive guys. After the ritual is completed, the fair sex will be carried away only by you. However, do not forget about the consequences, because many rituals have tremendous power. Therefore, you must be completely sure of your feelings. Elimination of the consequences of the conspiracy can become a serious problem that will be difficult to resolve.

The expected result may not appear immediately. At first, your object of adoration will be cold and indifferent, as before. But after a short period of time, the girl will begin to show interest, become more sociable and affectionate.

Proper conspiracies for a woman's love

For love conspiracies to be effective, you need to know certain rules, their conduct and reading:

  • Read conspiracies during the growing moon. The night sun is able to enhance the effect of magic several times.
  • Use red wax candles. It is this color that symbolizes love, passion and desire.
  • One of the basic rules of success magic is belief in white magic and a successful result. At the hour of the ceremony, you should not feel anger and irritation towards your beloved, so that the effect of the conspiracy does not turn against you.
  • A beloved woman should not be married, as a prayer for love can destroy a joint union. After that, the negative energy will splash out, affecting all participants in the ritual.
  • You need to be 100% sure of yourself. There is no doubt that this particular girl is your other half. Think carefully about everything, a mistake is unacceptable, it is almost impossible to remove a love plot.
  • No one should know about the perfect ritual, regardless of the final result.

These tips are very simple and accessible. By listening to them, the guy will be able to save himself from a lot of mistakes and unpleasant consequences.

What are the consequences of a conspiracy?

Reading a conspiracy to love a girl, final result can be both positive and negative. White magic is capable of presenting a lot of different surprises. The first rule for the successful completion of the ritual is to strictly follow the instructions. If the ceremony is performed in accordance with all the rules, the girl’s feelings for the man will wake up gradually, no one will even guess about the use of magic. However, if the instructions or changes in the words and meaning of the conspiracy are violated, the love of the object being spoken can turn into mania. The girl will plunge into crazy feelings, and instead of the desired half, she will become an extremely annoying person. In addition, poor health, headaches, malaise, strained relationships with others, troubles at work can be attributed to a negative result.

If, nevertheless, the conspiracy to love was crowned with a negative result, the consequences can be removed by confession. Going to church is a mandatory action, since the use of any magic is an invasion of people's lives and is shown to be an unnatural phenomenon. After each ritual, do not be lazy to visit holy places, pray and light candles.

Carrying out rituals at home every year is gaining more and more momentum. So that the guy successfully read the conspiracy to love, so that unpleasant surprises do not happen, do not violate the words and instructions of the rite. And only then can you hope for love, sympathy and strong relationships with your beloved.

A conspiracy in the photo of a loved one

A photograph of a person is not an easy image. She has the strongest energy and soul, looking at the photo, magicians can see the truth, aura, future and past of a person. Speaking of the love of the second half, using a photograph, the energy flows of two people are connected at once. Acting as a guarantee of a strong, loving relationship between them.

A photograph in magic is a special object that reflects the aura of another person.

Take a photograph of your beloved and connect it with yours. The photo should not contain images of other people. Next, you need to glue two photos to get one joint. Take a photo of the resulting collage and print the original. Then, in the first phase of the moon, say several times:

“My beloved, look at me. Every day the sun rises, let it ignite love and warmth in your heart for me. Amen".

To strengthen the energy connection between the hearts of the young, it is necessary to repeat the prayer for seven days. After a while, you will be surprised how the girl's behavior changes. She will come up to you more and more often, coming up with this or that occasion, talking to you and looking at you with loving and joyful eyes.

Conspiracy with legumes

To carry out this conspiracy to love, we will resort to the help of beans. To do this, you will need to purchase three types of plants: red, white and black. It is necessary to soak the legume in holy water and wait until the bores hatch. Once this happens, plant these seeds in a container with soil. Plant a plant after twelve o'clock at night, saying a prayer:

“The earth is omnipotent, germinate the grain. As a plant grows, so let mutual love wake up.

When you pronounce the magic words, imagine the image of your beloved. In addition, confidence in magic, and its strength, must be unshakable. A container of beans should be in your bedroom, on the windowsill.

Lover's hair conspiracy

This ritual is quite simple, the only difficulty is to get the hair of your beloved. After that, buy an ordinary comb, on which you wind the girl's hair and cast the spell:

“Tina is thick, marsh duckweed, forest trees, I urge you to help attract the love of the passionate servant of God (name). As hairs weave, so let our love intertwine together. Amen".

The hair plot is carried out at night in a separate room.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony after sunset. When reading the words, think only about your desired girlfriend and believe in a positive result. After the ritual, comb with a charmed comb.

Conspiracy on the flower Ivan da Marya

In ancient times, this flower was the most sought after among magicians and witches. Its magical properties acted flawlessly and effectively. At the present time, finding a plant is quite difficult. However, each pharmacy sells medicinal fees, which contain the components of Ivan da Marya. Even a small dose of a flower is enough to carry out the ceremony. When the herbal tea is purchased, place it in a cotton bag while saying the following words:

“A flower, spoken by a gifted mother, draw my beloved to me, dear servant of God (name). Amen".

After reading the prayer, tie the bag with silk thread, red shades. Then put it under your pillow so that in a dream your beloved will come to you and tell you about her feelings.

Performing a ceremony for the love of a woman, weigh the pros and cons. Conspiracies can forever bewitch the feelings of a beloved. If in the future the sympathy of the guy disappears, then it will be very difficult to get rid of the attention of the female object. Remember, magic is not just words, it is power and strength!