Decorate the styrofoam egg with sequins. Easter egg: a master class on how to make crafts from sequins

It's time to consider some original options, how to decorate easter eggs, this time we have selected 10 of the most interesting and unusual decoration options that will allow you to prepare presents for your loved ones for the Christian holiday. Perhaps it was in 2016 that you decided to instill a new tradition in your family - to give gifts to each other for Easter. We will consider some of the proposed decoration options in more detail.

How to decorate Easter eggs

1. "Artichoke" - the original idea of ​​​​using wide satin ribbons as a material for decoration. The foam base is decorated with triangular modules, which are attached with sewing pins.

2. Thin ribbons - they are used to wrap the base, so you can create a plain or striped pattern.

3. Sequin embellishment - multi-colored shiny plastic elements are an easy material to create. Sequins are attached to sewing pins with a flat tip, so a foam base is used for crafts.

4. The options proposed above can be combined with each other, for example, first the entire workpiece is covered with thin ribbon strips or sequins, and then the bottom is decorated with triangles, as shown in detail in the master class.

5. "Patchwork" - it is easy to decorate the foam base with pieces of cotton fabric of different colors, for this the workpiece is divided into several sectors, and then deep cuts are made along the separation lines.

6. You will like the idea, how to decorate an easter egg with beads, because thanks to simple weaving, you can create a truly royal gift. The workpiece is braided with direct weaving or mosaic.

7. Knitting is another interesting option, how to decorate easter eggs with beads here you need to prepare in advance and buy high-quality beads. For weaving, a thin thread "Jeans" is used, on which beads are strung in the order specified according to the scheme. When all the beads are strung, you can start knitting in a spiral with a single crochet.

8. "Decoupage" - a technique that is used to decorate decorative bases: plastic, foam, wood, as well as to decorate boiled eggs for an Easter basket.

9. "Quilling" - twisted elements of paper strips are pasted over the workpiece, creating a bright pattern.

10. An egg-shaped blank can be wrapped with yarn or floss threads, you get a craft that fits perfectly into a warm home interior. You can use double-sided tape to attach the threads.

You can find other ideas and detailed instructions for their implementation.

How to decorate Easter eggs with satin ribbons

If you have already bought styrofoam easter eggs how to decorate them - we will tell you, besides, we have some interesting and unusual ideas that needlewomen will definitely like. As you know, craftswomen love to try new techniques, so we will replenish our collection with another original method, which is called "artichoke".

We will get a craft that will look like artichoke fruits, and for decoration we will use satin ribbons and the origami technique. Remember, on New Year's Eve we tried to create New Year's crafts, including Christmas decorations, using model origami, when a figure was formed from separate modules. This time, separate "models" will be used for decoration, and in the end you will get a bright and beautiful decoration.

The main material will be satin ribbons, although they can be replaced with cotton material, but it is less dense and durable, so the fabric may tear during operation. As a basis, we will use a foam blank, you can buy it at a store where various needlework products are presented. You can buy ribbons in a store with sewing accessories, fabrics and accessories. In the process of doing the craft, we will also need sewing studs with a flat head.

Now that we have prepared all the materials, we can begin the process, how to decorate easter eggs with satin ribbons, but first they must be cut into squares or rectangles. To determine the size of one piece of tape, you need to understand what size one module of our craft will be. The “triangle” is obtained as follows: a piece of tape is folded in half, then both corners are bent to the center. We get the size of the finished triangle, in accordance with this, it is necessary to cut the tape into pieces. In most cases, the ribbon must be cut into squares, with a side that would be equal to the diameter of the workpiece. The usual foam blank, which is most often sold in the store, has a size of 6 by 10 cm, so the squares need 6 by 6 cm. We first need to buy a tape, its width should be 6 cm.

How to decorate an Easter egg with your own hands

If you want to learn the artichoke method, how to decorate an easter egg, photo the master class will definitely give you tips on all stages of implementation. Decorating starts from the top (narrowed side) of the workpiece. First, it should be drawn with a marker into eight identical sectors.

You can use ribbons of the same color or different, stacking them in layers. First of all, we need to attach a square to the tip, then we fix the next one with a pin in the middle so that it enters the center of the intersection of the lines. We will fasten the first square with the right side up, the second - with the right side inward. This matters if you are working with material, satin ribbons have the same sides on both sides. The second square must be folded in half, bend the corners and fix them with pins, sticking them into the foam until it stops. Thus, we will make four more triangles that will close the top. The center of the triangle and both edges of the corners should be located along the axes, this will help us neatly decorate the foam base.

Let's go to the next stage how to decorate an easter egg with your own hands, carefully following the master class. In the photo, you can notice that the next row will go in a checkerboard pattern, i.e. now the center of the triangle module should be located between the corners of two adjacent modules of the previous row. Two options are possible here: you can fasten the center of each square with a pin, or you can not fasten them, but fix only the corners, which will add volume to the craft.

The “triangles” of the next row must necessarily cover the heads of the sewing pins, they must go with a slight offset relative to each other so that only the upper corners “stick out”. When you get closer to the bottom, you can use smaller squares - with a side of 5 cm, then 4 cm. And to hide the bottom, you can prepare a sepal for our artichoke.

Styrofoam Easter eggs: how to decorate?

"Artichoke" is only one of the ways to perform, but ribbons can be used for other techniques, including the simplest ones, which do not require special skills from you. You can see, how to decorate an Easter egg with your own hands, photo master classes or video lessons.

The simplest option can be called a simple wrapping of the workpiece with a thin ribbon. For this, we need an egg-shaped blank - a wooden, foam or hollow natural shell, three meters of thin ribbon, 0.5 cm wide. For work, we will use thin double-sided tape, which allows you to securely fix the ribbons and leaves no marks on the materials, unlike from glue.

This method is so simple that if you have already mastered, how to decorate easter eggs this and children, schoolchildren will be happy to take on. And you can give the finished craft to your grandmother, congratulating her on the bright spring holiday of Easter.

On the workpiece, you need to glue thin strips of double-sided tape - from below and from above, and then start wrapping it with ribbon. Gently apply the ribbon at both ends so that the layers overlap each other. With each subsequent winding, the tape must be slightly shifted.

You can also use two tapes at once to get a striped testicle, but then when wrapping each tape must be shifted relative to each other.

If you decorate the foam base with thin ribbons, then the lower part can be decorated with triangle modules that will form a sepal for the testicle. The original performance of Easter crafts is a combination of several types of decor. If you decorate half with the artichoke method, then the second part - sharp - can be decorated with sequins, which are also attached to sewing studs.

How to decorate Easter eggs with napkins

There's probably no other way how to decorate easter eggs with napkins, which would allow you to get truly bright and original decor elements and souvenirs for friends. The main material for decoration will be napkins, and the technique in which we decorate the blank is well known to us - this is decoupage.

By the way, decoupage is interesting for needleworkers not only because it is easy to solve with its help, how to decorate wooden easter eggs, but also how to “color” the boiled ones, which will then take their place near the Easter cake on the festive table.

Since Easter is a bright spring holiday, we will choose tender, spring motives for decorating eggs, for example, you can find many different options for napkins with floral patterns. You can choose napkins with large flowers or small ones. Large motifs are easy to cut out and use as separate elements for decoration, and napkins with small flowers will completely cover the surface.

So that the napkin elements do not stand out on the base, they should not be cut out, but carefully “pulled out”, such uneven edges can be easily hidden on the base and you will get an even, beautiful pattern on a wooden blank. The shell does not need to be pre-painted, and the wooden base must be covered with several layers of acrylic paint. The napkin is glued to the PVA glue: the motif must be carefully straightened so that there are no wrinkles. And at the final stage, how to decorate easter eggs with napkins, the craft is varnished.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of options for decorating handmade Easter eggs. But this one, decorated with ordinary maces and sequins, which I suggest you do in this master class, you will not find anywhere else. And the manufacture is not difficult and the materials for the manufacture will not require a lot.

So, are you ready to start making this handmade sequined Easter egg?

Then go ahead, let's get to work!

To make and decorate an Easter egg you will need:

polystyrene or polystyrene foam; scissors; universal glue; sew-on palettes flowers of light pink color; pins with colored heads (white, purple); pliers

For the Easter egg stand you will additionally need:

  • sew-on sequins
  • green flowers

On such an egg, 6 cm high, it will take about 120 pins. Before you begin, prepare the pins. These pins have long needles, therefore, with pliers, you need to bite off these needles by 1/3 of their total size.

After all the pins are ready, string a sewn-on sequin flower on each pin.

Take a piece of polystyrene foam (polystyrene foam) with a length and diameter of 6 cm. Cut it so that you get an egg. Cut with scissors, boldly shred it at the beginning. It is already at the end that you will correct it, cutting it off a little bit and a little bit.

And now, start piercing, with prepared needles with sequins, a foam egg. It will probably be easier to start from the middle of the top of the egg.

When piercing the pins with white and purple heads, alternate so that they are mixed.

If you are going to make an egg on a stand, then you should not cover the bottom of the egg with sequined pins.

And the same plastic pin box can ideally serve as a coaster. The only thing is that it needs to be decorated a little.

And for this, the same sewn-on sequins flowers will help only green. On the outermost rim, apply universal glue, and lay the piecti. Leave the stand for a while, and when the glue is completely dry, you can proceed to the final stage.

The final stage is the most enjoyable, because in a few minutes you will see the result of your work. And he will not disappoint you.

On the part of the Easter egg that was left and not covered with pins with palettes, apply universal glue. And attach exactly in the middle of the coaster. Squeeze and hold for a while.

And here is the result - an Easter egg in all its glory!

Sokolova Olga Anatolievna

Master class on decorating a Styrofoam Easter egg with ribbon and sequins for the Easter holiday in the preparatory group.

Greetings to all guests of my page!

Dear colleagues, today I offer you Styrofoam Easter egg decorating tutorial.

For this we need:

blanks from styrofoam in the shape of an egg for each child

Acrylic paints in different colors

Satin ribbons of different colors

Sequins in different colors

Buttons are small

Glue stick

On the Easter it is customary to exchange painted eggs as a sign of a bright holiday.

There is a legend that tells about Mary Magdalene, who decided to come to the Roman emperor Tiberius to tell about the resurrection of Christ.

To come to such an important person, it was necessary to bring a gift that the woman did not have.

So she offered him an ordinary chicken egg.

Magdalene said that Christ had risen, to which the emperor only laughed.

He stated that the return of the dead to life is as likely as a white egg can become red.

At the same moment, the egg in Mary's hands turned scarlet. Since then, there has been a tradition of painting eggs in red as a symbol of life.

Later eggs began to paint in different colors.

Egg decorating technique a lot of: Easter the egg can be decorated with beads, made from pasta, from papier-mâché, crocheted, from salt dough, from quilling ribbons.

I decided to give the children scope for imagination and the opportunity to decorate easter eggs of your choice.

But before decorate eggs, they must be painted with acrylic paint.

1. Coloring foam eggs.

Were pre-purchased styrofoam eggs for each child.

The children were given different colors to choose from, and to my pleasant surprise, all eggs turned out to be mostly golden and pink in color - light, festive

(Earlier in conversations with children, we noted that Easter is a bright holiday).

To color styrofoam eggs we needed sponges, sticks and acrylic paints.

It turned out like this:

Then you need to wait until the paint dries and proceed to the most interesting - decoration.

2. decoration easter egg.

Preliminary work was carried out with parents and children, and each child brought various decorations from home. They were satin ribbons, braid, small buttons, sequins, rhinestones.

The process itself captured the children.

Since the children used different materials to decorate each eggs turned out differently.

Each egg is individual and each is a small masterpiece.

With a little effort, they turn out so beautiful eggs.

Turned out very bright festive, elegant.

But since our easter eggs made of styrofoam and non-edible, I decided to make a little sweet surprise for the children in the form of Easter chocolates.

So I congratulated my children on holiday.

And you, dear colleagues, I also congratulate you on Svetla Easter!

Many thanks to everyone for visiting.

I wish you all new ideas and inspiration!

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Easter is the brightest holiday that brings happiness, warmth and kindness to the hearts of each of us. Easter is unimaginable these days.

With the advent of the spring sunny season, our mood and desire to create something new flourishes. Spring comes to us with many holidays for which we prepare gifts, so why not make them yourself? Let them be unique!

One of the bright holidays of the spring time was Easter, the attribute of which is the Easter egg, as a symbol of rebirth and resurrection. In the folklore of the whole world, an egg is a good sign, symbolizing good luck, wealth and health. The egg, painted in the color of the Sun, symbolizes the spring of Life, the victory of spring and the sun over winter and night. Throughout the Ancient World, in various interpretations, there is a version of the birth of the World from an egg. One way or another, in any of the versions, the egg has always been considered the beginning, the birth of all things, a symbol of life.

Video master class on creating an Easter souvenir using the "artichoke" technique:

Decorating Easter eggs is an important part of preparing for the holiday. The process is very fascinating, which in the old days had a certain magical coloring. We prepared for the holiday with respect, bright joyful mood and only positive emotions. An Easter souvenir made with kindness became a talisman and a symbol of longevity.

How to decorate Easter eggs?

If you want to decorate the Easter table in an original way, then the following video tutorial will easily help you with this. A cozy Easter composition in the form of a wreath of birch twigs decorated with live willow branches, feathers, skeletonized leaves will be a wonderful decoration for Easter cake or a bowl with Easter eggs.

A unique video tutorial on weaving a nest from birch branches with further decorating it with Easter decor.

Topiary "Bird's nest". super creative"

There are many options for decorating Easter eggs. For example, braiding eggs with beads and glass beads. This process is very painstaking, but interesting. The result can be a real masterpiece, for example, beaded egg like in this photo:

There are a lot of options and patterns for braiding eggs with beads. To begin with, it is important to pay attention to the blanks themselves. They are different, respectively, the materials must be chosen taking into account the size and shape of the workpiece.

Wooden blank "Egg on a stand"

If for a large egg blank it is better to use larger beads, for example, No. 8 or No. 5, then for a smaller one, microbeads No. 10 or No. 11 are suitable. You can braid an egg with various materials: wire, thread, spandex, fishing line. Weaving on wire is stronger because the thread can fray over time. Thus, having chosen the blank itself, the braiding material, beads, glass beads, you can start the decoration process. You can visually familiarize yourself with the materials and choose a souvenir Easter egg blank in our store.

You can decorate Easter eggs in an original way using fresh leaves and flowers. It's pretty simple and fast. It is necessary to put leaves or petals on the eggs that have not yet been dyed and lower them into the dye.

In order for the eggs to be dyed with an imprint of the pattern from the embedded stencil, they must be tightly wrapped in a stocking, tied and dyed. After dyeing, we get original patterns.

On already painted eggs, you can apply ornaments using colored paper. For this work you will need curly hole punchesused in scrapbooking, curly scissors and glue. If you choose self-adhesive material, then glue is not needed. Getting started, think over the pattern in advance and mark the location of the cutouts with a pencil.

A more time-consuming process of decorating eggs is using veneer and straw. In this technique, you can create real masterpieces that delight the eye with their festive decoration! Look how beautiful it is!

An excellent accessory for decorating the Easter table will be grain eggs. To create them, everything that the hostess has at hand in the kitchen is useful: cereals, vermicelli, coffee beans, black peppercorns. It remains only to arm yourself with glue (you can use PVA) or a paste, a glue gun and, after lubricating the surface of the egg blank, glue it tightly with buckwheat, dried grape seeds or roll in semolina. When the glue dries, apply paint. As a result, we get the following:

A great way to decorate Easter eggs for needlewomen who know how to knit is tying with colored threads with the addition of beads and rhinestones.

But even here there is an easier and faster option for creating beautiful holiday “shirts” for eggs. Decorating with braid, ribbons, lace, beads, buttons, we create “openwork” eggs. It is enough to wind a decorative ribbon or braid no more than 1 cm wide around the workpiece. Apply glue to the edges and ends of the ribbon to fix it, and then glue or sew beads, decorative buttons, suitable pendants onto the ribbon. To prevent the Easter egg from rolling, you can make a stand from a strip of cardboard, previously decorated with braid.

Eggs entwined with soutache cord or jute look original and stylish. We tightly wrap the wooden blank of the egg with a cord, which is attached to the base with a glue gun. And then, we decorate with a bow, half-beads, glue drops, embroider the letters ХВ and do everything that your creative imagination tells you.

Quilling egg

It is impossible not to recall the decoration of eggs with paper curls made using the quilling technique. That's very beautiful! Making such beauty is not as difficult as it might seem.

Choose a simple or more skillful option - it doesn’t matter, as a result of the work you will get a wonderful, original, “airy” decoration.

To work, take strips of quilling paper, glue, tweezers and a fork for twisting the strips. You can cut the strips of paper yourself, but there are already ready-made sets of different colors and densities on sale, which is very convenient. If you do decide to cut the paper yourself, use special paper cutters and a cutting mat (self-healing mat) with markings that make it easy to measure the required strip width. The surface of such a rug has the ability to self-heal, which makes it possible to use knives and other tools without damaging the surface of the furniture. Once you have decided on the pattern, selected the appropriate paper and cut it into strips, start twisting the curls, winding the paper tightly around the fork. Secure the end of the strip with glue. Then remove the roll, give it the desired size and shape with your hands. Once you have the right amount of pieces, carefully decorate your Easter souvenirs with them using tweezers and glue. An elegant Easter decoration is ready!

How to decorate eggs - other ways

Using the dry felting method, you can make such elegant Easter souvenirs.

To work, you will need a base made of thick foam rubber, cut out in the shape of an egg or a foam blank, wool, felting needles, a marker and decorative elements: rhinestones, ribbons, beads, sequins. The base is covered with small strands of wool, starting from the top of the head and gradually leaning in with needles. We decorate the egg with thin strands of wool in contrasting colors, nailing them with a thin needle.

Also, an Easter souvenir can be decorated with floss threads, winding them from the top of the egg down, moving along the halftones in the color scheme. It turns out very soft and beautiful.

The festive table can be decorated with an Easter composition. For example, laying painted, decorated eggs in a sisal nest. Sisal is an amazing natural material, it is a pleasure to work with it, and the nest made from it looks very natural. So, we twist the sisal “nest”, we can strengthen the bottom with cardboard on the reverse side. We decorate the composition with artificial flowers, leaves and put eggs in the nest. You can make small nests for each egg separately and put it on the Easter table. Festive mood guaranteed!

For those who like bright unusual colors in decorating, the marbling option is suitable. The coloring technology is simple. All you need is paints for marbling or nail polish of various colors, a bowl filled with 2/3 water at room temperature and the egg blanks themselves. We drip all shades of paints into the water and dilute with a thin stick so that fancy patterns form on the surface. Gently dip the egg into the water and rotate it so that the color covers the entire surface. After we take out the egg and lay it to dry. To do this, it is advisable to prepare in advance a foam substrate with toothpicks stuck into it in a checkerboard pattern. By laying eggs on them, we reduce the area of ​​contact between the surfaces and keep the painted surface free of defects.

You can also decorate eggs for Easter with plain colored paper. This is a very easy way to decorate and a great game for mommy's little helpers, which will allow them to show their imagination and feel like adult housewives.

You will need: glue and scissors. Cut out flowers and a strip of green paper for the grass. For flowers, it is most convenient to use curly hole punchers, for example, such a Flower Hole Punch. The length of the base (grass) is about 13 cm. We cut out all the flowers of different diameters, twist the leaves with them (you can use scissors) and, putting one on top of the other, glue them in the middle so as to get a layered petals and volume. We glue the tape with grass into a ring - the stand is ready. We lay an egg on it and attach a flower to it with a drop of glue.

Also, in spring, a scattering of small flowers made of foil or fabric will look easy and festive on an Easter egg. According to the template, or with the help of a curly composter suitable for your taste, cut out the flowers and “plant” on a drop of glue.

You can make a mosaic egg. This Easter egg decor idea is from Stephanie Hung. The technique is simple: color the eggs with food coloring, let dry. We break the shells into mosaic fragments and glue them with white glue to a whole unpainted egg, leaving small gaps between them. Looks very interesting.

Mosaic technique can be complicated by using pieces of fine porcelain and any unnecessary decorations - crystal beads, imitation pearls, vintage buttons, pendants, rhinestones.

You can try something unusual in decorating Easter souvenirs with thin multi-colored foil, varnish markers and 3D contours. We tear the sheets of foil in half and wrap the eggs. Smooth the foil with the back of a teaspoon. After that, we apply a drawing with a varnish marker and decorate with sequins, which we lay out on a small amount of a 3D contour of a suitable color.

An Easter souvenir decorated with polymer clay looks original. This material is molded like plasticine, and after baking in the oven it becomes hard. Polymer clay can be used to decorate various surfaces. For work, it is better to choose two or three different colors to get a more colorful result. You will also need a blade, you can use the usual stationery, and a device for rolling out layers (a simple rolling pin will do). Clay must be kneaded in your hands, cutting it into small pieces beforehand. It should become soft. After we roll it into thin plates, no more than 1-2 mm thick. As a result, we get several plates of different colors, equal them, put one on top of the other and roll it out with a rolling pin. It is important that no air remains between the layers. Then we tightly twist the plates into a “roll” and cut into thin slices, with which we decorate the surface of the Easter egg. To avoid fingerprints on the product, it is better to wear gloves. When the workpiece is completely stuck around, it must be rolled in the palms to erase the boundaries between the fragments and baked in the oven at a temperature of 110 degrees for 20 minutes. When the product is completely cool, you need to apply varnish on it.

Decoupage Easter eggs

In conclusion, I would like to pay special attention to decorating Easter eggs using decoupage technique. To work, you need napkins with a variety of patterns, a paste or glue, scissors, a brush and acrylic paints. PVA glue can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Sometimes beaten egg white is used as an adhesive composition. We cover the egg blanks with light acrylic - white, cream, salad or yellow. Then we cut out individual fragments from the napkin or use it as a whole, making only a few cuts along the edge. Carefully separate the extra layers so that only one, the thinnest top layer remains. Lubricate the surface of the egg with glue and gradually wrap it, starting from the top. It is more convenient to decorate in small fragments, since they lie more evenly on the round surface of the egg.

Thus, glue the egg, gently smoothing the edges of the napkin. From above, you can again cover with glue or decoupage varnish, let the product dry. When the glue dries, we apply decorative leaves, curls, an ornament using a contour for stained glass painting. Unusual and colorful Easter eggs are ready!

In this review, we have not talked about all the ways to decorate Easter eggs. Perhaps you use one of them or invent a new one! Unleash your creative imagination! Happy holiday to you!

Where to buy egg blanks for decoration

In the Delki online store you can purchase:
  • plastic eggs, very similar to natural ones


On the Internet, you can find a lot of decoration options.handmade Easter eggs . But this one, decorated with ordinary maces and sequins, which I suggest you do in this master class, you will not find anywhere else. And the manufacture is not difficult and the materials for the manufacture will not require a lot.

So, are you ready to start making this handmade sequined Easter egg?

Then go ahead, let's get to work!

To make and decorate an Easter egg you will need:

polystyrene or polystyrene foam;


universal glue;

sew-on palettes flowers of light pink color;

pins with colored heads (white, purple);


For the Easter egg stand you will additionally need:

Sequined sequins green flowers

On such an egg, 6 cm high, it will take about 120 pins. Before you begin, prepare the pins. These pins have long needles, therefore, with pliers, you need to bite off these needles by 1/3 of their total size.

After all the pins are ready, string a sewn-on sequin flower on each pin.

Take a piece of polystyrene foam (polystyrene foam) with a length and diameter of 6 cm. Cut it so that you get an egg. Cut with scissors, boldly shred it at the beginning. It is already at the end that you will correct it, cutting it off a little bit and a little bit.

And now, start piercing, with prepared needles with sequins, a foam egg. It will probably be easier to start from the middle of the top of the egg.

When piercing the pins with white and purple heads, alternate so that they are mixed.

If you are going to make an egg on a stand, then you should not cover the bottom of the egg with sequined pins.

And the same plastic pin box can ideally serve as a coaster. The only thing is that it needs to be decorated a little.

And for this, the same sewn-on sequins flowers will help only green. On the outermost rim, apply universal glue, and lay the piecti. Leave the stand for a while, and when the glue is completely dry, you can proceed to the final stage.

The final stage is the most enjoyable, because in a few minutes you will see the result of your work. And he will not disappoint you.

On the part of the Easter egg that was left and not covered with pins with palettes, apply universal glue. And attach exactly in the middle of the coaster. Squeeze and hold for a while.

And here is the result - an Easter egg in all its glory!