Lapel of a guy from a girl at home. The lapel of the guy from the girl to read the mother

In love, as in life itself, everything is not quiet and smooth. It happens that fate presents such turns, and sometimes you don’t know how to fix everything. And when it comes to children, then you need to be careful at all.

You don’t have time to look back and the son has already grown up completely, he has adult interests, he has already managed to fall in love. It’s good when it’s safe, and sometimes there is unrequited love and it’s simply impossible to look at the torment of a son. It's even worse when the guy was bewitched. What can be done in such cases? There is only one answer - it is necessary to carry out a lapel from love influence.

If you saw that the guy was bewitched, it is necessary to carry out a lapel from love influence

Lapel Consequences

Like any effect of magic, lapels also have their consequences. Because magical energy is affected. Although in this case the performer is not directly connected with the rite of magical influence, as in a love spell, there is a direct discord in the relationship between the rival and the beloved.

The one who will make a lapel should not even think about the bad impact on the enemy. Therefore, in order not to touch the consequences of the lapel, you need to wish the opponent only health and make special protection - put a candle for the health of the opponent.

Lapels of a guy from a girl

Consider the most effective lapels:

  • mother's rite against love spell;
  • lapel with a candle from a rival;
  • a lapel from a girl on a wax figure;
  • lapel with the help of a photo.

One of the most effective rituals is a lapel with a candle from a rival

Rite of mother against love spell

This ritual should be performed by the mother of the guy whose son was bewitched. You need to perform a lapel from a girl on the day of your son’s birthday, and the month does not matter.

You need to take:

  • church candle;
  • a vessel with holy water;
  • white handkerchief;
  • photo of son.

Put the handkerchief in a vessel of water so that it is soaked in holy water. Light a candle, and hold the photo over the fire and pronounce the plot:

“My soul cries in separation from the blood. Give me, Christ, a wedding cup, a wedding candle, and a holy handkerchief. Draw around me. Mother of God, protective circle. I will speak my child, the servant of God (name), I wash him with holy water, I wipe his face with a holy handkerchief. No one can fool my child, no one can spoil him. Flesh from flesh, blood from blood. Amen".

For the ceremony, use holy water

Extinguish the candle, but do not blow it out, and remove the handkerchief from the holy water. It is necessary to dry it and give it to the son, so that he always uses a scarf.

Lapel with a candle from a rival

There is such a situation when a third person intervenes in a couple, and even more disgusting if there is an impact with the help of a love spell. Then you need to make a lapel against the opponent. You will need one church candle. It is necessary to light a candle on the waning moon and read the following conspiracy over it:

“As wax melts, the love of the servant of God (name) for the servant of God (name) melts.”

You need to read it nine times - this is a very strong lapel. After the ritual, you need to bury the rest of the candle away from your home. Next, you need to put a candle in the church for the health of the opponent, so that the consequences of magic do not harm you.

After the ceremony, put a candle in the church for the health of the rival

Lapel held on a pin

When the name of the opponent is not known, then a ceremony is performed with a pin.

It is necessary to purchase a pin on Sunday at the market. They say the following conspiracy on a pin:

“Mother Mother of God, help protect your loved one, protect yourself near you.”

“As the pin unfastens, my dear will wake up from the love of a stranger.”

As soon as the man unfastens the pin, that's when the conspiracy should work.

When the name of the opponent is not known, then a ceremony is performed with a pin

Lapel from a girl on a wax figure

It happens that a love triangle is formed and a lover appears in the family. And then many turn to magicians to carry out a lapel in order to avoid the consequences of the effects of magic. But if you decide to do the ceremony yourself, then you will need:

  • consecrated candles for dolls;
  • object's hair;
  • red candles;
  • needle.

According to professional magicians, this lapel is the most powerful and effective. You need to carry out the lapel on the full moon.

Lapel from a girl held on a full moon

It is necessary to make a doll from church candles, similar to an object of love. You can attach the guy's hair, but if this is not possible, then write his name on the doll in the heart area. During the ceremony, wear white clothes, which symbolizes innocence. Place red candles on the floor in the form of a five-pointed star. When exactly midnight strikes, light them and, holding a wax doll over them, you need to pierce the heart with a needle. Next, speak the plot:

“Anem forrus lohirim, Kalinga enem tairim. I call you - eternal spirits. Do here with secret wisdom. You invisibly enter the entity (Name). Deprive him of his passion for the girl (Name). Remove all attachment to her. Separate them forever. I offer my blood and soul as a sacrifice. I believe you and I will not break my oath.

As soon as the last words have been spoken, you need to prick your finger so that a drop of blood falls on the doll. The spirits must accept such a sacrifice. Relationships will break quickly between your man and rival.

After the spell, you need to prick your finger so that a drop of blood falls on the doll

Lapel with a photo

Another type of lapel, which is more forgiving, is using a photo where a rival is with your boyfriend. It is necessary to do the ritual on the full moon. You need to break the photo into two parts. Where the rival is depicted, you need to tear this part into small pieces, and read the plot:

“You will leave forever from his thoughts, deeds and life. You will be disgusting and ugly to him - like a swamp toad. There will be no love and passion for you in him.”

Scatter the pieces at the crossroads, and say to the image of the guy:

"You are forever free of her."

After the ritual, it is necessary to break the photo of the opponent into two parts

This is an extremely easy lapel in execution, but also do not forget that there may be consequences, so you need to light a candle for the health of your opponent.

The most important thing is that one must not forget when they perform a ceremony or read a conspiracy, because living people with their feelings and desires are involved. Maybe there is not a love spell here, but simple love, so that later you don’t have to pay for the consequences of the lapel.

A lapel is used in cases where you need to turn a guy away from a girl, or from his mistress. Also, if the mother-in-law does not let you live, she constantly climbs into the family and the husband listens to his mother, then in these cases a lapel is also needed. But the main action, of course, is the elimination of the husband's rival or your boyfriend. If you need your lover to quarrel with that girl, then a lapel is just what will come in handy in this matter.

Today I will teach you a strong lapel. Do it forty times. After that, the veil falls from the eyes of the men, and they return to their wives.
Before finishing dry, three trees should be planted. First read "The Prayer Invocation of the Saint Whose Name You Bear":
Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.
Trees are best planted near your home. It can be a ranetka, an apple tree, a lilac. Plants can be bought at the botanical garden. I do not think that anyone will be against your landings. There is not enough greenery in the cities, and no one will scold you. If your opponent and you have the same name, then plant evergreen trees. After that, forty dawns, read the plot, holding in your hands a handful of earth taken from under a planted tree. Collect these handfuls from each day in one bag. Then throw the earth near the house where the rival lives.
One more thing: plant trees according to all the rules, so that they take root.
So the opening:

I got up at dawn, my holy cross is on me. Mother Earth is before me, Christ the Savior is with me. Go, my melancholy-sadness, whether it’s close, far away, find my servant of God (name), take it by the left hand, bring it to my doorstep. You, demon, don't bite. You, the servant of God (the name of the rival), do not rejoice. The Lord is with me, the earth is before me. As long as my seedlings live, the servant of God (name) will not be together with the servant of God (name). Holy icon, God's crown, mother earth, and for the servant of God (name) only me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.
If a woman with this conspiracy plants seven trees, then her husband will not look the other way for seven years. The earth has great power.

Force a husband to be kind to his wife

Read morning and evening, 12 times. Walk in a new dress, change the curtains on the windows and doors.
Lightning dawns, there are three sisters of you in heaven. You, God's helpers: one dopeka, another bore, the third porch. One is bake, the other is boring, the third is screw the servant of God (name) to me, the servant of God (name). So that he would be baked towards me, a servant of God, so that he would be attracted to me, so that he would be attracted, his soul bewitched. So that he eats, but doesn’t seize, so that he drinks, but doesn’t drink, he wouldn’t go for a walk, until he met me kindly, he wouldn’t greet me with a kind word, he wouldn’t be bored in the house, he would sing like a nightingale around me. I would not listen to the old, or the young, or the small: neither the first nor the last. For me to be for him, as he is for me alone throughout my life and until my death. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Closed, buried and forgotten.

If the husband was going to leave for another

If your husband was recaptured from you, on the day when he was about to leave, you will read him a conspiracy to return after him. Your husband will come back to you anyway. Read through the open door after him.
Earth-land to the luminaries, sister, I turn to you, who did not walk on you, did not sew on their sins. The servant of God (name) will go after you to the lover of the servant of God (name), give him a hard road, burning tears, a sick heart. The further he gets away from me, the harder it will be for him on the way. To pull him back, turn him back, so that he suffers without me like the holy martyrs. Amen.

Conspiracy from an evil husband

To speak your husband's anger, you need to go to the cemetery and go there to someone's funeral. And when everyone is throwing change into the grave, throw five rubles too, but not paper, but metal money, cross yourself and think to yourself like this:
Just as this dead man will not be able to raise his hands now, open his lips, so my husband (name) will not be able to shout at me in a loud voice, hiss, grumble, wave his arms and legs. Now, forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the husband does not walk

Take a hair from a gelding's mane, slander it on the hair, then burn it, put the ashes in the pocket of the husband who walks away from his wife. Read after sunset:
They brought a stallion into the field, (name) a young man, and when they returned, they turned into a gelding. That gelding does not run, the gelding vein does not stand on a single mare, and the servant of God (name) does not stand on a single young woman: neither light, nor dark, nor sad, nor cheerful, from now on forever. Amen.
To forever turn her husband away from his mistress
Wash his things, and speak the last water, wash your feet with this water and pour it under the female tree. They read like this:
I will get up, blessed, go out, crossing myself, from my house, from all the doors, from the last door to the gate and from all the gates to the blue sea, the wide expanse. There are 12 brothers standing there, all of them have 12 wives. I’ll shout out, I’ll call out their names: one is longing, the second is dryness, the third wife is a heartbeat, the fourth is a headache, the fifth is mental illness, the sixth is desire, the seventh is torment, the eighth is erection, the ninth is sleeplessness, the tenth is boredom, eleventh - hot blood, twelfth - ardent love. Oh, you, demonic 12 wives, may the servant of God (name) be surprised by my article, wounded by my mind, subjugated by this conspiracy word, captivated for now, forever and endlessly. Let you, wives, sadness and longing for him, so that he yearns for me, God's servant (name), misses him, shouts in a loud voice, could not live without me for a minute, a second to be, not a day to day, not a single night to pass: not at The moon is clear, nor the sun is red. In the morning it would be a little light to get up, take my name on mind-mind, bored, yearned, shouted in a bad voice. Let the other girl seem to him a terrible tigress, like fiery parts, an owl with a big head, and I would be him on a hot afternoon - water, in severe hunger - food. Be, all my words, strong, strong, sticky. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
If you find in the forest a young growth of any tree that reaches your waist, break it at the root and say:
As I break this tree, so everything is broken with the servant of God (the name of the mistress). As this tree does not bloom this year, so her business will not go smoothly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lapel on the Queen of Spades

There are many legends and legends associated with the Queen of Spades. And it is this character in the form of a Tarot card that is a frequent attribute of the rituals of love magic. The Queen of Spades is used in both simple and complex rituals of various kinds. And such rituals are always effective. Very popular among young people is the lapel on the lady of spades. The ritual, most often, is carried out if it is necessary to remove the opponent.
The most popular and famous lapel for the Queen of Spades involves a ritual on Thursday, Tuesday or Saturday. The ceremony is held late at night during the waning moon. For the ritual, you will need a new deck of cards. It must be bought in advance against the calculation, or change when acquiring it does not need to be taken. On the day chosen for the ceremony, you must go to the cemetery with the purchased deck of cards. On an unknown or abandoned grave, an offering should be left to the Mistress of Pogostnaya, after which the deck of cards should be shuffled and the left foot should be placed on it. Then, in any form, you should turn to the Mistress Pogostnaya nine times in an arbitrary form with a request to assist you in your ritual deeds. Then you need to pick up the deck and quickly leave the cemetery without looking back.

The ritual is carried out in a separate room, in which there should be a table. It is covered with a black tablecloth and three black candles are placed on it in a semicircle. Between them is placed a deck of cards, a mirror and on its two sides photographs of people who need to be separated. After that, the deck is shuffled and the Queen of Spades card is taken from it, which is placed face up on the mirror.

After that, candles are lit, and the lapel plot is read seven times:
“I, with my strong word, call the Queen of Spades into the world. That churchyard and black woman, eaten away by grief and misfortune, but at the same time prayed for by the demon himself, but hidden from the white world forever. The Queen of Spades is known for her passion and the fact that she is considered the mistress of all evil spirits. You have a pernicious soul, and whom you meet on the way, you will lure him onto the path of the dead. You are a devil of the dark worlds, a master of coldness of the heart, you can send any cold to your soul.

At the sight of you, all hearts bleed, they become colder than the host, they turn into stones. May your dark power drive away (man's name) from (woman's name) from this minute and forever. From this moment on, let them walk separately around the world, and do not see each other, growling like animals and shouting with human voices. Let the feelings (name of the man) to (name of the woman) cool down, and their indifference will drag them into the pool.

And if you suddenly come together to make a decision, then you, the queen of spades, will stand between them and again, with your strength, force them to disperse. There will be no heat of love between them, but only aspid poison will come from (man's name) to (woman's name). They live separately, do not converge and do not slip into one place.

With your help, the lady of peak in my own words, I turn their love into emptiness, I send the lapel to (man's name) to (woman's name). Love will never be mutual, I order it with my will, I conjure with my words. By the power of the demonic, the lady of spades from the deck not played, I force (the name of the man) and (the name of the woman) to disperse forever. Together with the wolf's howling at night and the morning mist, their love will dissolve. May what I said come true with the help of a demonic order. Amen".
After the spoken words, you should make a small incision on your finger and draw a cross with your own blood on the mirror and stick a card of the Queen of Spades on it. After that, the following words are spoken:
“Through the mirror surface and scarlet blood, come into the world, Queen of Spades. With a black lapel, scatter (the name of the man) and (the name of the woman) in different directions, separate their destinies forever. An accurate arrow is a dark swara, an abandoned grave is a rejected soul. Amen".

All attributes must be left in this state for the night and go to bed without thinking about anything. Wake up early in the morning and burn the Queen of Spades card.

At the same time, the following words are pronounced:
“Born by fire, you will leave the world with a flame. As requested, it happened. Amen".

The ceremony with the Queen of Spades is very complex and requires the right mental attitude. Therefore, at the slightest doubt in one's own abilities, it is better to turn to a professional magician.

Lapel for milk

In love magic, lapels are very popular rites. In rituals, a variety of attributes are often used. But at the same time, it should be remembered that the success of any lapel magical effect entirely depends on the strength of the energy of the person who performs the ceremony.
Milk is one of the popular attributes in lapel magic. The lapel for milk is considered very effective and allows you to get rid of a rival in a short time and restore relations with your loved one.
Since milk is a natural product, its energy is very strong. In this regard, the rites are not particularly difficult. All that is required is faith in one's own strength and sincere love for a person.
For example, the following lapel for milk is very effective. You need to take a glass of fresh milk, spit into it and say these words with feeling:
“No one in the white world lives without saliva. So I, the Servant of God (proper name), command you the Servant of God (name of the beloved) to undead and not enjoy life without me. You will be sad, you will grieve and you will come to me, but you will not remember her either today or ever. My word is strong and true. To be with me forever. Amen".
It is necessary to make sure that the beloved drinks the charmed milk. After that, he will never look at the side again.
The ritual for sour milk is considered very effective. With his help, people are bred forever. For this you need:

Buy a liter of fresh milk;
In a glass container, put photographs of people who are planned to be bred;
Pour milk into a container and put it in a warm place with the words:
“This milk will sour, so your feelings of the Servant of God (the name of the man) and the Servant of God (the name of the woman) will cool. Milk sours and rots, and your hatred for each other awakens, your relationships are drowning in rot. Amen".
After the milk is well sour, it is poured into the street garbage with the words:
“My deed is done! It turned sour, rotten, and forever the feelings of the Servant of God (the name of the man) and the Servant of God (the name of the woman) were killed by milk. From this moment on, there is only rot and mold between you. As no one enjoys drinking sour milk, so you will never be together. Said to be. Amen".

You need to leave the garbage heap quickly, and without looking back. This rite belongs to village magic and came to the modern world from antiquity. Its effectiveness has been tested by time, but it is effective only with sincere feelings.

Lapel of husband from mother-in-law

When getting married, every girl dreams of being a full-fledged mistress in her own family. But, unfortunately, very often the reins of government in a newly created family are intercepted by the mother-in-law, who loves her son so much that she believes that her actions are always for the good. Since patience is not unlimited, the lapel of a husband from his mother-in-law is a very popular rite. It is often used by young women seeking to restore normal family relationships.

Husband's lapel from mother-in-law without consequences

It should be understood that the lapel from the mother-in-law refers to rituals that break family ties. These are very dangerous magical effects that threaten with unpredictable consequences. To avoid them, it is better to use magical rites that will relieve the mother-in-law's nit-picking, but, nevertheless, will allow you to maintain normal relations, and in rare cases will contribute to the emergence of friendly relations between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law. Any such lapel from the mother-in-law belongs to white magic, therefore it is harmless. To perform the ceremony, you must have a fresh photo of the mother-in-law. The ritual is best timed to coincide with some great church holiday. On the morning of the ceremony, you should go to church, buy a new bible there and be sure to bless it. When visiting the temple, you need to put a candle for the health of the mother-in-law. Arriving home, you need to take a previously prepared photograph of the husband’s mother and say the following words over it: “In the name of the Most High and Almighty Lord God and the Virgin! I forever lock the anger directed at me, my mother-in-law, the Servant of God (name) in the Holy Book. From now on, she will be kind and affectionate. Amen!" After that, the picture must be put between the pages of the book, and the Bible itself must be hidden in a secret place so that no one will ever find it. This lapel of the husband from the mother-in-law leads to a cooling of maternal feelings. But, since it is aimed at the benefit of the family and excludes a complete break in relations, there will be no negative consequences. There is an ancient ritual that involves the use of charmed healing herbs collected on the Trinity. Initially, the plants are dried and spoken with these words:
“I am preparing herbs for a magic brew. My mother-in-law will drink such tea. The evil of those herbs will be afraid and my mother-in-law (name) will no longer be useful. She will drink magic tea and only with goodness will come to my doorstep. And the bird will descend from heaven, and evil will peck and fly away forever. Amen ”Subsequently, herbs should be added to tea and treated to the mother-in-law every time she comes to visit. Over time, her feelings for her son will cool, and she will stop interfering in your family life. Any rite of passage from the mother-in-law should be carried out with a sense of self-confidence. In addition, a necessary condition for the effectiveness of the impact is a sincere belief in the correctness of the chosen solution.

A lot of young people are interested in magic these days. Estimates give such a turn in the information space will not. This is a personal matter.

On the other hand, it is better to use magical methods to influence situations that do not seem very beautiful, not harmonious. Much worse, agree, to use forceful or offensive methods.

Take, for example, a situation where a guy becomes the object of obsessive female attention. This is flattering only in the beginning.

Then it begins to annoy, interfere, sometimes, disgust. Yes, I feel sorry for the girl. She hopes, she suffers. The guy wants to live his destiny.

And sometimes it even comes to disgrace. A passionate admirer does not give a pass to her idol. How many will tolerate such a situation?

A lapel from a guy will help to cope with it. This is a ritual, the purpose of which is to reorient that same unwanted fan. Let him love someone else, more accommodating.

But that will be her problem. And the task of the magician is to remove from her heart the addiction to the object, to exclude attention and desire for it.

The lapel from the guy is carried out during the waning moon. The rule is strict. It is violated only in some extremely rare rituals. But about them later.

In addition, it is necessary to conduct the ceremony on women's days. They are easy to identify by their names. They are feminine.

Lapel from a guy

This is the easy way. It is more suitable in cases where the girl (victim) is unobtrusive, behaves decently, only suffers. Such a beauty is recommended to be invited to visit, for tea.

Let's describe the rituals as if they were being performed by a guy. In fact, any person who is not indifferent to a girl can do the same. It will be a kind of "helping hand".

So, invite the girl for tea, on Wednesday, for example. Before that, buy ordinary candles and rub them with fir oil. During the feast (not before), light it.

Tea should also be unusual. It should contain mint, and serve chopped lemon to the table.

This combination of smells will position the girl's energy towards a calmer reaction to third-party interference.

And the rite itself is to speak tea. Words must be said directly into the cup, immediately passing it to the girl. They are:

“Beyond the three mountains lies ice in a black hole. I'll take frost from there, I'll put (name of the girl) in your heart. Let it breathe with cold, judge, love will cool. Forget (boyfriend's name) forever. Cover yourself with ice, open up to a different fate. Amen!"

Lapel of a girl from a guy

You can make a lapel on the flowers. White is suitable for this, chamomile and lilies of the valley work especially well. The latter, as if intended for this ritual.

This is in case there is an opportunity to buy real, forest flowers. A bouquet is also purchased on Wednesday. They must be submitted before noon.

Say to flowers like this:

“Just as you don’t grow these flowers to the roots, don’t drink earthly water, so you (girl’s name) don’t fawn over (boyfriend’s name), don’t suffer, don’t look, put on a different fate! Amen!"

How to take a photo at home

Sometimes contact methods are impossible for some reason. Then .

  1. Glue the photo to the bottom of the jar and fill it with water by a quarter.
  2. Put it in the refrigerator.
  3. As it hardens, pour the same amount of water, say the words of the spell and freeze again.

“I bring frost into the heart (name of the girl), do not know dreams, do not dream about (name of the guy), do not fly in the clouds. As the ice melts, so will your feeling fade. Amen!"

The jar must be buried under a male tree.

As soon as the ice turns into water, it is absorbed by the roots, so the lapel will begin to act.

white magic

Such a ritual is performed in the Temple.

It is not fully magical. Rather, it is the interaction of the individual with the Higher Forces. That is, the magician does not dictate his will, but explains the intention and asks for help.

It is necessary to find the icon of the Guardian Angel of the victim in the Temple. In front of her for three days in a row they put the thickest candle for the health of the girl.

On the fourth day they say the following words:

“As the Lord is merciful, so the Lord’s servant (name of the girl) is pure from love desires and worldly suffering. Amen!"


To make a plot on a guy's lapel:

“As the sun's light is invincible, so the heart (girl's name) is free. From fierce malice, from someone else's will, from witchcraft, from the passion induced by the Lord of the servant (guy's name)! Amen!"

Such a pin must be attached to the victim's clothing. She needs to walk with her for at least a month.

If she removes the pin, then she speaks and a new one clings. You just need to keep track of her toilets and changes in them.

Strong lapel from a guy

You need to go to the funeral.

As everyone begins to throw earth into the grave, stand nearby (not far). For the first three handfuls, say these words:

“How not to get the dead man out of the coffin, so do not return the feelings (name of the girl) to (name of the guy). I send them to the grave, I free it from them. Amen!"

Then leave without looking back and without talking to anyone.

Please note that this ritual can only be performed at the funeral of a stranger with whom you are guaranteed to never meet or talk. Otherwise, his soul can take the girl with him.

Consequences of a guy's lapel

At a young age, let young people not be offended, the consequences of the lapel, most often, are not significant. A fragile feeling is transformed into indifference, then completely disappears.

Of course, there are exceptions when a girl has found her destiny, and she is taken away from her. However, this rarely happens. Yes, and you will not be able to influence such a girl with the above rituals.

Breaking fate is a very energy-intensive business. It is not recommended for home magicians to get involved in it.

The same, then interested, we can say the following. As a rule, they will become visible in a week or two after the ritual. Although it happens much earlier.

It all depends on the strength and concentration of the house magician and the stubbornness of the girl (or maybe stubbornness).

A lapel is a special ritual aimed at breaking off relations. This is the destruction of energy, emotional, physical attachment. Such a strong magical effect can leave damage to loneliness, a crown of celibacy, on the lapel object. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth trying a sparing ritual - cooling or adjustable drying. Only in the event that the cold did not help, experienced magicians recommend making a lapel.

  • Firstly, the lapel is carried out during the waning moon, at midnight.
  • Secondly, fasting is required 3 days before the ritual.
  • Thirdly, if the lapel is carried out at home, wear white clean clothes with a minimum number of fasteners.
  • Fourthly, the lapel of the girl from the guy should be carried out with loose hair, barefoot.

A lapel ritual should be done if love is not mutual.

  • The guy is tired of the obsessive feelings of the girl.
  • The girl can no longer suffer from unrequited love.
  • If there is confidence that a love spell was made.

The action of the lapel, in most cases, is one-sided. If the feelings are mutual, then hold the lapel 2 times: for a guy, for a girl.

lapel words

There are several simple ways of magical influence. It is necessary to say lapel words on salt or needles. You can knit a piece of cat and dog hair. Or prepare a handful of grave earth.

At midnight, light a colorless wax candle. Speak any of the selected attributes, pronounce lapel words:

“A clear moon in the sky, a golden throne sprinkled with stars. On that throne is my help, which holds the house in the left hand. The Holy Mother of God does not live in it, but unbaptized masses, a fiery rooster, a dog and a cat live, but they all gnaw non-stop, shed blood every hour. I stand uncombed with my back to them, invisible to them. If only the servant of God (name of the guy) and the servant of God (name of the girl) did not live together, they did not eat the same food, but they did not drink the same water. May it be so"

Sprinkle salt (or needles, or wool, or earth) at the girl's doorstep, whisper the words again.


Prepare a bowl of settled or spring water, a photograph of a girl. Light a black candle. Looking at the photo, in the eyes, read the words 3 times:

“You, (name of the girl), walk the earth. You carry a feeling of love for (guy's name). But you no longer know love for the chosen one, but your heart burns with cold. Fall out of love with the chosen one forever, reward him with indifference "

Dip the picture in a bowl of water, immerse it completely so that the photo paper is as wet as possible. Say 3 times:

“Voditsa-voditsa, help love stop. Take away the feelings from (girl's name), in the cold of their icy reversal "

Put a bowl of water and a photo in the freezer. As soon as the water freezes, the lapel-cold from the guy will begin to act. Do not touch the ritual bowl for a week, keep it in the freezer as long as possible.

Ritual for yourself

Option I

The lapel of a girl from a guy can also occur in such a way that the girl herself wants to get rid of the feeling. To do this, take the wedding ring of a divorced woman, a glass of red wine, an empty bowl. Light a black candle. Stand in a ritual circle (draw on the floor). Pass a stream of wine through the ring into the bowl, say the words:

“I will go out, (my name), having prayed, out of the house, I will go out of the outskirts. I will turn my face to the setting sun, bow and ask - as you leave, disappear, so let my love for (boyfriend's name) leave and disappear. Let it fall into hell, let it burn in the furnaces of hell, and the ashes will scatter. Just as the right bank does not happen with the left bank, so my love for (guy's name) does not happen. And just as love left through this ring, as happiness flew away and disappeared, so let my love for (guy's name) leave, run away, disappear and never return. From now on, forever and ever. May it be so"

Drink from the cup the wine passed through the ring. The rite is repeated for 3 days.

Option II

Take an apple, bite off it several times. At midnight, bury it in the ground with the words:

“I (my name) will go out, looking at the night, from the door to the gate, from the gate to the open field. And in an open field, a tree grows. And on the branches of that tree a raven sits. I’ll ask that raven - peck out my love for (guy’s name) from my chest, take it to distant lands, distant seas and throw it there so that it doesn’t come back, doesn’t come back today, tomorrow, or forever and ever. And just as the sky does not converge with the earth, so I cannot live with (guy's name). My conspiracy is strong and powerful - do not talk it over, do not break it. From now on, forever and ever. Amen"

Spit 3 times, leave without looking back. Don't look at the guy for the next 3 days. The rite is repeated on the 9th day, 40th day.

cemetery lapel

To make a lapel from a guy, you should come to the cemetery during the day. Find a female grave with the same name as the girl. Put her photo on the grave. Light the black wax candle.

Call on the spirit of the deceased, ask to cool the feelings of the girl, to turn her away from the guy. After 5 minutes, set fire to the photo from the candle. Make sure the photo is completely burned. Mix the ashes with the earth (or snow). Leave a ransom on the grave (bread, vodka or small coins). Leave without looking back.

With nuts

Take 12 walnuts (this year's harvest). Nuts have exceptional lapel power. Prepare a bowl for the ashes. Take a bath of water, throw nuts into it. At midnight, light a black candle, put a photo of the girl next to it. Write in a note lapel words:

The last time I write your name, I mention it, I drive you out of my life!

Get into the bath. Pour yourself with water from a ladle 12 times, saying:

(girl's name), get out of my life. All that was - do not return, forget about me forever!

Standing in the water, set fire to a photo of a girl and a note from a candle. Leave the ashes in the bowl, collect the nuts, drain the water. While the water is leaving the bath, repeat the incantation words several times.

Leave ashes, nuts and a few small coins at the crossroads.

With scissors

Prepare a photo or personal item of the girl, scissors, a black candle. During sunset, light a candle, put it on a personal item(photo is placed behind the candle). Cut flames with scissors, repeating the words 3 times:

“I cut off the flame from a black candle, for black melancholy, for separation, for boredom. I cut off the servant of God (name of the guy), from the servant of God (name of the girl). You walk, servant of God (name of the girl), on the earth, live on the sidelines. Servant of God, (name of the guy), do not touch, do not come to his doorstep, do not anger God. Do not wish someone else's betrothed, and return him. Amen".

When the word "Amen" is pronounced, do not cut the flame.

candle lapel

Take 2 thin wax candles. On one write the name of the girl, on the other - the name of the guy. This is the personification of people who want to breed. The first letters of the name are written at the wick itself, the last - at the base of the candle. Weave two woolen threads (black and red) together and tie candles around them.

The beginning of the ritual is to stick needles into the first letters of the names, piercing the energy of people, making it available for the lapel.

Put candles on a new saucer, light them. Heat a sharp knife on this fire. Cut woolen threads with them, repeating the words:

“I cut everything with which you were connected. I cut off everything that you were entangled with. I burn in the fire all thoughts and feelings. There is no longer any connection between you, no fetters.

Candles must burn to the end. Leave cinders with the last letters of the names. Find the graves of people (not children) in different cemeteries with the same names. Bury candles in them, saying over each grave:

“How the dead lie, they don’t see each other, they don’t meet each other. They have no thoughts, they have no feelings. So are you, (the name of the one whose candle is being buried), forget it, don’t remember it ”

Break the saucer into small pieces. Together with the needles, throw them with a knife into a stream or pond.

In this article:

The lapel, designed to erase a man's attachment to a girl, is the most popular ritual of love magic of destruction. In some cases, such a rite becomes the last available means in order to break the formed love triangle or return the husband to the family.

Most often, such rituals are used by very young people. This is not surprising, because it is in the youthful years that such passions boil around heart affairs that people of age could not even dream of. During these years, there is the most devoted and most sacrificial love, the strongest attachment and, as a result, the most severe pain from betrayal. In skillful hands, the lapel of a guy from a girl can become a formidable weapon against any rivals, no matter what virtues they possess.

Do not forget also that the removal of a love spell also belongs to this type of lapels. If your lover or husband was taken away by a rival with the help of magic, then it is you who should provide him with timely assistance, because he is not to blame for what is happening and does not control his own affairs and actions.

The lapel can be carried out both independently and with the help of an experienced magician, behind whom there are many created and destroyed alliances.

By itself, such a ritual is not very complex, even completely newcomers to magic can destroy almost any connection, however, removing the effect of a love ritual is a rite of a completely different level. To carry out such a cleansing effect, it is necessary to understand the used love spell, you need to determine the performer and only after that choose the cleaning method.

lapel rite

There is an opinion that only professionals should deal with magic, like any other business, this opinion is actively supported by specialists, but is it true? As already mentioned, there are rituals that only a truly experienced practitioner can perform, however, there are not so many such magical actions. For the most part, magical rites are available to a common person, whether it be a love spell, a lapel, a cold, installation of protection, or any other rite.

There are many different lapel ceremonies. Lapels may differ in direction, impact and other parameters. The ritual must be chosen in accordance with the result you want to achieve. For example, if you need to cool your own love for a guy who does not reciprocate you, you need one ritual if you need to destroy the relationship.

the marriage of a married man with his wife is another rite, if you need to make a lapel for your own boyfriend from a rival - the third rite, etc.

Lapel with a doll

The lapel ritual from a girl, which uses a volt - a wax doll, is rightfully considered one of the strongest rites of this type. To carry out the lapel, you must independently make a wax doll that will symbolize your lover. To achieve the maximum effect, you need to give the doll the maximum resemblance to the original, and also, the doll must be equipped with explicit male genital organs.

While working on the volt, you need to imagine the features of the face and body of a loved one, this will create a strong energy connection between the doll and your lover, which means that the effect of the love spell will not be long in coming. After that, you need to scratch the name of your man on the chest of the doll, and also attach a lock of his hair or his nails to it.

Working with volts gives a very powerful result.

When the doll is completely ready, you can proceed to the magical rite. The ritual is performed on the full moon. So, before the lapel, you need to put on clean white clothes, it is best if it has as few different fasteners and ties as possible. After that, we put five candles in the shape of a five-pointed star, then we raise the doll above the candles and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Almighty spirits, strong, wise spirits, you are in the heart (target name), enter like a needle (at this time we pierce the doll’s chest with a needle), cool his passion for (girl’s name), take love from his heart, turn away from her forever. Here is my word, my faith, my blood.”

During the pronunciation of the last words, you need to pierce your finger with the same needle and drip blood on the doll's chest.

Lapel on the cards

To carry out this ceremony, you will need a new deck of cards, on which they did not guess and which they did not play. You need to take a jack of spades card from the deck, sprinkle it with holy water and write the name of the guy on one image of the jack, and the name of the opponent on the other. After that, you need to go to the cemeteries at night and bury the map at the entrance gate. After that, you need to turn around and leave quickly, without looking back, you can’t talk to anyone on the way home.

In lapel rituals, it is almost always necessary to leave a ransom

At home, you need to take photographs of your lover and rival and glue them together in the way that the jack was depicted on the card (bottom and top). After that, we hold the photos in our hands and pronounce the plot:

“Just as the heads of the jack do not lie next to each other, so you (name of the guy) and (name of the opponent) cannot be together, do not feast at the same table, do not lie in the same bed. Until the end of the ages, you can only sleep with a jack. What is said will come true."

To get the maximum lapel effect, you need to make sure that one of this pair (no matter a guy or a girl) touches the photo, but does not see the images.