Fortune telling in the name of the future husband: how to guess at the betrothed. Divination by husband on playing cards Divination by husband online

Divination for a husband

1. Pour water into a basin. Prepare strips of paper, write on them men's names and years 2013 - 20 ... Twist the leaves tightly into tubes and throw them into the water. The papers that unfolded first will tell you the name of the betrothed and the year of the upcoming wedding.

2. Take four identical glasses. Put a golden ring in one glass, a piece of bread in another, a burnt match in the third, the last one remains empty. Cover the glasses with a towel so that the contents are not visible. The girl who wants to know the name of her husband chooses one of the glasses.

If she came across a glass with a ring, then the marriage will be concluded for love. Bread promises a marriage of convenience. Burnt match - to poverty. An empty glass means that the life partner has not yet been determined.

3. Lay out in a circle pieces of paper with the names of the grooms (brides). Now tie a gold ring to a silk thread and move it over the names. Where the fluctuations are the strongest - that is your chosen one (chosen one).

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Love spell for husband On Easter, take out all your beautiful dresses from the closet, count them and say: (So many) of my dresses - all are beautiful. I am in (so many) dresses - all the prettier. Just as people cannot walk without dresses, so you, servant of God (name), cannot be without

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Night fate fortune-telling "Cassandra", or the Oracle of Cassandra Does my husband's mistress love him or not? Answers1. Crazy and blind.2. Like a fat wallet.3. She doesn't love herself either.4. She just got tired of her loneliness.5. Loves like a drowning straw.6. A little, not like

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 14 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Love spell on a husband If you want to bind a husband to yourself, then use this conspiracy: Bless me, white light, Bless, mother earth cheese, Bless, Mother of God, me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the water-fireplace, at its last depth, lies a stone

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 03 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A husband’s conspiracy to smoke They find a haystack in the field, take hay out of the haystack with their left hand (how much the hand will capture) and do so on four sides of the stack. The collected hay is piled aside and set on fire. They say, looking at the smoke: As this smoke does not have its own home, so does my husband

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Dried out on a husband Before going to bed, take a crust and bread and eat it, while saying: As I gnaw and eat bread, So gnaw and eat My husband’s longing (name) for me, Wife (name), from now on and forever. Amen.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 21 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Dry the husband to the smoke They make a fire and, looking at the fire and smoke, they say: Walk, free smoke, not in the chimney, servant of God along the path. Smoke up the mountain, the servant of God (name) to the threshold, so that he would not drink, eat, sleep, could not be without me, the servant of God (name). For this time and for that time, now and forever.

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What is required of a husband One thing is required of a man - that he appreciate and respect the woman who loves him. If a man takes his wife's love for granted, as a matter of course, if he proudly boasts of her obedience to his friends, then he does

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Divination for Baptism. Fortune telling by the ring in the water Divination is performed at midnight, with candles lit. For this fortune-telling, you need to take a glass with a flat bottom, without drawings and pour clean water into it and lower the wedding ring into the glass. Then look straight into the water

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Husband's Support For many women, this is not yet a very clear measure. It doesn't matter if you have a husband now or not yet. Perhaps, when you picked up this book, you were thinking about breaking up with your boyfriend or divorcing your husband, take your time. In everything that happens or

Divination for a husband, like other types of divination, should be carried out in a calm mood. Attributes for divination and decks of cards feel the anxiety, fear or anger of a person, and can distort information. Divination takes a lot of internal strength, so you should start it only when you are physically healthy. It is not recommended to tell other people about the fortune telling until its results come true.

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    hand prediction

    The marriage line is responsible for the love sphere in the palm of your hand. It is located on the hill of Mercury, slightly below the base of the little finger. Often the marriage line is located on the very edge of the palm, and you can see it only by squeezing your fingers a little.

    Not everyone has this line. Her absence speaks of an emotionally cold nature that is indifferent to love. Sometimes it happens that this line is available to a person who is connected by family ties. This indicates a marriage of convenience.

    In some cases, marriage lines arise independently of official relations. If true love was present in a person’s life, he wanted to create a family union, but this never happened - the imprint of the marriage line will still remain. Its characteristics:

    • A long and clear line - indicates a long relationship. Short - speaks of a fleeting connection.
    • Short lines extending downward from the marriage line indicate relationship problems. These difficulties will ultimately destroy the marriage.
    • The end of the marriage line, looking down, is a sign of dissatisfaction in a relationship. A person is disappointed in this partner, and a love affair is a source of constant problems and troubles.
    • The line of marriage crossing the line of the heart indicates widowhood. A person mourns or will mourn for a beloved who has gone into another world.
    • The line of marriage, reaching the line of the mind, is a sign of an unhealthy psychological atmosphere within the family. This may be the tyranny of one of the partners, domestic violence, alcoholism.
    • Branching at the end of the line indicates a high probability of divorce.
    • The fork present at the beginning of the line indicates a reunion with a former partner. Such a symbol usually appears in cases where a husband and wife divorce and then remarry.

    Tarot divination

    Divination by Tarot cards allows you to find out the features of the circumstances under which the meeting will take place, the character traits of the future husband, the most likely scenario for the development of relationships. For a session, it is preferable to use a full deck containing both the major and minor Arcana.

    For single women

    The following is for single ladies only. The alignment allows you to find out what qualities the future spouse will have, and also gives an idea of ​​what kind of partner she needs and how the relationship will develop after the wedding. The layout is carried out according to the scheme:

    Cards are interpreted as follows:

    1. 1. What kind of man will suit the fortuneteller in the best way.
    2. 2. What character traits should this person have.
    3. 3. How expensive family values ​​are for the future chosen one.
    4. 4. His material wealth, whether the spouse will bring income home.
    5. 5. Economic inclinations.
    6. 6. The degree of decency, the risk of betrayal on his part.
    7. 7. General forecast for life together.

    Divination for those who are in a relationship

    This alignment is suitable for those women who are in a hopeless love affair. Fortune telling allows you to find out who they may currently be their future spouse, or how to meet him. Cards are laid out according to the scheme:

    Card interpretation:

    1. 1. The state of mind of a fortuneteller.
    2. 2. Peculiarities of relations with the future spouse now, who he is more like a fortune teller.
    3. 3. The field of activity, which is common to the fortuneteller and this person.
    4. 4. Features of his character and worldview.
    5. 5. What will be the impetus for the development of relations.
    6. 6. Will the connection with the current partner interfere with building a new relationship.
    7. 7. Card advice on whether to break the current connection for the sake of a new love.

    Universal alignment

    The next version of fortune-telling is suitable for both single women and those who are in a relationship. Cards are laid out in the following way:

    Card meaning:

    1. 1. Features of the current state of mind of the fortune-teller.
    2. 2. Circumstances under which the meeting with the future spouse will take place.
    3. 3. When exactly will the acquaintance occur.
    4. 4. Features of the personality of the future husband.
    5. 5. Will this marriage bring happiness or become a difficult test.
    6. 6. What will be the life together.
    7. 7. Deck advice on the need for this relationship.

    General layout "New Union"

    This fortune-telling allows you to find out whether a new love affair will be happy, whether it will bring satisfaction to the fortuneteller. Cards are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Card interpretation:

    • How does a fortuneteller see herself in this union.
    • How does she see her new partner.
    • What helped them connect.
    • What binds this bond now.
    • Will the family life be happy.

    Divination in the name of the future spouse

    With the help of some fortune-telling, you can find out the name of the future spouse. Divination allows you to do this according to the table, book, notes, coffee grounds, as well as by the date of birth of the fortuneteller.

    Divination by the table

    To find out the name of the future chosen one, you need to close your eyes, relax and randomly select a number by pointing the mouse or finger into the table:

    Explanation of numbers from 1 to 25:

    • 1 - Rustam;
    • 2 - German;
    • 3 - Leonid;
    • 4 - Taras;
    • 5 - Rashid;
    • 6 - Vlas;
    • 7 - Azamat;
    • 8 - David;
    • 9 - Dementia;
    • 10 - Klim;
    • 11 - Robert;
    • 12 - Victor;
    • 13 - Abram;
    • 14 - Ignat;
    • 15 - Mark;
    • 16 - Athanasius;
    • 17 - Rodion;
    • 18 - Nikita;
    • 19 - Eric;
    • 20 - Albert;
    • 21 - Benjamin;
    • 22 - Prokhor;
    • 23 - Constantine;
    • 24 - Nikifor;
    • 25 - Bogdan.

    Numbers 26 to 50:

    • 26 - Myron;
    • 27 - Vasily;
    • 28 - Abdullah;
    • 29 - Kai;
    • 30 - Dmitry;
    • 31 - Alexander;
    • 32 - Vadim;
    • 33 - Nicholas;
    • 34 - Peter;
    • 35 - Sergey;
    • 36 - Cyril;
    • 37 - Daniel;
    • 38 - Andrey;
    • 39 - Egor;
    • 40 - Ilya;
    • 41 - Innocent;
    • 42 - Taras;
    • 43 - Tikhon;
    • 44 - Gregory;
    • 45 - Anatoly;
    • 46 - Gennady;
    • 47 - Timur;
    • 48 - Valery;
    • 49 - Philemon;
    • 50 - Azat.

    Numbers 51 to 75:

    • 51 - Edmund;
    • 52 - Igor;
    • 53 - Spartak;
    • 54 - Arseny;
    • 55 - Valentine;
    • 56 - Savely;
    • 57 - Arthur;
    • 58 - Maxim;
    • 59 - Vladimir;
    • 60 - Fedor;
    • 61 - Semyon;
    • 62 - Philip;
    • 63 - Bogdan;
    • 64 - Anton;
    • 65 - Moses;
    • 66 - Nahum;
    • 67 - Denis;
    • 68 - Artem;
    • 69 - Joseph;
    • 70 - Matvey;
    • 71 - Arkady;
    • 72 - Nazar;
    • 73 - Amir;
    • 74 - Ilya;
    • 75 - Vitaly;

    Numbers 76 to 100:

    • 76 - Zakhar;
    • 77 - Yaroslav;
    • 78 - Andrey;
    • 79 - Makar;
    • 80 - Gleb;
    • 81 - Peter;
    • 82 - Ahmed;
    • 83 - Eugene;
    • 84 - Sergey;
    • 85 - Vyacheslav;
    • 86 - Ruslan;
    • 87 - Oleg;
    • 88 - Ibrahim;
    • 89 - Svyatoslav;
    • 90 - Stepan;
    • 91 - Marat;
    • 92 - Rinat;
    • 93 - Edward;
    • 94 - Roman;
    • 95 - Damir;
    • 96 - Alexander;
    • 97 - Yuri;
    • 98 - Ivan;
    • 99 - Ildar;
    • 100 - Michael.

    Based on the book

    For divination, any book is suitable, preferably a love genre. It is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Open the book on a page equal to the number of birth. Write down the letter with which this page begins.
    2. 2. Open the page, the number of which corresponds to the day of the month of birth, and also write down the first letter.
    3. 3. Then a page is opened, the number of which is equal to the birth number of the fortuneteller's father, and the final letter is written down.

    The result is three letters. They are the initials of the future spouse.

    By date of birth

    To find out the name of the future spouse by date of birth, you should:

    1. 1. Write down your day, month and year of birth.
    2. 2. Add up all the numbers.
    3. 3. If the number is two-digit, add it back up to one-digit.
    4. 4. In the list below, find the letter that will be capitalized in the name of the chosen one.

    Matching letters and numbers:

    1. 1. I; C, I;
    2. 2. B, P, R;
    3. 3. X, B, Y;
    4. 4. G, K, Z, E;
    5. 5. D, K, M, Yu;
    6. 6. C, L, E, A;
    7. 7. Ch, K, O;
    8. 8. N, T, F, W;
    9. 9. R, W, F.

    On paper

    Divination is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. A sheet of paper is divided into several small pieces of paper.
    2. 2. On each of the scraps, one male name should be indicated.
    3. 3. The papers are folded and placed under the pillow.
    4. 4. In the morning you need to get one of them.

    On this note, the name of the future spouse will be indicated.

    By coffee grounds

    1. 1. Put a candle and a saucer on the table.
    2. 2. Half fill the cup with ground coffee and drink it in small sips.
    3. 3. When one thick remains, the saucer should be turned upside down onto the cup and lifted after 1-2 minutes.
    4. 4. In the divorces on the walls of the cup, the letters of the name of the future spouse will be drawn.

    Divination with a ring and a candle

    The ceremony is held in the evening. For the sacrament you will need:

    • ordinary smooth ring;
    • red wax candle
    • strong rope or thread;
    • a sheet of paper with the alphabet written on it.

    The ring is put on the candle (it should go down or catch on the candlestick). Then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

    “My faithful wanders around the world, he doesn’t find the ring. He looks under his feet, he looks for the ring, but he tells me his name. What is your name, betrothed?”.

    When the candle burns out completely, the ring should be hung on a thread. An improvised pendulum is held over a sheet of paper. The deviation of the ring will indicate the letters that make up the name of the future husband.

    When the meeting will happen: fortune telling on playing cards

    For divination on playing cards, a new deck is used. First you need to lay out a blank card that symbolizes a fortuneteller. For women who tell fortunes about love, this is usually the queen of hearts. Then the cards are shuffled, and 12 cards are laid out around the form, one for each of the months. The first of the cards tells about the events of the month in which fortune-telling is carried out, the second indicates the next month, etc. The countdown is not from the 1st to the 31st, but from the date of the fortune-telling. Each of the cards has its own meaning:

    • Jacks predict petty intrigues and flirting, the presence of frivolous fans.
    • Kings are messengers of the interest of wealthy men. But nothing can be said about the nature of these relations.
    • Aces of clubs, diamonds and spades indicate those people who claim the hand and heart of a fortuneteller.
    • The ace of hearts is the best sign. Its occurrence suggests that in the life of a fortune teller there is a person destined for her by fate. It is with him that true love awaits her.

    After the session, fortune-telling cards should be laid out in four rows (according to suits), in ascending order. This will allow the deck to be cleared of information, and it will give better predictions in the future.

    Divination by patches for hair color

    With the help of this divination, you can tell fortunes on the appearance of the chosen one. For divination, you will need pieces of fabric of different colors - white, black, orange and gray. You will also need a bag or box.

    The patches are folded into a bag. Then the question is uttered: "What color will my lover's hair be?". After that, any piece of tissue is pulled out:

    • white means blond;
    • black - dark-haired;
    • orange - red;
    • gray - fair-haired man.

    Divination by the calendar

    To conduct this fortune-telling, you will need a new calendar. The most optimal time for divination according to the calendar is the New Year holidays. But if the New Year is far away, it is allowed to perform fortune-telling at other times.

    The fortuneteller should retire and concentrate on his desire to meet the chosen one. Then, with closed eyes, one of the sheets in the calendar is pulled out at random. A hint about a future meeting is given by the day of the week on the sheet:

    Day of the week Interpretation
    MondayThe witch is already familiar with her future chosen one. If not, then the meeting will happen very soon. At the same time, the fortuneteller will be able to immediately charm a man
    TuesdayIn the near future, relationships that would lead to marriage are not expected. If the fortune-teller is not married, but meets someone or lives in a civil marriage - most likely, the connection will break up on her initiative
    WednesdayAmong close people there is a person who values ​​\u200b\u200bthe fortuneteller very much. She should pay more attention to him - perhaps he is her destiny. In this case, a marriage proposal will not keep you waiting.
    ThursdayThe chances of marriage are quite high. This will not be the person from whom the fortuneteller could expect such a step. But the fortune-teller should not rush to conclusions - perhaps this person will eventually become loved and desired
    FridayThe marriage will take place very soon. Even if the fortuneteller is still alone, the acquaintance will happen in the next month
    SaturdayThe reason for loneliness lies in the psychological characteristics of the fortune-teller herself. Subconsciously, she avoids marriage. If you do not reconsider your life values, you can stay alone for a long time
    SundayThere will be no marriage proposal this year. But on the way you will meet a person with whom the fortuneteller will be connected by deep feelings. If you manage to discern kindred souls in each other, then life together will be long and filled with mutual understanding.

    Conspiracies to dream of a future spouse

    Prophetic dreams caused by a conspiracy should not always be taken literally. Example: a girl may dream of a famous actor. This may mean that her future husband will be a foreigner.

    On the plantain

    The girl should go to the crossroads where the plantain grows. Above it are the words:

    "Plantain, traveler's helper, have you seen my betrothed?"

    Then the charmed leaf should be torn off with the help of lips and silently go home. Plantain is placed under the pillow. At night, the future spouse will dream. You can't talk to anyone until the next day.

    On a poplar branch

    Fortune telling is held for three weeks in a row, on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

    1. 1. From the beginning of the week, the fortuneteller should put on a new stocking.
    2. 2. On Wednesday evening, a thread is taken out of it and a poplar branch is tied with it.
    3. 3. The branch should be spoken and placed at the head.

    The text of the plot: "Poplar, poplar, show me the betrothed. If you don't show it, I won't untie it, I won't let it go free."

    Each time a new stocking and a new branch is taken. If it is not possible to get the thread out of the stocking, you should get a stocking with a bandage in the form of a ribbon or lace. If no one dreams for three nights, this means that the wedding is not yet to come.

    For a baked pie

    This fortune-telling will require efforts on the part of the fortune-teller. All day you can not drink, eat and talk. In the evening, the girl should bake a pie and speak it: “I’ve been silent all day, I want to see my betrothed. Pie, pie, tell me about your betrothed, bring it to the threshold.”

    Then the girl should eat a piece and go to bed. In a dream, she will see her future husband.

    Where will the meeting take place? Fortune telling on wax and sand

    Sea or river sand, a wax candle and a new knife are prepared in advance. In the morning, sand is poured onto a sheet of paper. A candle is lit and held several times over a burning flame, saying the words:

    "Golden sand, reveal the secret to me! Where will I meet my dear, where will I recognize him?"

    Then the sand is mixed with a knife. A small amount of candle wax is poured onto it. When it dries, you can begin to decipher the prediction:

    • straight lines indicate familiarity in the work environment;
    • wavy - among friends;
    • large circles indicate that the fortuneteller is already familiar with her future spouse;
    • small circles indicate that there are mutual acquaintances between them, or that she is familiar with the fortuneteller's spouse in absentia;
    • images of animals or plants - acquaintance will occur in nature;
    • human silhouette - the meeting will take place through another person (acquaintance, relative, etc.).

    Meeting the second half according to the horoscope

    With the help of a horoscope, you can find out about the approximate time of marriage and which zodiac sign is best suited as a future spouse:

    Zodiac sign Features of character, behavior in relationships Which zodiac signs are best suited
    AriesAries often rush things. Impulsivity does not allow them to wait, so they marry and marry very early. They are often disappointed in their chosen one. Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign take their time, weigh the pros and cons before getting married.Gemini, Leo, Aquarius
    TaurusThe approach of Taurus is distinguished by sobriety and prudence. This feature allows them to create strong and reliable families. Usually they meet their soul mate at the age of 25 to 30-35 years. If Taurus is confident in his choice, he can safely marryVirgo, Capricorn, Pisces
    TwinsThey love freedom, easily switching from one love affair to another. There can be a large number of novels in their life, as one partner of Gemini quickly gets bored. But often with the onset of personal maturity (after 30-35 years), the Gemini begin to think more seriously about the family and settle downAries, Leo, Libra
    CrayfishThey dream of a family from an early age. Therefore, Cancers marry early enough. The likelihood of a subsequent divorce does not scare them, and this confidence is justified. In adulthood, Cancers can start a family again, or return after parting to their former partner.Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces
    a lionNoble Lions are picky in choosing a partner, monogamous in nature. They can live alone for quite a long time. As soon as the Lions manage to find a partner for a serious relationship, they stop looking. Leos can create families at any stage of life, but most often this does not happen at a young age.Aries, Sagittarius, Libra
    VirgoMost Virgos are careerists who put work and self-development first. Therefore, representatives of this sign are divided into two categories. Some Virgos marry and get married as soon as possible, and in the future they build a career without regard to the requirements of society to start a family. Others marry only after they manage to achieve serious career heights.Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn
    ScalesFamily is one of the most important priorities for Libra. But their indecision hinders the creation of a strong relationship. Therefore, Libra can be alone for a long time. Astrologers recommend that such people postpone the creation of a family and devote some time to self-knowledgeGemini, Leo, Aquarius
    ScorpionThey often go to extremes: they fall in love, then they cool down. Scorpios are looking for support and support in their beloved. This sign expects several marriages throughout life.Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces
    SagittariusGreat lovers of freedom, not tolerant of obligations. At the same time, it is very difficult for Sagittarius to find a person who would understand them. So they get married or get married very lateAries, Virgo, Leo
    CapricornDifficulties of family life Capricorns do not care. Representatives of this sign, on the contrary, love to fight fate and become stronger through this. They marry at an early age and often for life.Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio
    AquariusPriorities for representatives of this sign are freedom and power. Aquarians do not like restrictions, and the family is perceived by them as a burden. But in addition to freedom, they also value stability. If they manage to find a partner with common values, marriage is concluded at any time.Aries, Libra, Sagittarius
    FishThey have a well-developed imagination, often withdraw into themselves. This is perceived by people as coldness, detachment. Therefore, Pisces create families in adulthoodCapricorn, Taurus, Virgo

    For divination to be true, it should not be done too often. If the results of the divination did not suit the fortuneteller, it is not recommended to start the next session earlier than in a month. Otherwise, you can get incorrect information or postpone a possible meeting with a future lover.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

On Christmas Eve, the best time for divination begins, it will last until Epiphany itself (January 19). It is believed that these days all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to Earth, and girls begin to guess at fate, a successful marriage and future children.

If you are not yet married, then be sure to try one of these fortune-telling. Will it suddenly come true?

1. Divination by the book

No, this is not the fortune-telling where you need to guess the page number. It works a little more interesting.

What you need? A book, preferably fiction and about love.

What to do?

  • Open the book to a page equal to your birthday. Write down the letter that the page starts with.
  • Open the page equal to the day of the month of birth and write down the first letter.
  • Open the page equal to your father's birth date and also write down the first letter on this page.

Do you have three letters? These are the initials of your future spouse's name.

2. With small papers

What you need? Paper, pen, bed, pillow.

What to do?

  • Tear a blank sheet into many small pieces of paper.
  • On each of the scraps, write one male name (there can be as many as you like, remember any names that you like, or the names of all your friends).
  • Roll up the papers carefully.
  • Put them under your pillow before bed.
  • When you wake up, take out one of the folded papers and you will see the name of your future husband.

3. With small papers and water

What you need? A container with water (a basin), a candle (a cinder), a walnut shell, plasticine and pieces of paper with names (see point 2).

What to do?

  • Attach scraps of paper with names with plasticine to the sides of the water container from the inside.
  • Light the stump of the candle and place it in the nut shell.
  • Dip the shell into the water in the center of the pelvis.
  • The candle shell should stop near one of the pieces of paper glued on the side. Then you will know the name of your chosen one.

4. On apple peel

What you need? Apple, knife.

What to do?

  • Carefully remove the peel from the apple so that it does not tear and looks like a spiral.
  • Throw the peel over your left shoulder and then watch it fall. It is believed that in the position of the peel you can see the first letter of the name of the future husband.

5. With a frying pan

An interesting fortune-telling in which you will need the help of your mother. If you live separately, then go to visit her one of the Christmas days.

What you need? Pan.

What to do?

  • Put a frying pan under your mother's bed (there is one subtlety - she should not know about it).
  • Before you go to bed, say to yourself: "Betrothed, mummers, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes." If a mother dreams that she feeds some young man with pancakes, then he will be the bridegroom of her daughter.

6. With wax

What you need? A candle and a dish of water.

What to do?

  • Light a candle and let it melt a little.
  • Tilt the candle over the saucer and start dripping the wax into the water.
  • After a few seconds, the wax will solidify on the surface of the water in the form of one or more letters. This will be a hint at the name of the future husband.

By the way, such fortune-telling is known in a different format. You ask a question that interests you, pour out the wax and see what happens. Usually the figure is the answer (asterisk - good luck in work or study, many stripes - there will be many trips in the year, a flower - a happy meeting, etc.).

7. On bulbs

What do you need? Several bulbs.

What to do?

  • Write on the bulbs the names of men who care about you (or who you care about).
  • Put them in water. The bulb that sprouts first will mean your man of life.

8. With a needle

And we again need pieces of paper with male names.

What else is needed? Needle or gold ring, silk thread.

What to do?

  • Thread a 15 cm long thread into a ring or needle.
  • Hold the thread with your thumb and forefinger and bring the needle/ring to each name slip. Freeze.
  • If over any of the names the ring begins to swing like a pendulum or spin around itself, then this is the name of your betrothed.

9. With lock and water

What do you need? Basin with water, lock with a key.

What to do?

  • Take the lock and hold it above the water.
  • Lock it with a key, saying: "Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink." Whoever dreams, he will be the groom.

10. Piece by piece

This fortune-telling will help to find out the appearance of the betrothed.

What you need? Scraps of fabric of different colors (white, black, red, brown), box.

What to do?

  • Place the pieces in the box.
  • Ask the question: “What color hair will my betrothed have?”.
  • Pull out any piece. White means light hair, black means dark, red means red, brown means blond.

In the same way, you can find out the color of the eyes and other signs.

11. Using a comb

What you need? Comb, pillow, bed.

What to do?

  • Comb your hair with a comb before bed and place it under your pillow.
  • Say: "My betrothed, dream of me" and go to bed. In a dream, you should see your future husband.

12. At the mirror

The most terrible and difficult fortune-telling. At midnight, the fortuneteller should be alone in a dark room.

What you need? Two large mirrors, candles.

What to do?

  • Set one mirror opposite the other, arrange the candles. A “corridor” should appear in the mirrors.
  • Concentrate, look in the mirror intently and motionless, carefully peer into the "corridor". In the mirror you will see the face of the future husband.
  • Examine it and say a spell-amulet: "Keep away from this place!". After these words, the image of a man will disappear, and everything will end.

13. By the name of the first person you meet

Be careful with this fortune-telling: it can be dangerous for a beautiful girl to go outside alone at night.

What to do?

Leave the house at midnight and ask the name of the first man you see. It is believed that the name of your betrothed will be the same.

Are you going to guess at Christmas time?

Fortune telling on your husband on the cards will allow, first of all, to find out if your spouse is faithful to you. In addition, such layouts allow you to get answers to other questions of interest. You will be able to understand your own feelings and your subconscious attitude towards your spouse. Also, you will understand the reasons why you have doubts in your soul about the fidelity of your husband.

A simple fortune-telling rite for a husband

The simplest layout involves the use of a deck of 36 cards. Fortune telling on the husband on the cards should be carried out in a secluded place with lit candles. It is better to choose for this later in the evening, but always before midnight. You should not guess when you feel angry in your soul or you are overwhelmed by negative emotions. First you need to calm down, only being in a positive mood can you expect the cards to provide you with truthful information.

The deck is first carefully shuffled, and then laid out three cards in three rows.

Nine cards are conditionally numbered from left to right and deciphered as follows:

  • The first card describes your own thoughts and experiences, as well as how important your spouse is to you.
  • The second card characterizes the personality of your partner.
  • The third card highlights your spouse's overall attitude towards infidelity, that is, this information shows how much you can trust him.
  • The fourth card indicates whether there was a physical betrayal or it is only planned in your spouse's thoughts.
  • The fifth card symbolizes the presence of emotional betrayal, that is, it focuses on the fact that in your husband’s soul feelings for another woman were born.
  • The sixth card indicates intellectual betrayal, that is, your spouse prefers communication with another woman to communication with you.
  • The seventh card indicates the reasons for the betrayal, if previous cards confirmed its presence.
  • The eighth card describes the prospects for relationships.
  • The ninth card provides information on whether infidelity can be expected from a husband in the future.

When deciphering, it should be borne in mind that all ladies and kings of any stripe are interpreted as people in your environment. It can be friends and enemies, lovers and rivals. Jacks always mean that there are serious feelings in the soul of the fortuneteller or the person on whom the fortune-telling is carried out.

Hearts suit always emphasize feelings and their basic meanings are as follows:

  • Ace - serious intentions and a desire to build harmonious relationships.
  • Ten - desire is always next to your loved one.
  • Nine - love, which completely excludes treason.
  • Eight - common interests of partners, complete satisfaction from communicating with each other.
  • Seven - sexual attraction and respect, but without sincere love feelings.
  • Six - always waiting for a meeting.

Diamond suit cards often focus on female fans on the side.

Their basic values ​​that can be used when deciphering the layout are as follows:

  • Ace - relationships are built on the calculation, while the financial side plays an important role. Love may be present, but not always.
  • Ten - not a sincere relationship, when a partner tries to mask the lack of love with gifts.
  • Nine - strong love, reliable relationships based on complete trust.
  • Eight - a community of interests associated with work or material wealth. The relationship is more business than love.
  • Seven - selfish interests.
  • Six - the emergence of a desire to spend as much time together as possible.

Baptism is a suit that characterizes mutual relations in terms of material dependence on each other.

To decipher the layout, the following values ​​\u200b\u200bof the cards can become basic:

  • Ace - a relationship based on friendship and honesty. Even without strong love, such an alliance can be strong and reliable.
  • Ten is a strong family based on mutual understanding and common interests. As a rule, partners in such an alliance, first of all, value stability in relations.
  • Nine - sincere and devoted love.
  • Eight - keeps pleasant communication and the same level of intelligence together with a partner.
  • Eight - friendly relations, which are unlikely to keep partners together for a long time.
  • Seven - trust based on friendship, but not on love.
  • Six - interest in a person.

The spade suit is always warning in nature, the cards can be interpreted as follows:

  • Ace - treason and a possible break in relations.
  • Ten - the end of a relationship for a variety of reasons and not necessarily because of infidelity.
  • Nine - selfishness and hostility, which can kill feelings.
  • Eight - constant quarrels and unwillingness to find compromises.
  • Seven - grievances that can push to the most unpredictable actions.
  • Six - lack of desire is in each other's company.

Fortune telling in the name of a future husband can be interesting both for young girls who do not yet have a soulmate, and for those who are already in a relationship and want to check if this is fate. Most often, girls like to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve, since this time is endowed with magical powers, but you can tell fortunes any day, at midnight. The portal does not recommend taking the results of the calculations too seriously, because relying on predictions can destroy strong and reliable relationships. Listen to your heart and feel free to try divination in the name of your betrothed, however, regard it as a fun and exciting experiment.

Divination in the name of her husband by date of birth

If you are already dating a young man and your relationship seems rather serious to you, you can tell fortunes in the name of your future husband and find out if he is destined to become your fiancé and if a happy life awaits you together. To do this, you need to find out your boyfriend's date of birth and perform a simple mathematical calculation: add all the numbers together, for example, 03/07/1992 - 0 + 7 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 \u003d 31. Next, add the tens with ones : 3+1=4. Now you just have to check the table:

  1. Number 1 says that the letters A, C, I can be found in the name, for example, Alexander, Ivan, Ignat, Anton, Arthur.
  2. Number 2- these are the letters B, Y, T, which are present in such names as Bogdan, Boris, Timofey.
  3. Number 3- these are the letters U, K, V. Beautiful male names Kirill, Vladimir, Vladislav begin with them.
  4. Number 4- these are the letters E, G, F, K. They are found in the names Philip, Gregory, Edward.
  5. Number 5 indicates the presence of the letters Щ, Р, З in the name, for example, Roman, Ruslan, Zakhar.
  6. Number 6- these are the letters I, E, N, C, which are present in the male names Yaroslav, Evgeny, Nikolai.
  7. Number 7 indicates the presence of the letters H, O, K in the name, for example, Oleg, Konstantin, Kirill.
  8. Number 8- these are the letters Sh, L, Zh, P. These letters are found in the names Leonid, Peter, Pavel.
  9. Number 9- these are the letters Yu, M, X, D, for example, Yuri, Mikhail, Matvey, Daniel.

Fortune telling on the groom by ring

Divination in the name of the future husband can be done using a wedding ring, which can be borrowed from mom or grandmother. It is important that the ring must pass the wedding ceremony, because this is what gives it special power. To find out the coveted name, follow the following algorithm:

  • Pass the thread through the ring and tie a knot.
  • Fill the glass halfway with water.
  • Dip the ring into the glass so that it does not touch its walls and water.
  • The ring will begin to rotate like a pendulum, and your task is to count how many times it hits the walls of the glass.
  • Compare the resulting number with the alphabet, for example, the number 1 corresponds to the letter A, and the number 3 corresponds to the letter B. Such a fortune-telling about your husband will help you calculate what your potential betrothed will be called.

How to find out the name of the betrothed from the book

Surely you have a favorite book that you have read to holes and love with all your heart? With the help of it, you can very simply carry out fortune-telling on your husband in order to find out his possible initials. It is best to choose a pre-holiday day for divination for a betrothed, and the time is evening or night. Take your favorite book and open it to a page equal to your birthday, for example June 25 - page 25. On a piece of paper, write down the letter with which this page begins. Similarly, you need to do with the month of your birth, for example, you were born in August, so we open page 8 and write down its first letter. The same must be done with your father's birth number. As a result, you should get three letters that will correspond to the initials of the future groom. Such fortune-telling in the name of a potential husband does not require complex calculations and is suitable even for the youngest girls who are full of romance, dreaminess and love.

How to find out the name of the betrothed with wax

There are many options for fortune-telling for a wedding with a candle, because it has always been a symbol of something mystical and mysterious. If you do not know how to guess about your future husband, use candle wax, which will help you find answers to many questions. For divination, you will need a deep bowl of cool water, a candle and matches. Light the candle and wait until the wax begins to slowly melt. Then tilt the candle over the bowl so that the wax slowly drips into the water. Soon you will see various shapes in which you need to try to make out the silhouettes of the letters. This will be a hint about the possible name of your betrothed.

Also, by the flame of a candle, you can learn a lot of interesting things about your future family life if you perform the ritual of divination for the chosen one on October 14, on the Intercession. If the flame is quiet and even, then your life will be sedate and peaceful. If the flame is white and bright, it means that there will be many bright colors and surprises in your life. A bright crackling light means a life full of colorful moments and bright flashes. The red flame speaks of a possible grief that will fall on your fate. A flame with soot speaks of the many misfortunes that will fall to your lot.

How to find out the name of the future groom by hand?

Palmistry allows a person to find out almost everything about his future, from the number of children to life expectancy. Divination for the future groom can also be done by hand, but not the palms, but the forearms will help you with this. It is necessary that your close friend make you a so-called "nettle" in this area. To do this, you need to hold the skin between two palms and twist it between them, as if squeezing out the laundry. Numerous folds form at this place, which will form the letter with which the name of your betrothed will begin.

The wedding portal website told you many ways how to guess at the groom, but he does not recommend taking the results too seriously, as well as resorting to all kinds of love spells, for example, black wedding. It is best not to trust one fortune-telling, but to conduct several rituals throughout the year. If they all indicate the same letter, then most likely you will not be able to get away from fate, because she has already prepared a future spouse for you. All that remains for you is to patiently wait for her to give you a loved one with whom you can go hand in hand through life.