Plan of interaction with the family in the second younger group. A long-term plan for interaction with parents in the second junior group "Cheerful guys Interaction with parents according to fgos 2 junior group

Makarova Tatyana Mikhailovna


Secondary school of the village of Verkhnekazymsky

Tyumen region, Beloyarsky district, Verkhnekazymsky village

Methodical development

"Plan of interaction with the families of pupils in 2 junior group"

Target: To give an idea of ​​the features of the development and upbringing of young children preschool age.

Program objectives:

1. To improve the pedagogical culture of parents in the development and upbringing of children of primary preschool age;

2. Rally the parent team and bring them to life kindergarten;

3. Establish a trusting relationship between the family and the preschool educational institution.

Principles for working with families:

educational- Improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

Advisory- Joint psychological and pedagogical search for methods of effective influence on the child;

Communicative- Participation of parents in educational activities.

Expected results:

1. Strengthening relationships with the family;

2. Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents;

3. Active participation of parents in general garden events.


1. Consultation "Development fine motor skills at home"

"Beauty in life and nature";


3. Folders - movers:

"Clothes for children in the group and on the street";

"The value of "Finger gymnastics" in the development of preschool children";

"Peculiarities of psycho-physical development of children of the fourth year of life";

"Education of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age."

4. Exhibition "To you, educator!"

5. Parent meeting "Tasks of education and training for the 2016-2017 academic year."

  1. Consultation "How to develop the speech of preschoolers."

"World of Wildlife";

"Hospitable Autumn";

"My village, my country";

"I and my family".

  1. Folders - sliders:

"Vaccinations - for and against";

How to instill a love of books in a child;

Crisis of the child of 3 years.

  1. Holiday " gold autumn Russia"
  2. Exhibition "Autumn in a colorful dress"
  1. Consultation "Preschooler and his toys."
    1. Advice for parents on topics:


"Home dwellers";

"Take care of your health";

"Winter is coming soon".

  1. Folders - sliders:

"Physical exercises and hardening";

"Game - staging as a means of developing a child's speech";

"Development of logical thinking in children";

How to make friends with mathematics for a preschooler.

  1. Open Day. Entertainment "Mom is my sun"
  2. Photo exhibition "Look into your mother's eyes"
  1. Consultation "Crisis of a child of 3 years".

“The frosts have come and winter has come”;

"My northern land (KhMAO)";

« New Year at the gate."

  1. Folders - sliders:

"Spearworms - one of the measures to prevent viral infections";

"Selection of fiction for preschoolers";

"Teaching Responsibility in Children"

"Winter games and fun."

  1. New Year's party"Christmas Miracles"
  2. Mini-Museum "Folk Crafts"
  3. Creative project "South - my small homeland"
  4. Competition "Snowman"
  5. Competition "New Year's toy"
  1. Consultation "The development of mathematical abilities in preschool children in the process of studying the world around us."
  2. Advice for parents on the topic:

"Golden-domed Russia";


"Journey to the country of dishes."

  1. Folders - sliders:

"7 tips of an orthopedist" (children's flat feet and prevention);

"The role of a fairy tale in the formation of elementary mathematical representations";

"Features of communication with children in the family";

"On joint observation of winter weather, phenomena, changes in nature with children."

  1. Entertainment "Christmas carols"
  1. Consultation "Respiratory gymnastics as an effective prevention of reducing the incidence of frequently ill children"
  2. Advice for parents

Long-term plan for interaction with parents

in the second junior group.

Prepared by Samoylenko Natalia Mikhailovna,

Educator of the highest qualification category.

Budyonnovsk 2015

Target: The rallying of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions and the creation of common guidelines for the formation of value orientations among preschoolers.


    Contribute to ensuring the openness of preschool education.

    Professionally help the family in the upbringing of children.To support parents' confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.

    Contribute to stimulating the motivation of parental activity in solving the problems of education, the formation of practical skills in education.

    Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding and common interests.

    Use various forms of cooperation with the families of pupils, taking into account an individually differentiated approach


    Parent meeting on the topic "What awaits us ahead?"

    Questionnaire for parents "What do you expect from the new school year

    Place informational material on the topic in the parent corner:

    The daily routine of children of the second younger group.

    "Network of classes for children of the second younger group."

    "Characteristics of children of the fourth year of life"

    Involve parents in the MDOU action "Goodbye, our summer!".

    Involve parents in the preparation and holding of the Day of Knowledge.

    Participation of parents in the production of a festive wall newspaper

"Happy birthday, my beloved city!", to the Day of the city of Budennovsk.

    Involve parents to participate in the review - competition MDOU

Readiness of groups for the new academic year.

    Conversation with parents on the topic:

"The importance of the regime in the development and upbringing of children."

    Involve parents in seasonal influenza vaccination of children.


    Make a stand on the topic: " healthy image children's lives."

    "Internal Rules for Parents".

    "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child".

    Why is he breaking everything?

    Involve parents in organizing the holiday "Autumn has come to visit us."

    Involve parents in the organization of Health Day in kindergarten.

Joint entertainment "Dad, mom and me - well, very sport family

    Invite parents to participate in an exhibition of crafts from natural material

"Autumn's Magic Box"

    Have a conversation about the rules of behavior on the road.

    Open Day MDOU.

    Involve parents in organizing the participation of children in the All-Russian Olympiad "2015 - the year of literature in Russia".


    Parent meeting of the group "Know and observe the rules of the road!"

    Why are children so different?

    "Shy child. How to behave parents with a shy child.

    "The main tasks of development in all sections of the general educational program for children of the second younger group."

    Exhibition of joint works with parents "What can our mothers do?", for Mother's Day.

    Registration of memos on traffic rules.

    Participation of parents in the photo exhibition "Golden Autumn".

    General parent meeting MDOU.

    Have conversations with parents about how to protect the child from injury.

    Involve parents in the competition of the MDOU "Organization of corners of creativity."

    Involve parents in organizing the participation of children in the All-Russian drawing competition "Gift for Mom".


    Participation in the All-Russian action "Help the birds in winter!"

    Place in the corner for parents advice on the topic:

    "The formation of moral qualities in preschoolers."

    How can you protect your child from the flu?

    "Rules of conduct for parents at children's matinees."

    Exhibition of joint works with parents "Crystal Winter".

    Conversation with parents on life safety "How to protect a child from misfortune in the winter."

    Participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of the New Year's party for children.

    Making a memo for parents "What toys do children need."

    Involve parents in organizing the participation of children in the All-Russian competition of crafts "Sorceress - Winter".


    Place in the corner for parents a consultation on the topic:

    "Games that develop cognitive activity."

    "Computer: for and against!".

    Stavropol writers for children. Poems by Ekimtsev A.E.

    "Labor activity of children of the second younger group".

    Parent meeting of the group on the topic "Speech development of children of the fourth year of life."

    Make a folder - moving with a photo "Our family photos".

    Open Day MDOU.

    Conversation with parents "Child in the team."

    Involve parents in organizing the participation of children in the All-Russian Olympiad "Sounds around us".


    Place in the corner for parents advice on the topic:

    "We form cultural and hygienic skills in children."

    Baby's temperament.

    "Toys: how to evaluate their quality".

    "Great Pedagogues of Russia: Konstantin Ushinsky".

    Thematic photo exhibition: "Son, father, grandfather" for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    Participation of parents in the production of a festive wall newspaper for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    Sports entertainment with the participation of parents "Strong, brave, dexterous!"

    Reminder for parents:

How to raise interest in the visual activity of the baby.

    Conversation with parents "Sow a habit - reap a character."

    To involve parents in organizing the participation of children in the All-Russian quiz “Dedicated to the anniversary - 110 years since the birth of Agnia Lvovna Barto”.


    Conduct a group parent meeting on the topic:

"Formation in preschoolers of the need to be healthy through the development of cultural and hygienic skills"

    Place in a corner for parents on the topic:

    "Acquaintance of children with the artists of Stavropol: Pavel Grechishkin".

    "How to deal with child tantrums."

    "Raising Patriots"

    Participation of parents in the methodological hour of MDOU

« Formation of a positive image of the home among preschoolers.

    Photo - exhibition "Childhood of my mother".

    Conversation with parents "Responsibilities of parents".

    Cheat sheet for parents on the topic: "If another child appeared in the family"

    Invite parents to participate in the MDOU competition for the best safety corner.

    Participation of parents in the fair MDOU "Razgulyai - ka!"

    Involve parents in organizing the participation of children in the All-Russian

drawing competition "Merry blot".


    Place in the corner for parents advice on the topic:

    "Little helper - how and when to teach a child to help?"

    "The influence of nature on the spiritual development of the child."

    Questioning of parents "How do you evaluate the work of kindergarten staff?"

    Active participation of parents in the organization of the Earth Day.

    Help parents in enriching the subject-developing environment for the development of speech.

    Photo exhibition "Our useful deeds".

    Open Day MDOU.

    Conversation with parents "Animals are our friends!"

    Participation in an environmental action

“We planted trees on our porch.”

    Involve parents in the improvement of the territory of MDOU.

    Involve parents in organizing the participation of children in the All-Russian

Olympiad "Smarts and smart girls".


    Conduct a final parent meeting on the topic:

"Successes and achievements for the year"

    Place in the parent corner advice on the topic:

    Is TV friend or foe?

    “Modern children. Problems of education»

    Involve parents in the competition - review of the MDOU "Corners of Experimentation".

    Participation of parents in the exhibition of family relics for the Family Day.

    Conversation with parents "Family and family values".

    Involve parents in organizing the participation of children in All-Russian competitions.

    Encouragement of parents - activists at the general parent meeting of MDOU


    Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B. Social and communicative development. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2009.

    Gerbova V.V. Introducing children to fiction. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005

    Childhood: Approximate basic general education program preschool education/ leaders of the team of authors T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva, 2014

    Doskin V.A., Golubeva L.G. Growing up healthy. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

    "Classes by the rules traffic» ed. ON THE. Izvekova, Creative Center "Sphere", 2008.

    “Classes on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers “Fairytale therapy”, ed. O.A. Shokhova, "Sphere", M., 2009.

    Visual activity of children in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines ", ed. I.A. Lykova, "Sphere", M., 2007.

    Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. "Preschool Pedagogy", Academy, M; 2012

    Mukhina B.C. "Age-related psychology". M.: 2006

    "Labor education in kindergarten", ed. T.S. Komarova, L.V. Kutsakova, Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

    Ushakova O. S. Introducing literature to preschoolers. - M.: Sphere, 1998.

Internet resources.

    "Prestige". http://prestig-konkurs


A long-term plan for working with parents in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten
Goals for 2014-2015 academic year:
1. To improve the work to preserve the psychophysical health of the child, through interaction with parents on health conservation and prevention of children's safety.
2. To increase the level of mastering the educational field "Cognition" by children through the active introduction of TRIZ - technology in educational activities with children and improving the pedagogical skills of teachers.
1. Registration and updating of information in: the business card of the group, the schedule of educational and directly educational activities, the daily routine.
2. Drawing up a "Health Passport" for the new academic year.
3. Making an information stand in the parent's corner.
4. Organizational parent meeting (pedagogical living room): "The tasks of education and training for the 2014 - 2015 academic year."
5. Consultations on the topics: “A child enters a kindergarten”, “Foresee + teach = protect”, “How to help a child avoid a cold in the autumn”, “Fundamentals of introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle”.
6. Folder - shift "Healthy lifestyle of the family."
7. Updating the stand with visual material for each month of the year (during the academic year).

1. Conducting a survey to compile a "Family portrait of the group".
2. Folder - shift "OBZH - safe communication."
3. Meeting of the parent committee (on the organization of equipping the subject-developing environment, the educational process in the group).
4. Joint exhibition of handicrafts made from natural materials "Golden Autumn".
5. Consultations on the topics: "Ethics of a child's behavior in kindergarten" (for newly arrived children), "Parental responsibility for the behavior of children on the road", "Bad habits in adults and their impact on the healthy lifestyle of children", "Safety in your home" .
6. Preparation for the autumn holiday "Golden Sorceress Autumn" (production by parents of attributes, decorations for the group and the hall).

1. Consultations on the topics: "To parents about the rules of the road", "The safety of our children", "The role of breathing exercises in the recovery of children", "Myths about healthy lifestyles".
2. Competition "Merry traffic light" (from waste material).
3. Questioning "About health - seriously!"
4. Folder - shift "Fire safety".
5. Meeting of the parent committee (preparation for the New Year's party).
6. Recommendations on the topic: “Feeding birds” (suggest to make feeders together with the children).

1. Designing a thematic information stand "Safety Rules".
2. Update of the methodological library on the topic: "Be healthy, baby!".
3. Folder - shifting "New Year".
4. Involvement of parents in the design of the group and the hall for the New Year.
5. Parent meeting with the invitation of a specialist "What and how we tell our children" ..6. Consultations on the topics: "A Brief Encyclopedia of Safety Rules on the Street for Adults and Children", "Healthy Food", "Why you need to breathe through your nose", "Sleep and health".
7. Recommendations to parents on organizing outdoor activities for a walk with children in the winter "Winter Fun".
8. Homework for parents: sharpen colored pencils.

1. Individual conversations with parents of children who find it difficult to learn program material.
2. Questioning on the topic: "What style of upbringing in the family do you adhere to?".
5. Consultations on the topics: "Typical mistakes of adults when teaching children the rules of the road", "How to spend a day off with a child with benefit", "Organization of health-improving motor behavior of children."
6. Thematic exhibition of joint children's creativity "Zimushka winter".
7. Folder - moving "Games for the whole family" (mathematical games with elements of TRIZ technology).

1. Consultations on the topics: “Learning while playing” (mathematical development of preschoolers), “The influence of the psychological microclimate of the family on the health of the child”, “ABC for parents (teaching the child safety rules)”, “Medicines are friends and medicines are enemies”, “ Train your child's heart!"
2. Stand dedicated to February 23.
3. Meeting of the parent committee (preparation for the celebration of March 8).
4. Homework for parents: repairing clothes from the Ryazhenya corner.
5. Folder - shift "Road signs".

1. Inviting parents to prepare for the spring holiday (making attributes, decorations for the group, hall).
2. Exhibition of children's art: "To our mothers and grandmothers."
3. Joint creation of a mini-garden in the group.
4. Homework for parents: repairing clothes for dolls.
5. Consultations on the topics: “Prevention of visual impairments”, “Child health and computer”, “About microbes”, “Disinhibited and aggressive children”.

1. Participation in the entertainment "Day of humor and laughter".
2. Consultations on the topics: “A moment for the health of the child”, “Rights and obligations in the family”, “Prevention of dental diseases”, “What is “acceptance” in raising a child?”, “Safety of children on city streets”.
3. Meeting of the parent committee (summarizing the work).
4. Competition "The best family recipe for healthy food."
5. Exhibition of children's art "Spring has come!"

1. Final parent meeting “So we have become a year older!” (results of work, prospects for the next academic year).
2. Folder - moving "First Aid".
3. Consultations on the topics: “On vacation with a child”, “Vacation at sea and hardening”, “Playing with water and sand”, “Child safety on the water”, “Injury ... what next?”
4. A selection of recommended literature for reading to children in the summer for primary preschool age.
5. Help parents in the manufacture and purchase of portable material for the summer.
6. Homework for parents for the summer: collection of natural and waste material.

long term plan work on interaction with parents in the second junior group for a year

Long-term plan of work on interaction with parents

in the second junior group for the 2016-2017 academic year

Month Name of the event Purpose of the event Performers


1. Questioning the parents of newly arrived children "Let's get to know each other." Collection of information about families of children. educators

2. Design of visual agitation: "Corner for parents"; daily regime; lesson grid; age characteristics of children Informing parents about the features of the educational process of the 2nd junior group. educators

3. Consultation "Education of independence in children of primary preschool age." Explain to parents the need to teach children to be independent, to promote interaction between the teacher and the parent. educators

4. Individual conversations “On observing the daily regimen in kindergarten and at home” Explain to parents the need to observe the daily regimen, talk about the consequences of its non-compliance. educators

5. Consultation “Interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the abstract of the Federal State Educational Standard.

6. Memo for parents "Age characteristics of children of the fourth year of life" Psychological and pedagogical education of parents. Educators.

7. Joint exhibition with parents "My favorite toy"

1 Parent meeting "Dangerous words or parental directives" Acquaintance of parents with the requirements of the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution for children 3-4 years old. educators

2. Questioning "About health - seriously!" Revealing knowledge about children's health. Nurse

3. Consultation "Health of children in autumn". educators

4. Joint exhibition of crafts made from natural materials "Miracles from the garden". Involve parents in joint creative activities with children. educators

5. Child-parent project "Golden Autumn"

6. Folder-slider "A selection of games for the development of the creative imagination of children" Give recommendations to parents on the development of creative abilities with children at home. educators

7. Holiday "Golden Autumn" to involve parents in the providence of the holiday.

8. Conversation with parents "I myself" - to encourage the initiative of children, the desire to work independently.

1. Conversation "Clothes for children in the group and on the street!" Explain to parents the need to have a change of clothes in the locker, dress children according to the weather. educators

2. Folders - moving: "A game in a child's life" Give recommendations to parents on organizing leisure activities with children at home. educators

3. Consultation "Drawing with fingers and palms" Give recommendations to parents on development creativity with children at home. educators

4. Action "Feeding trough for birds" Involve parents in joint activities (cooperation) for the environmental education of preschoolers. educators

5. Exhibition of children's art "My dear mother!" Explain the need to encourage children's creative work, involve parents with children in joint activities. educators

6. Meeting of the parent-child club "My baby" topic "Games in the kitchen."

7. Consultation "Fundamentals of proper nutrition" To give recommendations on the organization of proper nutrition. Nurse

8. Folder-slider "Vitamin drinks" Give recommendations to parents on the preparation of vitamin drinks in the cold season. educators

9. Design of the photo album "Our Pets"

1. Consultation "We raise children healthy." educators

2. Folder-slider "Why do children believe in Santa Claus?" Explain to parents the need to create positive emotions in children from the holiday, to appreciate childhood. educators

3. Consultation "Beware of the flu!" Communicate the necessary knowledge about the symptoms and measures to combat influenza. Nurse

4. Meeting of the Parent-Children's Club "My Baby" topic "Incredible tricks and fun with water."

5. Wall newspaper with photos from the club meeting.

6. Parent-child exhibition of drawings "New Year's Kaleidoscope" Involve parents in joint creative activities with children. educators

7. New Year's party. Involve parents in preparing for the New Year's party, promote teacher-parent interaction. educators

8. Photo exhibition "Good in winter"

1. Parent meeting "Our fingers play, help us speak." Speech games on the way to kindergarten.

2. Folders - moving: "Games with children in winter" Give recommendations to parents on organizing leisure activities with children in winter Educators

3. Consultation "Child's play corner at home" Educators. 4. Conversation "Walks and their importance" Give recommendations to parents on observing the regime at home. educators

5. Folder-shifter “Rules of conduct on the water in winter” Give recommendations to parents on observing the safety of behavior on water bodies in winter. educators

1. Folder-slider "Caution, ice!" Give advice to parents on the observance of traffic rules. educators

2. Organization of a photo exhibition about dads "Army weekdays" Congratulate the dads of the group on the holiday, involve moms in joint creative activities. educators

3. Exhibition of creative works for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland "February 23" Involve parents in joint creative activities of parents and children. educators

4. Consultation “Whims of a three-year-old child. How to react? To give psychological and pedagogical recommendations to parents on the topic of the issue. educators

5. Meeting of the Parent-Children's Club "My Baby" topic "A beautiful handwriting of a child is so simple."

6. Design of the album "All works are good" photos of parents from the place of work.

1. Tips for parents "So that the child is obedient" Give psychological and pedagogical recommendations to parents. educators

2. Exhibition of creative works by March 8 "For dear mothers" To involve parents in joint creative activities with children. educators

3. Design of the photo exhibition "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family." Involve parents (dads) in the preparation of a wall newspaper. educators

4. Matinee dedicated to the day of March 8 “My beloved Mom” Involve parents in preparing for the matinee, promote interaction between the teacher and the parent. educators

5. Folder-slider "Fairy Tale Therapy" To give psychological and pedagogical recommendations to parents. educators

6. Conversation "The role of toys in the development of the child" Give recommendations to parents on the selection of toys. educators

7. Meeting of the Parent-Children's Club "My Baby" topic "Mind at your fingertips"

8. Folder-slider: "Spring months". Guessing riddles, reading poems, games, folk signs.

1. Child-parent project "Winged Friends" Involve parents in joint parent-child activities. educators

2. Design of the exhibition of creative works "Come, birds, to us!" Involve parents in joint creative activities. educators

3. Folder-slider: "Migratory birds".

4. Meeting of the Parent-Children's Club "My Baby" topic "Soil-living earth" Educators.

5. Making birdhouses and for participation in the general gardening competition " Best home" Involve parents in the manufacture of birdhouses as part of the competition Educators

6. Exhibition of creative works "Space distances" Involve parents in joint creative activities. educators

7. Parent meeting topic "Digital dementia virus" Educators

8. Conversation with parents "How to help a child in self-realization"

1. Consultation "Rules of behavior in nature" Give recommendations on behavior in nature with children. educators

3. Issue of the wall newspaper "Victory May". educators

5. Parent-child exhibition of creative works "This Day of Victory" Involve parents in joint creative activities. educators

6. Folder-slider: "Insect bites - what to do?" Give recommendations on measures to provide assistance after an insect bite. Nurse

7. Meeting of the Parent-Children's Club "My Baby" topic "Funny chemical experiments" summarizing the work.

8. Exhibition of parent-child creativity "Beautiful butterflies" (collective work).

Perspective plan of interaction with parents of pupils

in the II junior group for the 2013-2014 academic year.


General theme of the month: "I want to know everything"

Terms: from 02.09.2013 to 27.09.2013
Theme of the 1st week: "Road alphabet"
Week 2 theme: "Together it's fun to play, dance and draw"
Theme of the 3rd week: “What am I, what do I know about myself”
Theme of the 4th week: "Sorceress autumn"
1. Conducting a parent meeting on the topic: "Adaptation of children to stay in a kindergarten"
2. Prevention of accidents. Consultation "Child on the road".
3. Involving parents in the improvement of group premises
4. Consultation "The game and the child early age»

General theme of the month: "Golden Autumn"

Terms: from 30.09.2013 to 01.11.2013
Theme of the 1st week: "Yellow leaves are spinning, flying"
Week 2 theme: "Our animal friends"
Theme of the 3rd week: "Adult work and professions"
Theme of the 4th week: "The amazing object world"
Week 5 theme: " Late fall»
1. Involving parents in collecting natural material in a corner of nature
2. Presentation "I adapt"
3. Exhibition of crafts "Autumn Etude"
4. Involving parents in the manufacture of attributes for sports games
5. Participation of parents in the competition "The best corner of sports in kindergarten"

General theme of the month: "Unusual nearby"

Terms: from 05.11.2013 to 29.11.2013
Week 1 theme: "The house I live in"
Week 2 theme: "Our good deeds"
Theme of the 3rd week: "Green friends (the world of houseplants)"
Week 4 theme: "Family and family traditions»
1. Consultation "Oh, good morning?"
2. Involving parents in the production of baby books
3. Involving parents in replenishing the "Green Corner of the Group"
4. Photo exhibition "My mother is the best"

General theme of the month: "Hello, guest Winter!"

Terms: from 02.12.2013 to 31.12.2013
Theme of the 1st week: "Zimushka-winter"
Theme of the 2nd week: "Winter clothes and shoes"
Theme of the 3rd week: "Journey to the winter forest"
Week 4 theme: "Waiting for the New Year"
1. Consultation "We dress for a walk"
2. Competition "The best bird feeder"
3. Exhibition "Winter's Tale"
4. Participation of parents in the design of the group for the New Year

General theme of the month: "Winter fun"

Terms: from 01/13/2014 to 01/31/2014.
Theme of the 3rd week: "People's holidays"
Theme of the 4th week: “We’ll take a sled and go outside”
Week 5 Theme: "Young Wizards (Creativity Week)"
1. Involving parents in the manufacture of costumes in the dressing corner
2. Parent meeting - discussion "How do cartoons affect a child?"
3. Photo exhibition “How we had fun and celebrated the New Year!”

General theme of the month: "From the window, from the window, our street is visible"

Terms: from 03.02.2014 to 28.02.2014
Theme of the 1st week: "Children and adults"
Week 2 theme: "Winter sports"
Week 3 theme: "Our defenders!"
Theme of the 4th week: “Like on a butter week…”
1. Co-creation in a group of a vegetable garden
2. Consultation "Weekend with benefit"
3. Participation in the entertainment "Wide Maslenitsa", the contest "The Best Pancake"
4. Participation of dads in the matinee "Ah, come on, dads!"

General theme of the month: "Spring is red"

Terms: from 03.03.2014 to 03.28.2014
Theme of the 1st week: “Go around the whole world - better mom no friend!"
Theme of the 2nd week: "Spring walks through the yards"
Theme of the 3rd week: "Feathered friends"
Week 4 theme: "Wild and Domestic Animals"
1. Attracting mothers and grandmothers to participate in the entertainment "Mother's Day - March 8"
2. Design of albums "Me and my family"
3. Involving parents in the manufacture of birdhouses
4. Consultation "Consequences of overprotection"

The general theme of the month: "I take on every task skillfully"

Terms: from 03/31/2014 to 04/25/2014.
Theme of the 1st week: "Funny Pictures"
Theme of the 2nd week: “Hello mother spring! Insects-cockroaches»
Week 3 theme: "Animals of the North and South"
Theme of the 4th week: "Helping adults"
1. Photo exhibition "Smiles of our children"
2. Consultation "We remove toys"
3. "Our successes" of the design of the album of children's works
4. Consultation "We can do without a whip"

General theme of the month: "Our favorite kindergarten"

Terms: from 28.04.2014 to 30.05.2014
Theme of the 1st week: “Kindergarten is our common home”
Week 2 theme: "Who helps us"
Week 3 theme: "Our games and toys"
Theme of the 4th week: "Favorite fairy tales"
Theme of the 5th week: "What we can do"
1. Parent meeting "The success of the children of our group!"
2. Exhibition of crafts "Peaceful sky"
3. Consultation for parents "Fairy tale therapy and the child"
4. Competition for the best summer hat
5. Involving parents in the improvement of the site

Raising children is a complex process. This is an axiom. But the search for ways to invest as much knowledge as possible in kids, to form skills and abilities - this is the very theorem that not only educators, teachers, but also parents of little wards have to prove every day. This work will be effective only if teachers, mothers and fathers act together, which is why so much attention is paid to working with parents in kindergarten. Especially with mothers and fathers of children experiencing another age crisis, namely 3-4-year-old wards of the second younger group.

Goals, objectives and forms of work with parents

The educator and parents are links in the same chain, interested in the success of the process of raising a child.

It is interesting. “... a preschooler is not a relay race that the family passes into the hands of kindergarten teachers. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions…”

The concept of preschool education

However, mothers and fathers in their methodology act mainly on a whim, while teachers act according to science. Combining these methods of influence is an inexhaustible methodological resource. The activities of the teaching staff of the kindergarten puts work with parents on one of the highest priorities.

Communication between teachers and parents is an important aspect of developing a unified strategy for teaching and raising children

The main goal of such work is to find an individual approach to the training, development and upbringing of the baby. But, in addition, interaction with the family allows you to:

  • disseminate useful practical pedagogical knowledge among parents;
  • increase the attention of the family to the issues of raising a baby;
  • to form a unified system of requirements for the regime of the day and the issues of raising a child;
  • create a positive image of a preschool children's institution in the minds of parents;
  • provide all possible methodological assistance to the family in matters of interaction with three-four-year-olds;
  • obtain as much information about the child as possible.

To achieve the set goals, the teacher solves the following tasks:

  • establishing partnerships with the parents of their pupils by providing emotional support and common interests;
  • increasing the psychological and pedagogical enlightenment of the family;
  • support for mothers and fathers in the performance of their educational and educational functions.

Achieving these tasks is possible thanks to the principles on which relations between the kindergarten and the family are built:

  • parents and educators are equal partners in the education and upbringing of children;
  • regular assistance to the child, trust and respect are guaranteed by both parents and teachers;
  • constant monitoring of the interaction between the family and the kindergarten, analysis of the results at all stages of this work.

How can I contact

The more diverse the methods of working with parents, the easier it is to find an approach to each family - this is a rule that every teacher should remember when drawing up a plan for interaction with moms and dads of preschoolers for a year.

Forms of work can be as follows:

  1. Questioning, interviewing in order to identify the features of the traditions of family education, the causes of certain deviations in the behavior of the baby. They also allow us to draw a conclusion about the socio-material and cultural level of the family.
  2. Testing of pedagogical competence. A method for identifying gaps in the pedagogical knowledge of parents.
  3. Joint leisure. Sports events (for example, the competition "Mom, dad, I am a sports family"), quizzes, etc.

    Solving riddles together is an excellent option for organizing leisure activities for parents and children.

  4. Conversations, round table discussions. Option to determine the appropriate way to resolve conflict situations. For example, if there are children in the group who constantly fight with each other. And also a way to establish feedback, as parents can ask questions that interest them.
  5. Pedagogical "living room", the essence of which is an appeal to the authoritative opinions of professionals (for example, outstanding teachers, psychologists, which is especially valuable for raising kids during a crisis of 3 years).
  6. Workshops. For example, a business game, the purpose of which is to analyze the results of the creative activity of adults and children (for example, discussing the results of the psychological test of the child's personality "Drawing of my family").

    Creating a collective collage helps parents understand how their children feel in a group.

  7. Family Reading Library. Creation and updating of the list of psychological and pedagogical literature aimed at improving mutual understanding in the family.
  8. Consultations, helpline. Personal communication with parents regarding the individual educational paths of their children.
  9. Joint actions. For example, the spring event “Feed the Birds”, the purpose of which is to make feeders for birds (by the hands of parents) and regularly replenish food supplies (by the efforts of kids). As well as the creation of photo newspapers, wall newspapers, participation in competitions, etc.
  10. Open day or interactive parent meetings. Creating the possibility of observing the child in the process of his interaction with other children and the teacher, as well as the integration of adults into the preschool environment.

Thanks to a wide range of forms of interaction with the family, the educator has the opportunity to diversify the work with parents.

Video: Interactive Parent Meeting

Table: long-term plan of work with parents of the second younger group (fragment)

Month Form of interaction Topic
SeptemberOrganizational parent meeting"Targeting tasks, features of development and education of children in the second younger group."
Consultation"Crisis 3 years"
Drawing up a family passport to collect information about parents and family education
ConversationHow to teach a child to say hello
Consultations"How to Organize Your Daily Routine"
Joint leisure (participation in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings)"Relax and create"
OctoberConversation"Why is it necessary to vaccinate against influenza and SARS"
Consultation"Is your child not talking?"
Conversation"Sports uniform and shoes for physical education"
Consultation"On the dangers of lack of sleep"
Consultation“If the child often throws tantrums”
FebruaryConversation"Children's" want "and parental indulgence"
Joint leisure (photo newspaper)"The best dad is mine"
Joint physical activity"The best dad is mine"
Consultation"If the child fights"
Conversation"Labor education of the child in the family"
Advice for parents of children with speech development problems"Speech Development"
View open class GCD"Development of constructive abilities of children"
Participation in the All-Russian competition of children's drawing"RUSSIAN RAILWAYS"
Participation of dads in a musical matinee"Dad, I'm a future soldier"

The parent meeting is a means of communication between the teaching staff and the close environment of the child, which makes it possible to implement the tasks of all forms of interaction, combining them within one time period. As a rule, meetings in the second junior group are held 4 times a year:

  • at the beginning of the school year (September);
  • before the end of the calendar year (December);
  • spring (February-early March);
  • at the end of the academic year (end of May-beginning of June).

Table: sample thematic plan for parent meetings for the school year

Meeting theme the date of the Conduct form Responsible for conducting
1 “Here they are, our children! Physical development of children 3 years old " conversationgroup educators
2 "Education of independence in children of primary preschool age" round tablegroup educators, nurse, psychologist
3 "Children play - play together" round table discussiongroup educators
4 “We can do a lot, we can do a lot!” business game, parent committee meetinggroup educators, leader

Features of organizing and holding meetings

Drawing up a plan for the event and its implementation requires the teacher not only and not so much to transfer his theoretical and practical knowledge, but to demonstrate the abilities of a speaker who is able to influence the public. Therefore, in order to successfully cope with such a task, it is necessary to take into account a number of rules.