That he values ​​silence in himself. Aphorisms and quotes about silence

Silence is the hardest work, which is not easy to learn. If you do not utter a word with someone and there is no feeling of an awkward pause, but there is a mutual understanding of thoughts, then you master this art to perfection.

I'm fed up with silence, don't think of making silence, let's chat, laugh, have fun, because night is coming, it's time for everyone to sleep.

The angry and displeased look of a woman does not mean at all that she is angry. She just realizes that she can't break the silence first.

Tired of constant silence and silence in the house? Buy and give your husband a screwdriver!

Best Status:
Silence can only give birth to silence. The longer it drags on, the more difficult it is to find a common language with the interlocutor.

I want to let out all the silence and silence that surrounds me. Sadness settled in the darkness of loneliness.

Note to men: seeds are not only husks scattered throughout the house, but also priceless hours of female silence.

The worst thing is not only her tears and glory, uttered in anger. The worst thing is the silence of her switched off phone.

He is not a match for you if he does not understand your silence. Such a person will not understand your words.

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Your words are a lullaby. I listen to your silence, I feel your breath. And my heart beats in the rhythm of two. Time froze in anticipation of your words ....

Silence is golden!! If you remain silent for a long time, they will rob you !!!

Bitter coffee and a cigarette. Cold morning and sad evening. Silence of the phone and music in the headphones. And tomorrow it will be a cold morning again ...

The only thing I hear from him is an indifferent silence ...

Silence - The best way answering stupid questions...

silence is a form of polite tantrum

In a dispute with a woman, the strongest argument of a man is silence.

I can not talk right now. I'm leading a meeting of the deathly silence club.

We simply cannot have anything with him by default. But in that couple of minutes .... (c)

My silence is a sign that I am silent!

Do you love me? - .. silence ... - silence is a sign of consent, but apparently not in this case ..

Silence is not a sign of either intelligence or stupidity, but rather indifference. and that's what kills me the most.

Even in his silence there were grammatical errors

Taking water in our mouths, we quench the thirst of the censors.

Why be silent when you are made to speak?

Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own.

He who screams in anger is ridiculous, but he who is silent in anger is terrible.

Silence is not so much gold as money.

Whoever does not know how to remain silent until the time comes to speak and act is not a real person.

The only correct answer to an immodest question is silence.

Sometimes you have to be quiet to be heard.

The silent fool will finally be confused with the silent sage.

Sometimes silence adorns us so much that we want to scream about it.

The most important of the arts is the art of eloquent silence.

If you don't know, shut up! You know - shut up!

Pisces are silent because of politeness. They don't want to interrupt each other. They are caught anyway, but not on the word.

The woman is adorned with silence.

Silence is the only thing of gold that is not recognized by women.

I often had to regret my words, but not once did I regret that I kept silent.

Let the one who gave is silent. Let the one who received speak.

And a fool, when silent, may seem wise.

There are a thousand ways to get a woman to talk, but none to silence her.

There are a thousand tricks to get women to talk, but none to silence them.

We have two ears and only one language in order to hear more and speak less.

Silent means consent.

Modest silence is the best argument in a dispute with management.

Silence is rarely silent.

Silence is the best weapon against an unwarranted attack.

Know that the best answer to fools is silence.

Silence is the most reliable answer to any contradictions dictated by insolence, vulgarity or envy.

If you want to be silent about something, be the first to be silent.

If a man is silent, it means nothing. He's just too lazy to talk.

Silence is the virtue of fools.

Silence is such an interesting subject that one could talk about it for hours.

Worse than the seal of silence is only the silence of the seal.

The great poison for the heart is silence.

Silence is a shield from many troubles, and chatter is always harmful.

Silence is the refuge of a simple soul that has experienced the full depth of human sorrow.

He who obeys the tongue is very often forced to remain silent.

By forcing a person to shut up, you have not yet convinced him.

You are better at being silent than you are speaking.

Keep silence! Let the facts speak! It is not for nothing that man is given two ears and one tongue.

The ability to speak distinguishes people from the animal world; the ability to remain silent distinguishes a person from the world of people.

It is not difficult to be silent with a smart look. It's hard to get noticed and appreciated.

The last word belongs to those who keep quiet.

People are silent when there is something to think about!

An ominous sign is silence in the midst of great troubles.

It's good to be silent... it's not good to talk!

Silence, how often you have to pay for you in gold.

You must be able to remain silent about everything that matters only to you alone.

To keep your mouth shut, you need to have teeth.

Not a single word spoken was as useful as so many unspoken ones.

Insults, met with contemptuous silence, fall silent; to be annoyed about them is to partly acknowledge their significance.

Another silence is the cry of the soul.

I prefer to remain silent than to agree or disagree with what I do not know.

It is better to remain wisely silent than to speak foolishly.

It is better to keep quiet and seem like a fool than to open your mouth and completely dispel doubts.

Silence does not always prove the presence of the mind, but it proves the absence of stupidity.

Tact is a rare ability to remain silent when two friends are arguing and you know they are both wrong.

Silence seals speech, and timeliness seals silence.

Silence is the ghost of the mind.

Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say stupidity. But sometimes silence is stupidity.

If the wife is silent, it is better not to interrupt her.

Sometimes you need to be quiet in order to be heard.

How few are those who are able to keep their mouths shut

What cannot be spoken about must be silent.

Silence is a sign of consent not to help.

For a woman, a moment of silence is like death.

For the ignorant there is nothing better than silence; but if he knew what was best for him, he would not be ignorant.

The silence of some people should be listened to.

He knew so much that it was possible to be silent with him on any topic.

To be wise and not move your hand (i.e. remain silent) is true introspection.

I like to talk - silently!

Silence is golden, but everyone has a different sample.

For many, silence is a substitute for wisdom.

Vain people are bad diplomats: they do not know how to keep silent.

Do not be afraid of the one who shouts in anger, but be afraid of the one who is silent in anger.

Ecology of life: Why are people silent? Five reasons for silence that will answer this difficult question.

Why are people silent

Why are people silent? Five reasons for silence that will answer this difficult question.

How difficult it is to get in and out of situations of awkward silence. For example, having arrived on vacation - to sit in a rented apartment for rent in Odessa and try to find what to say to the girl you like of your mutual friends. What does silence mean for each of us? How does it affect our inner world and our relationships with people?

Five reasons for silence:

1. The person does not know what to answer. He, as it were, grows numb in this uncertainty. A person is silent when he does not understand the question or does not know how to respond correctly.

2. A person is silent because he does not know how to correct the current situation. Sometimes we come across people and understand: tell or don't tell a person - it will not help.

3. He is ignored. What if a person by such behavior shows that you do not sympathize with him? This is worth thinking about. Maybe the person does not want to help you and does not know how to refuse correctly. In such situations, it is worth sorting out the relationship with him and talking directly about your guess. Suddenly, everything will be decided, and you will become best friends?

4. The person is just tired. This is another reason why people are silent. Especially after a difficult and eventful day at work, people are already emotionally exhausted and do not want more communication.

5. Sometimes words are not needed. If we are talking about silence, then it is worth considering the fact that sometimes we ourselves should remain silent. Silence with a friend is a conversation of a completely different kind. Sometimes words are not needed to support a loved one. This should also be remembered.

We are all different people. Some, due to weakness, excessive modesty, and perhaps even isolation, are not able to express their opinion. You should find the right approach to such people and not pester with various questions and reproaches.

Remember that expressing your thoughts is the basis of psychological health. No one can read minds, so try to be more social. Then there will be mutual understanding among us. published

If you were silent, there is no need to be afraid of words,
Which you could not say so.
Geoffrey Chaucer

... the Lord punishes him,
Who inappropriately, at the wrong time chatting,
When it would be appropriate for him to be silent ...
Geoffrey Chaucer

Speech is slander. Silence is a lie.
Hong Zicheng

We sin both when we are silent, but we ought to speak, and when we speak, but we ought to be silent.

Silence is golden... unless, of course, meanness.
Absalom Underwater

Silence is golden only when there is something to say.
Boris Krutier

Silence is a sign of consent of those who disagree.
Gennady Malkin

Silence is a sign of consent ... lambs.
Evgeny Kashcheev

It is difficult to remain silent, even more difficult to remain silent.
L. Bushma

Compared to words, sighs are hard to contain.
Srba Pavlovic

The person who knows how to keep silent, although he is right, has great power.
Cato the Elder

The one to whom the tongue is obedient usually keeps quiet.
Jerzy Lec

People would rather agree to slander themselves than to remain silent about themselves.
François de La Rochefoucauld

The desire to speak out is almost always stronger than the desire to learn something.
Dmitry Pisarev

Silence must be heard in its context.
Jerzy Lec

We learn to speak from people, to be silent - from the gods.

Oh, if only you were silent! this would be imputed to you as wisdom.
Job 13:5

You know how not to speak, but you are not able to be silent.

He who cannot speak cannot be silent.
Publilius Sir

Everyone hears your cry; your whisper - only the closest; your silence is only your best friend.
Linda McFarlane

Silence is the adornment of women.

Silence is the best adornment of a woman, alas, almost never used.
Thomas Fuller

Silent women enjoy the reputation of being perfect conversationalists.
Magdalena the Pretender

The principle of "silence is golden" was invented by blackmailers.

Whoever does not understand your silence will hardly understand your words.
Elbert Hubbard

In love, we are more concerned about the meaning of silence than the meaning of words.
Mason Cooley

Silence can be the most monstrous.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Shut up like that. to hear what you are silent about.
Dominik Opolsky

It's embarrassing to say, but there's nothing to be silent about.
Gennady Malkin

Silence is a continuation of the dispute by other means.
Attributed to Ernesto Che Guevara

Silence is an unbearable remark.
Gilbert Chesterton

The taciturn ones always impress. Hard to believe. that man has nothing to hide but his own nothingness.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

He has glimpses of silence that make conversation with him interesting.
Sidney Smith

I know enough to remain silent.
Thomas Fuller

Silence is not only the absence of sound, but also the stillness of the mind.
author unknown

Silence is the style of wisdom.
F. Bacon

Silence is a figure of speech that does not require an answer, short, cold, but terribly harsh.
T. Parker

It is better to remain wisely silent than to speak foolishly.
Publilius Sir

Silence is the wisdom of a fool.
Publilius Sir

Silence is the virtue of fools.
F. Bacon

Silence is the only way for an ignoramus to prove at least that he is not a fool.
P. Decursel

G. Shaw

Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.
W. Gaslitt

Silence is the most perfect expression of contempt.
B. Show

Silence is the most reliable answer to any contradictions dictated by insolence, vulgarity or envy.
I. Zimmerman

Silence is an argument that is almost impossible to refute.
G. Böll

Silence is the only acceptable substitute for brains.
M. Samuel

Silence is an extremely witty response.
G. Chesterton

Silence is more eloquent than words.
T. Carlyle

The woman is adorned with silence.

Silence holds speeches together, and timeliness holds silence together.

Be silent or say something better than silence.
Pythagoras of Samos

He who does not know how to be silent is not able to speak.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The ability to speak distinguishes people from the animal world; the ability to remain silent distinguishes a person from the world of people.
Grigory Landau

Silence is gold, but sometimes it is silver.
Zbigniew Zemetsky

Silence is gold, for which someone else's silence is bought.
Lech Konopinski

Silence is such an interesting subject that one could talk about it for hours.
Jules Romain

Silence is one of the most difficult arguments to refute.
Henry Wheeler Shaw

I don't like interlocutors who now and then interrupt my reasoning with their silence.
Leszek Kumor

Silence is rarely silent.
Howard W. Newton

He knows how to be silent so interestingly that everyone is waiting for him to finally speak.
Slavian Trotsky

You are better at being silent than you are speaking.

How difficult it is to be silent when you are not asked.
Mikhail Genin

Silent is rarely wrong. Only if he speaks.
Vladislav Gzheshchik

And a fool, when silent, may seem wise.
King Solomon - Proverbs 17, 28

First think three times, and then remain silent.
Henri Renier

Their silence is a loud cry.

The woman silently suffers from the fact that she has no one to talk to.

Women are sometimes silent, but not when they have nothing to say.
Paul Saude

Women love the silent ones. They think they are listening.
Sasha Guitry

Don't say anything more.

Sometimes we keep silence to protect our relationship, but often it only creates distance between partners. In a relationship, partners "play silent" when they experience anger, disappointment, or any other negative emotions towards each other.

Why you should pay attention to the silence of a partner

Short periods of silence, which usually turn into regular dialogue, can be a positive thing. From time to time, we all need space to "clear our thoughts", and silence helps to do this. But if these periods of silence become longer and more frequent, it is a potential catalyst for a relationship to deteriorate. The reason is that effective communication is the most important component of any successful collaboration.

1. Inattention and misunderstanding

A typical scenario: one partner feels bad about the actions of the other and directly tells him about it. However, in response, he receives either silence or downplaying the problem. He is told that he has misunderstood everything, or that he should not take this problem too personally. When this behavior of one of the partners becomes too frequent, and one or both partners tend to remain silent, it slowly begins to destroy the relationship.

Experts give several recommendations that can prevent communication difficulties when you decide to discuss these issues. The first recommendation is to refrain from texting to discuss issues in your relationship. The reason is simple: text messaging fails to convey body language or intonation, which are essential components of effective communication. Secondly, it is important to choose a place for a conversation that will not distract you. By being alone with each other without potential distractions, you increase the effectiveness of the interaction, as well as encourage eye contact. Third, you should try to practice empathy. Keep in mind that while you don't have to agree with your partner if it's against your beliefs, you must show your understanding and willingness to engage in conversations, no matter how difficult.

2. Hostility

Hostility in a relationship is a recognized intimacy killer. Hostility often arises from the negative actions of one partner (real or perceived as such), lack of responsibility or inaction in a situation that requires intervention on his part. When this behavior is repeated despite the discussion of problematic issues, one or both partners begin to experience quiet indignation.

To solve this problem, you should try to understand your spouse and discuss why he or she behaves this way. Perhaps the partner's behavior has a specific purpose that you are not aware of. Ideally, a mutual agreement should be reached, which may require a compromise from both of you.

3. Sexual dissatisfaction

When one or both partners feel that their sexual needs are not being met, the topic is often hesitant to discuss. The reasons for feeling dissatisfied may be different, but usually the problem appears due to insufficient frequency of sexual intercourse or their absence.

But regardless of the reasons for the feeling of sexual dissatisfaction, it can be a serious test for a relationship. For example, if a man is faced with this problem, he may begin to consider the topic of sex taboo or unnecessary and not even try to discuss it. In addition, he may actually be afraid that acknowledging the problem will affect his partner's feelings.

Despite this understandable hesitation, this problem does need to be addressed. Sexual intimacy is an important part of a relationship, and it can break down without a healthy sex life.

4. Implicit disappointment

Disappointment in the person you love is a very difficult feeling. Indeed, some relationships end because of unexpressed disappointment in others. Further complicating this problem is that one or both partners do not want to notice these feelings. As a result, it is excruciatingly difficult for them to understand and articulate any disappointment regarding their partner.

First of all, you need to admit to yourself that your partner has disappointed you, and feel it to the fullest before telling the other person about it. It will actually free you from the pain that comes from holding on to resentments and disappointments in yourself, because they are all about the person you love.

5. Lack of trust

A lack of trust in one's partner is often the result of betrayal or neglect by a loved one in the past, and this experience carries over into new relationships. Although this lack of trust shows up in new relationships, it can make itself felt later in the form of suspicion.

Regardless of the reason, the decision not to discuss the distrust in your relationship will sooner or later lead to tension between you. With a high degree of probability, relations will deteriorate, which may lead to a break.

If you're suppressing important feelings to avoid upsetting your partner or for some other reason, it's important to acknowledge your unmet needs and work on the problem until you find a solution. The help of a specialist is often needed to get rid of suspicion that has arisen as a result of past experiences or traumatic events. In other cases, having a sincere conversation with your partner can also help you let go of the jealousy and suspicions that undermine your loved one's trust.

Whoever does not understand your silence will hardly understand your words.

Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own.

Silence sometimes means the most severe criticism.

Silence is deep as eternity; conversations are shallow, like Time.

Without knowing a foreign language, you will never understand the silence of strangers.

Silence and modesty are qualities very suitable for conversation.

Great souls endure suffering in silence.

Silent is rarely wrong. Only if he speaks.

Be beautiful and sit silently. The first is easier.

Whoever obliges himself to say everything without concealment, he will oblige himself not to do what needs to be silent.

Phrases about silence

Everyone says about a fool and a braggart, that he is a fool and a braggart; but no one tells him this, and he dies, not knowing about himself what everyone knows.

Only the unsaid is worth remembering.

Boundless subtle phrases about silence

The taciturn ones always impress. It is hard to believe that a person has nothing to hide, except his insignificance.

Speech is the destiny of man; silence is the lot of God; but also the beast and death. Therefore, we must comprehend both arts.

Silence: one of the most difficult arguments to refute.

You must be able to remain silent about everything that matters only to you alone.

First think three times, and then remain silent.

He who knows how to be silent hears many confessions; for who will reveal himself to a talker and a gossiper.

People learn how to speak, and the main science is how and when to be silent.

If two people meet and talk, then the purpose of this is not to exchange information or evoke emotions, but to hide behind the words that silence and loneliness in which a person exists.

There are epochs of silence, littered to the ceiling with protocols of conversations.

The trouble is when a person does not have enough intelligence to say well, or common sense to carefully remain silent.

The highest degree of the art of speaking is the ability to remain silent.

Silence is the greatest of human sufferings; the saints were never silent.

Grasping subtle phrases about silence

Silence is the gloss of fools and the cunning of the sage.

Even in his silence, spelling errors could be heard.

Be silent or say something better than silence.

Decency is often a conspiracy of obscenity with silence.

It is better to keep quiet and seem like a fool than to open your mouth and completely dispel doubts.

Seeing injustice and keeping silent means participating in it yourself.

It is most difficult to speak just when you are ashamed to remain silent.

It is better to reveal your mind in silence than in conversation.

It is better to remain silent than to speak evil.

That person is good, with whom you can keep quiet well.

People are willing to be silent if vanity does not induce them to speak.

Silence does not always prove the presence of the mind, but it proves the absence of stupidity.

Silence must be heard in its context.

As long as I remain silent, I do not give consent.

Silence is an unbearable remark.

It is better to remain silent and seem like a fool than to speak up and leave no doubt about it.

There are people who become smarter if they don't say a single word to anyone for eight days in a row.

The most mysterious subtle phrases about silence

How long does it take for a smart person to talk until they believe that he is smart! A stupid man has only to remain silent, and everyone considers him smart.

Silence and valor are inseparable.

Silence is the best way to answer meaningless questions.

Sometimes silence is more expressive than any speech.

The last word of many writers should have been silence.

Not the beauty of every woman is gold, but intelligence and silence.

A dumbass is a fool who does not open his mouth; in this sense he is preferable to a talkative fool.

It's never too late to shut up if you know you're lying.

There is no answer more humiliating than a contemptuous silence.

With those who are silent, they are silent, with those who tell everything, they are also silent.

Be silent so that you can hear what you are silent about.

I don't like interlocutors who now and then interrupt my reasoning with their silence.

The silence of a man known for his eloquence inspires much more respect than the chatter of an ordinary talker.

Silence is a true friend who will never change.

In general, people who know little talk a lot, and those who know a lot talk little.

Whoever has nothing to say of his own, it is better for him to remain silent.

Women love silent men. They think they are listening.

Silent means consent. Or that no one is listening to you.

Avantage subtle phrases about silence

Silence is the virtue of fools.

Let them reproach you for your silence - they would not scold you only for your talkativeness.

In love, silence is more precious than words. It is good when embarrassment fetters our tongues: silence has its own eloquence, which reaches the heart better than any words. How much a lover can say to his beloved when he is silent in confusion, and how much intelligence he reveals at the same time.

The cruelest lies are often told silently.

Silence is a special art of conversation.

A man proves his love not by how he talks about it, but by how he is silent about it.

Enough topics for silence.

Silence is the refuge of a simple soul that has experienced the full depth of human sorrow.

Silence is the English way of talking.

First we learn to walk and talk. Then we learn to sit still and keep quiet.

It's better to say nothing than to say nothing.

He has glimpses of silence that make conversation with him interesting.

People would rather agree to slander themselves than to remain silent about themselves.

Silence is sometimes more significant and sublime than the noblest and most expressive eloquence, and in many cases testifies to high intelligence.

Silence is the altar of caution.