Tattoo minimalism: laconic style for modern guys and girls. Tattoo in the style of minimalism Tattoo in the style of minimalism flowers

Minimalism is one of the main achievements of the arts. This style not only does not lose its popularity, but is gaining more and more momentum, discovering completely new forms. This style is created for truly creative people who understand art. Now, in the environment of post-modernism, minimalism has a place to be, it becomes fashionable and is reflected in such a form of modern art as a tattoo.

Internet portals are now overflowing with thumbnails. Any image can easily be flattened to this style and thus look completely different while retaining its original content. This style attracts not with its variety of colors or volumes, but primarily with the idea of ​​the image, its composition, graphics, line play.

This way you enhance the beauty of the image without detracting from the content. This is to some extent a classic, a manifestation of fine taste. Tattoos in the style of minimalism combine geometry and monochrome.

Such tattoos can be safely added to the category of mysterious, like the real creations of minimalist artists. It may seem that simple, natural forms cannot carry any special semantic load, but at the same time they will acquire a special meaning for everyone.

Usually the range of colors in these tattoos is not very rich. Choose dark colors. Often limited to 3-4 colors. One of the most common options is black and white sketches. Such drawings can be on any part of the body and any size. If you have chosen a tattoo in this style, this does not mean at all that it should be small and inconspicuous. Sometimes such drawings occupy large areas of the body, for example, the entire back.

It is impossible to draw a parallel and compile statistics on people of what age or gender choose such sketches. Perhaps they are mostly teenagers. They are now more versed in all sorts of currents of art, and in general, they more often decide to decorate their bodies with a pattern. Such sketches are ideal for both women and men.

Masters making tattoos in the style of minimalism:, and many others ...

You can talk a lot about tattoo minimalism. This is because this style has many advantages that lovers of underwear painting appreciate. Ideas, plots and images transferred to the skin simply, without unnecessary drawings, oddly enough, make the tattoo really interesting. Who is this technique suitable for and what characteristic features distinguish it from other styles?

Brief history of style

The word "minimalism" comes from the Latin minimus, which means "smallest" in Russian. The style is reflected in fashion, design, interior, architecture, linguistics and is characterized by conciseness and simplicity of composition. In the art of underwear painting, tattoos in the style of minimalism appeared at the dawn of civilization. People used symbols and signs as a designation of social status, personal achievements and belonging to a particular genus. Often small drawings could be seen even on the face of men and women.

With the advent of professional equipment and high-quality consumables, tattoos have reached a new level. Large-scale compositions that could decorate half of the body, such as a tattoo sleeve or an authentic suit, came into fashion. In the era of postmodernism, everything returns to its roots. People do not look for pathos and excesses and strive for simplicity of plots. The minimalism of the tattoo is just an expression of such a desire and every year it gathers an increasing army of fans.

Distinctive features

Tattoos in the style of minimalism have a number of characteristic features by which the technique can be determined:

  • the predominance of clear geometric shapes and lines;
  • the minimum number of elements;
  • simplicity and conciseness of the composition;
  • monochrome image.

Usually minimalistic drawings are made in black and white, but one more additional color is allowed - green, red, blue. Sketches of tattoos are distinguished by a variety of subjects: flowers, animals, plants, inscriptions, signs. The work is done in a simplified form (for example, not the whole bird is depicted, but only its outline). Photos of tattoos of interesting works can be found on the Internet.

Symbolism of minimalistic tattoos

Contrary to popular belief that minimalist drawings should be small, men's and women's tattoos can be large. The composition is performed on the arm, back or leg. The main thing is clear geometric shapes and a clear image. Birds, flowers and animals are images loved by girls who seek to emphasize their femininity and fragility.

The fair sex, as a rule, likes to tattoo on the wrist, ankle or even on the finger. The latter option is also suitable for lovers who want to confess their feelings and perpetuate the union with their beloved. In this case, the meaning of minimalism tattoo lies on the surface.

Minimalism tattoos on the leg are mainly preferred by men who appreciate conciseness and simplicity. A monochrome pattern in the form of geometric shapes will be an excellent decoration and emphasize masculinity and strength. For girls, it is important that the tattoo contains additional colors in addition to the main black.

shark tattoo

Minimalism is mistakenly considered the samples of those who only dream of a tattoo but are not sure of their decision. Miniatures on the skin is a real art that cannot be ignored.

A unique phenomenon in the world of tattoos is a combination of artistic skill and high skills of the performer.

The meaning and meaning of tattoo images minimalism

Tattoo minimalism delights with detail. The skills of the master should allow the viewer to see a clear picture, as if a lens was attached to the skin. Such bright and capacious works attract attention, proving the advantages of quality over volume.

A series of minimalist tattoos is performed in order to place accents. A person is paid attention, a small tattoo involves the imagination of the viewer, awakening the desire to explore the personality.

Often, pictures are performed with a symbolic meaning for the carrier. Travel lovers make small panoramas and nature. Space connoisseurs prefer to perpetuate their passion on the skin in the form of pictures of the universe.

However, for this current there is a series of symbols that have a special meaning. For example geometric figures- the image fits into them, the interpretation depends on the choice.

The circle means that a person is tuned in to the perception of the whole World. A triangle or crystal focuses on a single aspect. The polyhedron can carry the meaning of the heart. The drawings inscribed in it reflect the value system of the wearer.

Tattoos for men and women

The direction of minimalism tattoo is not divided into male and female currents. Girls are characterized by minimalistic images, plants, geometric patterns and insects.

For men, the animalistic style is, first of all, panoramas. Animal landscapes, paintings with action carry a semantic load. Such drawings are an impetus for the creation of mental images that can induce action.

Tattoo paired wrist

Often, small tattoos adorn the girl's wrists; sentimental pictures are drawn in the style of minimalism. This means that the girl wants to emphasize her vulnerable and impressionable nature.

In men, miniatures often cover the forearms. They can be seen on the neck. In special cases, miniature tattoos are made on the face, earlobe, and phalanx of the fingers.

The theme of the tattoo in style

A common theme in the style of space minimalism emphasizes the ability to shrink the whole universe in a small space. At the same time, fantasy worlds will continue to exist, remaining a global phenomenon.

Travelers and adventurers make a compass tattoo on the wrist or knuckle. It can be inscribed in geometric lines. In this case, geometry acts as a symbol of the balance of the world.

In the direction of minimalism are popular:

  • flowers;
  • cat type animals;
  • Zodiac signs;
  • small inscription;
  • symbols of faith and cults;
  • plants, flowers;
  • insects.

Drawings with a complex composition attract the eye, make you involuntarily wander through the details. The effect of minimalism is as strong as that of realism, do-it-yourself or trash polka. At the same time, a unique aura of mystery is preserved.

The color scheme of the tattoo minimalism image

The direction is not limited in the choice of shapes and colors. The drawing can be done in black and white. Shades of black and gray contrast accentuate the details. For such options, preference is given to techniques close to dotwork.

Full color drawings look bright and attractive. In one minimalist image, up to 30 colors and shades can be present. If the goal is to depict space, a panorama of nature or a perspective, the work is done in complex color resolution.

The essence of the image can be abstract. Young men are encouraged to give preference to works filled with symbolism.

So that the tattoo is not lost and in place, consult with your master. He will adjust your wishes and achieve maximum effect.

Location on the body

A brush is preferred for application, the tattoo on the wrist looks like a decoration. The most prominent place on the hand is given to the drawing.

A pattern can be chosen to decorate the wrist. The second most popular are the zones under the chest, the foot - small curly drawings are performed on the leg.

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  • latitude and longitude tattoo
  • flower tattoo

  • flower tattoo

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  • flower tattoo

  • tattoo inscription

  • Flowers and moon tattoo

  • Tattoo on the forearm
  • horse tattoo

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  • Horus eye tattoo
  • tattoo inscription

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Tattoos are worn on the fingers, lower leg and upper back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The guy's forearm is often decorated, a photo of a tattoo of this type is most often found as an example.

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