Beaded peacock feather. Luxurious beaded peacock with different weaving techniques How to weave a peacock tail from beads

The royal peacock has always attracted attention to itself. Their leisurely gait and bright plumage have made them an adornment of many royal parks. At all times, needlewomen chose this bird for their work. A beaded peacock figurine may well become part of a modern interior. True, such work will require some skills in beading and will take not a single evening.

What you need to work

  • Czech beads No. 10 of different colors (it must be taken as much as possible of the same size);
  • gray glass beads and large white beads to decorate the head and tail;
  • thin wire (it must pass through one bead six times);
  • fishing line to flash the finished work.

The scheme for weaving a peacock from beads

Operating procedure

  1. Weaving a peacock begins with a beak. From it to the tail, the body will weave with one piece of wire, and therefore you need to take at least 180 cm. Dial the first three rows with parallel weaving: one orange bead in the first 2 rows and two in the third row.
  2. From the fourth row, volumetric weaving with beads is already used and rows appear: lower and upper. In the upper tier, dial a beige bead, brown and again beige. In the bottom - 3 black. The wire is bent so that one tier is above the other.
  3. The upper tier of the 5th row, according to the scheme, consists of 2 beige, 2 brown and 2 more beige beads, and the lower one consists of 1 brown, 2 black and brown again.
  4. In the sixth row, the top tier is beige, black, still beige, 2 brown and again beige, black, beige; the lower tier is 2 brown, 1 black and 2 brown.

  5. In the seventh row, a beautiful crown is added to the peacock. To do this, in the upper tier, 2 brown, 1 beige, 2 brown, gray glass beads and 3 dark green beads are typed. Holding the last beads with your finger 3, thread the end of the wire back through the glass beads. Also make 2 more needles for the peacock crown.

  6. Next, string 2 brown, 1 beige and 2 brown beads onto the wire. Pass the other free end of the same wire through the entire row of beads. Dial the lower tier from 4 brown beads.
  7. From this place, they begin to weave the body itself from brown beads. All weaving is performed according to the scheme attached to the master class.
  8. From the 17th row, wings appear at the peacock (they are indicated by dark green beads). To do this, in the upper tier, 3 brown, 5 dark green and again 3 brown beads are typed. The bottom tier will consist of 15 brown beads only.
  9. In the 18th row there are already 2 brown, 8 dark green and 2 brown beads at the top and 16 brown at the bottom.
  10. In this row, you need to enter an additional wire for the legs. Its length will be 50 cm. For the upper tier, dial 1 brown, 10 dark green and again 1 brown bead, and for the lower tier - 17 brown beads. But before tightening it, drag the prepared segment through 9 medium beads. Now you can pull the main wire.
  11. 20 row - top 2 brown, 7 dark green and 2 brown beads and bottom 16 brown.
  12. In the 21st row, another of the same piece of wire for the peacock's legs is added. For the top tier, dial 2 brown, 7 dark green and 2 brown beads. For the bottom - 15 brown beads. Through 7 medium beads, stretch an additional wire and fasten, like the first one.
  13. For the future tail, prepare 4 pieces of 70 cm. In the upper tier, dial 2 brown, 6 dark green and 2 brown. Thread the first piece of wire through 8 medium beads. The second - through 6 medium beads, the third - through 4 medium ones, the fourth - through 2 medium ones. Tighten the main wire without touching the additional pieces. For the lower tier, dial 14 brown beads.
  14. Now the beaded peacock is woven in parallel weaving to the end of the body. 23rd row - top 3 brown, 3 dark green and again 3 brown, bottom - 12 brown. 24th row - the same number on top as in the 23rd row, only 2 dark green beads, 10 brown beads on the bottom. 25 row - in the upper tier, 3 brown and 1 dark green in the center and 8 brown in the lower tier.
  15. Now weaving with beads is done only with brown beads. In the 26th row, each tier consists of 6 beads, in the 27th row - of 4. 28th row - 3 pieces on top and 2 pieces on the bottom. Last 29 row 1 bead on top. Fasten the end of the wire, remove the excess and hide the tip inside the body.

    The peacock's body is almost finished

  16. After that, it's time to make beaded paws for the peacock. In the 1st row, dial 3 brown beads in each tier, in the 2nd - two brown and orange beads on top and bottom, respectively. 3rd and 4th row consists of orange beads: 2 pieces in each tier.
  17. In the 5th row in the upper tier, dial 2 orange beads. For claws on a segment closer to the tail, dial 3 orange pieces, and then drag the end of the wire through the first 2 beads and through 2 more of the 4th row.
  18. Parallel weave string 2 more beads. Then put 4 more pieces on the longer tip and thread its end back through the first 3 pieces. 2 more peacock claws are also made. Now you need to straighten them so that the paw looks forward. Fasten the wire, cut off the unnecessary and hide the end. Do the same for the second paw.

  19. Now you can proceed to the tail of the peacock. Straighten and straighten 8 pieces of wire. On one of them put glass beads, 2 light green and 1 yellow beads. Pass the remaining end of the wire through the light green beads. Then make another one of the same "needle". Repeat all these steps again.
  20. Now put a large bead on the wire. To frame it, string 4 blue and 2 lilac beads. Then thread the remaining end so that the beads encircle the bead. Do the same on the other side of the bead.
  21. Similarly, make another half of the feather. To keep everything well, thread the wire through the bead and glass beads in the other direction and leave it unchanged.

  22. The remaining 7 feathers are made in the same way. Then fasten all 8 ends of the wire together and cut off the ends. Now it remains to sew a beaded peacock figurine with fishing line to give it shape.


Those who are not yet ready for such large-scale work can do beadwork. Peacock even in the picture will look no less fabulous.

Such a peacock can be embroidered with beads

This master class will be devoted to weaving a peacock. It is not difficult to make it and quite within the power of novice craftswomen. A beaded peacock is woven using the volumetric weaving technique, which is often used to weave various toys and animals.

In order to make a peacock, we need the following materials:

  • beads number 10 different colors;
  • gray bugle;
  • white beads, diameter 6 mm;
  • wire, diameter 0.2 mm;
  • fishing line.

Before starting the master class, let's make it clear that the diameter of the wire is selected so that it can pass through the hole of the beads up to six times. You select the colors individually, but you need to have at least nine different shades in stock. This is the only way you can convey all the beauty of such a magnificent bird as a peacock.

Peacock head weaving

As already mentioned, the body of the peacock will be done with volumetric weaving, but we will have to start with parallel weaving. Let's make the beak first. Weave three rows, in the first and second there will be one bead each, in the third - two, all orange.

Now let's start weaving the head using volumetric weaving, placing the rows opposite each other. For the upper tier, we take two beige, one brown bead, placing it in the middle, for the lower one - three black ones. Next, there will be 2 chocolate on top and two beige on the sides, and on the bottom - 2 chocolate on the sides, and 2 black between them. Now we put on 1 beige, 1 black, 1 beige, 2 chocolate, 1 black, 1 beige. Under them there will be 5 beads - on the sides 2 chocolate, and in the middle 1 black.

Now we need to make a crest. To do this, take 2 chocolate, 1 beige, 2 chocolate, 1 gray glass beads, 3 dark green beads. In this case, you need to flash the glass beads in the opposite direction. Now, on the same edge, you need to dial 1 gray glass bead, three dark green beads, passing the wire through it in the opposite direction. We make one more such fragment so that there are three of them.

Weave the body of a peacock

We put on the same end of the wire 2 chocolate, 2 beige, 2 chocolate beads, we pass through them in the opposite direction. It was the top tier. Under the bottom there will be 4 chocolate beads. Further, the scheme is simplified, we weave alternately, then the upper, then the lower tier of brown beads:

  • 7-10;
  • 9-12.

Starting from the 17th row, the pattern changes. We will collect 11 beads on top, 5 in the center will be dark green, and on the sides 3 brown beads, we will place 15 beads on the bottom. The bottom tier should be completely chocolate in color. We will collect 8 dark green, 2 brown beads for the top, 16 in the lower tier. Next, we put on 10 dark green, as well as one brown bead at the edges. Below will be 17 beads. This time, do not pull the knit tight, because we need to make an increment.

We take a wire 50 cm long and pass it through 9 beads in the middle of the last bottom row. On this segment, we will then weave the legs. And now back to the main weave. We collect 8 dark green beads and 2 brown ones along the edges, then 16 more for the bottom row. Then, using the same colors, we act according to the scheme 2-7-2 and 15.

Now take another segment 50 cm long and pass it through 7 beads in the middle. We return to the main knitting again. Using all the same colors, weave according to the scheme 2-6-2 and do not tighten the knitting tightly. We will cut 4 pieces of 70 cm each from a wire skein. We must draw all these segments through the beads of the last row. We pass the first piece through 8 central beads, the second through 6, the third through 4, the fourth through 2. Thus, 6 wires must pass through the two central beads, which will be needed for weaving the tail.

Now you need to dial brown beads in the amount of 14 pieces on the lower tier. Next, weave according to this pattern, brown beads on the sides and in the lower tier, and dark green in the center:

  • 3-3-3 and 12;
  • 3-2-3 and 12;
  • 3-1-3 and 8.

Now we use only brown beads:

  • 6 and 6;
  • 4 and 4;
  • 3 and 2;
  • 1 on top.

Make a knot on the wire, cut off the excess.

Weaving peacock legs

In turn, we weave both paws equally. To do this, use 6 brown beads, three per tier. Next, we collect 2 brown, 2 orange beads, forming the 2nd row of the foot. In the 3rd and 4th there will be 2 orange beads each. In the 5th there will be only the upper tier, for which we will collect 2 orange beads. To make claws on the peacock's foot, we collect 3 orange beads on the wire in the opposite direction and draw the same end through two of them. Now we pass through the lower tier in the 4th row. Then we string 2 orange beads, draw the second end through them. On the edge that is longer, we collect 4 beads, and we pass only through 3 of them. We make two more similar claws and tighten the knitting.

The scheme of its weaving:

Peacock (made of wire and beads)

Would need:2 dark beads, 7 large red beads, 0.5 g of medium green and 2 g of small yellow beads, 2 oblong blue beads - small (7-10 mm in length) and large (15 mm in length), 1.4 m of wire .

If you do not have oblong beads, then make paper beads. To do this, you will need a colored glossy cover from an unnecessary magazine (can be made from labels), glue (for example, PVA) and a thin stick - a match or a toothpick will do. Cut out a narrow triangle from the cover. On fig. 1, and two sweeps are given: for large and for small beads. Wrap the triangle tightly around the stick with the wide side.

Lubricate the remaining part with glue from the inside and wind it, trying to lay the turns exactly in the middle of the bead (Fig. 1.6). The bead can be used after the glue is completely dry. It is necessary to handle such a bead carefully so as not to cut the edge of the hole with a drawn wire.

String a yellow bead on 2 wires (70 cm each) and move it to the middle. Thread all 4 ends through a small bead, move it to the bead (Fig. 2, a).
String a dark bead on one end of the wire and place it 5 mm from the bead. Fold the wire along the bead and twist it into a flagellum - this is the eye. Make the same eye on the other end of the wire (Fig. 2, b).

Similarly, make 7 flagella with green beads (1-2 flagella at each end) - this is a tuft (Fig. 2, c).
Put all the wires together and twist the neck tourniquet 3 cm long. String a large bead on the wire ends and bend the neck around it.

Make tail feathers. At the end of the wire, string 9 yellow beads, 3 green, 1 red and 2 green. Pass the working end through the first green bead in the forward direction. Stretch the wire so that the first green bead is 35 mm from the large bead. String 9 more yellow beads, move the yellow beads to the green one and twist the wire to the blue bead. At each end of the wire, make 1-2 feathers - a total of 7 feathers (Fig. 3, a, the thick line in the figures shows the tourniquet twisted in the previous steps).

It remains to make paws. On the longest end of the wire, string 3 yellow beads and place them 15 mm from the bead. Fold the wire and attach the other end to it (the one that is shorter). Twist these wires together (Fig. 3b). Cut off the rest of the wire. Make the second same paw. Give the peacock a graceful shape and place it so that it rests on the legs and extreme tail feathers.

The presented master class will help to make the royal peacock bird from beads. We will try to describe all the steps in detail so that even novice craftswomen can understand.

We are preparing the following material:

  • blue, red, black, white, yellow, green beads;
  • blue beads;
  • special wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers.

If everything is ready, then proceed to the creation of a miracle bird.


We start by weaving a peacock's beak. We need red beads, a wire 5 centimeters long.

  1. We divide the workpiece into 2 equal pieces (2.5 cm each).
  2. We pass both segments through 1 bead. On one we will weave the upper part of the element, on the second - the lower, they are performed by a parallel method.
  3. We string 2 beads on one end of the wire. We pass the other edge on the other side.
  4. In this way, we create 3 more rows. Each next one will have 1 more element than the previous one. The total number is 5.
  5. Similarly, we perform the lower side of the beak. In the course of work, it is attached to the top. This part of bird weaving requires accuracy. Otherwise, the joints will look rough.

When this detail of the peacock is ready, we make the eyes. We need two blue beads, black, white and blue beads. They are made by French weaving technique.

  1. We put blue material on the wire (2-4 pieces), a bead. We string the last one in the middle. We fix with a loop. This will be the pupil of the eye.
  2. We collect black beads (the number depends on the diameter of the "pupil"). We make an arc and fix it.
  3. We collect black material. We create a second arc on the same side as the first one and fix it.
  4. We collect B, G, B beads. We make an arc on the other side. We fix. We get 2 arcs from one side of the eye (top), from the second - 1 (bottom).
  5. We collect 10 blue and white beads. We make an arc in the upper part of the eye.
  6. We construct 1 black "edging" on each side. Ready!

The second eye of the peacock is done in the same way, but the work is done in a mirror manner.

It remains to connect the eyes with the beak:

  1. We pass a piece of wire into the last row of the beak and into one end of the rim of the peacock's right eye. We repeat the same action with the left.
  2. We pierce blue beads on both sides with wire. We pass it through the beads of the rim of the eye. We put it on and connect it with the eyes of a bird. So we weave the whole head of a peacock. The amount of material used depends on the size of the elements made. However, do not forget to follow the proportions.


It is created exactly like the beak. The number of beads from top to bottom increases by 3-4 pieces. The length of this peacock element depends on the craftsman's vision of the product, but should not be too long or short.


To build the body you need blue beads, it is a continuation of the neck. The weaving method is similar to the previous element, but the amount of material in the first half of the body increases (1-2 pieces are added in each row). The second part of the body is narrowed. We gradually remove as many elements as we added. The bottom of the case will be slightly larger than the top.


The material is taken in five different colors. Weaving is performed by the French method. For the main row, we collect blue beads (7-10 pieces). Next, at your discretion, weave the following multi-colored arcs. Finished wings must be carefully attached to the body. They should be close to the bird's body.


The peacock is famous for its chic tail, each feather of which is iridescent. It is performed in mixed media. The tip of the feather is woven using the French method. The main row consists of beads and 2 beads. Then 4-5 multi-colored rows are created.

This detail is completed in needle technique. The weaving pattern in this way is simple. To prevent the feathers from falling, a frame is needed. It should be rigid and pass through the center of the pen. Copper will do. The length of the tail of a peacock is 13–15 centimeters.

Immortality, beauty and pride - all this unites and symbolizes a beautiful peacock. In India, this bird is sacred, and in many other countries, this bird was considered royal. The homeland of the bird is South Asia. And the bird is valued there because it warns of the appearance of snakes, thunderstorms and tigers.

And many more bead ideas:

What do you need to work

And today we will do what we will embody all the natural beauty of a peacock in beads. Let's make a beaded brooch - a peacock feather.

For a beaded feather we need:

Beads of various shapes and colors (blue, light blue, golden, chameleon, dark green),

Golden wire 0.3, 1 and 2 mm,

Large glass bead, petrol-coloured,

Drop beads and beads of various shapes and colors,

Pliers, round nose pliers, wire cutters,

Adhesive, golden leather, brooch base, transparent mono thread.

Our beaded peacock feather will be double sided. It can be used as a brooch, pendant, earrings or bag keychain.

Step by step master class

We start with a large bead. We put it on a wire with a diameter of 2 mm, and twist the wire. We wrap the folds with a thin wire of 0.3 mm. We fill the space between the wire with various beads of green-blue shades. To do this, we make a coil of wire around the inner ring, collect beads and make a coil around the outer one. Thus, we continue filling.

We continue to work between the next turns with golden beads. We form the tip in the form of a loop and wrap it with a wire with a diameter of 1 mm.

Now we make long feathers. To do this, we collect beads on the wire, and make a drop of the last bead. We pass the end of the wire in the opposite direction and make a coil around the outer ring. We repeat the work. In the center we make the feathers thicker and longer, and less often and shorter towards the edge.

Our peacock feather is ready. Now you need to attach the earrings for earrings or a pin for a brooch.

Photo of the finished product