Transition from military to civil pension. Civil pension for military pensioners Replacement of military pension with civil one

It was suspended by the Federal Law of December 1, 2014 (397-FZ) and adopted in the context of an undeclared war by the United States and NATO against Russia, falling oil prices and budget revenues. In a crisis, when it comes to preserving the country's economy, implementing important social programs, re-equipping the army and navy, the need to develop new territories of the country and support the population of Novorossia - all this is understandable and justified. That is why people in uniform, as well as military pensioners, I repeat, reacted to this decision with understanding. After all, even in these difficult conditions, the state found opportunities to continue solving housing issues for military personnel, building service and permanent housing, paying housing subsidies, etc.

How to refuse a military pension and switch to a civilian one

If carrying military service contrary to the beliefs or religion of a citizen, he has the right to replace it with an alternative civilian service. Replacing military service with alternative civilian service is also allowed in other cases established by law.

3 art. 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). - military service is contrary to his beliefs or religion (beliefs can be any - peacekeeping, philosophical, moral, ethical, political, legal, or have complementary content); - a citizen belongs to an indigenous small people, leads a traditional way of life, traditional management and is engaged in traditional crafts (Article 2 of the Law of July 25, 2002 N 113-FZ)

Second pension for military personnel

In order for the employer's insurance contributions while working in civilian institutions to be taken into account when assigning a second pension, a military pensioner must be registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. Information about civil service, accrued and paid insurance premiums, wages, as well as periods of work in civil organizations are reflected in an individual personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and will determine the right to an insurance pension and possible payment from pension savings.

The number of this account is indicated on the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance - SNILS.

On the transition from one type of pension to another, on the nuances of recalculating pensions for different categories of pensioners, and not only

Am I entitled to a recalculation of my pension since March marks two years since the last recalculation? For what periods will my salary be taken into account in the new recalculation? If the insured person continued to work after the award of the pension, he has the right to recalculate the pension. However, you should be aware that it is made taking into account at least 24 months of insurance experience after the appointment (previous recalculation) of the pension, regardless of breaks in work.

This is provided for by Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine

"On Compulsory State Pension Insurance"

Thus, if you have these 24 months of insurance experience, you are entitled to a pension recalculation.

Within 5 years - this means that the civil work experience (not included in the military pension) required to receive a second pension must be at least 5 years.

Officially, for 5 years, this means that for at least 5 years the employer has monthly transferred insurance premiums to the individual personal account of a citizen in the system of compulsory pension insurance. The passport. Insurance certificate of state pension insurance.

Pension certificate plus its photocopy.

The work book plus its photocopy (for working pensioners, on the last page of the copy of the work book, the entry of the personnel department “Works to the present time”, the date, the signature of the person in charge with a transcript and the seal of the organization is required).

Who can count on a double pension?

- If a military pensioner has reached retirement age and his seniority in a “civilian” is at least 6 years (gradually, the requirements for seniority will increase - up to 15 years in 2024), then in addition to military pension for length of service (or disability), he has the right to receive the insurance part of the labor pension.

Its size depends on the contributions that were paid to the Pension Fund. By the way, you have the right to completely abandon the pension for years of service and completely switch to insurance.

But today it is better not to do this. When converting military experience into civilian experience, you will lose money.

It is more profitable to receive two pensions at once.

  • military: for long service and insurance
  • disabled people, participants of the Great Patriotic War, residents of besieged Leningrad: insurance and disability
  • parents of military personnel who died while serving on conscription; widows of such military personnel, provided that they have not remarried: insurance or social and survivor's pension.

Federal Law “On pensions for persons who have served in the military.

”, “On state pension provision.

The pension is accrued to military personnel and civilians upon reaching a certain age. Its size depends on the length of service, the amount of accruals, position. But there is a mixed military pension and a civil pension, which has features of accrual.

The entire amount of accruals for the military, which includes military and seniority, is called a mixed type pension. This option of social payments is paid to military personnel when they reach the age of leaving the service - military experience of less than 20 years.

Pension, like any other income, can have a different amount. Some citizens are entitled to additional allowances for length of service, for specific merits. This income is regularly indexed, which increases its size to the required level.

Who is considered a soldier?

According to the law, military personnel include citizens who serve and work in parts of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the FSB. This list includes employees of foreign intelligence, bodies of the penitentiary system and other paramilitary units of the country. The term "serviceman" is deciphered in Federal Law No. 76.

The pension is not based on age. Experience must be 20 years. His calculation has a special order. When participating in hostilities, 1 year is equal to 3. Three years in special conditions are calculated as 4. The reason for early retirement may be an injury due to which health has deteriorated. In the event of the death or death of a military man, his widow receives the right to a pension. Military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to retire at the age of 45. Mixed length of service may be taken into account to establish pension coverage.

Payout difference

Military pension and civilian pension are different. Payments for military personnel are determined by the amount of salary and length of service. The differences will be as follows:

  1. Military personnel have at least 20 years of experience, while civilians must have at least 15 years of experience.
  2. When determining payments to military personnel, pension coefficients are not taken into account.
  3. Compared to civilians, military personnel can apply for payments even at the age of 40 if they have at least 20 years of service.

Power of attorney

Different payment delivery options allow you to choose the most convenient way. But there are times when, due to life circumstances, it is not possible to withdraw funds on your own. Then another person can do it by proxy. This is a notarized document provided by a pensioner to another person. The power of attorney is issued for a fee at the notary. But a free option is also possible, and then the document will be similar to a normally certified one.

Since 2013, the power of attorney has been certified free of charge by the organization where the pensioner studies or works. This is also carried out in the institution where the treatment takes place. If the document does not indicate the validity period, this means that it is valid for 1 year (Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The Trustee can receive a pension during this period. If a period of more than a year is specified, then the payment occurs throughout the entire period of validity of the power of attorney.

Change of residence

When you change your place of residence, payment will be made at the new place. Then the pensioner should notify the FIU about this with the help of an application. Documentation will be transferred to another territorial office.

It is also necessary to fulfill a request for a payment case due to a move when receiving funds through a card. This is due to the fact that it contains all the necessary information that will be useful to the FIU at a new place of residence, for example, for recalculation purposes. With a timely notification, the pension will be credited to the account on time.

Against the backdrop of a heated debate in society about the upcoming increase in the retirement age of Russians, there are more and more rumors about the upcoming reform for military pensioners. Several versions are being considered - from a serious increase in the retirement age to the replacement of a military pension with a one-time payment.
The pension reform for military personnel is being developed by the Research Financial Institute, subordinate to the Ministry of Finance.

For the security forces, changes are proposed that, without any exaggeration, can be called radical. Instead of paying superannuation pensions, those who are laid off may be offered… a lump sum social payment. The amount of this payment is unknown. Retirees are offered to appoint pensions, like other citizens, after reaching retirement age. According to experts, if the proposal is accepted, the military will practically lose their main benefits.

The military was offered to switch to self-sufficiency
The developers of the reform believe that the skills acquired in the service will help former servicemen quickly find a decent, well-paid job and switch to self-sufficiency. However, according to experts, the ability of the military to adapt to civilian life after service is clearly exaggerated. Not every officer continues to work after being transferred to the reserve. And the point is not only unwillingness - some of them cannot work for health reasons. According to the developers of the reform, the main goal is to make the social package for a serviceman more targeted, taking into account the possibility and desire of the retiree to start a civilian career, and also more fully taking into account the financial situation of his family. A good severance pay will be especially attractive to those who leave the military at a relatively young age and decide to pursue a civilian career. This does not take into account the risks that young and promising officers will quit at the first opportunity, which will lead to staff turnover in the troops.

The idea of ​​pension reform is also questionable because it is proposed to compensate only a small part of the pension, while nothing else shines in return. By the way, we recall that the state even now encourages military pensioners not to sit idly by after dismissal. Those who continue to work after entering the reserve are entitled to a civil pension, which becomes additional to the military one. It is paid through the Pension Fund of Russia upon reaching the state-established retirement age and the minimum required length of service, which in 2017 was eight years and will increase by one year to 15 years by 2024. The budget savings from the reform of the military pension system could amount to 500-700 billion rubles a year. Therefore, many experts are confident that due to the difficult economic situation, changes in the calculation of military pensions may occur as early as 2018.

It should be noted that now a military pension is assigned to servicemen who, on the day of dismissal, have served in law enforcement agencies for 20 years or more. In addition, those dismissed upon reaching the age limit, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures and who have reached the age of 45 on the day of dismissal can count on it. To do this, you need to have a total work experience of more than 25 years, of which at least 12 years and 6 months is service in law enforcement agencies. The average pension for military pensioners ranges from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Today, it turns out that in the period of time from 45 years old, when servicemen mostly retire, to 60 years old, when they are entitled to a regular pension, the average serviceman receives about 5 million rubles. It turns out that the one-time payment proposed by the reform project should be approximately the same amount, which is very doubtful.

The government has been receiving proposals to reform the pension system for military personnel for several years. There were both hard and soft options, but they were abandoned. Probably, this time too there will be no special changes and cosmetic changes will be carried out. It is possible that the length of service for receiving a pension will be increased, most likely from 20 to 25 years. It should be noted that the fulfillment of obligations to military pensioners is indeed a serious financial burden for the state today. And here you can save a lot of money. To do this, it is necessary to clearly define who is a military pensioner and who is not. According to the Ministry of Defense, in 2015 there were about 900 thousand pensioners in the military department. At the same time, the number of military pensioners of all power structures is approaching somewhere around 10-12 million. So it is necessary to more clearly define in the law who is a military pensioner, and this will solve the problem with military pensions.

The abolition of military pensions will lead to a social explosion The current Russian scheme, when a military pension is assigned immediately upon dismissal from the Armed Forces with a certain length of service, but without reference to the age of a soldier, is not common in other armies of the world. But the severance pay scheme does not apply there either. At the same time, according to preliminary calculations, after such a reform, budget savings could amount to 500-700 billion rubles a year. Therefore, many experts are confident that due to the difficult economic situation, changes in the calculation of military pensions may occur as early as 2018. Opinions on the methods of reforming the military pension system were diametrically divided. According to some, the retirement of the military in 2018 will be no different from previous years - the accrual procedure, as well as other important points, will remain the same.

Indeed, the official position of the state on the issue of pension formation remains unchanged at the moment. It should be noted that recently the talks about changes in the pension sphere remain just talks - no laws on this issue have been adopted in recent years. There are also opinions that although the reform of the military pension is inevitable, it certainly will not take place simultaneously with the increase in the retirement age: this will create the preconditions for a social explosion. Therefore, the decision on the retirement age for military pensioners may be postponed for several years, until the bulk of the population gets used to the new retirement age. At the same time, only future pensioners will fall under the reform, while those who already receive a pension will not be affected by the changes. Experts were skeptical about the latest proposals to reform the military pension, but admit that changes cannot be avoided. The military budget today is focused exclusively on the rearmament of the army, and the state is looking for how to find additional resources.

Money is easiest to take from military pensioners.
The process of cutting benefits can be slowed down only because other law enforcement agencies are also interested in maintaining military pensions. After all, the pension reform concerns not only military personnel, but also law enforcement officers, bodies of the penitentiary system, security and foreign intelligence services, fire departments, as well as investigators, prosecutors, etc. These law enforcement agencies individually, and even more so in total, have considerable weight and they will certainly connect a powerful administrative resource to save pensions. However, it is most likely that it will not be possible to fully preserve the current conditions of their appointment. The complete abolition of pensions for the military is, of course, a very extreme option; a certain compromise will probably be found, as a result, a balanced decision will be made, which will be able to find understanding among the employees and leadership of all law enforcement agencies.

BY THE WAY The economy cannot be deceived; in practice, the situation of military pensioners is already deteriorating every year due to the freezing of indexation of pensions. It is this indicator that is the most important condition for ensuring a normal standard of living for people. But due to the financial crisis, the authorities cannot offer serious raises to retired military men. Only at the beginning of 2018, the government decided that military pensions should be increased by 4%. However, a further increase will have to wait a long time. The next one is scheduled for October 2019. After that, retired employees will have to wait another year before the next promotion. Each of the planned revisions should increase the size of the military pension by 4%.

Colonels Viktor Baranets and Mikhail Timoshenko are discussing on the air of the Military Review program on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda
Will military pensions be canceled in 2018?

Military revue. Will military pensions be canceled in 2018? Colonels Viktor Baranets and Mikhail Timoshenko talk on the air of the Military Review program

The military may be deprived of pensions
budget crisis, civil pensions, military pensions, reform, Ministry of Finance Head of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu most likely will not support the innovations of Anton Siluanov's department. Photo

The budget crisis is pushing officials to cancel the so-called military pensions, which are received by employees of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies. Following the reform of civil pensions, the logic of the crisis leads the economic bloc of the government to reduce the pensions of the security forces. The current military pensioners can sleep peacefully: there are no plans to cancel their pensions. But in the future, the current security forces may receive only a one-time severance pay instead of a lifetime pension - to adapt to work in civilian life. Such a decision is already being discussed in the structures of the Ministry of Finance.

The Research Financial Institute (NIFI), subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, is preparing a rationale for a new pension reform. Now security officials can become victims of optimization. This can be judged from the public speeches of the director of the NIFI Vladimir Nazarov. In his opinion, military pensions should be reviewed. And, apparently, quite radically. Nazarov spoke about some of the details last week on the air of Ekho Moskvy.

“Those who are going to go on a military pension should be offered a normal social contract instead of a pension,” the economist explained. - When a person finishes military service, if he is not disabled and everything is in order, you need to give him money for retraining, give him a large severance pay so that he has enough for a year or two of a comfortable life, and after that he, quite like a normal member of society, can work at another job.

No matter how strange the ideas discussed at the NIFI may seem, they are worth listening to. After all, as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Finance, among the tasks and functions of this institution are the development of the theory and methodology of financial management, forecasting, planning, drafting and executing the federal budget, preparing proposals and recommendations for improving budget legislation. In other words, the NIFI's developments in the form of a draft law can be put on the table of the head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov. And he, with all the calculations and justifications in his hands, can then start lobbying for the next optimization.

If we understand by military pensions the payments that are received not only by military personnel, but also by other security officials (law enforcement officers and bodies of the penitentiary system, security and foreign intelligence services, fire departments, etc.), as well as investigators and prosecutors, then after the reform, the budget savings can amount, according to rough estimates, from 500 to 700 billion rubles. in year. But there are also more modest expert estimates of savings - about 200 billion rubles. in year. As long as the reform has not acquired concrete outlines, it is impossible to make more accurate calculations.

However, even now it is not easy to get a military pension. She is appointed on the basis of years of service. The right to a military pension is received by persons who, on the day of dismissal, have served in law enforcement agencies for 20 years or more; as well as persons dismissed upon reaching the age limit, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures and who have reached the age of 45 on the day of dismissal, having a total length of service of 25 calendar years or more, of which at least 12 years and six months is service in law enforcement agencies.

Quite often security officials are fired before reaching the length of service required for a pension. There are cases when a citizen finds out about his non-compliance with pension requirements after his dismissal. Such underserved ones can only count on maintaining the payment of a salary for a military rank for one year. Or a disability pension.

It seems that the Ministry of Finance's reform of military pensions may abolish the very concept of "length of service." Most of the experts interviewed by NG were skeptical about the innovations of the scientific structures of the Ministry of Finance. In their opinion, the proposed reform looks provocative, moreover, it is almost unrealizable.

“This innovation will reduce the prestige of military service. And this is such a new word in world practice that the military of all countries will look at the actions of the Russian government with some dismay,” says Vasily Zatsepin, head of the military economics laboratory at the Gaidar Institute. “The revision of the conditions most likely cannot be avoided, but the complete abolition of pensions for the military is already a completely extreme option. Our law enforcement agencies have considerable weight, and they will certainly do a lot to save pensions,” says Nikita Isaev, director of the Institute of Actual Economics.

Every Russian officer still has a chance to serve up to a military pension. Photo from the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
In most developed countries, military pensioners are one of the most protected sections of the population, the expert recalls. One of the incentives to join the military is the guarantee of a stable income for many years. According to Isaev, it is not enough just to give a serviceman money for retraining: “In order for the retraining system to function effectively, it must be built from scratch. And this is not possible without additional funding. In conditions of chronic budget deficit, a vicious circle is obtained. There are obviously not enough vacancies for night watchmen for all the retirees.”

The proposed reform “will make people in uniform temporary workers who treat the state as another place of income,” fears Anton Sonichev, a lawyer for the Delovoy Farvater bureau. In his opinion, such changes will undermine the credibility of the state. “Resistance from law enforcement agencies will be very serious,” Sonichev expects.

“No one-time payment compares to regular income, especially with such lump-sum payments as now in Russia. This will lead to the infringement of social guarantees for military pensioners, since not everyone will be able to adapt to civilian life,” Roman Azatyan, legal adviser at My Family Lawyer, warns. “As practice shows, in Russia the opinion of the military departments is considered, and therefore they will be able to defend their positions,” he adds.

Many economists recall that the partial erosion of military pensions is already underway today. Military pensioners are still facing budget savings: when the authorities decide to freeze the indexation of their pensions, says Sergei Zvenigorodsky, an analyst at Solid Management. He emphasizes that the innovation of the theorists of the Ministry of Finance fully fits into the trend formed by the state: soon, almost all civil pensions can become “in the category of symbolic benefits, on which, given inflationary expectations, it will be problematic to live,” the expert says. It is not for nothing that the government offers the population to ensure a decent old age by forming pension savings.

Although some experts see a healthy grain in the position of the head of NIFI. “The very idea of ​​retraining, regardless of pension payments, is sound, since there are many people in the army with skills that will be very useful in working in large corporations and small businesses,” says Pavel Sigal, First Vice President of Opora Rossii. A large severance pay would be attractive "for those who leave the military at a relatively young age and decide to pursue a civilian career," he said.

Finally, some experts do not exclude that the arguments about the abolition of military pensions have a very specific political meaning. Perhaps this is a kind of preparation for the elections, Dmitry Lukashov, an analyst at IFC Markets, suggests: “First, a threat is created to cancel pensions and benefits, and then this threat is eliminated with the approval of voters.”

“So far, I personally do not know about any legislative initiatives in this area,” Nazarov later explained to NG. According to him, the budget spends almost 1% of GDP on all pensions for the security forces. “But we are not talking about, and cannot talk about, the abolition of military pensions. Servicemen who already receive a military pension will continue to receive it. This is a matter of social stability and justice. We can only talk about a gradual modification of the rules for the retirement of current military personnel: an increase in the length of service requirements and the use of combined age-length of service scales, when a longer length of service will allow you to retire earlier, taking into account the professional specialization and rank of a military man, ”says the head of the NIFI. “At the same time, there may be gaps between the period of transfer to the reserve and the appointment of a military pension. These are the gaps and it is advisable to fill in severance pay and retraining programs with subsequent employment in a civilian specialty, Nazarov explains. - If the decision to change the conditions for assigning military pensions is balanced, then the attractiveness of military service will not decrease. Understanding that you serve the Motherland, high wages, as well as a guarantee that at a difficult moment society will come to the aid of the soldier himself and his family members, is much more important than “smearing porridge on a plate”, when all the military receive a pension, regardless of their age and income "in civilian life".

“I hope that a balanced solution can find understanding among the employees and leadership of all law enforcement agencies. The military are people, first of all, who care about the welfare of their country. Now this benefit is to make the serviceman's social package more targeted, taking into account the possibility and desire of the serviceman to start a civilian career, as well as more fully taking into account the financial situation of the servicemen and their families,” concludes Nazarov.

“In its pure form, the severance pay scheme is not used in most countries. However, the current Russian scheme is also not very common, when the appointment of a military pension occurs immediately upon dismissal from the armed forces with a certain length of service without any reference to the age of the serviceman, his ability to work in a civilian specialty and financial situation, ”Nazarov clarifies.

If the leaders of the state and the Ministry of Defense fulfill their promise to increase the size of military pensions by 70% from January 2012, then this will be the most significant event in the life of military pensioners in the entire period of Russia's development since 1991. But, probably, everyone who is related to military pensions has certain doubts: why is it supposed to increase military pensions by only 70% while increasing the pay of military personnel by 3 times? 70% is a lot or a little, is it good or not? And when will military pensioners receive at least 40 ... 50% of the monetary allowance of military personnel?

In an exclusive interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta on April 22, 2010, Deputy Minister of Defense for Financial and Economic Affairs Vera Chistova noted the problem of transition of military pensioners to a labor pension. An excerpt from the interview: “... according to official statistics, as of April 1, 2010, the average labor pension in the country is 8.2 thousand rubles, and our veteran military personnel earn an average of only 8 thousand. Unfortunately, they have become poorer than their civilian counterparts. At the end of last year, we repeatedly reported to all authorities that a massive transition from military pensions to labor pensions had begun. From the point of view of social protection of military pensioners, this is an alarming trend.”

But the term "worrisome trend" is too mild for the current situation. Let's see why. The average length of service of the military and equivalent pensioners is about 30 years (according to Rosstat, on average, 81% of pensions are paid and, accordingly, the average length of service of military pensioners is about 30 years. Considering that many have preferential length of service, let the average be 5- years, then the average calendar service life of military pensioners is 25 years. That is, the average age of those retired varies between 40 ... 45 years. Then it turns out that for the remaining 15 ... earn more civil pension than for longer service in the army!
Thus, the trend of a massive transition from military to labor pensions is not just alarming, but critical (or maybe catastrophic?). Who wants to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation if he knows for sure that the pension is larger in civilian life and it can be earned faster?

It seems that military security in our Country is in the background, and completely different issues are being quickly resolved: the mine collapsed (this, of course, is a huge tragedy, but this has been happening regularly for hundreds of years, since they began to build mines for mining ) - a miner (or his family) will receive a pension as a colonel, if he entered the civil service, then the pension will be more (we'll see how much later) than for service in the RF Armed Forces. It is even better to be a doctor or a teacher, in a number of cities they already have more pensions than in military pensioners. We will not compare military pensioners with deputies (after all, people's deputies!), And even more so with the private sector, where salaries and pensions depend on the skills, abilities and business qualities of workers and are not limited to the limits understandable for budgetary pensioners ...

Such a situation with the level of military pensions in our country was not created even in the Soviet years. In the stagnant 70s, a major general's pension was 350 rubles a month, and a colonel's was 250 rubles. These same 250 rubles corresponded to the salary (and not the pension, which was 130 rubles!) of a highly paid city (regional) official! (according to modern concepts of the minister of the city (regional) administration).

What pensions are paid to officials now? In Perm, for example, they tried to deal with the pensions of ex-officials. And it turns out that three hundred former officials receive more pensions than generals.

And there are many such regions and territories in our country. With such high salaries of civilian officials (their number, for example, at the beginning of 2005 was 1 million 318 thousand 600 people), it turns out that there are dozens of times more posts that, in terms of accrued pensions, correspond to generals in the Armed Forces.

And in the entire Soviet Union, there were generally two times fewer officials than in the Russian Federation in 2005: in 1990, there were 663,000 bureaucrats in the USSR.

Today, in our country as a whole, the ratio of the average pension to the average salary for state employees is no more than 20 ... 25% with a tendency to further decline (the World Labor Organization recommends no lower than 40-70%). For reference: in 2000 the ratio of the average pension to the average salary was 30…35%. However, civil servants have made an exception for themselves. After working 15 years at their “harmful and hard” work, they are guaranteed to receive a pension of 45% of their salary , that they had when they retired (note that this salary will be higher than the average for the entire time the official worked). If the experience of "service to the people" exceeds 15 years, this ratio gradually (by 3% per year) increases, up to 75%. Not bad, isn't it?

Here is a table of average pension growth since 2000 (Rosstat). At the same time, one should not forget that, starting from 2005, the average civil pensions also take into account the outstripping growth of civil servants' pensions. And although the number of civil servants-pensioners is several tens of times less than ordinary pensioners, their pensions are on average three times higher than those of state employees receiving labor pensions.

Table 1

Average pension (rubles) at the beginning of the year in the public sector (Rosstat data) and forecast for their growth until 2012













Table 1. Continued















Two examples from the Internet about the pensions of officials.

... Galina Svetkina, ex-minister of social protection of the regional government, receives a pension almost twice as much as Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Vanichkin. He crossed the Dnieper with his anti-tank gun. On the captured patch of land, he fought off attacks for eighteen days. Only one remained. Vanichkin was shell-shocked by the shell explosion and covered with earth. When they dug it up, they thought it was not a tenant…. But he survived, got a Hero. About him and his friends, “Battalions ask for fire” are written. Vanichkin receives the usual pension plus 25 thousand as a Hero of the Soviet Union. And the former official of regional significance, Svetkina, is about 50 ... Well, how can one say about such a pension to war veterans and home front workers who shed blood on the battlefields or did not leave the machines for days?

... The deputies of the Samara provincial Duma have a pension, taking into account deputy and ordinary seniority, from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, and the former turner Ivan Goncharov, who, as a boy, stood at the machine during the war years and worked for 53 years, 6 months, 8 days, became disabled the second group - receives 5.5 thousand rubles. He asked for a raise so that at least there would be enough for medicines. Useless. Everyone politely explains to him - from Finance Minister Kudrin to an employee of the Pension Fund - that an increase in his pension is detrimental to the Russian economy, that the flywheel of inflation will spin and it will be worse for everyone, that the increase in pensions on average in the country amounted to as much as 20 percent ... It is clear, why familiar officials avert their eyes and keep quiet when the conversation turns to their pensions. Not only the state, but they themselves protect the final secret of their personal working life.

Let us analyze the growth of average pensions for servicemen since 2000.

table 2

Average pension of military personnel (rubles) from 2000 to the present and forecast until 2012











Brief conclusions.

  • the average pensions of servicemen in 2000 exceeded labor pensions by three times;
  • in 2010, the average pensions of the military became equal to the pensions of civilians;
  • if the promises of the leaders of the state and the Ministry of Defense are fulfilled, then the average pensions of military personnel will exceed civil pensions in January 2012 by 1.5 times;
  • the average pensions of officials in 2012 will be about twice as much as the pensions of military personnel (and three times more than the average for civilians!);
  • the percentage ratio of military pensions and salaries of military personnel will remain at a very low level, less than 15%, while since 2004 the ratio of pensions and salaries has been at the level of 45 ... 75% for retired officials with a length of service of 15 to 25 years.

Important note.

It is not only military pensioners and their families who daily experience the low standard of living of military pensioners. A number of parties, primarily Yabloko, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Just Russia and their leaders (unfortunately, the ruling United Russia party does not belong to this list), constantly remind about the need to reform the pension system for military personnel.

Thus, the Just Russia party, headed by its leader S. M. Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council, drawing attention to the need to increase the level of pensions for retired military personnel, was one of the first to initiate the development of a federal law on increasing the amount of payments of monetary allowances to military personnel and military personnel. pensions. As the most important strategic task of improving social support measures, it was proposed to achieve by 2017 the amount of pensions for Russian military personnel transferred to the reserve within 60-80% of the average monthly salary of military personnel in active service.

As it became clear from an interview with Deputy Defense Minister Vera Chistova, the 2012 reform is only the first step in this direction. And in order to achieve a ratio of military pensions and salaries of military personnel of at least 40-50%, according to the principles laid down in the 2012 reform (and in order to get closer to the pensions of officials!), we will have to wait not until 2017, but another 5-10 years after that term. That is, most of today's military pensioners, unfortunately, will not be able to live to see a brighter future.

Legal advice:

1. Please
I am military.
Can I apply for a transition from a military pension to a civil one (VTB Bank)?

1.1. of course, you can, for this you need to apply to the Pension Fund and draw up an application in the prescribed form.

Did the answer help you? Not really

2. How to write a statement of claim to the court on the transition from a civil pension to a military one?

2.1. drawing up such statements is a paid service, so contact any of the lawyers on the site.

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2.2. How to write statement of claim to the court on the transition from a civil pension to a military one?
First, contact the FIU, then when they refuse, appeal it to the court within the framework of the CAS RF by filing an administrative claim.

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3. Why through the court the transition from a civil pension to a military pension of a husband - a widow of 66 years.

3.1. If the military registration and enlistment office does not refuse, there is no need for a COURT.


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4. What documents are needed when switching from a civil pension to a military one - a widow (66 years old)?

4.1. husband's death certificates, marriage certificate, widow's passport, her pension certificate, certificate from the place of residence on living with her husband on the day of his death.

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5. When switching from a military pension to a civilian old-age pension, how is service under a contract assessed in points in accordance with Federal Law 126-FZ of June 4, 2011 from January 01, 2002 to 2007?

5.1. Ivan, now this issue has lost its relevance. A military pensioner has the right to receive a second pension in its insurance part.

You must be registered with the compulsory pension insurance system.

When calculating the insurance and general length of service for military pensioners, it does not include periods of service that preceded the appointment of a disability pension, or periods of service, work and other activities taken into account when determining the amount of pension for length of service in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families

For military pensioners, an old-age insurance pension is assigned without taking into account a fixed payment.

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6. When switching from a military pension to a civilian one, the PFR counted it in the length of service (years of service in the State Fire Service from 1985-2001), but did not include the Northern experience - is the PFR right? Thank you.

6.1. when assigning an insurance pension, the insurance period is calculated in a calendar order, in a preferential calculation, the northern experience is counted only if the assessment of pension rights is carried out in accordance with clause 4 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ, but this option is not beneficial to everyone.

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7. Will there be any point in switching from a military pension to a civil one upon reaching the age of 60. before the service, civilian work experience of 12 years and military service of 20 years 5 months?

7.1. The pension of military pensioners is much higher than the civilian one. Especially since your civil experience is 12 years, and this is very little for a normal pension. I don't think it makes sense to move.

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8. What percentage of pensions are accrued upon the transition from civilian to military in case of loss of a breadwinner?

8.1. Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1 (as amended on July 3, 2016, as amended on July 19, 2016) "On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for monitoring turnover...
Article 36

The survivor's pension is established in the following amounts:
a) families of persons referred to in Article 1 of this Law, who died due to the causes listed in paragraph "a" of Article 21 of this Law - 50 percent of the relevant amounts of the breadwinner's allowance provided for in Article 43 of this Law, for each disabled family member. At the same rate, a pension is established, regardless of the cause of death of the breadwinner, to the families of deceased pensioners who were disabled on the day of death due to military trauma, for children who have lost both parents, and for the children of a deceased single mother;

B) to the families of the persons specified in Article 1 of this Law, who died due to the reasons listed in paragraph "b" of Article 21 of this Law - 40 percent of the relevant amounts of the breadwinner's allowance provided for in Article 43 of this Law, for each disabled family member.

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9. When switching from a military pension to a civil one, do I need an insurance funded contribution and civil work experience? How is the pension recalculated?

9.1. You need a civil insurance period in order to accrue an old-age insurance pension. The recalculation takes place according to your application. Specify the recalculation formulas in the Pension Fund.

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10. Is the municipal pension supplement retained when switching from a civil pension to a military one?

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11. How long does it take to switch from a civil pension to a military one, after submitting an application, how long will it take for the pension to arrive?

11.1. Federal legislation does not regulate this period.

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12. I am 53 years old, I have been receiving a military pension since 2008, assigned for service in the Armed Forces for 17 years and civil service for 11 years. After my service, I work all the time and hope to work until the age of 60. Salary ranges from 100,000 to 130,000 rubles. Will it make sense to switch to a civil pension after 60 years. Today my military pension is a little more than 10,000 rubles.

12.1. Yes, it would make sense to move on, the more you are going to work.

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13. I have the following question: should the widow of a military pensioner through the courts seek to transfer from a civil pension to a pension of her deceased husband, or is it enough to apply to the military registration and enlistment office? What does the law say about this?

13.1. You cannot "pass over" to a deceased husband's pension, as pensions are paid personally to the person who earned them.
In your case, you can apply for a survivor's pension if your husband was disabled on the day of his death.

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Consultation on your question

call from landlines and mobiles is free throughout Russia

14. When switching from a military pension to a civil one, will the years of service be included in the length of service? And were there transfers to the FIU from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

14.1. Years of service will be included in the experience, but there is little sense in this - there were no deductions.

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15. The military registration and enlistment office directs the court to formalize the transition from a civil pension to a military pension of her husband - a widow of 66 years. Is it legal?

15.1. This is the right of the spouse to choose which pension she receives - which one is more. In court, it will be necessary to prove that at the time of death she was on his payroll.

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16. How is it possible for a military pensioner (55 years old, woman, 23 years of work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a seniority pension was assigned at 45 years old) now to transfer completely to a civilian pension while maintaining the length of service? This means not just the accrual of the insurance part of the civil pension plus the military one, but a complete transition. Thanks a lot in advance.

16.1. Available on orders

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17. When switching from a military pension to a mixed one, with a pension of 12,000 and a civil service of 15 years, what will be the difference and what civil pension benefits will be available.

17.1. stay in the military, there is something wise with the civilian, it is not known what and how it will be

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18. My husband is a reserve officer. Continues to work after retirement. Very soon he will be 60 years old. Without 5 days, for 5 years he worked at a large enterprise where there was a good white salary, but it so happened that he quit and now works in a new place, for 1.5 years now, but the salary in the new place is exactly half the previous one. What do we need to do in order to apply for a military pension + civil pension upon reaching the age of 60, or is nothing possible due to dismissal and transfer to a new job? Thank you.

18.1. What do we need to do in order to apply for a military pension + civil pension upon reaching the age of 60, or is nothing possible due to dismissal and transfer to a new job?
---does nothing. he is already receiving his pension. the other is not allowed.

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19. I am a military pensioner. Length of service (military) in preferential terms is 38 years. From 1992 to 2010 he worked in the civil sphere, incl. from 2006 to 2010 inclusive, he was in the civil service.
I receive military (excluding length of service in the civil public service) and civil (which takes into account the length of service in the GS) pensions. My colleagues told me that the calculation of the total pension was not done correctly.
Who should I contact with a request to confirm the correctness of the calculations and, if necessary, transfer to a civil pension?

19.1. Alexander Eduardovich! You need to contact the local pension fund, having previously sorted out the calculations of the pension department of the military registration and enlistment office, which accrued your pension.

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20. Pension to the widow of a military pensioner

I am the widow of a military pensioner. Passed away in January 2016. (was the head of the department of the East Siberian operational customs) retired 2 years ago with the rank of colonel of the customs authorities, labor veteran. I am a disabled person of the 2nd group, age 55 years. I receive a pension in the amount of 14 thousand rubles (by age + disability supplement). in the FRS of the Sverdlovsk region of Irkutsk, they cannot advise me on the topic, the pension for the widow of a military pensioner, referring to incompetence in this matter and citing the fact that the husband received a military pension. Please explain the sequence of my actions - - should I independently, as a private civilian, make a request for the transition to a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner to the head of the pension department of the Siberian Customs Administration of Novosibirsk, attaching the required list of documents; - or seek professional assistance from the lawyers of Irkutsk with a request for representation in resolving my difficult issue? Sincerely, Irina nick-na.

20.1. it is better to contact a lawyer personally to study the situation and choose the tactics of action.

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20.2. Of course, it’s better to see a lawyer, they will look at documents and laws, prompt and appeal against refusals

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21. Irkutsk! --- a big request to respond to those who have positive experience in solving the problem indicated below and could take it up as soon as possible: I am the widow of a military pensioner. He died in January 2016 (was the head of the department of the East Siberian operational customs) retired 2 years ago with the rank of colonel of the customs authorities, labor veteran. I am a disabled person of the 2nd group, age 55 years. I receive a pension in the amount of 14 thousand rubles (by age + disability supplement). in the FRS of the Sverdlovsk district of Irkutsk, they cannot advise me on the topic of the transition of the widow to a military pensioner's pension, referring to incompetence in this matter and citing the fact that her husband received a military pension. I see no reason for me, a private civilian, to make a request for a transition to a pension to the widow of a military pensioner, the head of the pension department of the Siberian Customs Administration of Novosibirsk, attaching the necessary list of documents, wasting time on correspondence. I want to apply for professional assistance to the lawyers of Irkutsk with a request for representation in resolving the above issue. Sincerely, Irina Nikolaevna.

21.1. In Russia, there are pensions for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner. However, as a rule, a citizen receives some kind of one pension. Under certain conditions, a person has the right to choose the pension that suits him best. But there is also a category of citizens who have the right to receive two pensions at the same time.

DveThese categories of citizens and the conditions for receiving two pensions are prescribed in the Law of the Russian Federation "On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system and their families” and in the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”.

In accordance with Russian law, citizens who become disabled due to military trauma are entitled to receive two pensions; participants of the Great Patriotic War; citizens awarded with the badge "Resident of besieged Leningrad" - all these citizens have the right to receive both a disability pension and an old age pension.

The following persons are entitled to simultaneously receive survivor's pensions and old-age labor pensions or social pensions:

Parents of military personnel, and namely those who died while serving on conscription or who died after being discharged from military service due to a military injury;
widows of such military personnel, provided that they have not entered into a new marriage; as well as disabled members of the families of citizens who received or suffered radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure due to the Chernobyl disaster or work to eliminate the consequences of this disaster;
citizens who became disabled as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
and citizens who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the exclusion zone.

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22. Since May 28, 2015, in accordance with order No. 10 dated May 28, 2015 of the administration of the Belovsky Village Council of the Konyshevsky District of the Kursk Region, I was assigned a monthly supplement for life to the old-age labor pension in the amount of 31% of the monthly remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region. 04/04/2016 The meeting of deputies of the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region amends the decision No. 184 "On approval of the Rules for applying for a monthly supplement to the labor pension of persons exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis of the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region." Clause 3.1 shall be reworded The amount of the monthly supplement to the labor old-age (disability) pension is calculated in such a way that the sum of the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor old-age pension (the fixed basic amount of the labor disability pension) and the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor old-age pension (disability) was, in the exercise of the powers of an elected official of local self-government on an ongoing basis, for three years - 1 percent of the monetary reward of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region.
This decision comes into force from the date of its official publication in the regional newspaper Tribuna. This decision was published on June 10, 2016. Does the administration of the village council have the right to recalculate the monthly supplement to my labor pension?

Irina Tel. 8-920-700-98-47
dated March 02, 2015 No. 184
On approval of the Rules of circulation
for a monthly salary supplement
pensions of persons exercising powers
elected official of the local
self-management on a permanent basis.
Belovsky village council
Konyshevsky district, Kursk region

Guided by article 13.1 of the Law of the Kursk region No. 35-ZKO dated 12/11/1998 "On guarantees for the heads of municipalities to exercise the powers of elected officials of local self-government on a permanent basis" (as amended by the WKO-No. 31 dated 04/19/2013), art. 31.1 of the Charter of the municipal formation "Belyavsky village council" of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region The meeting of deputies of the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region DECIDED:
1. Approve the attached Rules for applying for a monthly supplement to the labor pension of persons exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis of the Belovsky Village Council
Konyshevsky district, Kursk region.
2. Recognize as invalid from the date of entry into force of this decision:
1) Decision of the Assembly of Deputies dated March 31, 2014 No. 145 "on approval of the Rules for applying for a monthly supplement to the labor pension of persons exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis of the Belovsky Village Council of the Konyshevsky District of the Kursk Region" with the exception of: Article 6 of the said Decision in part of the recalculation of the additional payment to labor pensions to persons exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis.
3. This decision comes into force from the date of its signing and is subject to official publication.

Head of the Belovsky Village Council
Konyshevsky district I.A. Shulgina

to the decision of the Assembly of Deputies.
Belovsky Village Council Konyshevsky
district of the Kursk region
dated March 02, 2015 No. 184

Rules for applying for a monthly supplement to the labor pension
persons exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis of the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region.

1. General Provisions
1.1. These Rules govern the procedure for applying for a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension (hereinafter referred to as the supplement to the labor pension) to the head of the Belovsky village council, who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis (hereinafter referred to as the head of the village council) and consideration applications for the appointment (suspension, renewal, termination of payment) of the monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension, determines the procedure for assigning, recalculating the amount, paying and indexing the monthly supplement to the labor pension to the head of the village council, assigning, recalculating the amount, paying and indexing the supplement to labor pension to the head of the village council.
1.2. The monthly additional payment to the labor pension to the head of the village council is paid from the budget of the municipal settlement, provided for the next financial year, and is an expenditure obligation of the settlement.
II. The right to a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension
2.1. The right to establish a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension has the head of the village council, who has held an elective position for at least three years and received monetary remuneration at the expense of the local budget, has been relieved of his post due to the termination of his powers (including ahead of schedule), for with the exception of cases of termination of powers specified in paragraphs 2.1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 of part 6 of Article 36 of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation".
2.2. Guarantees of the right to establish a monthly supplement to the labor pension upon reaching an old-age (disability) labor pension, assigned in accordance with the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", or issued ahead of schedule in accordance with the Federal Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation" "provided in accordance with the conditions specified in Article 13.1 of the Law of the Kursk Region No. 35-ZKO dated 12/11/1998 "On guarantees for the heads of municipalities to exercise the powers of elected officials of local self-government on an ongoing basis" (as amended by the Law No. 31 dated 04/19/2013 d) and these Regulations.

III. Calculation of the amount of the monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension
3.1. The amount of the monthly supplement to the labor old-age (disability) pension is calculated in such a way that the sum of the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor old-age pension (the fixed basic rate of the labor disability pension) and the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor old-age (disability) pension amounted to powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis for three years - 28 percent of the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region.
3.2. For each full year of exercising the powers of the head of the village council on a permanent basis for more than three years, the amount of the monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension increases by 3 percent of the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region. The total amount of the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (fixed basic amount of the labor disability pension) and the amount of the monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension is 35 percent of the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region.
3.3. When calculating the amount of the monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension, the length of service giving the right to establish a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension, determining its size, includes periods of holding public positions in the Russian Federation and the Kursk region, exercising the powers of an elected an official of local self-government on a permanent basis in the Kursk region, positions of the state civil service of the Russian Federation and positions of the municipal service of the Kursk region, but not more than five years.
3.4. The amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension is recalculated with an increase in the remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region.
3.5. If the person exercising the powers of the head of the village council, who is entitled to an additional payment to the labor pension, is assigned two pensions in accordance with the current legislation, then when determining the amount of the monthly additional payment to the old-age (disability) labor pension, the sum of these two pensions is taken into account.
3.6. The monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension is not established by the head of the village council, who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis, who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, was assigned a pension for long service or a monthly life allowance or an additional life-long monthly material support was established, or in accordance with federal legislation, the legislation of the Kursk region or the legislation of another subject of the Russian Federation, a monthly supplement to the labor pension is established or a pension for long service is assigned.

IV. The list of documents required for the appointment of a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension
4.1. To assign a monthly supplement to the labor pension, the person exercising the powers of the head of the village council shall submit the following documents to the Administration of the village council:
1) an application for the appointment of a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension (application form - Appendix No. 1);
2) a copy of the passport;
3) a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the amount of the assigned (early issued) old-age (disability) labor pension, indicating the federal law in accordance with which it was assigned (earned ahead of schedule) for the month of applying for an additional payment to the old-age (disability) labor pension ;
4) a copy of the order (decision) on the resignation (dismissal);
5) a copy of the work book;
6) a copy of the military ID (if any);
7) a certificate of positions, the periods of replacement in which are taken into account when assigning a monthly supplement to the labor pension;
8) other necessary documents.
4.2. A person exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government, the head of the village council on a permanent basis may apply for a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension at any time after the right to it arises and the old-age (disability) labor pension is assigned or early assigned in accordance with The Law of the Russian Federation "On the Employment of the Population of the Russian Federation" without any time limit by submitting an appropriate application.

V. The procedure for considering an application for the appointment of a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension
5.1. When receiving an application for the appointment of an additional payment to the old-age (disability) labor pension and in the presence of all required documents for her appointment, a personnel specialist of the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council of the Konyshevsky District of the Kursk Region:
- checks the correctness of the application and the compliance of the information contained in it with the identity document and other submitted documents necessary for the appointment of a monthly supplement to the labor pension;
- compares the original documents with their copies, certifies them, fixes the discrepancies identified;
- registers the application and issues a receipt - a notification indicating the date of receipt of the application, the list of missing documents and the deadlines for their submission;
The Human Resources Specialist of the Administration of the Village Council upon receipt of an application from the person who exercised the powers of the head of the village council, who is entitled to an additional payment to the labor pension, requests from the Administration of the Kursk Region a certificate of the amount of remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region, draws up a certificate of positions, the periods of replacement of which are taken into account when appointing monthly additional payment to the labor pension, prepares a draft order of the Administration of the Village Council on the appointment of a monthly additional payment to the labor pension or on the refusal to assign it (Appendices No. 2 - 3).
5.2. In case of refusal to assign an additional payment to the old-age (disability) labor pension, the personnel specialist of the Village Council Administration, within five days after the adoption of the order of the Village Council Administration, notifies in writing the person who exercised the powers of the head, indicating the reason for the refusal.
If the person exercising the powers of the head of the village council disagrees with the decision to refuse to assign a monthly supplement to the labor pension, he has the right to appeal this decision in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.3. An additional payment to a labor pension is assigned from the 1st day of the month in which the person exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the district applied for the establishment of an additional payment to a labor pension, but not earlier than from the day the right to it arises.
5.4. The supplement to the labor pension is paid within the period established for the payment of the labor pension by the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council.
5.5. The payment of additional payments to the labor pension is carried out by transferring to the appropriate account opened by the recipient in credit institutions, or through the organization of the Federal Postal Service at his choice.
Financing the supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension and the cost of paying for services credit organizations and the Federal Postal Service for its delivery is carried out in an amount not exceeding .... percent of the amounts paid, excluding VAT at the expense of the local budget.
5.6. The order of the Administration of the Village Council on the appointment of a monthly supplement to the labor pension with the application of the person who exercised the powers of the elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council and all the documents necessary for the appointment of this supplement to the labor pension are brochured by the personnel specialist of the Administration of the Village Council in the pension file and transferred to the accounting department of the Administration of the Village Council .

VI. Procedure for suspending, resuming and terminating the payment of the monthly supplement to the labor pension
6.1. The payment of a monthly supplement to a labor pension to a person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council is suspended and not paid when he fills a state position of the Russian Federation, a state position of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an elected municipal position, a position of a federal civil service, a position of a state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation , municipal position of the municipal service from the date of appointment to one of the specified positions.
A person entitled to an additional payment to a labor pension is obliged to immediately notify the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council within 5 days of the occurrence of circumstances that entail the suspension of its payment.
The Administration of the Belovsky Village Council suspends the payment of an additional payment to the labor pension from the date of appointment to one of the positions specified in paragraph 1 of this section and prepares a draft order of the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council in the form No. No. 1 to this order, with a copy of the document on his appointment to this position
6.2. After dismissal from the positions specified in clause 6.1 of this section, the payment of the monthly supplement to the labor pension is resumed on the same terms upon the application of the person entitled to the supplement to the labor pension, drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure and sent to the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council with the provision of a certified in the prescribed manner, copies of the decision on dismissal from office.
The payment of the monthly supplement to the pension is resumed from the date of submission of the application and is issued by order of the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council, the draft of which is prepared in the form provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure.
6.3. The payment of a monthly supplement to a labor pensioner who has exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council shall be terminated in the following cases: a court decision declaring him dead or declaring him missing; b) the pensioner's loss of the right to an additional payment to the labor pension assigned to him upon discovery of circumstances or documents that refute the accuracy of the information submitted in support of the right to the specified additional payment; c) the expiration of the period for recognizing the recipient of the monthly supplement to the labor pension as a disabled person; d) transition to a pension of another type, different from the type of pensions to which the monthly supplement to the labor pension was assigned; e) departure for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation.
The suspension or termination of the payment of the monthly supplement to the labor pension is carried out from the date of the occurrence of the listed circumstances and is formalized by the order of the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council, the draft of which is being prepared in accordance with Appendix No. 4.

VII. The procedure for recalculating the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension and its indexation
7.1. The recalculation of the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension is carried out in the following cases: a) a change in the fixed basic amount of the labor old-age (disability) pension; b) with an increase in the remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region.
7.2. In the event of a change in the fixed basic size of the labor pension, the recalculation of the amount of the monthly additional payment to the labor pension to the person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council is carried out on the basis of data provided at the request of the Administration of the village council to the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on paper from the date of change in the fixed basic size pensions.
7.3. The recalculation of the amount of the monthly additional payment to the labor pension to a person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 7.1 of this Regulation can also be carried out on the basis of the document on the amount of the labor pension issued by the recipient of the monthly additional payment to the labor pension, submitted independently. by the relevant territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which pays this pension.
7.4. With an increase in the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region, the monthly additional payment to the labor pension of the person who exercised the powers of an elected official of the local self-government of the head of the village council is indexed by the increase factor.
7.5. The recalculation of the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for a person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council is carried out by the Administration of the Belovsky village council (Appendix No. 5).

VIII. Final provisions
8.1. The amounts of the monthly additional payment to the labor pension, overpaid to the person who exercised the powers of the elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council, if he fails to comply with the requirements provided for by this Regulation, are reimbursed by this person on a voluntary basis, and in case of his disagreement, they are recovered in the manner prescribed by current legislation .
8.2. Issues related to the appointment and payment of a monthly supplement to the labor pension to a person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council, not regulated by this Regulation, are resolved in relation to the Rules for applying for a pension, assigning a pension and recalculating the size of a pension, transferring from one pension to another in accordance with the Federal Laws "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" and "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2002 N 17/19 pb (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Federation 31.05.2002, N 3491).