How is the Day of Forest Workers celebrated? When is the day of the forest workers of the year.

The Forest Stewardship Council of Russia holds International Forest Day-2017

On March 21, the International Day of the Forest is celebrated for the fifth time around the world. The Forest Stewardship Council has prepared many exciting and useful events for this holiday, designed to remind us of the importance of forests for people and the whole planet. A specially created resource will help you recharge your ideas and involve friends and colleagues.

Forests support and protect us, they provide us with clean air and water, preserve biodiversity and mitigate the effects of climate change. Trees capture and sequester carbon as they grow, being at the forefront of the fight against climate change. In addition to oxygen, the forest provides shelter, food and work for so many of us. Forests are a natural generator! They are the largest source of renewable energy in the world, providing people with firewood to heat their homes. They energize people in other ways as well, including by restoring people's spirits and providing places for relaxation and inspiration.

One of the actions dedicated to the Day of the Forest was the traditional collection of waste paper. To help reduce the pressure on forests and reduce their cutting, you need to use recycled raw materials. The Forest Stewardship Council has organized a convenient service for all caring employees of responsible companies and students of schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg. All participants of the campaign get the opportunity to free their offices of unnecessary paper and at the same time contribute to the conservation of Russia's forests. An important feature of the action "I CHOOSE THE FOREST!" that the collected waste paper will then be processed by an FSC-certified production facility. So in the next "life" it will be napkins, paper towels, handkerchiefs and toilet paper with a tree with a check mark.

Among all the participants, the jury will select 5 winners who sent the most beautiful and creative photos. The results of the competition will be summed up on March 30 and published on the FSC page in social networks. The winners will receive eco-friendly prizes from FSC and partners - Segezha Group and Tetra Pak: a colorful children's book "An Amazing Journey into the World of Animals", printed on paper recycled from juice and milk packaging, a city backpack, "forest" Wall Clock and a very nice birdhouse.

“FSC campaign “I choose the forest!” great and timely! This is another opportunity to prove our responsibility to nature. Segezha Group is committed to ensuring that the forest brings the maximum and continuous benefit to people without harming the environment and future generations. Of course, we will support the International Forest Day and take an active part in all FSC events,” comments Anastasia Malitsina, Head of CSR and Charity at Segezha Group.

More complete terms and conditions on the contest page #MOILES

The site also provides a lot of useful and interesting information about forests, videos, a quiz about the forest.

Rejoice in the coming of spring with us and the forest dwellers! Celebrate Forest Day! Our motto is "Forests for all forever!"

FSC (FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL) is an independent non-profit organization established to promote responsible forest management around the world and prevent the degradation and destruction of forests on the planet. The fundamental principles of responsible forest management are implemented in the management of forests around the world through the FSC certification system. To this end, FSC has developed forest management standards, and the special FSC “tree with a tick” marking allows you to distinguish those forest products that have been produced taking into account the environmental and social interests of society.

Segezha Group is one of the largest Russian vertically integrated timber holdings with a full cycle of logging and advanced wood processing. The holding includes Russian and European enterprises of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries. The geography of the Group's representative offices covers 12 states. Segezha Group is the largest forest user in the European part of Russia, the total area of ​​the leased forest fund is more than 6 million hectares, 95% of the products are FSC certified.

Tetra Pak is a global leader in food processing and packaging solutions. Together with our customers and suppliers, we provide useful, innovative and sustainable food packaging solutions to millions of people in more than 170 countries around the world. Tetra Pak has operations in more than 80 countries and employs over 23,000 people. We are convinced that the position of a leader in the industry is unthinkable without a responsible approach to business, focused on sustainable development. Our motto - "KEEPING THE BEST" - reflects the company's commitment to making food safe and available everywhere.

The day of forest and timber industry workers is usually celebrated in autumn - in September. This professional holiday does not have a fixed date, because the celebration is held on the third Sunday.

When does it pass?

It is celebrated on the penultimate Sunday of September. In the current year significant date falls on the 20th, and the next - on the 19th. The holiday was established back in the Soviet years at the initiative of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The appearance of the professional holiday was intended to emphasize the importance of the forest for ensuring a normal microclimate.

Who notes?

Everyone related to the timber industry and representatives of other professions join the celebration:

  • personnel of logging enterprises;
  • employees of controlling structures;
  • biologists;
  • ecologists;
  • dendrologists;
  • students and teaching staff of specialized universities.

It is celebrated by industry veterans, as well as relatives and friends of employees whose work is related to the forest.


Among the people, the holiday was called "Forester's Day". This profession has been respected at all times, because people well understood the importance of trees as a valuable resource. The reason to officially celebrate the holiday was received in 1980. It was then that the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council adopted a Decree establishing the date of the celebration.

It is worth noting that the document was adopted a few years after the promulgation of the "forest legislation". This refers to the first normative act that establishes the specifics of handling the relevant natural resource. Its adoption was due to the need to protect and ensure the reproduction of the forest. After all, improper operation has led to a significant reduction in the area of ​​landings. The document at the regulatory level obligated to take care of natural resources, primarily forests.

After the advent of specialized legislation, the question of a professional holiday for forest industry workers naturally arose. His institution pursued several goals at once: to emphasize the value of the work of the forester and to draw public attention to the need for the careful use of trees. The tradition of celebrating the day of the forester after the collapse of the Union has been preserved in Russia.


On the holiday, feasts are organized, during which the heroes of the occasion accept congratulations from the audience and mutually congratulate colleagues. Day of the forester is widely covered by the media. On television and radio, there are thematic programs devoted to the role of green spaces in ensuring the health of an individual and preserving the microclimate of the planet as a whole. Forestry employees are invited to participate in them. They tell viewers and listeners about the state of affairs in the industry, including actual problems and achievements. Similar articles appear in the periodical press.

The specialized enterprises widely celebrate the Day of the Forester. The administration awards distinguished employees with diplomas. Also, various competitions are traditionally held, in which winners in the field of dendrology, fire fighting and other areas are determined. Employees who have managed to show themselves well are awarded with valuable prizes and diplomas.

About the profession

The task of industry workers is to protect forests from diseases and pests, as well as to prevent and extinguish fires. They control resource consumption and ensure its reproduction. Foresters are taking measures to prevent fires in the massif. It is also their responsibility to maintain the normal condition of the soil. It is well known that erosion causes significant damage to the forest, causing landslides, in which tens and hundreds of trees and animals die. Industry workers are preparing proposals aimed at developing forestry and minimizing risks that could harm it. The problem of waste deserves special attention.

Future foresters receive education in a specialized university, the program of which includes general education and special disciplines. A certified specialist must know the law well, be able to take care of trees and act correctly in case of an emergency.

  • Trees are used as a material in the paper and furniture industries.
  • A third of the land is occupied by forests, which are called the lungs of the planet. They occupy about 38 million square kilometers. Most of the trees are located in tropical forests.
  • In Russia, forests cover 45 percent of the entire territory. On the one hand, this is a very impressive figure, but on the other hand, improper use can cause significant damage to the "green sea", which in some cases cannot be restored.

Until the holiday "‎Day of Forest and Timber Processing Industry Workers" left:

On this counter you can keep track of how many days are left until the holiday "The Day of Forestry and Timber Processing Industry Workers"

The Day of Forestry and Timber Processing Industry Workers is one of the professional holidays celebrated in our country. This day is a holiday for foresters, rangers, forest industry workers.

When is Forest Workers Day celebrated in 2019?

The date of the celebration falls on the third Sunday of September. In 2019, Forest Workers Day will be celebrated on September 16th.

History of Forest Workers Day

Let's talk about the history and traditions of the holiday. In 1877, the Russian government created a special forestry planting trees, caring for them, as well as combating poaching and solving other issues related to the development of forestry.

In 1977, the "Forest Legislation" was adopted in the USSR, which determines the issues of protecting and increasing forests throughout the country. And on October 1, 1880, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Day of the Forester was established in our country.

In Russia, the forestry industry is handled by the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz).

Forests are our common wealth. In the old days in Russia they said: “To live next to the forest is not to be hungry. The forest is richer than the king. The forest not only feeds the wolf, but also the peasant to his fill.

In our country, there is no private ownership of forest lands, which has been replaced by their long-term lease. The duty of foresters is to take care of the forest wealth, to protect the forest and its inhabitants from poachers and fires.

In Russia, almost 8 million square kilometers are covered by forests, the most extensive forest areas are located in Siberia and the Far East. The main share of forest-forming species is coniferous: pine, spruce, larch, cedar.

And the total area of ​​forests on Earth is 38 million square kilometers. Of these, 264 million hectares, or 7%, are planted by humans. However, at present, the volume of deforestation is sometimes several times higher than the volume of its natural restoration.

About the profession

Specialists are engaged in the protection of forests from fires, diseases, and pests. Their duties include the reproduction, accounting and control of the consumption of natural resources. Workers in the forestry and timber industry must take preventive measures to prevent fires, damage from erosion (destruction of soil), landslides. They develop proposals for the development of the economy, waste disposal.

The path to the profession begins with education in an educational institution. It covers basic and special disciplines. The employee must know the law, have practical skills in caring for trees, and the procedure for dealing with emergency situations. The timber processing industry provides materials for the furniture, pulp and paper industries.

Contests for the Forester's Day

Participants of the Guess the Melody contest will have to name the songs by listening to the first few notes. Songs will be performed in the recording: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “Oh, the viburnum is blooming ...”, “Old maple”, “Poplars, poplars”, “There was a birch in the field”, “It is cold for a small Christmas tree in winter” and others.

You can hold a karaoke contest. To do this, each team will be given the lyrics of the song that it will perform. The audience will sing along to the participants.

Next on corporate holiday By the Day of the forester, verses will be heard again:
- For someone, forests are barbecue and hunting,
A storehouse of berry places and free mushrooms.
And for you, foresters, it's just a job,
You just don't walk through the woods like that.
It is impossible to get lost in the forest, get lost,
If the forest speaks for you, alive.
Instead of a chair - a stump, instead of a radio - a bird,
And, like an old friend, the cedar will nod its head.

Participants in the next competition related to the profession of a forester will need to determine which tree species are in question, according to the descriptions:

  • Young trees of this breed are painted dark in color, but after a few years their color changes. The branches of the plant are drooping, the leaves are small, shaped like rhombuses. Our ancestors used the bark of this tree instead of writing paper. (Birch).
  • This tree is strong and powerful, with a powerful trunk, winding, thick branches. Lives on average 400-500 years. The leaves are large, harsh, oblong-oval, with deep notches. (Oak).
  • The young bark of this tree is loved by hares and mice, and moose prefer to feast on branches. Even in calm weather, it rustles with its round, dense, stiff leaves on thin, long petioles. (Aspen).
  • This tree looks like an evergreen pyramid. It can be recognized by short prickly needles, and long (cylindrical), cones hanging down. (Spruce).

The presenters will continue the holiday by inviting guests to participate in quizzes:
What are trees used for? They build houses, ships, make furniture, musical instruments, paper. Participants of the next competition at our holiday for the Day of the Forester will need to determine which trees are in question in this or that case.

  • Matryoshka dolls and dishes are made from the wood of this tree. (Linden).
  • These trees are often referred to as musical trees. (Spruce and maple, from which musical instruments are made).
  • The wood of this tree is used to make matches. (Aspen).
  • What wood did the American Indians make their boats from? (From birch).
  • What wood is used to build ships? (Pine).
  • The wood of which tree - very dense, heavy, hard, durable - is used for the manufacture of machine parts, art products? (Iron tree).

The next task is to continue the proverb:

  • "The forest is cut down - ... (chips fly)."
  • “You won’t go to the forest ... (you’ll freeze at home).”
  • "From a good tree ... (good and fruit)."
  • "The tree is soon planted, ... (yes, the fruits are not eaten from it soon)."
  • “A tree is known by its fruits, ... (and a person by deeds).”
  • "Do not take care of the shoots - ... (not to see a tree)."

Sports competitions can also be organized on Forester's Day. For the team competition "Go through the swamp" you do not need special props - just give each participant two sheets of A4 format.

At the signal of the host, they will need to go through the hall - the “swamp”, - stepping only on sheets of paper (“bumps”), which are shifted one after the other. A participant who puts his foot on the floor is "dragged into the swamp", and he is eliminated from the game. The team that completes the obstacle course faster will win.

Teams also take part in the "Skewer-leaflet" competition. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants run to the finish line, where a thin stick is prepared for each, on which a leaf plucked from any tree must be strung. The competition is held on time. The team that cooks the biggest kebab, that is, strings more leaves on a stick, wins.

Further, at the corporate party for the Forester's Day, competitions with balls (spruce cones) will be held. In the "Sniper" competition, each participant is given a certain amount of "ammunition". The team whose members excelled in greater accuracy becomes the winner.

Another game is called "Forest Towns". This is an analogue of bowling, which uses a stick instead of a ball and bumps instead of skittles. On the ground you need to draw a square - the border of the field. In this square, bumps are laid out in a slide.

The player steps back 10-15 steps. His task is to completely clear the field from the "skittles" with a maximum of three strokes. The score is kept by the number of cones knocked out from the field. Winners receive well-deserved prizes - these can be small souvenirs.

And the corporate event for the Day of the Forester will be completed according to the scenario of this holiday by the performance of the presenters:
– Every forester, both night and day, guards order in a world where nature reigns, where you can wake up to the singing of birds, the noise of leaves and the murmur of streams. We wish all forest workers that no fires bring trouble to your property, and not a single poacher gets here unnoticed.

– Green forest and fresh air
It's not easy for us to keep.
To live peacefully on the planet,
We must love nature.
And on the holiday we congratulate you,
And we sincerely wish you
So that everyone appreciates your work,
We truly loved nature!

Without forests, there would be no clean air on our planet, wonderful monuments of ancient architecture or banal outbuildings, furniture and much more that humanity would not know if it existed. That is why, every third Sunday of September, we honor those who, on duty, take care of the lungs of the planet and protect forests from humans, and also strive to increase forest wealth.

This professional holiday was established on August 13, 1966. In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a decision was made Every third Sunday in September, celebrate Forest Workers Day.

This holiday was not known as widely as other professional holidays, such as Driver's Day or Teacher's Day. However, despite this, he was able to survive the collapse of the Soviet Union and today is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. On the same day, those who preserve, increase and, helping to rationally use the forest treasury of these states, monitor compliance with the "Forest Legislation" are honored.

Forestry workers in different countries

Undoubtedly, Russian forestry workers will have to cover the largest amount of work. And how could it be otherwise, because the forests covering 45% of the territory of the state make up a fifth of the world's timber reserves. Thanks to the inconspicuous work of these workers, not only does the climate, the ecological situation, the hydrological regime of water bodies improve, the soil cover is preserved, and the chemical composition of the air in Russia becomes safer, but the country's economy also receives a tangible impetus to development through the use of plant and animal resources.

The greatest work on growing forest land was done by the workers of Ukraine, because every second hectare of this country is planted by a person. But Ukrainian forestry workers do not stop there, continuing to grow seedlings for the forests of the future in more than half a thousand enterprises.

Belarusian forests are not just the Motherland, but a real treasure trove for this country. They are the guarantor of landscape and biological diversity, an important natural and environmental factor, and also play a huge role in the economy of the state. That is why 86.7% of the republic's forest plantations are state-owned, and professions that are somehow connected with forest protection are not only in demand, but also command respect among all Belarusians.

Forestry workers in Kyrgyzstan can rightfully be considered incorrigible optimists. Despite the fact that today the forest fund of Kyrgyzstan cannot be compared with the area of ​​forest plantations of the above countries, forestry workers plan their activities not for a decade or two, but for 50-100 or more years into the future.

Similar holidays are celebrated in any other country in the world. Moreover, in some countries, not only the workers who are engaged in the protection of forests are honored, but also various national parks. For example, in the USA a holiday called “Forest Protection Day from Fire” has been established for forest workers, and in Croatia there is “ Day of the Plitvice Lakes National Park ».

Whatever the name of this professional holiday, any person needs to remember that not only those who have chosen this honorable cause as their main profession, but also each of us should protect the forests!

(International Day of Forests), established by the UN General Assembly on December 21, 2012.

International Day of Forests aims to help spread the word about how forests and trees protect us and what they give us.

According to the latest Global Forest Resources Assessment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2015), the total forest area of ​​the world is 3,999 million hectares, which corresponds to 30.6% of the land area, while in 1990 forests covered up to 31.6% of the land area, or about 4 128 million hectares.

The bulk of the world's forest area (93%) is natural forest, a category that includes primary forest where human intervention has been kept to a minimum, as well as secondary forest areas that seem to have regenerated naturally.

According to the State Forest Register as of January 1, 2016, in Russia the area of ​​forest fund lands and lands of other categories on which forests are located is 1,184.1 million hectares, including 890.8 million hectares of forest land, of which forest cover is 794.5 million hectares. The forest cover of the territory of the Russian Federation, that is, the ratio of the area of ​​forested land to the total land area of ​​the country, is 46.4%.

© Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. K. Kokoshkin

© Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. K. Kokoshkin

The main forest-forming species - larch, pine, spruce, cedar, oak, beech, birch and aspen - grow on 90.2% of the land occupied by forest plantations.

The total timber stock in Russia is estimated at 82.79 billion cubic meters.

The highest levels of forest cover were noted in the Irkutsk Region (83.1%), the Komi Republic (72.7%), and the Perm Territory (71.5%).

The forests of Russia are predominantly of natural origin. The most important feature of Russian forests is the preservation of natural forest ecosystems over vast areas that are not subject to anthropogenic impact. About 25% of all intact forests of the world are concentrated in Russia.

Forests perform vital ecosystem functions. Forests are the most biologically diverse ecosystems on earth, where more than 80% of the terrestrial species of animals, insects and plants live and grow. They play a key role in our fight against climate change. Forests help maintain a balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide and moisture in the air we breathe. They protect the watersheds that provide 75% of the world's fresh water. Forests provide food, medicine, fuel, shelter and income for the world's 1.6 billion people.

However, despite all these priceless environmental, economic, social and health benefits, global deforestation continues at an alarming rate of 13 million hectares of forest each year. Deforestation accounts for 12-20% of global warming greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2017, the theme of the International Day of Forests is "Forests and Energy".

Forest wood is the main source of renewable energy worldwide. Wood accounts for about 40% of current global renewable energy generation. The use of fuelwood is important for both developing and some industrialized countries. About 50% of the world's wood (about 1.86 billion cubic meters) is used as a source of energy for cooking, heating and generating electricity. 2.4 billion people use fuelwood to cook more nutritious food, boil water and heat their homes. Nearly 900 million people in developing countries are employed full-time or part-time in the wood energy sector. Increasing investment in woodfuel energy and the development of new woodfuels will provide the funds needed to improve forest management, increase forest area and create jobs.

The global energy potential of forests is about ten times greater than the annual global consumption of primary energy resources. Therefore, they can be considered as a way to meet global energy demand.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources