How to make a fox out of fabric with your own hands. How to work with a fox pattern and how to sew a toy with it? Cutting of product elements

Probably, each of us has read a wonderful fairy tale "The Little Prince" or watched a cartoon based on a book. Many have a burning desire to create a wonderful friend - the Fox, so cheerful, funny and most importantly - true! In this article we will talk about how to sew a fox out of a little prince.

Gift for a child

The master class described below will help you easily and quickly sew a toy for a child with your own hands. For work, we need a microplush fabric in black, white and orange, threads in the color of the fabric, a needle, paper with scissors and a pencil. For the eye and nose, you can use buttons or beads.

The next photo shows a fox pattern, which contains all the information.

Note! When you redraw on the fabric, it is worth considering that there is no allowance on the pattern. It should be made about 1.5 cm.

If it seemed to you that the fox is too thin, then you can increase the size of the tummy on the pattern. After we have drawn the pattern on the fabric, we cut it out.

With the help of pins we attach all the details to each other. The wrong side should be outside. Next, you need to sew the blanks. You can do this on a typewriter or by hand. If the front side looks outward, then sew the toy with a blind seam, and if inward, with an overcast. At the bottom of the toy, we leave a small hole in order to turn the toy out later and fill it with filler. We take off the pins.

In the blanks of the tail and paws, first of all we sew the edges, and then the rest of the places. Don't forget to leave a hole at the bottom.

When we sew ears for a fox cub, we first sew the black fabric, and only then add the red one.

After we have sewn all the blanks for the fox cub, it is necessary to turn them out and then fill them. You can use cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or any other filler. We also need a small wire.

We fill the toy.

We put the wire inside the toy in the center, slightly pressing its edges so that it does not tear the fabric in the future.

Now we sew the open holes on the paws. We do exactly the same manipulations with the tail.

From cardboard cut out a blank for the ears.

We sew them to the body of the fox.

Where the seam is, we put the wire into the body as shown in the photo.

We make loops on the edges.

We make a synthetic winterizer volume.

We put on the paws over the detail and sew them to the body.

Buttons can be sewn along the edges.

Here we have such a beautiful toy.

We knit a fox

Crocheting a fox is not difficult, but you should be careful. To work, you will need threads of suitable colors, a hook corresponding to the thickness of the threads, filler, thin threads and a needle.

We collect sixteen air loops on the hook and begin to knit with single crochets, winding the hook into the 2nd loop. When the second row is finished, we knit a lifting loop, turn the product and continue to knit another 40 rows. After that, in each unpaired row, it is worth decreasing the second and penultimate loops. In this way we knit ten rows. And then we make reductions until we get the shape of a triangle.

First, we knit the paws with black threads, and then we replace them with orange ones. We collect six air loops in the ring. In the next row we make six increases, then we knit four more rows with twelve single crochets. At this stage, it is necessary to replace the black thread with orange. And knit four more layers. In the 13th row we knit according to this scheme: two columns and we make a decrease. There should be nine loops in total. We knit four more rows of nine loops, then we make a decrease. In the twenty-first row, you should get only six loops. We knit a couple more rows, add filler to the product and sew the edges.

We connect the front four air loops into a ring, in the next row we make 4 increases. From the third to the seventh row we knit eight columns without a crochet. We change the thread and knit up to 22 rows of 8 sc. In the process of work, we add filler to the toy.

While knitting the tail, we also gradually fill the part with synthetic winterizer. We connect 6 ch into a ring, in the second row we make an increase through one loop, in the next - after three and so on up to 6 rows. In total, it should turn out 36 sbn, we knit them from rows 7 to 11. At this stage, we change the thread and knit up to the 16th row. In the 17th row, every four sc you need to make one decrease. Then we knit four rows of thirty sc. In the 23rd row, we make a decrease every 3 sc. From 24 to 28 we knit 24 sc. 29 - a pair of sc, dec, and then four more rows of 19 sc. In the 35th row, through each sc we make a decrease. We knit 4 more rows and do not close the product.

We connect 6 ch into a ring, then we make an increase in each loop. In the next row, the increase is performed after one sc, then after two, in the fifth after three.

We begin to knit ears. We only need two parts.

6 ch, and in the next row we start knitting from the second loop, turning the product over. We knit a detail, making decreases until we get a triangle. Now we tie the ears with two rows of black threads.

To make a spout, we connect three ch into a ring, in the second row we make an increase in each loop, and in the next through a loop. Pulling the hole.

We sew all the received parts together, and our little fox is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

Watch a selection of video tutorials on how to make such a cute little fox.

How to make a soft toy "Chanterelle"

You will need:

Synthetic short pile fur in two colors;
- bright dense fabrics;
- braid;
- filler (synthetic winterizer).

1. From bright yellow or orange fur, cut out the head, ears (2 parts), forehead, torso, tail.

2. From white fur, cut out the undereyes, the tip of the tail, ears (2 parts).

3. From the fabric, cut out a skirt, jacket, boots, apron, appliqués to decorate the jacket.

4. Sweep and sew an undereye into each detail of the head. Sew the details of the head in front from the bridge of the nose to the neck. In the upper part of the head from the bridge of the nose to the back of the head, sew the top of the head with a wedge. Turn the head inside out and stuff with filler, filling the nose first.

5. Decorate the muzzle: cut out the eyes from cardboard, cover them with a cloth, paint, varnish and glue to the undereyes. Glue the tip of the nose and tongue.

6. Baste and sew the ears, connecting parts of different colors. turn them inside out and sew to the head.

7. Sew the body, leaving the neck line unsewn, then turn it inside out and stuff with filler, filling the ends of the paws first. Sew the head to the body.

8. Sew the tip of the tail cut from white fur to the tail cut from yellow fur. Baste and sew both sides of the tail, turn it inside out, lightly stuff with filler and sew to the body.

9. Sew the boots with small stitches over the edge with a thread in the color of the fabric. Decorate them with braid or a narrow strip of fabric. Decorate them with braid or a narrow strip of fabric cut with cloves. Put the boots on your feet and secure them with stitches. So that the boots do not wrinkle, it is better to fill their ends with filler.

10. Also decorate the skirt with braid or strips of fabric, stitching them along the hem. Gather the top of the skirt. Put the skirt on the toy, pull it along the waistline and fasten it.

11. Decorate the apron with braid, gather along the top edge and attach in front to the skirt. Decorate the waistline with a belt cut out of fabric or braid.

12. Glue applications to the jacket, sew it along the shoulder lines, turn it inside out and put it on the toy.

Other Master classes from the rubric

Soft toy caterpillar for children. Try to sew such a thing, it can also be used as a needle bed, for example.

It is much more interesting for a child to listen to a fairy tale, which is accompanied by a display of toy characters. Fairy-tale characters can be made out of paper with the baby, and then play a little performance with him. The cunning fox is found in so many fairy tales, and it is not difficult to make it.

How to make a paper fox with your own hands - a master class

To make a fox you will need:

  • orange paper;
  • white paper;
  • black paper;
  • checkered paper for patterns;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

How to make a paper fox

  1. On paper in a cage, draw the details of the fox pattern - head, nose, eye, cheek, ear, torso, chest, paw, tail and tail tip, and then carefully cut them out.

  2. Colored paper fox - pattern

  3. Take orange, black and white paper, as well as pattern details. Redraw the details of the fox pattern on colored paper and cut out. From orange paper, cut out the body of the fox and two parts of the paws, head and tail. From white paper, cut out the breast and two parts of the ears, cheeks and the tip of the tail. From black paper cut out the nose and eyes.

  4. Glue the white parts of the cheeks and ears to the part of the fox's head.

  5. Glue a black nose and eyes to the head. Glue this part of the head with the second part of the head.

  6. Glue the white breast to the body part.

  7. Roll the body into a cone and glue it.

  8. Glue the head of the fox to the body.

  9. Glue the paws to the body of the fox.

  10. Take the details of the tail and glue the white tips to them.

  11. Glue the tail pieces together.

  12. Glue the tail to the body of the fox.

  13. Volumetric craft fox made of colored paper is ready. It is useful for staging many fairy tales, and can also decorate a children's room. And as a friend for the fox you can do

Probably, each of us has read a wonderful fairy tale "The Little Prince" or watched a cartoon based on a book. Many have a burning desire to create a wonderful friend - the Fox, so cheerful, funny and most importantly - true! In this article we will talk about how to sew a fox out of a little prince.

Gift for a child

The master class described below will help you easily and quickly sew a toy for a child with your own hands. For work, we need a microplush fabric in black, white and orange, threads in the color of the fabric, a needle, paper with scissors and a pencil. For the eye and nose, you can use buttons or beads.

The next photo shows a fox pattern, which contains all the information.

Note! When you redraw on the fabric, it is worth considering that there is no allowance on the pattern. It should be made about 1.5 cm.

If it seemed to you that the fox is too thin, then you can increase the size of the tummy on the pattern. After we have drawn the pattern on the fabric, we cut it out.

With the help of pins we attach all the details to each other. The wrong side should be outside. Next, you need to sew the blanks. You can do this on a typewriter or by hand. If the front side looks outward, then sew the toy with a blind seam, and if inward, with an overcast. At the bottom of the toy, we leave a small hole in order to turn the toy out later and fill it with filler. We take off the pins.

In the blanks of the tail and paws, first of all we sew the edges, and then the rest of the places. Don't forget to leave a hole at the bottom.

When we sew ears for a fox cub, we first sew the black fabric, and only then add the red one.

After we have sewn all the blanks for the fox cub, it is necessary to turn them out and then fill them. You can use cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or any other filler. We also need a small wire.

We fill the toy.

We put the wire inside the toy in the center, slightly pressing its edges so that it does not tear the fabric in the future.

Now we sew the open holes on the paws. We do exactly the same manipulations with the tail.

From cardboard cut out a blank for the ears.

We sew them to the body of the fox.

Where the seam is, we put the wire into the body as shown in the photo.

We make loops on the edges.

We make a synthetic winterizer volume.

We put on the paws over the detail and sew them to the body.

Buttons can be sewn along the edges.

Here we have such a beautiful toy.

We knit a fox

Crocheting a fox is not difficult, but you should be careful. To work, you will need threads of suitable colors, a hook corresponding to the thickness of the threads, filler, thin threads and a needle.

We collect sixteen air loops on the hook and begin to knit with single crochets, winding the hook into the 2nd loop. When the second row is finished, we knit a lifting loop, turn the product and continue to knit another 40 rows. After that, in each unpaired row, it is worth decreasing the second and penultimate loops. In this way we knit ten rows. And then we make reductions until we get the shape of a triangle.

First, we knit the paws with black threads, and then we replace them with orange ones. We collect six air loops in the ring. In the next row we make six increases, then we knit four more rows with twelve single crochets. At this stage, it is necessary to replace the black thread with orange. And knit four more layers. In the 13th row we knit according to this scheme: two columns and we make a decrease. There should be nine loops in total. We knit four more rows of nine loops, then we make a decrease. In the twenty-first row, you should get only six loops. We knit a couple more rows, add filler to the product and sew the edges.

We connect the front four air loops into a ring, in the next row we make 4 increases. From the third to the seventh row we knit eight columns without a crochet. We change the thread and knit up to 22 rows of 8 sc. In the process of work, we add filler to the toy.

While knitting the tail, we also gradually fill the part with synthetic winterizer. We connect 6 ch into a ring, in the second row we make an increase through one loop, in the next - after three and so on up to 6 rows. In total, it should turn out 36 sbn, we knit them from rows 7 to 11. At this stage, we change the thread and knit up to the 16th row. In the 17th row, every four sc you need to make one decrease. Then we knit four rows of thirty sc. In the 23rd row, we make a decrease every 3 sc. From 24 to 28 we knit 24 sc. 29 - a pair of sc, dec, and then four more rows of 19 sc. In the 35th row, through each sc we make a decrease. We knit 4 more rows and do not close the product.

We connect 6 ch into a ring, then we make an increase in each loop. In the next row, the increase is performed after one sc, then after two, in the fifth after three.

We begin to knit ears. We only need two parts.

6 ch, and in the next row we start knitting from the second loop, turning the product over. We knit a detail, making decreases until we get a triangle. Now we tie the ears with two rows of black threads.

To make a spout, we connect three ch into a ring, in the second row we make an increase in each loop, and in the next through a loop. Pulling the hole.

We sew all the received parts together, and our little fox is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

Watch a selection of video tutorials on how to make such a cute little fox.

    Fox soft toy.

    In order to sew a fox with your own hands, we choose some fluffy soft material, for example, faux fur or fleece. Colors brown or orange, white, black.

    First, we print out the templates for the pattern, cut out the details of the toy on the fabric and start sewing.

    I bring patterns for two toys,

    first fox

    and the second - foxes.

    You can sew a fox in the following way:

    We make such a pattern.

    Print and transfer to fabric.

    Cut out the details of the fox from the fabric.

    sewing details.

    Then we sew large parts top-bottom with an overcast seam

    We fill the head and body with filler and sew them together

    Fox toy is ready

    I suggest you sew a fox using these patterns:

    And from what fox we get:

    For work, materials such as:

    1) Fur fabric of red and white colors;

    2) Black and brown felt;

    3) Stuffing;

    4) Eyes:

    The manufacturing process of our fox is as follows:

    Many options have already been proposed for how to sew a fox with your own hands - a lot interesting ideas. I propose to sew another red-haired miracle, maybe someone likes it or someone wants such a toy for themselves.

    The pattern can be viewed here:

    The master class is shown in detail on this site. Copying is not allowed there, so I invite you to follow the link.

    There are many options for soft toys, you just need a little skill in sewing and materials for creation. Found just such an unusual, but interesting fox. For its manufacture, you can use different fabrics and colors.

    To sew a fox toy, we need a pattern. Of course, you can try to draw the details of the toy with your own hands. But I don't think it's worth wasting your time on this. In any case, it will not be possible to draw everything with accuracy, so why waste your time)?

    Let's turn to the finished patterns. There are a lot of them on the Internet. I have given you several options. All of them are of varying degrees of difficulty, but I think that this is even good. You will have plenty to choose from.

    The pattern can be printed on a printer, or you can draw it by simply opening the picture selected on your screen. I really like this option. Tested on myself, as they say).

    So, we draw all the details from the pattern.

    You can take this one:

    Here is another cute fox:

    Or you can take this pattern, choose:

    Now that we have the details, we put them on the prepared fabric. I would sew from faux fur, velor, but you take the fabric that you like best. We draw the details in the amount shown in the pattern, cut them out. We sew everything on a typewriter, and fill the toy with padding polyester, everything is normal.

    We sew. Eyes should be bought ready-made. These details are sold in the department for needlewomen and you can choose any size and even color, shape.

    Good luck to you).

    To sew a fox you will need:

    • fabric - it can be fleece, plush, fur, felt, velvet, cotton, etc. The main thing here is color. It should match the color of the fox: orange, red and white for the tip of the tail, the inside of the ears, and the breast.
    • needle,
    • threads matching the color of the fabric,
    • stuffing: sintepon, sintepuh and, in extreme cases, cotton wool,
    • for the eyes, black threads, buttons, or special eyes for toys that are sold in creative stores.

    We take a pattern, transfer it to the fabric. Details that are indicated in 2 pieces must be done in a mirror image. We sew the details and stuff.