How to relax at sea with health benefits? Health benefits of relaxation Where to relax with health benefits.

What are the benefits of a holiday at the seaside? Indications and recommendations for relaxing on the seashore. Therapeutic, cosmetic and psychotherapeutic effects of seaside holidays

With the onset of the first sunny days, we strive to relax closer to the water and dream of going to the sea, enjoying the sound of the waves and splashing in the warm sea water.

What are the benefits of a holiday at sea?

Health effect

Holidays at sea have many advantages and bring great benefits to every person. On the seashore it is especially easy to breathe, since the air contains ozone and oxygen molecules, iodine ions, and suspended sea salts. The chemical composition of sea water itself includes almost the entire periodic table, while possessing the properties of an ionized solution with a slightly alkaline reaction. This means that useful microscopic particles of minerals and salts that make up sea water easily penetrate the human body and have a beneficial effect, activating all vital processes and accelerating metabolic processes.

The maritime climate is especially useful for improving the health of children and people weakened after illness or hard work. A holiday at sea restores strength and strengthens the immune system. Doctors recommend holidays on the sea coast for many health problems.

Indications for holidays on the sea coast

  • Treatment of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis and rheumatism;
  • Prevention and treatment of frequent colds and acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Treatment and prevention of diseases of the ENT organs (frequent sore throats and sinusitis);
  • Psoriasis and skin problems;
  • Allergy and bronchial asthma (dry climate);
  • Problems with the endocrine system;
  • Treatment of depression, insomnia and diseases of the nervous system;
  • Exhaustion of the body, rickets and vitamin deficiency.

For those who are contraindicated in heat and prolonged exposure to the sun, doctors recommend going to the sea in the off-season, when the air temperature allows for air baths. If the water is not warm enough for swimming, walking along the shore and the healing sea air will bring undeniable benefits, eliminating toxins and enriching the blood with oxygen. It is especially pleasant to relax during the velvet season for elderly people and pregnant women, for whom the summer heat and direct sunlight are dangerous. People suffering from kidney disease, serious problems with the cardiovascular system, skin tumors, or epilepsy should avoid going to the sea or limit their exposure to water and sun, taking into account the recommendations of doctors.

  • Avoid hypothermia in water;
  • Relax on the beach in the morning and evening hours;
  • Do not start water procedures abruptly, limit the first stay in water to 5 minutes, gradually increasing the bathing time and alternating it with air baths;
  • Use sunscreen even if you are in the shade or swimming;
  • Do not leave children unattended and protect them from burns and hypothermia;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages on the beach in the heat;
  • Protect your skin and hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Swim only in areas where swimming is not prohibited.

Cosmetic effect

After being at sea, in addition to a beautiful sea tan and a rested look, we notice that the skin has become smooth and elastic, the appearance of cellulite has decreased, and the heels have become clearer and pinker. It’s not for nothing that in expensive salons women are offered seaweed wraps, and massage with sea salt is considered the most effective method in the fight against cellulite. Staying in sea water has a wonderful relaxing effect; sea waves gently massage our skin, which absorbs all the beneficial trace elements and minerals that make up it.

Walking along the sea coast has a huge healing effect. In addition to the healing and hardening effect, while walking along the sandy or pebble shore, the foot is massaged, the keratinized layer of the epidermis is exfoliated, blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs are improved. The main thing is to follow safety rules and harmoniously combine exposure to the sun and water, avoiding dry skin and excessive sunbathing.

Psychotherapeutic effect

People with upset nerves and an unbalanced psyche, after a holiday at sea, become calmer and healthier. The sea is an ocean of positivity; watching the surface of the water and listening to the sound of the surf, a person relaxes, experiencing peace and feeling harmony with nature. Pictures of dawn or sunset, when the sun merges with the horizon, the lunar path on the surface of the water, relieve us of aggression and make us calmer and kinder. And the delight that we experience while frolicking in the sea waves brings us a whole range of positive emotions, the benefits of which are difficult to list.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of relaxing at sea! A couple of weeks on the seashore can restore strength and health, and give a charge of vigor for the whole year. After all, the best vacation is a vacation at sea.

A good vacation should not only be pleasant, but also beneficial for the soul and body. Of course, you can spend the weekend at home in front of the TV or computer, but, you see, this is not the same at all. After all, only a real, pre-planned vacation can help you take a break from everyday work, get truly vivid emotions and impressions, and restore strength to the whole family.

How to rest properly

Modern man has very little time for rest, because everyone is busy with work, and only once a year does he have the opportunity to gain strength and relax. Therefore, you need to plan your time so that you can spend your vacation effectively and improve your health, and then go to work in excellent condition and with high spirits.
However, it is often very difficult for a person to switch from everyday work to the world of entertainment and pleasure, and therefore many simply cannot plan their vacation. And improper rest excludes any benefit. Therefore, a person needs the right well-planned rest that will bring health benefits.

Basic rules for a good holiday

In order to get the most out of your vacation, you must first tune in to it, switch from everyday work and find a wave of relaxation. So, first of all, you need to arrange “intermediate” days, both before the start of rest and before work. Such days are necessary as an adaptation period, because starting a vacation right away with active fun or an extreme form of entertainment can be a strain on the body. And before starting work after rest, you also need days like this to get back into working order. You need to determine the number of adaptation days yourself, as this is individual.

What type of rest should you choose and how to rest correctly.

If you have a sedentary job, you spend all your time at the computer, or your work requires mental stress, then you need active rest. For example, you can play paintball or take part in sports competitions, go hiking or skydive. This will perfectly invigorate your body, body and spirit - so you can feel benefits of active recreation. But if, on the contrary, at work you are constantly on the move and physically stressed, then you need a passive form of rest to relieve stress. To do this, you can visit spa centers where you can order a relaxing massage, go to the solarium and swim in the pool.

People who are constantly in the city need to spend at least part of their vacation in nature, in a country house or village, where they can replenish their vitamin supply by eating fresh berries. But, if you do not have the opportunity to relax outside the city, then you can organize picnic with games and entertainment. Of course, relaxing in the fresh air, sun and sea is the best thing you can think of. After all, this way you can replenish your energy and strength for the whole year. The sun's rays will relieve you of depression, and sea water will harden your body - that's what it is benefits of seaside holidays.

How can you spend your weekend? A few ideas for relaxation with health benefits:

A one-day trip to the mountains is a great idea for a shared holiday with friends and relatives. It is not necessary to take climbing equipment with you, just put on comfortable light shoes, take hot tea in a thermos, snacks and go on a short hike in the mountains, which will really be beneficial for your entire body, because clean mountain air perfectly improves blood circulation and improves your mood.

If you don’t really like long walks, you can arrange a bike ride for yourself and your family. To do this, you first need to think carefully about the route and it is advisable to avoid busy roads. To avoid going too far outside the city limits, you can try out the cycling routes of your nearest park. Before you go on a walk of this kind, you need to follow all safety rules: wear a bicycle helmet, knee and elbow pads, apply water, and take a supply of drinking water with you.

Communication with smart and kind animals in the fresh air, physical activity, mastering horse riding skills - and these are not all the benefits of horseback riding. Elderly people and small children will enjoy a ride in an open carriage. So everyone will be in the saddle, literally and figuratively!

Such weekends are best spent outside the city, with a bathhouse or sauna, horse riding lessons, excursions to remarkable surrounding places and an entertainment program for children and adults, barbecues or food cooked in a Russian oven, and other wellness treatments.

If you need to relax well after hard days at work, then you can relax by taking a walk by the river or lake. After all, it is one of the best antidepressants and relaxants.

Experts say that the smooth movements of the waves help to quickly get rid of fatigue and nervous tension, reorganizing the brain for the same smooth functioning.

After a hard day at work, the body cries out for physical and emotional recharging. And yoga classes in nature are perfect for this. For such classes it is not at all necessary to go somewhere far from your home; you can simply find the nearest park, a beautiful clearing and do yoga in the open air. A few minutes of yoga in the fresh air can charge you with energy for the whole day and get rid of accumulated stress.

At absolutely any age, water procedures bring benefits to our health and tone, because swimming strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems, and also helps maintain normal health, slows down, relieves stress and gives a boost of energy. Physical activity in water is less tiring for the body, after which you will not feel pain and fatigue in your muscles. It is enough to swim twice a week for 30–40 minutes to feel a surge of strength, pleasant lightness and freedom of movement after a month or two.

Most people prefer to spend their weekends going to the cinema with friends and family. And this is right, because it allows you to escape from everyday affairs and worries. Regardless of the chosen genre of film, it is easy for film fans to plunge into the atmosphere of romance, thrills and simply celebration. And how nice it is after the movie to go with the children to playgrounds or with friends to a cafe or bowling alley.

Home master class

You can have a great weekend at home. Anything that interests you and your loved ones can become the topic of a master class. What have you been wanting to do for a long time? Fashionable collective hobbies today include mastering Italian cuisine, creating handmade soaps or candles, modeling souvenirs from polymer clay, decorating furniture, and training pets.

Game is game, but during these classes all participants, again regardless of age, learn valuable teamwork skills, gain useful knowledge, and “forget” about stress, worries and possible ailments. Hobbies are not such a frivolous matter, because hobbies “for the soul” significantly increase a person’s self-esteem and quality of life.

We all know what for health you need to lead an active lifestyle, eat right, sleep at least 7 hours every day and give up bad habits. However, few of us exercise regularly, follow a diet, get enough sleep and eat exclusively healthy foods. According to statistics, more than half of our compatriots, even on vacation, cannot afford proper rest, continuing to solve problems related to family and work.

Modern man has forgotten how to properly rest. Many of us are even more tired on vacation than at work. The trouble is that each of us has been looking forward to it for a whole year and hopes that he will finally be able to forget all the problems and troubles. But when the days of the long-awaited vacation come, the monotony of everyday life and the daily bustle prevent us from being distracted and freed from accumulated fatigue. As a result, stress, depression, malaise, irritability and dissatisfaction with life appear. Meanwhile, in order to feel happy and cheerful, you don’t need to arrange your life in pursuit of money and career heights; it is very important to forget about problems at least during vacation and learn to relax with maximum health benefits.

Today many people are busy with mental labor. They spend whole days in the office, sitting motionless in front of the computer. The results of a sedentary lifestyle are known to everyone; these are congestion in the pelvic area and varicose veins, leading to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. People who have to spend a lot of time sitting at work will greatly benefit from active pastime during vacation. Active recreation will bring maximum health benefits; it will not only allow you to take your mind off problems and gain new experiences, but also strengthen your immune system and prevent the development of all diseases.

The most popular type of active recreation are hiking trips. Over the course of a year, you can save up enough money to afford to take care of your physical and mental health. Visit some unique place with an unforgettable experience, admire the beauty of nature and return home happy. Having rested once at a camp site, in the future tourism will become a part of your life, and on your next vacation you will definitely make another tourist trip. After all, traveling is always interesting, hiking quickly captivates and captivates.

Holidays at a camp site will bring great benefits health. Even if you do not have any diseases, living in a camp site located in a pine forest or mountains, where the trees emit phytoncides and the crystal air is clean and fresh, will only benefit everyone. Rest in a soothing and relaxing environment is necessary for every city dweller. In the camp site, the sound of leaves caresses your ears, and the variety of colors of nature gives rest to your eyes. Each tourist center has its own way of welcoming and organizing tourists’ recreation.

In one camp site you can relax with a fishing rod reservoirs, in another - to go hiking in the mountains, and in the third - to ride a kayak, catamaran, yacht and other boats. In recent years, most travel companies have begun to offer bicycle tours in our country and a number of foreign countries. All types of recreation will give participants many interesting experiences, a sea of ​​adrenaline and thrills.

Real rest is not passive pastime on the sofa with the TV remote control and a pack of chips. It is very important to overcome your laziness and go on a trip to. During your vacation, you should engage in sports, swimming, fitness and other types of physical activities. The camp site specialists are always ready to help you with choosing a sports program, taking into account your age, desires and hobbies. Every vacationer can choose something they like, which will help them take their minds off their thoughts and forget about their problems. After all, it is impossible to constantly feel like a “cornered horse”, without resting even on vacation and without being distracted from the everyday hustle and bustle. After returning from a trip, you will immediately notice how the sparkle appears in your eyes and the blush on your cheeks, how your attitude towards life and the people around you changes. You need to do everything for your own benefit, find time for proper rest, tourism and practicing your hobbies. Only then will the world sparkle around you with all its colors, and people will be surprised by your optimism.

To wellness Effect vacation does not disappear quickly, after returning home, take short trips on weekends. Go with your family for a picnic in the forest, go hiking, skiing, cycling or on a boat. Use every outdoor activity as an opportunity to maximize your health benefits.

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A trip to a health resort is akin to a second birth: here a person is cleansed, gains health, sleeps and rests to the fullest. Fortunately, the choice of such boarding houses and sanatoriums is extremely large: you can always find the best option. So all that remains is to pack your bags and set off on a journey through this fertile land.

“What a fertile land,” this thought sounded in my head while driving from the airport to boarding house "Lake of Dreams"(Evpatoria).

The boarding house has a special location: from three sides - from the sea, from the steppes and from Lake Moinak - air currents come in, saturated with the aroma of the sea, the smells of the steppes and the lake, which has a very good effect on the sleep and health of vacationers.

Boarding house "Lake of Dreams". Photo: / Sergey Kibets

The building of the boarding house, its rooms (“standard”, “junior suite” and “luxury”) and the small well-kept area make a very good impression, creating a feeling of home comfort. In the cozy hall, guests were entertained by a talking parrot. I have pleasant memories from the restaurant with a summer terrace, and the breakfast accompanied by live piano music was completely unexpected. Very attentive and responsive staff - no complaints.

On the basis of the boarding house, the Ocean of Storms medical center was created with modern equipment, a medical license, the necessary certificates and permits. Medical services are provided only after examination by a doctor and in the presence of a sanatorium-resort card, and for children a certificate of epidemiological conditions is required. The center specializes in balneotherapy. There is mud therapy with Saki mud, healing showers, a bath section, and various types of massage. Services are provided not only to visitors to the boarding house, but also to outsiders. We were able to test two services: a contactless massage and a session in a speleo- and halo-chamber (“salt cave”).

The next point on the route was "Sports Center "Evolution", whose services can also be used by people with disabilities. On the territory of the center there is a sports and recreation complex with rooms and exercise equipment. The center provides numerous medical services. The “oxygen cocktail” service was tested. Children's sports teams and Paralympians train in the center's pools (outdoor and indoor). The center has several buildings, its own sandy beach, an internal lake, a helipad and several parking lots.

Located in Yevpatoria sanatorium "Iskra", founded in 1944 and designed for year-round treatment and recreation for children alone and accompanied by their parents. The main profile of the institution is psychoneurological diseases of children with cerebral palsy, treatment of children with problems of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, assistance is provided to children with problems of the nervous system, with the consequences of injuries and diseases of the brain, and with problems of the upper respiratory tract. Modern techniques and equipment are used to treat children. There are two speech therapists and two psychologists. There is also an additional education room where children are taught basic skills: how to hold a spoon, etc. Children are treated in the following rooms: climatotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, mud therapy (applications), acupuncture, aromatherapy and exercise therapy.

Several dormitory buildings of the sanatorium allow you to accommodate children undergoing treatment and rest, either independently or accompanied by their parents. Guests must have access to them 24 hours a day. The treatment cycle is 21 days. The sanatorium has a teaching license. There is its own school from first to ninth grade.

A well-maintained protected area, designed for children of all ages, with fifty CCTV cameras. And your own beach allows you to get complete treatment and relaxation.

This year, an agreement was concluded with the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection.

The sanatorium is the main scientific base of the Research Institute of Children's Balneology, Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation.

Sanatorium "Oren-Crimea" celebrated its thirtieth anniversary this year. During this time, 170,000 people had a rest. He built the Orenburg Gazprom sanatorium. The sanatorium is designed for 550 people with a staff of 286 people. About 112 procedures are performed simultaneously. Four dining rooms with custom menus and waiters, which makes you feel more comfortable than at a buffet. Four meals a day are provided. The sanatorium has two territories and its own beach.

The sanatorium provides spa treatment of the musculoskeletal system using massage, bath procedures, wraps and rubbing. The sanatorium also treats diseases of the respiratory system, ENT organs, gynecological diseases, diseases of the digestive system and endocrine system, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Treatment is carried out with Saki mud. The classrooms are equipped with modern equipment. There is a swimming pool, children's and sports grounds, and a cafeteria. This year more than 150 children had a rest.

Sanatorium "Saki" in Crimea dates back to the end of the 19th century and is one of the first mud baths in Russia. The scientific study of Saki mud began in 1807.

Saki mud is mined at the Hydrogeological Operational Station, which was established in 1926 as an observation post. The station is a state enterprise and is engaged in monitoring, research and extraction of mud and brine. There are three licenses: for the extraction of mud, the extraction of brine and mineral water. The station provides Saki mud to all sanatoriums in Crimea (more than 80) and partly in mainland Russia, and produces balneocosmetic preparations based on Saki mud. Highly specialized scientific activities are being carried out to study Saki mud and brine with a view to their further use. The Saki field is unique: it is the only artificially regulated field in the post-Soviet space.

In 2007, the bicentenary of Crimean balneology using Saki mud was celebrated. This was the first natural factor used for treatment in Crimea. 20 years later the first doctor was sent here Sergei Nikolaevich Auger, who began researching Saki mud: what can be treated and how. He developed the first instructions for using Saki medicinal mud to treat certain types of diseases. It has now been established that more than 100 diseases can be treated with Saki mud: from joint diseases to diseases of internal organs. The treatment is based on the complex effect of the mineral factor (the mineral composition of the mud), the thermal factor (because the mud is used warm) and the third factor, biochemical (chemical elements that penetrate the skin and affect the immune system, various physiological systems of the body). humans, stimulate this action and thereby accelerate the healing process of the human body). Treatment with Dead Sea mud is limited to 5-6 diseases (mainly joints). Dead Sea mud is used for external use and mainly for the treatment of concomitant diseases that arise from skin diseases. Mud therapy with Dead Sea mud specializes in two factors: heliotherapy (the spectrum of ultraviolet rays is extended, which has a healing effect on the human body, plus fine dispersion during evaporation from the surface of the Dead Sea allows the sun's rays to dissipate and prevent burns), and Dead Sea water is used as a concomitant healing factor sea ​​and mud in the form of applications. Saki mud has a higher biological component of mud. Many years of experience in using Saki mud is confirmed by medical practice and statistics. There are some diseases for which the use of mud is contraindicated, because it can provoke a relapse. In addition, there are mud-based preparations that are more gentle on the human body, including the elderly and children.

The sanatorium uses unique gas-mud baths for treatment: therapeutic mud is diluted with native brine and sulfuric acid is added. This solution reacts with sulfuric acid, and hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are released. And the patient is in a three-layer environment: gas, solution and then dirt.

Mud therapy can be used for health purposes, the body is strengthened, and for a year after a cycle of procedures there is practically no need to visit pharmacies. A lot of young people, practically healthy, come to us, and they tell us with gratitude about their recovery.

The sanatorium is private, and it is constantly developing, because people want not only to be treated with mud, but also to improve their health, relax, and live. A new facility was created that includes a pool with mineral water, which is diluted with ordinary water so that the concentration is not like that of medicinal water, in which you can stay for no more than 30-40 minutes, and you can stay and swim as long as you like. Various events are held here, there is a restaurant, a sauna, it is a multifunctional facility that is difficult to leave. Next to the pool there is an unusual object: the visiting card of the resort, a monument to the Brontosaurus. The monument is unique, because it was erected in 1937, when monuments to workers and peasants were erected, Lenin and other outstanding people. This monument is a symbol of the antiquity of the resort. This is the second version of the monument. The first one suffered during the Great Patriotic War. The monument is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Saki.

The sanatorium has a very diverse number of rooms: from the simplest “economy” to themed rooms (“family”, “comfort plus”). The room price includes accommodation, four meals a day and treatment. There is a dining room and entertainment center on site. Animators work, there is a library. Each group of vacationers has its own approach, psychologists work.

Photo: / Sergey Kibets

Saki Military Clinical Sanatorium named after. N. I. Pirogova- the oldest military health resort, it is located in the resort area of ​​the resort town of Saki on the territory of an ancient arboretum. The territory of the health resort (22 hectares) borders on three lakes - salty (a source of therapeutic mud and brine), fresh and buffer - being a 24-hour natural inhalation center and aerarium.

The sanatorium was founded in 1837 to treat soldiers wounded in battle using balneo and mud treatments. Over the course of 180 years, the sanatorium has undergone changes, and now there are about 96 buildings on the territory. The sanatorium operates in three main areas: sanatorium-resort care, medical rehabilitation and medical-sociological rehabilitation for military personnel, for a contingent of flight and sailing personnel who conducted operations outside the Russian Federation. For the convenience of patients, the main nine-story building is connected by a covered, warm passage to the medical building.

Since 2016, the sanatorium has been introducing an integrated quality system, which will later be extended to all sanatoriums, because now in Russia and, in particular, in Crimea, hospitality and quality lag behind the standards. With the help of internal audits, situations are analyzed and optimal solutions are found to ultimately comply with Russian and, in the future, international standards. It is planned to use the sanatorium as a training center for training employees of other sanatoriums. With the help of experts, standard procedures are determined so that there is no dependence on the human factor - standards of behavior, standards of care, etc. - and all employees of the sanatorium participate in this process. Innovative equipment, innovative technologies and innovative methods of managing the sanatorium are being introduced. The sanatorium has its own television studio, and on the health resort’s website there are numerous films of an advertising and informational nature.

The Saki military clinical sanatorium has a wide range of therapeutic technologies, including innovative ones, using the unique natural healing factors of the city of Saki, and is rightfully a sanatorium of natural rehabilitation medicine with the most modern equipment.

The sanatorium has its own source of mineral water, which patients take as prescribed by the doctor.

Rooms: “standard”, “junior suite”, “luxury”.

Sanatorium "Ai-Petri" is located on the southern coast of Crimea, in the village of Koreiz at the foot of Mount Ai-Petri, and includes two buildings for vacationers for seven hundred people at a time. Cypress trees, fragrant acacia, and Italian pine grow around the buildings. On the territory there is a bath complex, a swimming pool, a restaurant and a pump room with mineral water.

The number of rooms ranges from “first category rooms” to “suites” and “apartments”. The buildings are located almost on the shore, and in their rooms vacationers can hear the sound of the surf. In the morning, a delightful and unique sunrise is visible from the windows. The private beach provides guests with excellent opportunities for varied recreation and is divided into three separate areas. The first zone is for active recreation (water activities: boats, banana boats, ATVs, water skis, bicycles, boat trips, etc.). For lovers of extreme entertainment - paragliding, diving, spearfishing. The second zone is the largest. There is a bar where you can have a snack and billiards. The third area with small pebbles is for children, it is equipped with a playground and numerous sandboxes.

Beach of the sanatorium "Ai-Petri". Photo: / Sergey Kibets

For vacationers there is a multifunctional sports ground with artificial grass and a ground surface. There is paid guarded parking.

The sanatorium specializes in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. A modern medical base with diagnostic and treatment rooms allows us to provide a wide range of medical procedures. Wellness treatments are available every day.

The sanatorium provides its guests with four meals a day (rational, commercial, restaurant) on a buffet basis.

VIP hotel Palmira Palace 4* located on one of the most fashionable areas of the southern coast of Crimea, on the territory of a former estate princes of the Romanovs. The complex fits into the landscape as much as possible. Travel agencies rightly call the Palmira Palace hotel a leader in creating a new group of premium holiday tourism products. The hotel was originally a family-type resort, people came here to relax and recuperate. The second area that always attracts guests is holding events and business conferences of various types and sizes. There are halls for 50 people, 200 people, there are small venues, and hotel restaurants allow you to host various events.

The most actively developing area is recreation and wellness. There is a separate sanatorium-resort license. For vacationers there are two outdoor and one indoor swimming pools with sea water at a constant temperature. The water is changed every three months. Fresh water children's pool.

For children there is a children's club with permanent animators who work all year round. The hotel's own beach has the status of a healing beach.

The hotel consists of many different complexes that allow you to combine business and pleasure, relax with children and conduct business negotiations, have fun in a noisy company and retire to quiet, cozy corners.

The number of rooms is designed for different levels of guests: “standard”, “suite”, “luxury apartments” (suite “Paris”, apartments “Brussels”, apartments “Milan”, apartments “New York”) and apartments “Sleep by the Sea” . Each room has a place for children.

The hotel has a unique medical and SPA center that offers programs to restore strength and health at any time of the year. Some programs and procedures are unique (with corresponding costs). The hotel is the only hotel on the South Coast with a selenium chamber with sylvinite, which is extremely effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma in children.

Medical programs at the Palmira Medical resort clinic are designed for treatment and wellness in the following areas: pulmonology, gynecology, general health, orthopedics and traumatology. The hotel offers free emergency care with free medications.

There are no small details for Palmira Palace, because it is the little things that create the atmosphere.

Park Hotel Porto Mare is located on the southern coast of Crimea in Alushta.

In 1961, the International Youth Recreation Center “Yunost” was built, which after reconstruction turned into the Porto Mare 4* park hotel. The hotel, with 24-hour security, has all the conditions for a holiday with children of any age, including babies from birth.

The magnificent hotel park was laid out in 1962 and is designed in the French style, which gradually turned into a landscape one.

Park Hotel "Porto Mare". Photo: / Sergey Kibets

Hotel room capacity - 76 hotel rooms and 82 apartment hotel rooms - categories "standard", "standard+", "junior suite", "suite", "studio", "studio+", "family", "luxury apartments" and "super deluxe" All rooms have balconies.

The principle of the hotel: while relaxing with children, you can relax yourself. The hotel provides free bulky accessories for families with children (cribs, strollers, potties, playpens, bathtubs, changing tables, bottle sterilizers) and even a video baby monitor.

24-hour medical support is provided due to the fact that there is a nurse on site and pediatricians live on site. There is its own mini-pharmacy.

To ensure adequate nutrition (buffet), agreements have been concluded with all farms for the purchase of natural Crimean products.

A special children's buffet line has been made for children, which even includes food for infants. If necessary, a personal table can be prepared for the child to eliminate food allergies, and gluten-free meals can also be organized.

A special kitchen was made for mothers so that they could cook for their child on their own: equipment and any products are provided.

We have our own mini-sausage workshop for making sausages using classical technologies.

On the territory for guests there is a hookah area and a place for preparing shish kebabs with the provision of food and skewers with a barbecue, a grill bar, and smoking areas are also provided.

There are three swimming pools on site: heated for children, sports and entertainment.

There is a petting zoo; swans and ducks live on the internal lake with waterfalls. Children can ride a pony or donkey, and roosters wake up guests in the morning.

On a special playground for children, electric scooters, hoverboards, electric cars, children's bicycles, roller skates, cars are provided free of charge, and at the same time, on a playground with a real traffic light, children can learn the rules of the road.

For children over 12 years old, a teenage club is open for a location without adults; children gather on their own and in each room they are divided by interests and ages. There are two quest rooms, a billiard room, a room for playing Mafia, air hockey, board games, a virtual reality room and its own mini-recording studio. There is a shooting range and a platform for laser battles.

Children in wealthy families grow up refined, and a tent camp is made for them with army tents and bunk beds. For two weeks, children prepare for a two-day hike in the mountains to a mountain lake.

There is a children's room with a Center for Development of Abilities, a branch of the Solar Circle Children's Academy of Sciences, where each child acquires new skills. The Montesorri method is also used.

The beach is three-tiered pebble. A thirty-meter sandy area with a huge sandbox in the shade was created for children. The beach has a sewerage system with a biological treatment system.

The hotel has implemented a program of cleansing the body at the cellular level (detox) and opened the first clinic of Dr. Hynnenen, who developed in Russia and studied the best methods of cleansing the body in Europe.

For guests with spinal problems, the “Healthy Spine” program has been developed: a set of procedures according to the traction therapy program using the “Triton” computer table, which allows non-surgical treatment of spinal diseases in children and adults, including herniated intervertebral discs.

Thus, we can say with confidence that the Porto Mare Park Hotel is a cozy haven!

Every living creature needs rest - man, animal and even the earth. This is how Nature intended. The plant and animal kingdoms rest at the right time. The Bible says that even God rested on the seventh day after the creation of the world. However, people often think that they can do without it. We rush through life with leaps and bounds, not thinking that it’s time to slow down and stop, at least for a minute. We don’t have time to admire the sunset on a summer evening, breathe in the aroma of cherry blossoms, or listen to the chorus of bird voices.

Have you noticed that in our age, when so many time-saving devices have appeared - telephones, faxes, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers and dryers - people still do not have enough time? People seem to be in a hurry like never before. The stress of one day usually carries over into the next day, and the next... and the next. This is why many people tend to get so tired during the day and suffer from chronic fatigue and chronic illnesses. I was just like these people - constantly tired and suffering from constant stress. Fortunately, I caught it in time. It was still possible to fix everything. I learned to rest and relax. As a result, my condition changed dramatically. All past symptoms disappeared and my blood pressure returned to its previous levels in just a few weeks. Sounds incredible!

Adequate physical and mental rest is extremely important for well-being. Scientific studies have found that physical and mental relaxation reduces your body's need for oxygen by 50 percent, relieves stress on the heart by 30 percent, and lowers blood pressure. Deep relaxation also reduces the level of lactic acid aldehydes in the blood, which are caused by anxiety, neurosis and high blood pressure. Research has also demonstrated that rest synchronizes the brain's electromagnetic waves, improves reaction time, and improves both short-term and long-term memory. People who have the opportunity to rest sleep better, have more physical energy and better health. Is it worth saying that rest helps improve relationships in the family and in society, relieving irritability? There is no doubt that rest and the ability to relax improve your health and life.

First of all, you must learn to give your brain a rest. Every day we should take time for contemplation and meditation. Most people cannot work productively for more than one hour without taking a break. Concentration begins to weaken, and long work without rest ceases to bring the desired results. While working, it is necessary to take regular short breaks.

Employers will find that their employees will work more focusedly and make fewer mistakes if they are allowed to take regular short breaks during the workday. Ten-minute breaks have a beneficial effect not only on your health, but also on the quality of your work. It is necessary to rest your tired bones and restless mind. It's a little holiday for your brain, calming your nerves and filling you with energy.

Just because you sleep a lot doesn't mean you're well-rested. Sleep is very important, most people need six or eight hours of sleep every night, but true rest requires peace, otherwise your mind will continue to worry even while you sleep. Most people worry about little things, and this saps their energy and robs them of their rest.

There is a simple formula on how to stop worrying and develop a peaceful attitude towards life.

It consists of two principles. First principle: Don't worry about the little things in life. And the second principle: Remember that everything in life is just little things. We must learn to take things less seriously. And when we feel stressed or desperate, we should ask ourselves:

Will this matter to us in ten years? If it doesn’t, then it’s definitely a small thing, and therefore you shouldn’t waste time worrying about it. In order to give rest to our mind and body, we must live only for today. Jesus said, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Not yesterday and not tomorrow, but only today. We must learn to live only for today. We will not be able to rest if we are constantly ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. Another important thing that gives us confidence that we are getting enough rest is the ability to devote every seventh day to complete rest. On this day we must forget about all official troubles, bills and worries. Dedicate every seventh day to your family, enjoy life and relieve stress. Just one day a week. It seems so simple, but it is very important. All the great religions of the world talk about the seventh day - the day of rest. Obviously, God gave us Sunday so that we remember that it is time to stop, contemplate life and relax. It is a sanctuary where we can find peace in ourselves and in the world.

The secret of True Health is the power of rest and relaxation.

True Health is impossible if the brain and body do not rest.