Nina's name day according to the church calendar - health, character, family and career. Nina's name day, congratulations to Nina Cool congratulations to Nina

For today's celebration, in honor of your name day, I prepared thoroughly. And even Nina came up with his own Congratulations for you. Let your life shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Let relatives never upset you, but give only bright moments. For my part, I want to wish you health and material well-being in order to achieve your goals.

Dear, today is your name day, so this day is special not only for you, but also for me. Nina, with your unearthly beauty, you will outshine any, even the brightest star. You are our pride. I am ready to carry you in my arms all my life. I have already told you many times about my love, but I will not tire of repeating this. After all, a woman like you can only admire.

My mother's name is Nina
I want to hug her.
She has a holiday today
And I have a shiny bow.
You have a birthday
All your friends know.
There is a beautiful cake on the table
Very tasty, top quality.
I know firsthand
You believe me, brother,
We know mom for a long time,
Dad is with us.
Let's congratulate together
Happiness, joy to wish!
Stay young
Mom, we are always with you.

Today is your holiday, today is your name day,
We sit together at the table and praise Nina.
Without you, my love, I can't live a day
As always, my heart flutters.
Nina, how glad I am that you are my wife,
I love you so much and you love me.
There will be a happy life, believe me with you,
We will open the door to the future.
Everything is in bright colors, it will suddenly shine.
Happiness, mercy and joy will be around here.

Nina, I have known you since childhood, because I am your sister. We have always been very close to you. They shared sorrow and joy. I would like it to be like this for the rest of my life. My beloved sister, on your birthday, I want to wish you harmony in family relationships, love and more joyful days.

Today is the birthday of my beloved,
I want to remember all the past
Especially the gold ring.
Since then, many years have passed
Together we met the dawn.
Ninulya is with you, do you remember
How I confessed my love
I read wonderful poetry.
And you were so good
What my soul sang.
It's not boring with you so far
I'm glad you didn't fight me back.
Then by the river in the moonlight, by the stump,
You agreed to marry me.

Dear, dear Nina. How glad I am to congratulate you on this holiday. Birthday is a special day, it is today that all dreams and wishes come true. Therefore, I wish you all the very best. But the main thing is good health, thanks to which you can achieve success in life.

Today is the birthday of a wonderful woman, our dear and beloved Nina. In your life, Nina, there is always a lot of fun and joy. This is what makes you different from others. That is why we love and appreciate you. Wherever you appear, it becomes warm and cozy. Thanks to your character, you easily make friends with people who immediately accept you as one of their own. Stay the same and never change!

Nina, Ninochka, Ninulya,
Wow, you are my beauty.
I have always loved you
I dedicated my life to you.
I don't need you without you
Even fish, flounder!
I forgot about everything in the world
I don't need fishing
My life is so full.
I'm talking about hunting
I don't want to play football.
After all, you are with me in life,
I give you flowers.
On my name day, dear,
Congratulations, best wishes
I will give you a bouquet
And a box of chocolates.

Today is the name day, at Mommy Nina,
I want to wish you, happiness, joy in fate.
Once upon a time best friend became me.
For this I am grateful to you.
After all, there is no one closer to mom,
You can ask anyone about this.
Every child agrees with me
For this mother Nina, I am very grateful.
Thank you my mom
For all that you have done for me.
My dear, dear
Stay always young!
Hold my beloved mommy,
Huge congratulations from the whole family.

Congratulations on Nina's birthday,
May your share be beautiful
Good luck let you go
Let there be enough strength for everything.
We wish you prosperity, health,
Be surrounded by care and love,
God bless you,
And always in a great mood.

Dear Nina, happy angel day to you,
May fate be kind
Let the dream come true without fail
In your personal life, let everything be fine.
Let doubts go away forever
Let the bright star light the way
Be loved and desired
Forget about all the sorrows forever.

Today is Nina's birthday
Be happy everyone
Like a scarlet rose let life bloom
Let every day be a pleasant surprise.
May health never fail
Let the dream always come true
Let joy in the house settle forever,
Drink the beauty of life to the bottom.

Congratulations to all Nin today from the bottom of our hearts,
Ninochki, you are so insanely good,
We wish you to continue to flourish,
Never be sad or discouraged.
In everything, good luck to you, patience,
And always in a great mood
Be loved, always desired
May the Lord keep you from troubles and evil.

Dear Nina, congratulations,
Today is your name day
Get only admiration from the holiday,
May life be more beautiful every day.
All the best to you, happiness and kindness,
To be lucky in everything, always,
Hold luck by the tail,
Be loved and love.

Congratulations on Nina's name day from the bottom of our hearts,
Always be under the wing of fate
Let happiness not pass by
May luck find you everywhere.
I wish you all the best, good,
So that life is like a fairy tale,
To be respected, appreciated,
To love sincerely.

A wonderful holiday - Nina's name day,
Day of fun, celebration,
Be always lucky and happy
May fate generously reward you in full.
Always be in great shape
Let the good angel keep from troubles and evil,
Good health to you, well-being,
And all the very best.

Today Nina celebrate name day,
This is a holiday of happiness and kindness,
May your share be happy
Good luck always smile.
Let every day turn into a holiday
Let good luck rush to you on wings,
Let love inspire
Let there be enough strength for everything.

Today is the name day, at the beauty, at Nina.
Happy Angel Day, dear, I congratulate you!
Let there be only laughter and fun in the soul,
And in life always, luck, luck.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
And they will not overshadow, no matter what and never!

Nina is now a holy day,
We sincerely wish
To live well
Grief you did not know.

To be respected by grandchildren
And the children loved
And to be the best Nina
You are in the white world.

I congratulate you on St. Nina's Day and sincerely wish you health, happiness and smiles, prosperity, joy, kindness, good luck, beauty, harmony, a good life, loving close people in it and wonderful friends. And let every day shine with rays of inspiration, hope and love!

Nina's day is coming -
Holy intercessor day.
Let him, Nina, give you
Health, happiness and peace.
Let children bring joy
Let love live in the house
Let there always be luck
And peace will come!

Nina is now Saint's Day,
Congratulations to Nina
Happiness, joy to you
We wish you many years.

To happiness forever
Settled in the house.
The heart knew that "always",
And did not know "except".

Young, blossom with your soul,
Let him not know falsehood
And such a beautiful
Be the same as before.

Happy Christian holiday of Saint and pure Nina
We hasten to congratulate you with wishes.
Arrive in peace, be kept by the Lord,
Let all your sorrows melt like smoke.

We wish you love, kindness and prosperity,
May all bans be lifted forever.
Health, happiness to you, warmth and understanding,
May success always accompany you in business.

Nina, I congratulate you
With your name day.
On this day I wish you
Live with good intentions.

mood, health,
And, of course, love.
And good luck to you
On a long journey!

Nina - Saint heals from troubles!
She helps everyone in business.
Let the vine heal
Happiness and joy will promise you all.

You will all be calm, lucky with Nina,
Let all your tasks be resolved in an instant.
Believe - diseases will recede from you.
With Nina's name of strength, you have a reserve!

Happy Saint Nina's Day
I heartily congratulate you.
patronage of heaven
I wish you in your endeavors.

Faith strong, indestructible,
Bright and great hope,
Faithful, devoted love,
Don't give up like before.

May it always help you
On the way, your Holy
Makes your world kinder
Brighter, happier and more beautiful.

On Saint Nina's Day
I wish you -
Let life be wonderful
Drowning in love!

Luck let
Helps on the road
And life path
Brings a lot of joy!

Your name has
Saint patroness.
Her name is also Nina
And occasionally remember.

May grace accompany
Always on your way
To not know sorrows
And in the fate of the accursed adversities.

The imperious female name is of royal origin, in ancient times this name was called female royals, which is why it is translated from the Assyrian name as “lady”. In all countries, this name is pronounced as, except for Georgia, where it is still common under the name Nino. And in Finland it is pronounced as Niina.

A diminutive and affectionate form of the name: Ninechka, Nyusya, Nin, Ninulka, Ninochka, Ninusya, Ninulechka, Ninusha, Nyusechka.

In the year celebrates the day of the Angel three times:

  • January 27th.
  • May 14.
  • November 19th.

Saints named Nina

Nina's patron saints:

  • . Reverend. Honored January 27th. She spread the Christian faith throughout Georgia in the early 300s. She is the patroness of Georgia.
  • Kuznetsova. Honored May 14th. Born into a religious family. After her parents were arrested in 1932, Nina was paralyzed due to nerves. But she did not stop praying and spreading the Christian faith, after which she was arrested in 1937 for this and repressed in a labor camp, where she died a year later.
  • Shuvalov. Honored November 19th. She was born into a simple peasant family. She went to the monastery, where she lived until 1917, until the revolutionaries closed it. In 1937 she was arrested and shot.


Depending on the year of birth, Nina's character is different:

Winter - Decisive, purposeful, uncompromising, firm.

Spring - Selfish, wayward, extraordinary, cunning.

Summer - Secretive, unsociable, vindictive, loner.

Autumn - Cheerful, positive, friendly, attentive.


Little Ninochka, just starting to walk, begins to explore the world, she is interested in everything, she wants to touch things, taste them, her parents should look after her at first. Easily converges with other children, both younger and older, enjoys playing various outdoor games with them. He has an excellent imagination, can invent fairy tales, new games, easily finds a way out of non-standard situations. Already at a young age, Ninochka has creative talents, loves to make everything with her own hands. She behaves obediently with parents and adults, they almost never scold her, knowing that they can always negotiate with her.

By school age, Nina develops perseverance and responsibility, thanks to which she easily acquires knowledge and is in good standing with teachers, who often set Nina as an example to other classmates. In adolescence, under the influence of hormones, it becomes vulnerable, it is very easy to terminate it, offend, hurt. He tries to hide this new character trait from others behind a mask of arrogance. Despite this, there are always a lot of friends around Nina, but there are also enough envious people. He does not like to listen to other people's advice and opinions, preferring to learn from his own mistakes. To other people's success is a little painful, often envious.

It is difficult to argue with an adult Nina, she will insist on her own until the very end, even if she is wrong. In companies, she does not strive for leadership, for which her friends love and respect, tolerating her penchant for moralizing. With an interlocutor, she can support almost any topic, even one that she does not understand, in this case she will simply listen, agree with the opinion. He does not like conflict situations, preferring to extinguish them in the bud. In the hairstyle, almost all Ninas prefer short hair because they are easier to care for. It does not tolerate the society of weak and cowardly people, but it will always protect an unjustly offended person.


Almost all Ninas have a tendency to be overweight since childhood, they should monitor their diet, not overeat, it is advisable to play sports. In adulthood, she often suffers from migraine, is dependent on magnetic storms.


Nina has a penchant for the exact sciences, thanks to which she will be able to reach heights in science, economics, and banking. He performs any work scrupulously, checking and double-checking the data. The authorities know that she can be entrusted with the most responsible work, which she will perform with high quality and on time. From the profession she will choose one that is well paid, as she strives to become financially independent from both her parents and her husband. In a difficult situation, he will not turn to colleagues for help, preferring to solve the problem on his own. The boss from Nina will come out very strict and demanding, who will be afraid and respected by her subordinates.


Rational Nina has very few romance novels in her piggy bank. She is equally friendly with men, but rarely lets them near her. Sex is indifferent. She will go on a date only with the man she likes very much, with whom she falls head over heels in love. On the first and second dates, she will not agree to sex, preferring to stretch the candy-bouquet period in order to understand whether the boyfriend is worthy of her. , falling in love with her man, may not notice that he has fallen out of love with her and is walking on the side. Parting at the initiative of a man perceives as a bolt from the blue. After that, he can plunge into depression for a long time.

A family

If she marries at an early age, then there is a great chance that this marriage will soon break up due to Nina's excessive demands on her husband. Only in adulthood does she become more tolerant of her husband's shortcomings, more often yields to him and begins to appreciate family life more. she is a very good hostess, cooks excellently, loves to bring comfort to her home, brings up children in severity, monitors their school success. She will not forgive betrayal of her husband, without hesitation, she will divorce him and raise children alone.