Certification exemplary analysis of work with parents. Report on the use of modern forms of work with families of pupils Report to parents in kindergarten

MDOBU No. 9 d / s of the general developing type "Chamomile" of the Oktyabrsky district

Topic: "Interaction between the kindergarten and the family in the context of the implementation of the GEF DOE"

The family is truly a high creation.
She is a reliable barrier and a mooring.
She gives birth and calling.
It is the foundation of everything for us.
(E.A. Mukhacheva)

For the high effectiveness of the educational and pedagogical process in a preschool institution, interaction with the families of pupils is of great importance.
By establishing relationships with the family, our preschool educational institution creates conditions for the full-fledged process of raising a preschool child. We believe that if the family is directly involved in the upbringing and development of their child, with the help of a preschool institution, then he will be developed socially and as a person.
The main goal of all forms and types of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, the teaching staff sets is to establish a trusting relationship between children, parents and teachers, to educate the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.
The entire staff of our preschool institution is trying to establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, to create an atmosphere of mutual support and common interests. However, from the survey conducted, individual conversations with parents, we concluded that some parents do not have special knowledge in the field of education and therefore experience difficulties in the purposeful and systematic development of the child.

When analyzing the questionnaires, we identified three groups of parents:

Parents are activists who are able and happy to participate in the educational process, they see the value of any work of a children's institution.
Parents are performers who take part under the condition of significant motivation.
Parents are observers.

And therefore, our teaching staff determined the content and forms of pedagogical education so that there would be fewer parents-observers.

Standing in front of the team a task- to interest parents, offering them both traditional and new forms of interaction.
When planning this or that form of work with the families of pupils, we proceed from the concept of modern parents as modern people who are ready for learning, self-development and cooperation. With this in mind, we choose the following requirements for the forms of interaction: originality, relevance, interactivity (interaction). The teachers of the team use a variety of modern forms of work with parents:
1. Information and analytical activities:
- an educational website of the preschool educational institution was created, where information about the institution, groups, reports on the work done is posted. Each teacher has his own page, where he posts information about the work done with children, consultations, memos for parents.

2. Visual and information activities: (visual and familiarization and visual and educational)
- A parent club "Inspiration" has been created and operates in a preschool institution. The purpose of creating this club is to increase the spiritual and moral development of teachers and children, as well as parents. In the matter of spiritual and moral education, the interaction of the teacher with the family is of great importance. But in most modern families, the way of life in accordance with Orthodox traditions has been lost. At gatherings in the club, together with parents and children, we remember our traditions, customs, folk games. At the end, each participant receives a keepsake made by the kindergarten children.

Information stands are located in the central corridor, from which parents can find out: information about higher educational organizations that control the activities of the preschool educational institution, information about the teaching staff, how to access the educational website of the preschool educational institution, the email address of the preschool educational institution; information about the main directions of the educational activities of the kindergarten.
-Information stands are available for each age group. Parents receive information of the following nature: daily routine of a given age group, children's GCD grid, software. They reflect important events - holidays and entertainment, children's birthdays, interesting activities, products of children's creativity, if necessary, teachers turn these stands into thematic ones: "What is safety?"; "Violence against children"; "Careful on the roads!"; "Atiterror", etc. Also, for each topic, teachers make memos, posting them on the website, at the stand for parents.
3. Educational activities:
- Parent meetings are held at which teachers introduce parents to the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children, the formation of their practical skills in education. Teachers use video recordings, presentations of children's activities, fragments of GCD, competitive performances. The percentage of parents attending meetings has increased.
- Demanded in kindergarten in working with parents, such a form, discussion, auction of parental ideas. The exchange of opinions on the problems of education is one of the forms of increasing pedagogical culture that are interesting for parents. It allows them to be included in the discussion of the most important problems, contributes to the formation of the ability to comprehensively analyze facts and phenomena, based on accumulated experience, and stimulates active pedagogical thinking. The results of the discussions are perceived with great confidence. These are such as: "We develop the speech of the child", "Improvement in the winter period of time";

The exhibitions of joint creativity of parents, children and teachers are very interesting and exciting. These are exhibitions of drawings “The road is dangerous! ”, “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy!” , "New Year's Toy", "Bright Easter", photo exhibitions "Sorceress - Autumn", exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials and vegetables made by adults and children "Autumn Fantasy".
4. Leisure activities:
- We spend joint holidays, entertainment, leisure. Such as "New Year's Eve", where for the second year in a row as Santa Claus, we attract parents, "Shrovetide", "Easter", "Mother's Day", "February 23", "March 8" .. "Day crazy hair”, “Junk fashion”. In these forms, the possibilities for cooperation are most fully revealed. At these events, parents are participants, not guests of the preschool. They play, sing songs, participate in games, competitions with children and teachers, read poetry, bring their treats to children. We publish the results of each event on our educational website and in the media.

We actively use the project method, here parents are connected to the implementation of a certain part of the overall task. The project "Indoor plants" was held in kindergarten. Parents together with children collected information about plants and their names. Together with their child, each parent planted a flower, and now the guys are taking care of them in a natural corner. This method contributed to the rapprochement of parents, children and teachers.

Also in the project "Long live, fragrant soap!" we involved parents in experimentation.
- Promotions jointly held with parents are popular in preschool educational institutions. We carry out actions of a different nature: charitable, ecological, health-improving, educational.

During the action "Give good" teachers, parents and children helped poor children.

During the action "Clean Shovel" parents got the opportunity to help in the construction of a winter town, communicate with each other, see their child in communication with peers.

Fruitfully, interestingly, the action “Green the site! ". Parents and children enjoyed working with each other very much. Parents together with children, teachers worked at the sites.

Such a form of work as an action won success, parents willingly began to respond to various problems not only of the group, but also of the institution. So, with the help of parents, 7 interior doors were inserted in the institution and tiles were laid on the floor in 4 rooms, which contributed to the observation of the fire department. With the help of parents, costumes for holidays and events in kindergarten are constantly updated, not only for adults, but also for children.

The action "Clean village, clean - kindergarten" - its name is explained by the fact that along with the tasks that are solved in the course of well-known promotions, parents as participants are given the opportunity to set a personal example for the child of a positive attitude towards nature.
With great pleasure, parents help to diversify the subject-developing environment.

So, in the group of general developmental orientation from 1.6 to 3 years, Vshivtseva O.L. made a multifunctional panel based on the fairy tale "Teremok". With it, children are happy to dramatize a fairy tale, imitating the characters.

With the help of active parents, we conduct surveys of housing conditions, identifying families that need help.

I would like to say about one important point in the system of work with parents. Each person, having done some work, needs to evaluate his work. Our parents need it too.

Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in benevolent intentions. I think this is true always and everywhere. Don't forget to praise your parents. We always do it whenever possible, and my parents pay me the same.

When planning work for the 2016-2017 academic year, we plan to create in our work with parents:

1. Parental club "I want to know everything." The purpose of the meetings in the parent club will be to exchange views on a particular issue, a feature will be the active participation of both the teacher and parents. As a result of easy communication, parents receive new knowledge on the issues of education and upbringing of a preschooler. We plan to involve children in club meetings, include a practical part or a master class. In conclusion, each parent receives a memo on the topic. This form of interaction will contribute to the improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents, their psychological and pedagogical competence in family education, the development of common approaches of the family and preschool institutions to the upbringing of children.
2. "Mail of Trust". This is one of the forms of interaction with parents. Parents in writing, can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, ask questions to specialists, the head, the deputy head. Asked questions will be covered at parent-teacher meetings or given in writing. This form of work, we think, will allow parents to share their thoughts with the educator, and is effective, not every parent can open up to the educator through personal contact.

3. At the request of the most active dads, we also plan to create a club: "Club for dads". In this club, dads will engage in creativity with their children, conduct active educational work with children on a variety of topics.

Family and kindergarten are two educational components, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into the big world.

Only in the harmonious interaction of the kindergarten and the family can one compensate and soften each other. For us, this became possible only thanks to the unification of forces and cooperation with parents.

We are not resting on our laurels, we continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is - such is the world that he creates around himself. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones.

Deputy Head I.A. Shulga

Information report on working with parents

in MBDOU No. 175 "Fidgets"

2015-2016 academic year year

Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age.

Work to involve parents in the joint activities of the preschool educational institution is carried out in the following areas:

Information and analytical

By quantitative indicators of the presence of parents at group events, the presence of parents at children's holidays, the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of excursions, thematic classes; participation in exhibitions; visiting the "Open Day"; help of parents in equipping the pedagogical process, we have identified qualitative indicators: initiative, responsibility, the attitude of parents to the joint activities of children and adults. The teachers of the senior group implemented the project "The most beautiful Christmas tree" with the involvement of the parents of the group.

The second direction Cognitive- this is the enrichment of parents with pedagogical knowledge in the upbringing of preschool children. In our kindergarten, all conditions have been created for organizing a single space for the development and upbringing of a child. The joint work of specialists of the preschool educational institution (speech therapist, educator of fine arts, physical education instructor, head nurse) in the implementation of the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, makes parents equally responsible participants in the educational process.

For the coordinated work of the kindergarten and parents, we set ourselves the need to solve the following tasks:

1. Activate and enrich the pedagogical knowledge of parents.

2. Work closely with the families of their pupils.

To this end, I used active forms and methods of working with parents:

- general and group parent meetings;


Exhibitions of children's works made together with their parents;

Joint excursions;

Days of good deeds;

Open days;

Participation of parents in the design of photo exhibitions

Joint creation of a subject-developing environment;

Share Organizations

Work with the parent committee of the group;(The Parents' Committee draws up a work plan for the year every year and its implementation is carried out without much difficulty throughout the year.)

Conversations with children and parents;

At every meeting I express gratitude parents who pay a lot of attention to their children and help in teamwork.

It was very nice to see the happy eyes of the parents when they were presented with certificates or thanks not only at the group meeting, but my parents were also noted for our joint, interesting, fruitful work atgeneral gardening meetings.

Parents became active participants in all cases in the groups of MBDOU No. 175, indispensable helpers, they learned to interact with each other.

Visually - informational direction includes:

parent corners,

Folders - sliders,

Library - mobile,

Photo exhibition

Leisure activities. In working with parents, it turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; to see how others do it, that is, to gain experience of interaction not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole.

In the groups of MBDOU No. 175 "Fidgets" held:


sports activities,


Excursions, (Excursion to the military unit dedicated to May 9)


A lot of work was done on the patriotic education of pupils of the preschool educational institution, in which parents took an active part.

In the senior group, educators organized a watch for the Victory Day: “I remember and I’m proud”, with the active participation of parents, the exhibition “Immortal Regiment” was organized

The ongoing work allows to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child-parent relationships.

We are currently working on the pedagogical project "Interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in introducing preschoolers to the culture of their native land." I would like to believe that our children will grow up to be true patriots of their Motherland.


secondary school No. 1

Belik Natalya Vasilievna

Here is the first school - Our cozy home. We live in it with children, we Spiritually, richly. Every lesson is here With a short theme: Life is getting better - for children: This is our motto!

Interaction with parents

Interaction with parents is the most difficult aspect in the activity of the class teacher, therefore problem I consider the creation of an effective holistic system of work with parents of elementary school .

“On how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively depends on what kind of person today's baby will become.”

/Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky/

"We must complete

building society

maximum possibilities

where the individual is respected and

the freedom of every person,

where care is taken of those who

unable to take care

about himself, where he is valued

any work where they protect

motherhood and childhood

where pensioners are taken care of,

where veterans are respected and

people defending their homeland...

We must build

a society where the honor, dignity and reputation of everyone is valued, where there is high morality, ethical standards and spiritual


(From the Message of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan)


Creation of an effective system of work with parents for more successful interaction between the family and the school in the upbringing and development of the child as an individual.


Creation of optimal conditions for the functioning and improvement of cooperation in the organization of work with parents.

*Combining the efforts of the administration, teachers and parents in the upbringing and development of the child as a person.

*Intensification of work with parents, search for new ways to involve the family in the educational process of the school.


Low interest

some parents

to the child's school life

Low interest

some parents

to the child's school life


Very important from the 1st year

training and education

make parents

accomplices of the pedagogical process

Very important from the 1st year

training and education

make parents

accomplices of the pedagogical process

Organization of close

Parents' unwillingness

go to school,

parent interactions

with an educational institution


establishment of a unified

pedagogical position

Parents' unwillingness

Organization of close

go to school,

parent interactions

with an educational institution


establishment of a unified

pedagogical position

And yet, on the one hand,

uninteresting monotonous

forms of work with parents.

On the other hand, high

workload of parents


for education and development

children at school and at home

And yet, on the one hand,

uninteresting monotonous

forms of work with parents.

On the other hand, high

workload of parents


for education and development

children at school and at home


  • All people are different
  • Each person is unique and unique
  • Every person is beautiful in their potentialities and abilities.
  • Life is created by love
  • To love a person means to affirm his unique existence.
  • It is necessary to separate behavior from the essence of a person

Primary goal: determination of methods of educational influence;

identification of features of intra-family relations; identification of parents who violate the rights of the child.

Primary goal: improving the pedagogical culture, pedagogical competence of parents in raising a healthy child; orientation of the family to the upbringing of a healthy child; ensuring close cooperation and uniform requirements of the school and family.

Primary goal: provision of concrete educational, intermediary, psychological assistance. The ability of adults to see themselves through the eyes of a child, acquired in the course of work, will become an effort of the social and moral significance of the program. Presentation "We are responsible for our children"

Forms of work with the family

Presentation of the school institution

Open lessons with children for parents

family visit

Educational conversations with parents

Thematic consultations

.Group meetings of parents

"Round table" with parents

Conference with parents

Visual propaganda

Thematic exhibitions


“Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, “Reading family”, “Traditions of my family”, etc.



To Kokshetau

"My native village Zerenda", "Traditions of my family",

Do Good, etc.

This is how we celebrate our holidays

Parents are our helpers


"With my own hands" - that's what helps to make knowledge tangible, and therefore attractive and memorable forever, like vivid sensations "

Activity of attending parent-teacher meetings, individual conversations, cooperation with the class teacher and social teacher.

Parent involvement activity

in extracurricular activities








and timeliness of reports


prize-winners and winners of competitions and olympiads


complaints and thanks



children who want to study with me

speeches at teachers' councils, MO, ...



implemented socially significant projects, good deeds

achievers, excellent students and good students


law-abiding pupils

"Teach and

bring up

I really

from the heart to

good luck with your parents!


Performance indicators of the work carried out :

Reducing the social distance between parents and children.

Parents understood the need for emotional acceptance of the child.

Changes in the style of communication with parents (pronounced focus on a personal model of interaction with parents)

Children feel protected and supported by their parents

Positive parenting styles emerged

Thus, the use of new forms in cooperation helps teachers and parents to master the methods of education based on mutual respect, democratic and humanistic approaches.


« I know without a doubt Will last for many days Union of children, parents And us teachers!

Thank you for your attention

report on work with parents in the middle group

for 2013-2014 academic year.

educator: Bocharova V.A.MBDOU "D / S No. 7" Fun "

The system of interaction with the families of pupils is based on the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all others are called upon to support and supplement their educational activities (Law "On Education", Article 18) and the principle of cooperation and interaction is important here.

In doing so, I perform the following tasks:

  • improving the pedagogical culture of parents;
  • involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work;
  • studying the family and establishing contacts with its members to coordinate the educational impact on the child;

I use a differentiated approach when organizing work with parents. This includes mutual trust in the relationship between the teacher and parents and the observance of tact, sensitivity, responsiveness towards parents, and taking into account the uniqueness of the living conditions of each family, the age of the parents, the level of preparedness in matters of education; a combination of an individual approach to each family with the organization of work with all the parents of the group.

The group created a parent club chaired by Kuznetsova O.V.,Meeting of the parent club - 1 time in 3 months. These are round table discussions and small groups, where parents exchange experiences in education, etc. . Communicate through the Internet, mobile communications. In the parental corner, monthly information is issued to help parents., On the development of speech, safety, health, traffic rules .... Questioning was regularly conducted on various exciting topics (nutrition, health improvement, speech development, theatrical activities .... etc.) .). 96% of parents are completely satisfied with the work of educators with pupils. A social survey conducted on the subject of interaction between kindergarten teachers and parents showed that: 85% of the parents surveyed believe that teachers can help with advice, and they themselves should act; 10% of the surveyed parents are responsible for education children are equally entrusted to themselves and the teachers of the preschool educational institution; 5% of the parents surveyed entrust the care of raising a child to teachers. On the basis of the museum Chivilikhin, the holidays "Maslenitsa", "Easter" were held. (An article about the event was published in the local newspaper "Forward" and on the website of the House-Museum and the kindergarten. The play area was replenished (toys, NPI, puzzles, constructors). balls, hoops, skipping ropes, non-traditional equipment). Ilya 1st place in the competition "Fire Engines". Participated in the competition of crafts for Easter (in the local history museum of our city) Alexei Tkachenko, Liza Maksimova, Polina Verbenko became winners .. They took prizes in All-Russian competitions of quizzes. Meshcheryakova Arina 1st place."Cartoon cats.")

In September . Consultation "Crisis 4-5 years", group meeting "Development of children's speech" where the features of the development of pupils were revealed. "" Theatrical activities "Great help (chairman of the parent committee Klimova E.A. providing sponsorship in the purchase of sand sets. , toys, theater puppets. album with photos of parents and children "Healthy" (Mustafakulova N.K., Popova N.B.) Creation of the album "Temper to start", creation of the corner "My toys".

In October I had an individual consultation based on the diagnostic results. A workshop on traffic rules was conducted by traffic police officer O.G. Pivovarova, “On the way to kindergarten and back”, where various situations were revealed. .Consultation "How to properly organize the communication of children with parents and other family members." Creation of the album "My family" (Nosatova Z.V.), "Professions of our mothers" (Petrova I.V., Tkacheva O.V.). Creation of a corner of solitude “Waiting for my mother”, assistance in creating a card file “Nursery rhymes, songs and lullabies of my family” (Tkachenko G.S., Myachina E.E.) Card file of games on theatrical activities. ", and here, together with parents, a tea party "Over the samovar". Exhibition of parent-child drawing "Golden Autumn" (1st place was taken by the work of Lavrichenko Leni, 2nd place was shared by Tsubeks Rinata and Frolov Egor, 3rd place was Pafanova Elvira and Okhotin Kirill) Joint activities of parents and children on the excursion "To the garden!" (mother and grandmother of Salimov Sultana) Participation of parents in the design of the "Knowledge" zone on the theme "Autumn" Exhibition of handicrafts "Autumn Vernissage.!".

In November : individual consultations "Features of the development of a child 4-5 years old", "How to organize a theater at home." Together with the parents, the holiday "Mother's Day" was held with the release of the wall newspaper "Love for the Motherland begins with love for your mother." (parents of Mustafakulov, Klimov, Stupin) Exhibition of children's art "Do-it-yourself toys" Enrichment of play areas with modern toys and games, educational discs (Klimova, Kuznetsova, Okhotina helped to purchase toys).

In December the following events were held: an exhibition of information for parents of the Home Alone group. Consultations "Cultivating habits in a child", "Formation of a game library "little geniuses at home"". Participation of parents in preparation for the contest "The Best Winter Town" (each at his own house). A competition "New Year's toy" was held (1st place Nosatova Katya, 2nd place Maksimova Lisa, 3rd place Petrov Vova), an exhibition of children's drawings "Santa Claus and Children". Competition of poems "Visiting Grandfather Frost". Participation of parents in the preparation of the New Year's theatrical performance "Fabulous Adventures for the New Year." (Stupina N.V., Shadrin A.A., Lavrichenko N.V.) Participation in the competition of drawings of city, regional, regional and federal levels, where they took pride of place with the presentation of diplomas. (Nosatova Katya, Bazhenova Ulya, Myachin Nikita)

In January , uniting in small groups, parents with children and educators went skiing into the forest, Alena Korosteleva's dad organized skiing on a snowstorm, thereby continuing to heal our children. A parent-teacher meeting was held on the topic “Education of independence in children” (Lenya Lavrichenko's mother). And how can we forget "Carols", the parents of our children working at the distillery, greeted and generously thanked the carolers. Individually held consultations on intermediate diagnostics with each parent. Winter competitions have been held. Participation in the competition "Winter Patterns", "Animals in Winter", the environmental poster competition "Take care of birds and animals in winter" (Bondareva O.G., Tkacheva E.K., Frolova N.S., Popova N.M.). The participation of children in the city competition "We made a feeder, we opened a canteen" brought us good prizes (1st place for Leni Lavrichenko.) Parents made and hung feeders in the park (Nosatov, Kuznetsov, Salimov). The competition "Winter" was held, a competition of songs and poems about winter. (1st place Katya Nosatova, 2nd Sasha Rodin, 3rd place shared by Ilya Dektyarev and Dasha Terletskaya) Parents Shadrina D.E., Rodina L.A., Stupina N.V.

In February with dads, a game production was held “Aty-bats, we are soldiers!” (dads Lenya L., Vova P., Sasha T.). Sports competitions with dads were a success.) After the holiday, traditional snowmobiling (Korostelev S.A.). A workshop "Games that heal" was held. Information about the role of the father in the life of the child appeared in the parent's corner. The album “We are friends with dad!” . The collection of vehicles "Military equipment" has been assembled and is being replenished. By the day of the defenders of the fatherland, an exhibition of children's and parental creativity was held (Shadrin. A.Yu., Nosatov A.A.) A garden grew on the windowsill. The observation of seedlings was interesting. All spring, the children ate green onions, which they themselves grew!

In March. With the advent of spring, three big events were held together with the parents. In early March, traditionally "Shrovetide." I managed to attract parents, developed a script together with the Chivilikhin House-Museum. For the holiday "March 8", parents together with their children taught songs and danced round dances, after the holiday there was a traditional tea party "At the samovar". Parents' Committee Kuznetsova O.V., Klimova K.T. released the album "All kinds of mothers are important" (by profession). Stan. newspaper "Mommy Beloved" with photographs. Exhibition of works "Skillful hands", crafts "Grandmother's hands do not know boredom", a personal exhibition of Bazhenova's mother Ulyana "Knitted dolls.". An exhibition of folk art was organized. Every week we invited the grandmothers of our children. Myachina told how beautiful mittens are spun and knitted, Makhmadzhanova brought embroidery, Verbenko told about birch bark craftsmen, Terletskaya brought her collection of whistles. Drawing competition "Here she is painted!". (Prize gifts were received by Nosatova K., Terletskaya D, and Rodin S

In April parents rendered all possible assistance in holding the Vesnyanka holiday. Arina's grandmother came with a huge basket. Children guessed riddles, danced round dances, played folk games. An exhibition of children's art "Birds are our friends", "We are astronauts" was held. We took part in the city competition "We are astronauts". and Tamerlan A. took 3rd place. Competition of drawings and crafts "Spring is coming." Ilya D., Karina S., Lenya L., Katya N. became the winners.

May- these are May holidays, and chores in the garden. They designed a gallery of paintings on the military theme "Victory Day", decorated the windows with doves, flowers and ribbons, salutes, flags. And they also did not forget about the Easter exhibition of crafts (Tkachenko). The summer theme also appeared on the walls of the newspaper “Ah, this is summer!” with photos. In the parent corner, information about the summer "How to protect yourself from insect bites", "Poisonous plants", "Sunburn", "Heat stroke" "Games and entertainment in the sandbox" "Outdoor games in the country" Organized exhibition "Flowers in the Meadow". Sowing of flower seeds was carried out together with the parents (mother of Lisa M, Leni M, Arina M.). How to take an ecological walk with a baby. A survey "Kindergarten through the eyes of parents" was conducted. Photo session "Children's Games in the Summer" photos are posted in the walls of the newspaper (mother of Arina M, Yulia M. Diana Sh). Together we conduct excursions, trips to the meadow, the river. Conducted admiring nature in different meteorological conditions "Nature has no bad weather." We listen to the sounds of nature on DVD (the sound of rain, the voices of birds, etc.). Excursion to the garden, where grandmothers and mothers will always come to the rescue, tell about gardening (grandmother and mother of Salimov Sultana). And traditionally a large game program "Holiday of Childhood", with a close relationship between the city KDO "Holiday" and the House-Museum named after Chivilikhin

Only by joint efforts can certain results be achieved.


Parents : My most important achievement in my work is that a trusting atmosphere reigns in our group, educators and parents together solve the main single task: educating a free, developed, responsible person, ready for life in society and in society. Be part of the life of the group and kindergarten.

Teachers: N direct involvement of parents in the activities of the kindergarten. The desire to stimulate in children and parents a true interest in useful activities, various games, joint physical and mental labor.

Children: Bringing children and parents closer, developing self-confidence, broadening their horizons, enjoying working together, feeling comfortable,to form cognitive activity in children, the desire to learn as much as possible, to apply their knowledge in practice. In the future, this will allow children to know an active life position.

Report "Working with parents on the formation of moral and patriotic education in children of the middle group."

2013-14 academic year year.

Educator: Bocharova V.A. MBDOU "D / S No. 7" Fun "

The education of the foundations of morality in preschool children is a complex and lengthy process. Love for close people, for kindergarten, for his native city and native country play a huge role in the development of a child's personality. The moral and patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time, which requires implementation through a new approach to the education and upbringing of children, the organization of the entire educational process. Education should be direct, developing, enrich the child with knowledge, form cognitive interests and abilities. It is necessary to understand how we want to educate patriotism in children: a sense of love for the Motherland, a small motherland, one's relatives, respect for adults, to introduce children to nature, life, history, and culture of their native land.

aim my work is the improvement of moral education, the development of the child's personal culture, as the basis of his love for the motherland. But do not forget that the development of moral qualities in children depends, first of all, on the parents, on how they raise him, what impressions they enrich. The family plays a decisive role in the preschool period, when the personality of the child is laid down and later it has a decisive role in raising social and political consciousness, hard work. Unfortunately, many parents do not consider it necessary to educate a patriot, they believe that these feelings appear on their own at an older age hope for kindergarten. But do not forget that the work on the formation of the foundations of patriotism in children is more effective if a close relationship is established with the parents of the children. Parents are great and active helpers of the kindergarten. Therefore, we work in cooperation: parents-children-kindergarten, because education should go together for a greater impact on the child. It is important to teach children how to behave nobly from childhood. The feeling of the Motherland begins with the attitude to the family, to the closest people - father, mother, grandmother, grandfather. Each family has its own characteristics, traditions, such as celebrating the New Year together, birthdays, preparing gifts for each other, all this thoroughly and gradually enters the social experience of the child, as the most precious memories that you want to relive again. Holidays and traditions are important a feature of the moral and patriotic education of children. Parents together with their children participate in entertainment, leisure activities, holidays that have become traditions of the preschool educational institution: "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Children's Day" and others, in the design of photo exhibitions and exhibitions of children's art "Gifts of Autumn", "New Year" , "Russian fairy tales and poems." A lot of work is being done for Victory Day. We conduct classes: “Their names will not be silenced by glory”, “Cities are heroes”, “Children and war”. In a group, together with children and parents, we draw up a corner “We remember ...”. Love for the Motherland begins small - with love for the mother, with respect for people, from the home, the street. We are doing a lot of work with children and parents on the International Day of March 8, Mother's Day. We make gifts, postcards, invitations to holidays, organize exhibitions of drawings “My beloved Mom”, we hold a holiday dedicated to Mother's Day. These events help bring parents closer to their children, create a joyful and cheerful atmosphere, and emphasize the primacy of truth. We do not forget and participate with children and parents in the national holidays "Maslenitsa", "Easter". In the process of working on the holiday, children learn a lot about Russian customs and traditions. Great opportunities for patriotic influence also lie in music, folk musical works in the classroom, at leisure, music classes and holidays introduce children to the customs and life of the Russian people, work, respect for nature, love of life, sense of humor. We pay a lot of attention to working on the concept of “family”, we hold ethical conversations about the family, about close relatives, children make up stories about their parents, about how they relax together. For parents, consultations have been prepared “A holiday has come to the house”, “Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers”, “The role of family traditions and customs in raising children”, “A fairy tale as a means of patriotic education”, etc. A corner “My Motherland” has been created in the group, where photo albums “You are my beloved land - my native Mariinsk”, the flag of Russia, the portrait of the president, didactic games of a patriotic orientation “Folk crafts”, “Traveling around the city”, “Make a pattern”, “Find and name” are presented. We also invite parents to participate in the collection and replenishment of the expositions of this corner in the group. An important role in the organization of work on this topic belongs to the game, the main activity of the preschooler. Children in the plot-role-playing games "Family", "Library", "Tour of the city", "Building a city" beat household, labor, social plots. Dramatization games based on the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”, “Frost”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, the use of puppet, table theater types. Through all the games, the moral, patriotic, physical education of children runs like a red line. Theatrical activities and games help children express their emotions vividly, express their benevolent attitude towards the natural world, the world around them. They made excursions around their native city, to the museum of local lore, the house-museum of them. Chivilikhin, to the monuments of military glory, where we introduce children to the monuments, sights of the city, its history of the name of the city, we bring up interest in the past and present events of the city. Acquaintance with their native city evokes positive feelings and emotions in children, the desire and desire of the child to portray what he heard and saw. Children are explorers by nature. Thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, independently seek the truth extends to all areas of children's activities. Therefore, classes were held where children could independently explore some problem: “Where did the bread come from on the table? ”, “Grandmother Arina’s chest”, “Our strength is in unity”. Working with children and their parents, I try to form cognitive activity in children, the desire to learn as much as possible, to apply their knowledge in practice. In the future, this will allow children to know an active life position. For more targeted and effective work with parents and children, we study and use methodological literature, and developed a plan for the patriotic education of children. The upbringing of patriotic feelings is a set of universal values: the concepts of love, friendship, kindness, truth merge with cognitive activity, ideas about modern reality, and an active and practical attitude to the world. Each person needs to know the native nature, history and culture of the people to which he belongs, his place in the world around him. The upbringing of moral and patriotic feelings is and will be one of the main components of the upbringing of a small citizen. In the future, we plan to continue working on this topic, since morality and patriotism are the main feature of the people, it helps to cultivate feelings of love for the native land and the world around. And it depends on us, adults, what our children will be like, what they will carry away from childhood.


Parents: . For more targeted and effective work with parents and children, we study and use methodological literature, developed a plan for the moral and patriotic education of children. We give parents recommendations on what games to play at home, how to spend the holidays with the benefit of children.

Children : Work on moral and patriotic education is also carried out through familiarization with fiction. We collected poems, fairy tales, stories about the Motherland, history, life, culture of our native land, we read to children during classes on this topic, in our free time, we look at pictures, we have conversations.

Teacher: In my work on the education of morality and patriotism in children, I use the works of oral folk art, as it is the richest source of cognitive and moral development. In proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, epics, various life positions are aptly assessed, shortcomings are ridiculed, and the positive qualities of people are praised.